Chapter Nine

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"So, what did you two talk about?" Kyuhyun asked curiously, eyes watching the rapidly disappearing form of Hyukjae.

They were just walking out of their PE class earlier when a student with bright hair appeared out of nowhere, wanting to talk to Donghae. Donghae agreed and the two walked out, with Hyukjae nodding to everyone from their class who greeted him.

Kyuhyun was waiting outside of their next classroom, waiting for the bell to ring, PSP in hand when he heard Donghae and Hyukjae's cheerful voices. Looking up from the small screen, he saw the two smiling happily while chatting with each other. Hyukjae greeted him when they came near enough, and Kyuhyun smiled at him in response.

Hyukjae then went on his way, still all smiles, and Kyuhyun looked curiously at Donghae.

"Erm, nothing important." Donghae said with a smile, absentmindedly rubbing his exposed neck.

Kyuhyun's sharp eyes didn't miss the gesture, and he smirked inwardly as an idea popped into his head. "Oh my god Donghae, is that a hickey on your neck?" He asked, eyes zooming in on the area that Donghae was rubbing.

Donghae's eyes bulged. "What!?" Donghae frantically took out his phone and activated the front camera, looking intently for the mark. "Where is it!?"

Unable to hold it in anymore, Kyuhyun burst out laughing, needing to lean into the door behind him for support.

Eyes narrowing at his so-called friend, Donghae stopped looking at his neck and stowed his phone away. "Yah!"

"Oh my god, Hae. What did you and Hyukjae do? Did you make out or something? Why would you think you really do have a hickey?" Kyuhyun said teasingly, only just able to control his laughter.

Frustrated, Donghae repeatedly slapped Kyuhyun's arm, which only served to make the taller dissolve into laughter again.

"We did not make out!" Donghae hissed, mindful of the eyes of their classmates that were now plastered on them.

The bell rang throughout the school, but the two - and the rest of their class - ignored it. Their professor on their next class was chronically late, after all, and today shouldn't be an exception.

"Then what did happen? I wanna know!" Kyuhyun declared, a hint of a smile still tugging on his lips.

"Fine, fine. I'll tell you. But you have to stop laughing." When Kyuhyun held up his hands in surrender, Donghae continued. "He just asked me to stop him whenever he literally gets too close to me, like when that time he kissed my hand and when he bit me." Donghae shrugged.

"Hmm. He can't do that himself?" Kyuhyun asked, intrigued.

"Not sure. But... I did notice that at both occasions, his friends pulled him away from me." Donghae cocked his head, also more than a little puzzled at the blond's behavior.

"Yeah, that's right. But Hae... why did you think you had a hickey?" Kyuhyun smiled mischievously as Donghae turned pink.

"Erm, well, Hyukjae kind of... myneckwhileweweretalking."

Even with Donghae's rapid speaking, Kyuhyun immediately understood what his friend said. Remembering his promise not to laugh, Kyuhyun fought valiantly to hold in his laughter while Donghae looked at him suspiciously.

"H-Hae…" a small laugh bubbled up from his throat, but he bravely continued on. "Isn't Hyukjae kind of... molesting you?"

"W-What? I don't think so!" Donghae protested, cheeks getting pinker at the suggestion. "He looks way too innocent to be able to do that. Besides, he always looked embarrassed and he apologizes right after."

"If you say so." Kyuhyun said, finally allowing a grin to break out.

"And, based on what I've been seeing, he's always the one being molested, not the other way around." Donghae continued on, ignoring Kyuhyun. "He really has got to take care of himself more."

"He's got all his friends to help him." Kyuhyun assured, and once he was sure that he had Donghae's attention - "Hae, you aren't offended at all by his actions, are you?"

"Huh? Ah, no. He's - kind of harmless, anyway. And he's really cute, when apologizing and stuff." Donghae replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hn." A pause. "You still think you don't have a chance with him?"

"Err - yeah. Although," Donghae breathed a small sigh, "it's hard because with every minute I spend with him, I'm liking him even more."

Sighing as well, Kyuhyun patted Donghae's shoulder comfortingly. "I feel you, bro."


" – seriously man, Lee Hyukjae seems interested in you."

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen him single out anyone who isn't in his group of friends."

"Well then, I'd like to think we're friends now." Donghae said mildly.

"I don't know about that."

 "Hey, if he confesses to you, you should totally date him."

 "Yeah, even if you're not interested. He's hot, and I heard he hasn't gone out with anyone yet. You'd get to be his first in everything. I mean, everything."

Kyuhyun, eyes glued to his PSP but his ears left open to listen to his idiotic classmates' rambling, felt his eyebrow tick.

 "And once you're tired of him, you can just pass him off to us. We've already tried asking him out, but he rejected us. That guy has high standards." Another classmate tsked.

 "Or better yet, you can reject him and simply introduce him to us. If he gets heartbroken, he might be easier to trick."

 Eyes narrowing, Kyuhyun tried counting backwards to calm himself down. He didn't want to verbally fight with people whose IQs seemed ridiculously low - that would be like stealing candy from a baby.

His classmates laughed maliciously, and it seemed to be the moment when Donghae's patience snapped as well.

 "Why would I do any of those things? Hyukjae's not a toy to be played around with."  Donghae said, irritation on his voice, and Kyuhyun swore that this was the first time he had heard Donghae speak this way.

"Yeah, but that guy has already rejected so many people, it's about time he gets a dose of his own medicine!" Another of his classmates said angrily, and Kyuhyun just couldn't take it anymore.

"God, I can taste the bitterness all the way over here." Kyuhyun sing-songed, an evil smile plastered on his face. "C'mon Donghae, let's get out of here. I'd like a breath of fresh air please." Smirking, Kyuhyun took advantage of his long legs and strode faster to leave their idiotic classmates behind.

After throwing a glare over his shoulder (Kyuhyun has taught the boy well), Donghae followed quickly after him.


"How stupid can they be?" Donghae puffed, still angry at what just happened.


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Pilika-LastHope #1
Chapter 16: awwcute
401 streak #2
Chapter 16: Babe!!! You're not going to update this piece?!? How dare youuu 😭😭😭

I want the next chapter button 😭😭😭
401 streak #3
Chapter 12: love love love love this chapter sooooo much! The best! <3
401 streak #4
Chapter 11: I see that Yesung's mother really likes Kyuhyun XD
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Chapter 10: Yesung forgot about Hyukjae because of ice cream just .... XDDDDD
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Chapter 8: Why Hyukjae bit Donghae? O____o
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Chapter 7: I knew it! XD~
401 streak #8
Chapter 6: I think I know who Yesung's friend XD~
401 streak #9
Chapter 4: Huo! I knew it! Finally Kyu found his soulmate #cough LOL
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Chapter 3: I love Hae here!