
단풍 나무 The maple tree
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Hoseok learnt that Sooji has a really strong competitive side; winning most of the challenges they made and even beating Jimin in his favourite game. Sooji might be small and weak because of her illness but she never gives up.

Sooji tried things that she’d never done before. Shooting basketball, dancing to DDR (easy mode), punching bags, and literally everything that is offered in the arcade. Hoseok, on the other hand, preferred to sit on one side and watch them play unless he was asked to join as well. Despite being handicapped, Sooji and Hoseok were still happy that they were able to play.

“You should take a rest,” Hoseok said as he handed her a bottle of water. He saw beads of sweat run through her forehead but she still looked energetic as ever. No one would notice she had an illness. Sooji drank from the bottle and stepped out of the DDR floor, motioning for Hoseok to step up and try the game but he pointed on his leg cast and Sooji facepalmed herself, “I always forget about things like this.”

But a few seconds later, she dragged Hoseok up and stood beside him. “I’ll take this side, and you can take this side using your healthy leg,” Sooji swiped her card for the game to start. Jimin told her to do a 2-vs-1 so she swiped the card again. They choose an upbeat song and easy level while Jimin took the hard level. Despite the level being easy, it’s actually not that easy. Jimin, on the other hand, had been dancing since young and he got used to the level after playing a lot with Jungkook.

Somehow, Hoseok felt nervous. He could feel the close proximity though Sooji was focused on the game. He tried to focus on stomping on the arrowed tiles but could not help and admire the view beside him. He realized that they would not last forever that way; it saddens him. It was when Sooji told him to concentrate on the game that he realized he’d been staring for too long.

“Are you okay?” She asked. He nodded but he knew deep inside that he wasn’t.



One thing they were not allowed to do according to Dr Lee was to eat at random restaurants. Sooji’s diet consists of not eating sugary stuff so they had to carefully scan menus in all the restaurants they could find. It’s hard to find a suitable dining place as most of the food are fast foods and pre-cooked stuff assembled together.

“I really want to try some junk food,” Sooji sighed as she placed the menu back on the table and continued walking. It was already the 9th restaurant they’ve checked, but none of them suited her needs.

“Shall we just go back to the hospital? Food’s better there for you,” Jimin suggested but Sooji shooked her head almost immediately. “I haven’t been here for too long. I don’t wanna leave yet.”

“We can come back next time,” Jimin said but Sooji still resist, “I don’t want to leave.”

At this moment, Hoseok admit he was scared. He was scared that she would not be able to come back to this place and that’s why she didn’t want to leave. He was scared of the future and he was not prepared. He didn’t want his speculations to come true.

“Let’s keep searching,” Hoseok suggested. Sooji stuck her tongue at Jimin and hooked her arm around Hoseok’s. His heart jumped a little when their arms linked but it was comfortable. After a few rounds of walking, they noticed this small vegan restaurant at one corner of a street and decided that it was perfect. Sooji was able to order something according to her diet and they didn’t have to worry.

Time passed by quickly as Jimin complained about his excessive school work and they

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might be able to wrap up the story really soon! I’ve got a few ideas and I hope I will be able to pen them down quickly. Thank you for reading my story! I appreciate you guys so much. Happy white day! (╹◡╹)♡


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It looks interesting, I'll read it! :D
Chapter 13: Aigooo.... TT
Chapter 11: Aaaaaah I neexceed moooore TT
Chapter 9: O really hope that Suzy can recover TT
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