Getting On With My Life

Love Letters,Photographs & Diaries

Senior year breezes through.I am not the newbie in school anymore.I am now a oldtimer,and yes I moved to another section of our class.And this time I feel like I really belonged.I am not the outsider looking in anymore,once again I am on the inside looking out.And it feels good to be liked by almost everyone.I guess I have a thing for being accepted though I don't really admit it to myself anyway, I just realized that I am also selfish and vain...

I still got good drades,in fact I can plainly say that I am the smartest in the class.I topped the class in every examinations,orals,and I am always the one who can solve the problems that nobody else can.Yes I am a Math wizard and yes I have a very photographic memory that I can memorize things in one reading. Everybody wants to be friends with me and even the girl who used to be the best in the class wants to be my friend who later really became my friend,one of my best friend.ever.

Boys are still around.And yes we have more interactions with guys on Senior years.I happen to collaborate with editor of the school magazines ,and yes had quite a crush on him.He is good with words,but he is so dorky...he blushed whenever I have to asked him questions about our projects together..he rattles on single things if I object .I guess he really doesn't know  how to deal with girls like me.....and he is this tall lanky guy which wear an old man's clothes...He really looked like from old school kind of guy.But his mind kinda make up for his  ,lack of fashion sense and I like him because of his brains and his thoughts..But once when he went to my class to say something to me about our project and I heard one of my classmate said something bad how bad he dresses,it kinda turned me off.Somehow his innocence and his brain doesn't count anymore...and yes blame it on the power of suggestions or is it what you callled peer pressure...

The next guy that I crushed on is the guys smartest .And maybe I like him again because of his brain,but then this one is really dorky with  eyeglasses .Picture Steve Urkel but then he is way cuter than Steve,He plays violin and the piano.One of the artist kind of guy with a brain to boot.I just love him...and I feel excited just seeing him.My friends could not understand the attraction,but I do...Since we are the smart group,and our teacher ask us to help her with the papers,checking the answer sheets for our classes and we end up  hanging out together when we waited for our teacher to do our work for the day..We came to know each other and started talking beyond hi and hello.And then i was happy but after that i have learned that he has this thing with the smartest girl in the whole Seniors.He is the Valecdictorian in Boys while she is the Valedictorian in Girls...Me since I am a transfereee I just got the Honor Roll List..and not the top spot.But then he really like her since they were in  freshman that's what I heard,and I was crushed.....From then on I never looked his way again and tried to forget him....and then one day I just woke up that he is not that attractive  nor that smart anymore in  my eyes..he is this dorky kid from my school and that is all he is gonna be.

Now I am looking for my college life but up to this time I never really thought of what I want to become.There are so many choicest out there,but people started dictating me around,specifically my parents...Still so confused and still undecided...The world is so big and there are so many doors open for me and they just basically waiting ....I hope I can choose rightly...And then maybe...

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Chapter 1: Ohh this is good! Going to read it soon hehe
desyeon #3
Chapter 44: finally you're back!!
can't wait for your another story ^^
aisssh #4
update soon~
oh, such a poignant chapter :( <br />
But I think Calvin will ask her forgiveness and eventually marry her... (just guessing :)
hmmmnnn..this is so sweet and so cute! somehow, this brought me back to my grade and high school days :) and..i like the style how the story begins..
grace_leeu #7
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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CraazyFilipina #8
i feel so bad for Hebe . how Jiro treats her .. ughhh ~ atleast he couldve ended it properly w/ her ! gosh ~_~
xXxYesungxLover08xXx #9
I love your story!! It kinda reminds me of my past. Everything changes once you stepped a foot at the gates of high school.
Ooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Seems interesting!