Chapter 3

The Blooming Wallflower


It had been well over a month by now since Ren had come to stay at the mansion full of beautiful people. Ever since his trip to the store with Min Hee, he left his room a couple of times to see her and retrieve his food. He still didn’t have the courage to sit at the table with the others yet, but he would at least greet them before heading back to his room.


The other house guests besides Min Hee and Minhyun were still weirded out by Ren and his behavior. They thought he was a freak who stayed locked up in his room watching blood and guts get splattered on the TV while talking to his Chucky doll.


“Please don’t be so harsh.” Min Hee frowned at JR’s words.


“What? It’s the truth.” He shrugged.


“And the truth is, you’re just a lazy who sits and plays video games all day on the flat screen.” Minhyun decided if JR’s harsh words were only the truth, then his harsh words were only the truth as well.


“Yah…” JR glared his way.


“Now it’s harsh words when it’s about you?” Minhyun smiled.


“Guys, don’t fight.” Baekho frowned when they both started their glaring contest. “Sun Hee will be here soon and you know how she gets when you guys fight.”


“What?! Why didn’t you say she was coming over sooner?!” JR exclaimed, breaking away from Minhyun’s glare. “Getting hit with a pan is so not worth fighting with you.”


“You guys are such kids.” Hana sighed, sitting on the edge of the table.


“Get your of the table, we eat here.” Minhyun scolded.


“Leave her alone!” Aron laughed.


“I wanna sit on the table, too!” Nari jumped up from her seat to join Hana.


“Nari!” Minhyun scolded again before turning to Aron. “Control your friend!”


“Guys, calm down!” Baekho tried to speak up, waving his hands in the air worriedly as his friends continued to bicker back and forth.


“Why is everyone so moody today?” JR muttered under his breath.


“Everyone! Be quiet!” Suddenly they heard Min Hee’s raised voice.


At her request, they all became silent as they looked at her slightly concerned. She never rose her voice at anyone, only when she was bothered or stressed.


“Min Hee, what’s wrong?” Hana asked, getting off the table, Nari following suit.


“I’m sorry…” She sighed. “I didn’t mean to shout.”


“It’s okay, everyone was talking all at once, someone had to shut them up.” Minhyun assured the girl with a pat on the back.


“What’s the matter, Min Hee?” Baekho asked worriedly.


She sighed before answering. “My parents are coming by today.”


“Oh, your parents.” Everyone fell silent again. They all knew she didn’t get along with her mother and father that well… any time they visited, it always ended with Min Hee in a bad mood.


“When will they be coming by?” Minhyun asked when the doorbell rang.


“That’s probably them… I’m not here!” Min Hee ran out of the room.


“Min Hee!”


She ran down the hall to her room before it dawned on her that they’d surely come looking for her there the moment they come into the mansion. Closing in on Ren’s room up the hallway, she made a bold decision.


“Ren!” She knocked on his door.


“Min Hee?” He asked as he happened to be near the door when she knocked.


“Please help me! Let me inside?”


“Y-You want to come in here?” He cracked the door open to peek out at her.


She pushed the door open and entered, shutting the door behind her quickly.


“I’m so sorry! I don’t mean to intrude, it’s just…” She suddenly froze. She was inside his room… his dark… scary… room.


“Min Hee?”


“Uhh… uh.” She stuttered. It’s okay, none of it is real! Besides, Ren is in here… everything is fine! That was until she spotted his Chucky doll, facing her way. She tried so hard not to scream. What would be the point in hiding there if she gave away her whereabouts?


“It’s okay.” Ren decided he should comfort her in some way. “Just focus on me.” He tried so hard not to go hide in the corner after he just so boldly said something like that to this beautiful girl. But back at the store when he was surrounded by people, strangers, focusing on Min Hee really helped. If she focused on him, all the scary decorations around his room surely wouldn’t bother her either.


“F-Focus on you?” She stuttered out. He wasn’t sure if it was because she was nervous or scared.


“Yeah! It really helped when I was at the store with you.The strangers didn’t bother me at all.”


“Oh… I see.” She started to realize what he meant as she now focused on him.


At the silence, she could hear the others greeting her parents.


