
Don't Break My Heart


While on our way back to the school campus after breakfast, we ran into Dahyun and Tzuyu.

Sana ran over to hug them both. "Hey, how are you two?"

"We were going to surprise you this morning." Tzuyu said. "Where were you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!  I was sleeping with Momo and then we went out." She smiled.

Dahyun and Tzuyu looked at each other. "Is that so?" Tzuyu smiled.

"Don't think strange things, guys!!" I screamed. "I'm going back to my room, don't try to stop me, or spread any strange rumors!"

"But we wanted you to come along, Momo." Dahyun looked at me earnestly.


"To the park. We're meeting Jihyo and Jeongyeon there."

"For what?"

Dahyun and Tzuyu just smiled at each other. Then Sana said, "Who cares, let's just go!"

I wanted to protest, but Sana grabbed my hand and suddenly, I didn't care anymore.



 We were all sitting in a circle, all of us in our usual pairs. Me and Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu, and Jeongyeon and Jihyo. Apparently, the last two had an exciting announcement to make.

"Why couldn't you guys make the announcement in the lobby or something? I have food with me, ya know." I looked at the container that housed my leftover breakfast, probably turning stale.

"You can eat it later, you'll get hungry soon anyways," Tzuyu said, which offended me. "Anyways, we came here for a different reason."


"Anyways, what is it, Jihyo?" Tzuyu looked at our senior curiously.

Jihyo looked at Jeongyeon, biting her lip nervously. Suddenly, Jeongyeon grabbed her hand and raised them. "We're dating!"

All of us gasped.

"Omg," Dahyun gasped. "Really?!"

Jihyo nodded, interlacing her fingers with Jeongyeon's.

"Congratulations!!" Sana scooted over to them to hug them.

"That's awesome!" Tzuyu smiled at me. "Isn't it?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." The truth was, I was uncomfortable. I wanted that to be me and Sana...

But, in order to be positive and celebratory, I gave them my leftovers, which they enjoyed.

Half an hour later, we just laid around, on a blanket of course, in the hot sun.

"We're all gonna get tanned," Tzuyu sighed sadly.

"You're such a princess," Jeongyeon weakly laughed. "I hope you applied your sunscreen."

Sana and I sat up, and she decided to hug me from behind. We stayed like that for a while, quiet and wondering why exactly we were even there, until Sana said, "You know that Taiwanese girl?"

"You talking about that princess right there?" I pointed at Tzuyu, who flashed a peace sign at us.

"No," Sana laughed. "Her name is Amber."

She was talking about the popular, boyish girl, who seemed to be friendly with everybody.

"You know she's from America, right?"

"Oh, right" Sana laughed. "Well anyways, she's over there." She pointed to her. She was playing kickball with a group of guys. "She's so cool... I really like her."

I looked at Sana, who looked like she was in a daze.

It wasn't fair... But after that day, I didn't like Amber very much.

Suddenly, Dahyun sat up, squinting into the distance. "Ah, they're here!" She stood up, and waved her arms in the air as if we were stranded on an island. She attempted a jump, but failed. It was too hot.

I looked over the direction she was facing, using my hands as a viser for my eyes.

"Oh , I gotta go." I attempted to stand, but Sana wouldn't let me.

"I don't feel like standing."

"Then lemme go."

"I don't feel like it."

I sighed and gave in. I can stand it if Sana is with me.

Jongin, Sehun, Jongdae, and... well, you know who. They were coming our way.

"Hey," Jongin said, and smiled at me and Sana... or, maybe he was only looking at her.

"Ugh, why are they here?" Baekhyun mumbled under his breath, looking our way, making me uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?" Tzuyu sat up. "You weren't invited."

"I do what I want," Baekhyun scoffed.

"And why exactly am I here?" I looked at Dahyun.

"Why not? It's such a nice day!" she smiled. She was lying through her teeth. It was hotter than hell, and no one there wanted to be there.

We all ended up sitting in a circle again, and we were to play a game.

"Let's play truth or dare." Jeongyeon smiled at her idea.

"Let's not."

"Momo, what is wrong with you?"

"It's too hot!!!!" I stood up.

"Sit the hell down, Blondie! Don't be such a party pooper." Baekhyun screamed obnoxiously.

I glared at him. Did he even realize how ridiculously stupid he sounded??

"Stop it, hyung," Sehun said quietly, clearly embarrassed.

"You stop it, Thehun!" Baekhyun yelled, hurting the poor kid's ear.

