Chapter 9

The Blooming Wallflower



“I hate this.” Min Hee muttered to herself before her mother smacked her shoulder for her bratty behavior. They were currently at the Kwon’s mansion for dinner a week later after exams. “What?!”


“Stop that this instant.” Her mother scolded. “No daughter of mine is this rude in the presence of other people.”


“I'm not the only one being rude!” Min Hee exclaimed in a whisper. “Their son is being rude, too!” She pointed out as Soonyoung didn't look happy at all and wasn't even standing properly, he had one leg bent and one hand shoved into his pant pocket. He would have dressed casually but apparently his parents would only allow him to be rebellious to a certain extent.


“Boys will be boys.” He father commented and Min Hee couldn't believe it! At that moment she felt like her head was going to explode and she finally took a deep breath and calmed herself down, she didn't want to risk opening and telling off her parents and get into serious trouble. She wasn't sure what kind of punishment she'd get if she embarrassed them in front of this other wealthy family.


After a moment of awkward silence, the Kwons finally invited them to the dinner table. The parents sat across from each other while Min Hee and Soonyoung were also facing each other at the table. There was no friendly greeting as they were both still offended by each other's comments the last time they had dinner together.


“Let's talk about the wedding date.” Soonyoung’s mother said with excitement.


“How about next Spring, after they graduate?” Her mother instantly replied.


“I need the bathroom.” Suddenly Min Hee stood up.


“Soonyoung, show her to the bathroom, please.” His father said, gesturing for him to go with her.


Instantly Min Hee groaned and her mother smacked her again. “Stop doing that! Everyone can clearly see you hitting me!” She almost shouted before running out of the room. Soonyoung quickly followed after her since his father told him to and… he was also worried.


“Are you okay?” He asked once he caught up to her.


“You didn't have to follow me!” She snapped. She was 110% done with the situation. “Just leave me alone!”


“I'm sorry!” Soonyoung apologized while holding his hands up like he was starting to freak out. He didn't expect her to be so angry and emotional when he saw the tears welling in her eyes. “I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings last time. I had a feeling what the dinner meeting was for and so I thought if I was mean and rude your parents wouldn’t allow this marriage to happen. But I can see now they don't care…” that made him feel horrible, to have to say that, to have to point that out. “I mean, yes, I really don't want to marry you. I don't know you that well to begin with and I'm really against our parents making this decision on their own. I didn't mean it when I said there are other girls prettier than you. You're pretty(Pretty U)!”


“Are you expecting me to take back what I said too?” She snickered while wiping a tear.


“... you're not going to?” He asked, suddenly looking like a sad little puppy.


“Fine. You're cute.”


“Don't you mean handsome?” He let out a mix of a laugh and exhaled at the same time.


“No.” She giggled at his expression. “You look so innocent right now, it makes me want to Adore U.”


“Well, don't. I already Adore someone else.” He pouted.


“So do I.” She smiled at the thought of Ren. At least they had something in common. “What are we going to do about this then?”


“I don’t know.” He frowned with a small shrug. “I’ll try to think of something. You think of something, too, okay? Surely we’re bound to come up with a plan… I’ll keep up my character since there’s no going back now. I can’t suddenly change in front of your parents like that.”


“Please, make them hate you.” Min Hee said with such a look of hope, it made Soonyoung laugh before he frowned.


“You really mean that?!”


“No, but if it’ll stop this marriage, do it!” She said before turning to leave. “Right… where’s the bathroom?”


“Not sure if I want to help you now.” He pouted.


“Good, you’re keeping up that persona quite well.” She gave him a thumbs up before taking a wild guess and headed down the hallway to her left. Surely they would have more than one bathroom in this ridiculously huge house!




“Winter break is officially here!” Nari happily exclaimed at the table during breakfast. “What should we do today? Any suggestions?” She asked while glancing to each of her friends before she noticed someone was missing from the table. “Where’s Ren?”


“Oh, he’s still sleeping.” Minhyun answered while pouring a cup of orange juice for her. “He hasn’t been sleeping well lately, so it’s probably best we don’t disturb him.”