“Uh… Min He-”


“Shhh…” She jumped over to him and covered his mouth. “I’m not here right now… got it?”




“Any idea on when she’ll be back?” Min Hee’s mother asked as Hana and Nari served her and her husband some tea.


“Oh, uh… she didn’t say.” Hana stuttered out a reply. Min Hee left so fast, they had to make up she went to the store… but how long could she be there without her parents getting suspicious?


“We’ll wait, then.” Her father simply stated.


“That’s fine.” Minhyun gave a fake charming smile. Damn it, now we’ll have to keep them company while she hides!



“Can I ask why you’re hiding in here?” Ren asked quietly while he and Min Hee both sat in the corner together. She sighed in response. “Oh… sorry. You don’t have to tell me why if you don’t want to.”


“No, I suppose I should tell you since I was so rude and invited myself in earlier.”


“Oh, that’s okay! Really!” He assured her.


“I don’t get along with my parents that well.”


“You… don’t get along?” He repeated slightly surprised. A nice girl such as her… who got along with everyone so well, even him… didn’t get along with her parents?


“No, I don’t.” She shook her head. “They’re… not nice and a bit controlling. I came to live in this mansion to get away from them.”


“I see…” He quietly nodded, listening to her. They were there for different reasons. He didn’t want to come here whereas... she wanted to.


“All my life, they’ve controlled everything I do. I was a straight A student, student council president, number one in countless things… things I didn’t like… things I didn’t want to do. But I did that, because I knew it would make them happy.” She went on to explain. “There’s been one thing I’ve come to like, one thing I’d like to do… but they don’t find it to be something I should do.”


“What is that?” Ren asked curiously.


“I’d like to be a Graphic Designer.”


“Oooh, that’s really cool.” Ren sounded interested.


“I know, that’s why I like it…” she smiled at his sudden excitement, “but my parents don’t. They think I should be a doctor or a lawyer. They’re trying to get me into an elite private all girl’s high school to finish the rest of my education there. I don’t want to transfer schools, I’m fine where I am now… I don’t know why they keep pushing me to do all these things… it’s like they don’t even care about what I want.” All this explaining brought up some emotions as her eyes began to tear up.


“They’re y-your parents. Of course they just want the best for you!” Ren said quickly, hesitantly patting her shoulder to comfort her.


“At the price of my happiness?”


“Did you ever tell them how you feel?”


“...” Min Hee fell silent. No… I haven’t.


“Maybe if you sat down and talked with them, they’d understand you better. Perhaps they have this idea that you actually like doing all those things… because you never said anything.”


“You’re… right.” Her head dropped. “For someone who gets straight A’s on her report card, I sure am an idiot.”


“Eh~! Don’t call yourself that!” Ren frowned. It was a like a blow to his heart, seeing her so down like that… and even calling herself an idiot.


“Thanks… Ren.” She looked to him with a small smile. “Thanks for letting me hide here… and for talking with me.”


“N-No problem!” He was thankful the darkness was hiding his blush right now.


“I’ll go try to talk to them. Wish me luck.” She got up to head to the door but froze where she stood when she caught a glimpse of his Chucky doll beside him.


“I’ll walk you to the door!” Ren jumped up, placing his hands on her back and arm so he could guide her.


“Th-Thank you.” She stuttered out, taking stiff steps as he guided her to the door.


Once they reached the door, Ren stopped her from opening it and handed her a pair of sunglasses. “Because you’ve been in here for a short while, wear these so the light doesn’t blind you.”


“Ah, right. Thanks again.” She put them on before opening the door.


When the door open, there stood a glaring Minhyun. The door slammed shut.


“Maybe I’ll talk to them another time.” Min Hee chuckled nervously. “Let’s go back to the corner!”




“Can I ask why… you’re still hiding in here?” Ren asked as he and Min Hee sat in the corner of his room again.


It had been an hour since Minhyun left after informing Min Hee that her parents had took their leave as something came up with work. He didn’t look too happy when he left.


“Uhmm… well uh, you see,” she said with a nervous laugh, “when I avoid my parents like that… he and the others end up having to distract them. And well… they don’t like it very much and are upset with me for a few hours once they’ve left.”




