♫ four

Midnight Cypher
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Alex had just woken up, her morning routine finally coming together after having moved into this new place. She could truly say she wasn’t used to Korea fully yet but knew it would be some time before she left. The end of the year was taking its nice leisurely time appearing before her. She looked through the boxes of cereal in the cabinet pulling each one down.

“Chocolate would be nice…”She picked up the box and smiled at it before picking up the cereal with fruit and other important healthy things. “But healthy is best probably.” The bowl slowly getting filled with the healthy cereal and milk she finally had gotten a hold of yesterday.

Alex slowly walked to the couch, she didn’t want to move today but knew that eventually she would need to run some type of errand as well as bring back the dress from yesterday. She let it sit in the hamper as soon as she entered the apartment. Everything about her was tired so she just crashed the moment she hit the bed.

She shrugged, deciding to just wash it once she was finished her breakfast. She wasn’t typically one to push off errands but today was definitely a special case. A morning chill session was easily something she earned. The television had something childish on; SpongeBob was playing as his laugh made its way through her head making her laugh at how obnoxious it was.

“He sure is a crazy man, to think he was born 1986.” She laughed more and carefully set her cereal down going to get a drink from the fridge, can of lemonade was really perfect for the current weather, she was in her apartment but you can still never go wrong with lemonade. Water would be her main choice for the rest of the day anyways.

“What are you doing now?” Alex spoke with her boss; she shrugged even though her boss wouldn’t be able to see it anyways.

“Nothing…just relaxing before doing some errands.”Alex played with one of her curls, her cereal getting soggy slowly as she stayed on the phone; her eyebrows were knit together in a mere sadness.

“Well if you need help with your errands, just call me okay?” She smiled and stopped playing with the curl responding back quickly to be able to save her slowly shriveling cereal.

“I will I promise, talk to you later.” She waited for her boss to hang up, her hands immediately picking up the bowl to begin eating again. She was flipping through channels prior and forgot that the cereal currently being eaten was the type of cereal to screw you over in the end.


Yongguk had taken out the trash, he was really bored. In his life, for today, in particular, he had nothing to do, well until later but that would be a few hours from now. It was eight in the morning and he only woke up at seven thirty but since it was trash day he had to quickly take it out skip his morning routine.

Once he was back inside he did do it, feeling as if he had betrayed someone but it was only himself. He realized that is exactly what happens when you are lazy and don’t do what you’re supposed to when you should. He brushed his teeth, took a shower, cleaned up any mess in his room and continued on with his day, breakfast was the next step.

The knock at his door was already too familiar before it suddenly opened anyways. Maybe giving Jae a key wasn’t the best idea but a friend is a friend no matter what. They had been friends for awhile and since he didn’t like hiding keys since anyone could find them, he decided to get a second one made was better.

Is it too late to rethink that decision?

He sighed softly knowing exactly what the answer was. “Hey man.” Yongguk called casually from the kitchen while pouring milk into the chocolate cereal he had chosen to eat.

“Hey bro, good morning.” He walked in somewhat quietly, taking slow and pained steps to the kitchen. He was hung over.

“Hung over? How much did you have?” Yongguk had seen him drinking only two bottles.

“I had like five at the club and two at home.” He kept his eyes shut, careful not to knock into anything, his body wasn’t collaborating with him, and if he hurt anything his head would begin pounding heavily. He could handle the small aches and throbs but nothing outside of that.

Yongguk nodded slowly. He placed the bowl back down and went to the fridge. His eyes scanned as he pulled out a hangover drink, the most helpful one, at least they say, in all of Korea. He picked up the bowl and went to the couch, letting his friend rest in the recliner. Yongguk was very laid back so when he saw it, he didn’t mind. Just thought that his friend was going through something so why not.

“Here.” He placed it in the seat pocket before sitting down.

“Thanks man, what would I do without you sometimes.” Yongguk smiled and chuckled leaning back and beginning to eat his cereal before speaking again.

“Be in pain.” He shrugged and clicked on the tv.

Yongguk was scanning through the channels, the show he was watching had finally ended once he finished his breakfast, he missed a little bit of it but he didn’t mind.

“I hear the trash truck.” Jae’s hangover was slowly coming to an end, the pain not as incredible.

“Did you put yours out?” He looked at Jae and nodded as he did.

“Think my girl put hers out?” Yongguk looked at him confused.

“Who’s you

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 7: Fighting on your stories &I look forward to reading more chapters when it's time!!
748 streak #2
Chapter 7: Good luck on both stories.
Yonglex #3
Chapter 2: Omggggggg
748 streak #4
Chapter 6: She doesn't seem to like Jae very much, but who can blame her? lol However, will there eventually be a triangle of sorts forming? Now, Yong-guk has it pretty bad if he suddenly switched to fantasy mode while he was talking. Can't wait for the "date." Good update.
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 6: Hmmmm... So when Jae wanted to got to her, Yongguk felt some competition. She even admits, that she likes being around him. Especially with how respectful he is to her. Hahahaa... Loved his daydream though! Looking forward to see where he's going to take her! Thank you for updating, look forward to more!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 5: Congrats on the new shop!
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 4: Welcome back! and congrats on your Chemistry final!!! YAY ^_^ I love how you can already see the chemistry between Yongguk & Alex even if its slight! Jae was more forceful & invaded her space which is a turn off, but Yongguk kept a respectful distance. Pretty soon, Jae is going to get more annoyed, as she calmed down & smiled w/ Yongguk & just the sight of him.... can't wait to read more! Thank you for updating
Justkillingtime216 #8
Chapter 4: Good update! Can't wait for more.
748 streak #9
Chapter 4: Lessons learned - do not go clubbing in a strange country by yourself, and definitely stay away from guys who have had a few too many. lol Good update.

Congrats on the Chemistry final! :)
Lotuspassion #10
Chapter 3: Add more please