. forced friendships.

Opposites attract [new version]
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‘Is this really how lovesick is like?’


Jisoo wondered, leaning against the white headboard. She was hugging her fluffy pillow, her chin resting on it as she watched the girl sitting close to her, Lisa. She didn’t need to look over her friend’s phone to know what the short-haired pal was worried about minutes ago or how the worry had changed into a hint of sadness or possible disappointment.


Lisa threw the phone, cupping her oval face to hide her frustration.


“I’m doomed.” The words were muffled, but still clear for Jisoo to catch.


“What’s wrong?” Jisoo asked with the answer in her mind.


“That’s the problem. I have no idea what’s wrong with me and BamBam.”


Bingo, it was BamBam.


Their push and pull dynamics with denial blurry lines were at their peak. Everyone could see how much they were whipped by each other except them. They believed their friendship was normal when it was 180 far from it. Lisa would spend her nights sleepless until BamBam arrived or replied after his hectic days. She would run errands for him without him asking, and she made sure he never missed a meal. Meanwhile, BamBam would stare at her like she was a star with a smile never leaving his face. He would barrel out of classes or cancel meetings if he heard that she got sick or was not in the mood.


Who looks at each other like that and calls whatever these actions were as “things friends do” except idiots?


Jisoo got them at first, but at a certain point, everything became harder to understand when she noticed the glint of pain and jealousy in Lisa’s eyes when BamBam’s new friend Minnie started tagging him everywhere and then being the young heirs of large businesses in Thailand with rumors spreading of them being a couple of the country didn’t make it any better because the tiny piece of jealousy banged Lisa’s feelings and insecurities at once, leaving her confused and lost with longing fear of losing her best friend. She had been avoiding BamBam for days with no explanation, yet her head would snap whenever his name was mentioned.


Jisoo couldn’t help but let out a long helpless sigh, throwing the pillow to the side as she moved next to her friend, throwing a hand over her friend’s shoulder. Lisa rested her head against Jisoo’s shoulder, her silky blonde hair curtained over the girl’s collarbone.


“I feel like this Minnie princess is slowly replacing me and logically speaking, she fits BamBam. They look like a power couple.” Her voice went lower, a bit broken as her slender fingers fidget on the paws of her grey sweater. “I--- I thought I would be happy for him for finding his soulmate, but…my heart is acting weird and a part of me doesn’t like the fact that the soulmate isn’t me, which is crazy. Because this isn’t how I should feel about him.”


Lisa didn’t cry, but Jisoo could listen to her broken heart weakly beating and the loud noises inside the poor girl’s head. She hugged the girl’s side harder before patting her head like it would ease the pain and the confusion.


“Lisa, you need to talk to him about all these feelings. You deserve to let these feelings out than him. BamBam won’t let you go this easily; he can’t even stop calling you or sending you messages because he is worried sick about you. Give him a chance, maybe he likes you too.”


“I don’t like him, Jisoo. I can’t like him.” Lisa mumbled the words in fear and denial as she continued. “What if he doesn’t like me? I will lose him on the spot, and I can’t, Jisoo.”


“You won’t lose him. The way you are running away by avoiding him will make you lose him in a very bad way with nothing clear and both of your hurting. At least when you talk things out, you could say a proper goodbye if it goes south, and this is like zero percent chance.”


Jisoo’s words were scarily hopeful in a logical way that was a bit too much for Lisa at that certain bonding moment. Her mind was busy figuring out the feelings running all over her head as her heart kept

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2033 streak #1
Chapter 35: They really should talk it out with each other especially Jinyoung. He should stop putting up with his badboy acts. Also wonder what actually happened when she encountered him at the club. And why is Kihyun and her flirting like that? LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 34: Oho... Jinyoung and Jaebum had to go and have a friction like that? Although, I can understand both perspective, I'm still hoping they resolve it soon. I mean don't they just have each other to rely on? Also, poor Jisoo! Wonder what he went and did this time... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 25: More mystery! Was he really hallucinating? And was he really on the rooftop edge? And Jisoo couldn't bring him out of it? So many questions... Can't wait to see how they all get unraveled in the further chapters. So will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 23: Oh, those two were actually good and caring about each other. And yet, aren't together. Wonder what had happened between them for them to not be together anymore. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 21: Jisoo suffering from the hangover and refusing to acknowledge whatever happened when she was drunk was kinda funny but also understandable. I mean I'd be embarrassed and would want to hide too. LoL... and I'm not exactly sure what happened with Jinyoung at the end, but I assume it's mostly my brain processing stuff or failure to do so or maybe the things would become clearer in the further chapters. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 20: Jinyoung was definitely jealous there (at the beginning of the chapter), wasn't he? LoL... But it's a good thing he came across Mark. Otherwise he wouldn't have come to know about Jisoo's terrible ex and so wouldn't have gotten to her, right? Also, did he inform Mark about finding her or is Mark still going around searching for her? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 19: Jinyoung and Jisoo doing programming. I'm just curious. Are you a programmer or have interest in programming? Asking for research purpose. LoL XD jokes aside, I'm curious about what Jackson asked Jisoo. They broke up, didn't they? Isn't that why she was reacting like that? And what's up with Jinyoung though? Is that jealousy I'm sending? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 17: The Girls' hangouts was fun indeed! For some odd reason, I couldn't imagine Bambam as a tall guy. Not sure why though. LoL... Anyway, how things go better between those two. Will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 15: For a moment I didn't understand why Jaebum was like that until Jinyoung asked him about the number of pills he took. So both of them have a psychological issue that they are keeping as a secret and safeguarding each other from their other friends? Wonder what traumatic events caused them to be so... Also, Jisoo is really sweet despite her own insecurities and Jinyoung being cold to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
PS the starting part of this chapter/or nearly the whole chapter has been reposted (like a loop) multiple times. Just thought would let you know!
2033 streak #10
Chapter 14: This was another fun chapter! Well, except for the Jaebum and Jennie part. Wonder what happened between them. The rest all were cute, especially Rose shutting down Mark's anger like that. She did that on purpose to save those two, didn't she? Or was it unintentional? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^