Dont tell

Accidentally sasaeng
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His name was Bang Yongguk, and idol and leader of a Kpop group BAP.  I don't know him personally since I don't have the time to acquaint yourself to everyone in the industry ( plus they're too many). You've only bowed to them whenver you passed by each other due to the Korean norm while greeting each other good morning and good byes. And that's about it with most idols.

But not with that guy. I've realized a while now that he has been taking the same train as you and dropping only at a stop before you. I have never tried coming up to him though, since me and him are not close and people might get the wrong idea. Personalities meeting outside of work.

I suddenly thought of following him home. He's from here and he knows the way home.  Im really desperate of going home because of exhaustion. 

    You crossed the idea of buying yourself drinks and started to follow the idol instead. You kept a distance between him, walking silently into the unknown streets. You prayed that he wont be stopping by a friend instead cause that will really ruin your plans. You followed him cluelessly as he unknowingly lead you to the other side of the city.

    After an hour and a half of walking he stopped. He turned  around swiftly and looked at you. You froze, the dim streetlight iluminated you like a spotlight on a play.

    Your face turned red in embarassment. You finally decided to shallow your shyness and ask him for help but before you could take a step you heard him mutter, "Saesangs" then ran away.

It was the second time of the night that you were dumbfounded.


"Saesangs? wHATTT?!" You facepalmed yourself. It was the middle of the night and you were following around. Of course he's gonna think youre one. Determined, you ran after him.

"Wait!  Yongguk-sshi! Stop!!" 

I can't let him escape, he's my only chance of getting myself home and I'm not gonna let him get away!
He ran and you chased. This went on for almost 30 mins. I fast was a fast runner but I lack in stamina. Maybe the desperation in me made myself able to hold the fatigue to last that long.
 "WIll you please stop?!! "
"Just let me explain! I need your help!" I barked.
"Keep your fantasies in your head lady! Stop following me!"

JUst then his stepped into a puddle and tripped himslf off to the wet concrete.
"Urghh, just my luck." he winced.
I stopped and reached a hand for him. He looked up to glare at me but get shocked inst

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Chapter 2: Omo, the story us so funny. And imagine Yongguk falling down made my day. Keke.
Chapter 2: I need moarrffff