. fights and punches .

Opposites attract [new version]
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Tragic backstories and height differences.

That was how fate drew Jaebum and Jennie's love story before breaking them apart with another tragedy, and on a cold night past midnight, the cruel fate tested their longing and broken promises with déjà vu-s.

Jaebum tried to change their destiny, pouring his unwelcome feelings onto his paintings while avoiding the girl he once loved for good. It made his heart ache less whenever his mind dived into a parallel world where he could lose himself in waves of emotions and thoughts with colors on his canvas paradise.

But It was impossible to run away forever.

At the end of a late walk, he was enjoying the dim streetlights on the quiet, empty streets. Jaebum's stomach growled from the skipped meals he forgot to eat. The green neon light of the 7-Eleven convenience store lit the end of the street like a savior in disguise.

The automatic door welcomed him with wide arms open as he stepped into the supermarket, only to freeze at the scene of her in the green uniform three-pocket shirt with her black hair tied in a ponytail like their first meeting, but with sorrow, not a flicker of excitement, pain with butterflies in the stomachs, yearning for each other as they stayed away from each other.

Jaebum could hear the sound of his heart's whimpers as he tried not to lock their gazes longer, but his body was failing him—narrow eyes tinged red, rigid breath, heart aching so much that he couldn't help but flee.

He found himself trapped between aisles full of biscuits and protein bars, his least favorite foods. His fingers grabbed a chocolate protein bar impulsively while his dry throat begged him for a drink. He scanned the display fridge with colored cans aligned by brand.

His emotions took over his mind, and he stuck back at the girl standing by the counter instead of picking up a drink. With a little head shake, he took another deep breath in before letting it out after counting to ten to ease the heavy feelings and dissipate the longing.

A loud shout made his head snap in her direction. A drunk, tall man in his thirties in crumbling, dirty clothes, barely keeping his balance, was in front of her. Jaebum could see her trembling behind her professional act as she tried to handle the rude customer.

"I'm sorry. You need to pay for your drinks, sir."

"Don't tell me what to do, . Give me the drinks if you don't want to die!" The man slurred aggressively, his large hand banging the counter to show off his violence. Jennie flinched, hands clasped tightly to keep it together in hopes he would go away at some point, but the man didn't. Instead, he held one of the soju bottles, hitting it on the edge. The green glass shuttered loudly, with a sharp piece still in the man's hold.

Jennie's façade broke as she stumbled back in terror, adding fuel to Jaebum's rage. All he saw w

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 35: They really should talk it out with each other especially Jinyoung. He should stop putting up with his badboy acts. Also wonder what actually happened when she encountered him at the club. And why is Kihyun and her flirting like that? LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 34: Oho... Jinyoung and Jaebum had to go and have a friction like that? Although, I can understand both perspective, I'm still hoping they resolve it soon. I mean don't they just have each other to rely on? Also, poor Jisoo! Wonder what he went and did this time... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 25: More mystery! Was he really hallucinating? And was he really on the rooftop edge? And Jisoo couldn't bring him out of it? So many questions... Can't wait to see how they all get unraveled in the further chapters. So will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 23: Oh, those two were actually good and caring about each other. And yet, aren't together. Wonder what had happened between them for them to not be together anymore. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 21: Jisoo suffering from the hangover and refusing to acknowledge whatever happened when she was drunk was kinda funny but also understandable. I mean I'd be embarrassed and would want to hide too. LoL... and I'm not exactly sure what happened with Jinyoung at the end, but I assume it's mostly my brain processing stuff or failure to do so or maybe the things would become clearer in the further chapters. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 20: Jinyoung was definitely jealous there (at the beginning of the chapter), wasn't he? LoL... But it's a good thing he came across Mark. Otherwise he wouldn't have come to know about Jisoo's terrible ex and so wouldn't have gotten to her, right? Also, did he inform Mark about finding her or is Mark still going around searching for her? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 19: Jinyoung and Jisoo doing programming. I'm just curious. Are you a programmer or have interest in programming? Asking for research purpose. LoL XD jokes aside, I'm curious about what Jackson asked Jisoo. They broke up, didn't they? Isn't that why she was reacting like that? And what's up with Jinyoung though? Is that jealousy I'm sending? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 17: The Girls' hangouts was fun indeed! For some odd reason, I couldn't imagine Bambam as a tall guy. Not sure why though. LoL... Anyway, how things go better between those two. Will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 15: For a moment I didn't understand why Jaebum was like that until Jinyoung asked him about the number of pills he took. So both of them have a psychological issue that they are keeping as a secret and safeguarding each other from their other friends? Wonder what traumatic events caused them to be so... Also, Jisoo is really sweet despite her own insecurities and Jinyoung being cold to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
PS the starting part of this chapter/or nearly the whole chapter has been reposted (like a loop) multiple times. Just thought would let you know!
2033 streak #10
Chapter 14: This was another fun chapter! Well, except for the Jaebum and Jennie part. Wonder what happened between them. The rest all were cute, especially Rose shutting down Mark's anger like that. She did that on purpose to save those two, didn't she? Or was it unintentional? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^