“Yeah, I’m a terrible friend. Throwing my parents on them like that…” Ren wasn’t sure how to respond and opted in patting her on the shoulder. “You’re agreeing with me, aren’t you?”


“Ah~!” He covered his mouth and shook his head quickly, his bangs flying left and right. When he stopped, they remained brushed aside, showing his full face. Despite the darkness, she could see it and leaned closer to get a better look.


“You should… cut your bangs.” She reached out, brushing a few strands that fell when he stiffened. “Having your hair in your face like that can’t be good.”


“N-No!” He turned away from her. “I can’t do that.”


“Why not?”


“They’ll… call me a girl again.”


“A girl? Who called you that?” She became confused. Sure she thought he was beautiful, but she hadn’t though he looked like a girl not once since knowing him. Though, that could be due to him being in the dark all the time, and he doesn’t stay long when he comes to get his food.


“The bullies from my middle school... they were really persistent.” He explained, tugging at his hair. “That’s why I’m homeschooled now.”


“I’m sorry that happened to you.”


“It’s not your fault.” He frowned.


“But still…”


“It’s okay.”


“I’d never call you a girl.” She stated. “I wouldn’t let anyone else call you one either.”


“Min Hee…”


“So get that hair out of your eyes, okay?” She smiled brightly.


“Don’t smile like that! I can’t see!” He cried out, shielding his face quickly.


“You’re so funny!’




“Where do you think you’re going?” Minhyun asked as he was leaning on the wall at the corner of the hallway.


She jumped startled, turning to him, the sunglasses on her face nearly falling off.


“Oh… M-Minhyun! I didn’t see you there!” She chuckled nervously before making a run for it.


“Yah~!” He reached out and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, successfully stopping her from escaping.


“I’m sorry!” She held her hands up together, asking for forgiveness.


“You say that all the time!”


“No, I really am sorry! I promise it won’t happen again! Really?!”


“What’s that? Did something happen while you were in Ren’s room… are you possessed by the ghost?!”


“There’s no ghost!”


“Are you sure about that?”


“Minhyun~! Don’t do this to me!” She pouted, hitting him on the arm.


“That’s what you get for abandoning us with your parents.” He said in a scolding tone.


“Ah! I said I was sorry!”


“I’m tired of this, Min Hee.” He sighed, bringing up his hand to his forehead, looking stressed.


“I know! That’s why I said it won’t happen again!” She tried reassuring, but she supposed that’d be hard since she’s said that before… a few times already.


“I can’t keep covering for you forever… you’re my friend and of course I want to help you.” He looked at her with disappointing look. “But next time… I’m not going to cover you… and I’m not going to lie when they ask where you are either.”


“Yes… I understand.” She looked down to the floor with a guilty look.


“No more running away from them, alright?” He reached out and patted her on the head.


“Yes.” She nodded, but deep inside she was conflicted. What’s really going to happen when I see them?




“E-Excuse me?” Ren stuttered out quietly at the living room entrance.


“Ren!” Nari jumped up from her seat on the couch.


“Oh, it’s him!” Hana got up to join her.


“Is this the new housemate everyone was talking about?” Their friend Sun Hee asked, looking up from her magazine.


“Yes! He rarely comes out of his room, so you never got to meet him!” Nari explained loudly, making Ren cringe just a bit.


“Nari, you’re too loud.” Hana giggled at Ren’s cute expression. “What brings you out to the living room, Ren?”


“Uh! Well… uh.” He hesitated as Sun Hee had come and joined them. “I was w-wondering if any of you girls know how t-to cut hair?”


“You want a haircut?” Hana grinned from ear to ear.




“Ren seems to be socializing more these days.” Minhyun mentioned as he was in the kitchen with Min Hee.




“I saw him talking with the girls earlier. I don’t know where they went off to, but he’s not in his room right now.”


“I hope they’re behaving and not traumatizing the poor guy.” Min Hee couldn’t help but feel slightly worried. The girls could be a bit… too much sometimes.


“I’m sure he’s fine, otherwise he’d have gone back to his room by now.” Minhyun tried to reassure her.




“I’m glad he’s not as shy as he was when he first got here.” He pointed out with a small smile as he was cutting up some vegetables.


