The First Step

Love Letters,Photographs & Diaries

My Nursing course came like a screen to me.just like in the movie.Everything went smoothly and as planned,like a movie script,everything came like it should be. I did not have an exceptional memories but then it is not that hard either. I have the same friends and studied in the same crowd. My classmates are my friends on weekdays and on weekends It is my sisters and my brother.Now we are intact and we are all together like one big happy family.

There's nobody in my heart since I cried  for Donghae. Sometimes I wondered if I could ever have feelings to any man. I seem to be having a hard time trusting them. Not that I had any relationship and the guy cheated on me.I have never experienced that ,but seeing my friends and my classmates keep having a broke heart one guy after another,I seemed to learn not to trust their kind at all.Inside,I am a girl who is very romantic at heart ,who believed that you give your heart to only one,and that is forever. To some it is foolish to think of such, but i was really aiming for that in my life...I am dreaming of a guy,my Prince to swept me off my feet and then we will live happily ever after.

There are some guys who openly pursued me,some boldly more than others,but then i am so wary,doubtful and yes,there was no attraction nor connections to the other guys....They are either,not so good looking enough,some are so into it,some are so out of this world,some nerdy, and some are totally...My friends started having serious relationships at our senior years and here I am and i got nothing on my list. They keep saying i should have at least a boyfriend before I graduate but I just couldn't bring myself to have a boyfriend just to have one..relationship has to come later..

My friends keep on pairing me off,with their brothers,Uncles, neighbors and classmates...some are really have a good resume on their sleeves and some are really smitten....sending me letters everyday in school..some are putting cards on my beds anything to catch my attention,but my heart seems to turn deaf ears...Something is just not there....I knew it,I still have to wait for my Prince to come...

Graduation comes,as i teared and feared for the goodbyes in my life.The separation anxiety sneaking in in our life.I have been with them for three years,my classmates and we have been together through thick and thin. We promised on our graduation day that we will keep in touch no matter how far we are from each other. Anyway we still have to take another hurdles which is out board exams...and then that 's it,we are in the work force and we are officially an adult....

I passed the exam the first time....and as much as we promised to be together,one by one my friends and classmates started moving out,moving somewhere and before I knew it,,,,the only person that I have in contact with is my bestfriend and classmates ,Susan.

Susan ,we have been always close as a group but not until we graduated that we became really close...We started working together in the same hospital. As the two of us stayed close,I learned so many things about her,and yes she learned alot about me. Up to know,i never had the kind of friendshilp that I have with her.

I have always been shy growing up and meeting new people and being in a crowd,but Susan is the opposite of which i am.She is friendly ,while i tend to hold myself off ,epcially to total strangers.To some I am a snob and aloof but I guess they never really knew the real me,only Susan,she is  one of  the few that knerw me well.I am a quiet observant while Susan is the social animal between the two of us.In a party i will be just contented to stay in the corner and watch everybody else. People will try to draw me out but i don't have the patience to open up myself to anybody...especially if I am not interested..Yes thinking about it now,I am a little bit snobbish cause i don't let just anybody into my life then....While Susan,she will say hello and acknowledge the lowest of the people to the highest one.She is not afraid of anything,and yes I thought she is very confident in herself doing that.But i later learned that she also have fear and insecurity on her part. I always thought that she was all that...I guess people present themselves on the outside at  a different angle....

Being with Susan she was sort became my protector,and my friend and my social network for she got so many friends from different age group and different kinds which amazes me at no end. The other thing that I admired about her is her  deep Faith in god.I have never seen a person who got this total trust to the One above. And I believe,her faith to the One above has sort of rubbed it on me...I will always remember my friend as an angel from above...How little did i know that our time together will be that short and that her life here on earth will be that short...and I was not even there for her.....I was a thousand miles away. I don't know if she did it that way ,so as for me not to feel the pain of losing her....But even I am a thousand miles away when she was gone...the pain is still there...and at times I needed a true friend,I always think of her....

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Chapter 1: Ohh this is good! Going to read it soon hehe
desyeon #3
Chapter 44: finally you're back!!
can't wait for your another story ^^
aisssh #4
update soon~
oh, such a poignant chapter :( <br />
But I think Calvin will ask her forgiveness and eventually marry her... (just guessing :)
hmmmnnn..this is so sweet and so cute! somehow, this brought me back to my grade and high school days :) and..i like the style how the story begins..
grace_leeu #7
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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CraazyFilipina #8
i feel so bad for Hebe . how Jiro treats her .. ughhh ~ atleast he couldve ended it properly w/ her ! gosh ~_~
xXxYesungxLover08xXx #9
I love your story!! It kinda reminds me of my past. Everything changes once you stepped a foot at the gates of high school.
Ooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Seems interesting!