"Okay, guys, stop!! Huh, we don't have to play a game," Jihyo shook her head. "Let's just talk then."

I sat back down. I didn't want my mood to affect my friends, so I decided to deal with it.

I sat with Sana and Jongin, and we ended up on a conversation about the best topic in the world, food. We talked about Japanese food and Korean food, and then American food, and French food...

And then Jongin said, "You look kinda western, ya know. Your hair color."

"Oh..." I put my hands up to my head, becoming self-conscious. Was it a compliment, or a dig?

"It's cute, I like it," Sana said, and started running her fingers through my hair. I thought I would melt....

"Your hair is cute, too, Sana." Jongin reached out to touch it, paused, then put his hand back down. He looked nervous!!!! He does like her, doesn't he...

"Really?" Sana glanced at it and shrugged. "I was actually thinking of dyeing it blonde, so I could look like Momorin." She smiled at me.

"Really?" I asked, and she nodded.

"We would look so cute together, right?"

I died a little when she said that.

"Yeah, you'd look cute with blonde hair, Sana." Jongin smiled. "Not to say you aren't already..."

"Oh..." Sana smiled. "Thanks, Jongin."

My jaw dropped.

He's flirting with my Sana.



"Guys, I'm tired. I'm going back." I stood up. I was tired of seeing Sana and Jongin talk, or rather, flirt with each other. I felt so hopeless.

I felt so jealous. I immediately started to walk away, occupied with my thoughts.

Why isn't he flirting with me?? What did I do wrong?? I'm supposed to be getting to him, but he doesn't like me, he likes Sana!

He can't have her!! Who does he think he is?? She's mine!!!

I paused. Yes I was jealous...

But I wasn't jealous of Sana, for being so pretty and attractive, for attracting Jongin.

I was jealous of Jongin, for stealing my Sana from me!!

I buried my hands in my face. "This isn't supposed to be happening..."


I yelped and looked behind me.

"Ugh, go away, Jongin." I started walking again.

"Why? I just want to talk to you about how cute your friend is."

"Stop it, man." I refused to look at him, although he decided to walk with me.

'Don't be jealous of her, just because you like me, Momo."

I looked at him. He started to look really cocky, and sounded like a jerk. I looked him up and down, then scoffed. "You're not all that, anyways." I said it more to myself, but he heard me too.

"Oh, okay!" Jongin laughed in surprise. "I see how it is. You're mad I stole your girl, huh?"

"What?!" I stopped.

Jongin laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm sure she won't ditch you if we start dating."

"Shut the up, Jongin."

He gasped. He was genuinely surprised. "Whoa! Okay, chill, sheesh. I was only joking. I didn't know you felt that way about it. You act like you're in love with her or something."

He looked ahead of himself, but I only stared at him. What did he just say...?

He looked at me, as if waiting for a response. "Momo?"

I covered my face. I was so frustrated.

"Oh my God..." I could hear the serious tone in his voice. "Here, sit down..."

We sat on a bench. The sky was turning orange and the air began to cool us off.

"Wow..." Jongin looked at me. "You really do love Sana, don't you?

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i'm so sorry i haven't given up on this story, i just felt unmotivated but i'm back to writing!!


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zlnzx_ #1
Chapter 13: Update Please Authornim^_^
Chapter 10: I love this story, thank you for writing it. Good job
Chapter 13: Aishhh.. i need more of this.. can't wait for more.. yay
Chapter 11: update please :))
Soshi-Heart #5
Chapter 10: Yah update!! Thank you so much!! I love this!!
sugaeep #6
Chapter 9: Yay you updated, I thought you had abandoned it. So glad you haven't! The story is getting more exciting now that Momo finally realizes her feelings for Sana :o
Chapter 8: ooo this is getting interesting. what would happen if in the end because of the kia-helping-momo with charm lessons, then the two got closer, then the two eventually fell for each other, and then sana ended up with amber. like. this ending would be really unexpected and cool haha. and omg the feels of kai wrapping his arm around momo omygawsh>.<
J_T-ara_M #8
Chapter 8: Sana love momo
Momo love sana
They just need a push to make samo!
Chapter 7: omg this is so weird for me cuz although im not against lesbians or gays or bi, but im not used to them either. and momo is my bias. i was shipping her with Lay and now this story...... pretty weird for me haha, but thank you for exposing me to new things:D do update frequently!
J_T-ara_M #10
Chapter 7: You love her mo!!