“Yes, he’s improved quite a lot.” She nodded in agreement. “It’s been a month so far… I wonder when his aunt will be back to check up on him? I hope she’ll be pleased with some of the results.”


“I hope so too, let’s try a bit harder to make sure she is.”




“You’re really pretty.” Hana smiled as she looked at Ren through the mirror. Ren just frowned, not really liking that compliment.


“Just like a girl.” Nari agreed. That made Ren feel worse. Just as he was about to get up and leave, Sun Hee spoke up.


“Are you two forgetting he’s a boy? Stop giving those kind of compliments.” She said not looking up from her magazine.



“No buts. Did you ever stop to think maybe he doesn’t like being called pretty by girls? Or anyone, for that matter?” She looked up giving those warning eyes to her two friends.


The two girls lowered their heads before turning to Ren looking apologetic. “We’re sorry, Ren.”


“Thanks.” He smiled softly.


“Good girls.” Sun Hee smiled before returning to her magazine once again.


“If we can’t call you pretty, then we can call you gorgeous, right?!”


“I don’t think they get it.” Ren sighed, letting his head drop in defeat.




“Ren?” Min Hee asked as she was handing off his food to him. She noticed his bangs had been cut and smiled.


“Yes?” He looked at her for a brief second before looking down at his tray of food.


“Why don’t you join us at the table this time?”




“Don’t worry, everything will be fine, I promise.” She assured him with a bright smile.


“O-Okay.” He couldn’t say no to that face!


When they entered the dining room, everyone’s eyes were on them instantly and Ren became nervous.


“Ren is going to join us today, let’s welcome him.” Min Hee announced to her friends.


“Sit here!” Baekho waved Ren over to the empty seat next to him. Ren was about to shake his head when Min Hee gave him a small light push.


“Go ahead, he’s the friendliest of them all.” She whispered.


When he wouldn’t move, she guided him over. Once he was seated, she patted him on the head and left to her seat by Minhyun down on the other side of the table. She’s so far away! He frowned at the distance.


“So you finally decided to join us, huh?” JR smirked, he was seated directly across Ren.


“You’re not as scary as I thought you were going to be.” Aron said next to him, sounding fascinated.


“Guys, don’t say things like that. Be nice.” Baekho frowned.


“We can have our opinions.” JR rolled his eyes at Baekho when he was suddenly kicked. “Ow~! Who did tha-” He looked around to see Sun Hee glaring at him seated next to Baekho. “Since when did you start sitting there?!”


“Not everyone has to say their opinions.” She said in a warning tone.


“Oh yeah?” JR challenged.


“Would you like to hear my opinions about you? I’m sure you wouldn’t like it.” She raised a brow, crossing her arms. Both glared at each other.


“Don’t mind them, they don’t really get along.” Aron tried to assure Ren who looked on with a worried expression.


“I see…” Ren nodded before looking down at his food. He wished he could have sat next to Min Hee.


“Hey!” Sun Hee called down the table to get her friend’s attention. “We need a replacement over here, he’s ruining the mood.”


“Excuse me?” JR said offended.


“JR, go sit with Nari.” Min Hee showed up with her tray of food.




“Go.” Both Sun Hee and Min Hee warned.


“Fine!” He got up and headed over to where Min Hee was seated.


“Uh…” Ren frowned.


“Don’t worry, he’s happy to sit with Nari, even if he doesn’t look it.” Min Hee assured him with a smile. “I’m sorry, I probably should have sat with you since this is your first time at the table.”


“It’s fine!” He managed to say with a smile.


“Awww, he’s more comfortable around you.” Aron cooed.


“It appears so.” Min Hee nodded with a small laugh. “Then we’ll keep it this way, that is… if you’ll be joining us from now on?”


“Yes.” He nodded, his mood changed drastically. He looked happy.


“Ignore JR, he’s a jerk sometimes.” Sun Hee said while placing a few pieces of her meat onto Baekho’s plate.


“Once you get to know him, he isn’t that bad.” Baekho added.


“Yeah, he’s just brutally honest sometimes and isn’t that careful with his words, Nari seems to be the only one who handles him pretty well.” Aron explained to Ren’s side. “But if you give him a chance, you’ll get used to his ways and see he’s a really nice guy who just has trouble expressing himself.”


Ren nodded at their words before looking to Min Hee, wondering if she had anything to say about the guy.


“Hm?” She pointed to herself as she notice all four of them looking at her. “He’s an , I just avoid him as much as possible.” She answered before taking another bite of her food. Ren stared, surprised at her swearing as her friends laughed around him.


“Her and Minhyun don’t really get along with JR either.” Baekho decided to inform the confused boy.


“They’re nice kind hearted people who don’t tolerate JR’s blunt and harsh words, so they naturally don’t get along.” Aron added.


“I like them better than JR.” Sun Hee said simply.


“Though, I’m surprised a kind hearted girl like you would call JR an …?” Aron pointed at Min Hee with his chopsticks.


“I’m fed up with his attitude. I won’t be nice to someone who’s so rude and inconsiderate. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. I suppose he wants us to treat him that way.”


“Rule number one: don’t get on Minhyun and Min Hee’s bad side.” Aron laughed at her response.


Ren just smiled and nodded. Well at least he wasn’t the only one who didn’t like JR.

Chapter three!



Ah, I didn’t really mean to make JR a jerk XD haha but no worries, he ain’t heartless here!


Ren finally got that hair out of his face XD Yeah, you really shouldn’t have your hair in your eyes, it’s bad >< can get a lazy eye or other problems…


Anyway, sorry for the delay on this update… I uh.. have a million other stories running(4)

They’re getting a whole lot more attention than this fic D: not saying this fic isn’t special or anything

but I’ve been updating them more because of it

This story will get completed, so no worries XD it’s just gonna take time!

so please be patient XD until next time ><
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06/12/18: if anyone sees this post, I will try to update this story soon. I'm currently recovering from knee surgery so it's taking time to get back into the swing of things. Please be patient, I'll make it worth it, hopefully! ^^


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Chapter 14: This is one of the first stories I found on this website so I'm glad that you'll still continue it :)
StarSongGalaxy #2
Chapter 14: I hope you feel better soon! It's okay, take all the time you need to take care of yourself :)
Baby117 #3
Chapter 1: You're beautiful too Ren.
ckossi #4
Chapter 10: Loved the chapter!!!!! I'm so happy that he was able to see her and that they are planning to see each other. Her parents are so controlling, it's scary. I love how innocent he is about his feelings for her, he's adorable! Even though she's not in the house to help him improve (yet still staying himself), he's starting to subconsciously improve because he wants to be where he can be reminded of her. His mom's idea of marriage and his reaction to it was cute!

My favorite part (it made me laugh): “Did you like her, too?” … “Yah, I thought we were friends?!” He frowned at his doll’s non-existent reply.
Chapter 9: I dont want her to leave Minki!!!!
Why are her parents so stubborn >.<
ckossi #6
Chapter 9: Aw, T^T... Her parents are stubborn and just self absorbed, not truely thinking about her in the decision.

Poor Ren! Poor Minhee! He should hold her captive in his room or just tell her parents that he's marrying her. Ren! Steal her away~!!!!

You're such a good author! I'm so into you're stories that I actually yell out load and talk to the characters as if they'd hear me.
Chapter 8: I just wanted to let you know that I love this story so much! You have no idea how hard it is for me to find good Ren stories that aren't one shots xD
Like i love it!!
And I can't wait for the next update.
Dont stress so much during college have fun and enjoy it ^^
CraaazzyGeek #8
Chapter 1: Umehito Nekozawa!!! Right? Right?
ckossi #9
Chapter 8: I understand that pain. Even though I only on the website to read rather than writing, sometimes I'm not even able to read anything because of homework from school (I'm in college too). I've been going through fanfic withdrawal and I have so many stories to catch up on. Since the end of my semester is near, my professors (I'm lucky that I only have two classes this semester, but both of them have so many projects as one is a reading/writing course and another is an art course) were nice enough to let us start our finals project early, so now I have more free time when I'm not working on my finals projects. But I really understand your pain. Good luck! You're stories are awesome!
Ae-Seul #10
Chapter 6: Yay! All those gifs are killin me. Too cute!