“Aw, poor Ren.” Hana frowned and the mood at the table soon died down because of it.


“What are you all getting sad for, he’s just sleeping.” JR muttered at the end of the table.


“It’s not just that!” Nori defended. “How come you can’t understand what Ren is going through, you’re so mean!” She added before getting up and running off to her room in tears. Lately she hadn’t been able to handle JR’s rude behavior, it was clearly taking a toll on her happy virus persona, too.


“Nice going, Jerk.” Hana scolded before getting up and running after her dear friend to comfort her.


“What did I do?” JR was annoyed now. It seemed no matter what he said, everyone got mad at him. He could understand he can be rude but to him it felt like they were over exaggerating.


“And the day just started.” Minhyun groaned while pinching the bridge of his nose in stress. “I’m going to eat in the kitchen.” He said before getting up and taking his food with him.


“Damn. This family is falling apart.” Aron sighed while pushing his food around his plate. He wasn’t going to leave the table, but he looked to Baekho to see what the other happy virus would do. “Uh, Baekho?” He looked like a sad puppy! It was a heartbreaking sight!


“I’m going to go check on the girls.” He simply said before getting up and leaving the table without his food. Without his food. Baekho left the table without eating. That’s never happened before. This was serious!


“Yah, Kim Jonghyun, you better go apologize to everyone right now!” Aron finally had enough and started to use that parental tone. He was actually older than everyone in the house, this was actually his family’s mansion and he was there to make sure everything ran smoothly with the housemates. He also had some authority when it came to situations like these.


“Or what?” JR snickered, because he knew despite Aron was older, the guy never liked to be that serious or didn’t have the heart to be angry with anyone.


“I’m going to kick you out.” Aron looked serious for once and JR’s expression faltered a bit. He was so sure that Aron could never be mad at him, heck, he even openly admitted that JR’s harsh expressions were scary to him. But today he was faced with a different Aron, a much serious and brave Aron. “If you continue this negative behavior, I will have you removed from this house.”


“Is that a threat?” JR scoffed while sitting back in his seat.


“It’s a warning.” Aron simply said before he focused on eating his food. There was silence between them at the table before JR snickered again.


“You’re bluffing. I can see your hand shaking.” He pointed to the unsteady hand Aron had when he tried to take a bite of his food.


“I’m overwhelmed, don’t taunt me.” Aron managed to say calmly. JR rolled his eyes before he noticed Minhyun walk back into the room and came over to the table. Without a word, he took JR’s food that he hadn’t gotten a chance to eat.

“What are you doing, that’s mine!” He complained.


“I don’t feel comfortable letting jerks like you eat the cooking I took the time and effort in making. If you’re hungry, make your own food.” Minhyun said harshly before leaving off to the kitchen again.


“You guys are just pushing it, aren’t you?” JR said bitterly before he got up and headed to the front door. He figured he should leave and get some fresh air before he unknowingly causes anymore damage.




“Since we’ve decided the wedding shall be in Spring, why don’t you two take this time to get to know each other better. Do what you have to do, alright?” Soonyoung’s father mentioned after dinner was over.


“Can you elaborate on what you mean by do what you have to do?” Min Hee asked and she could already feel her mother glaring at her in her peripheral vision. “I’m afraid I’ll be too busy studying to have time in getting to know your son.”  


“What are you talking about?” Her mother chuckled. “You’re on winter break, surely you don’t need to waste it on studying!”


“But you sai-”


“Don’t worry about it, you two should go out and enjoy your youth.” Her father spoke up with a sheepish laugh to back up his wife. Min Hee looked incredibly shocked at their sudden and fake behavior. But then she thought maybe she could take advantage of that somehow. “Please treat our daughter well.” He added while smiling towards Soonyoung who also looked surprised at the situation.


“Sweetie,” his mother snapped him out of it, “why don’t you take Min Hee out for some dessert?”


“Right now?” He asked.


“Yes.” She nodded and the adults watched the two teenagers look at each other before they agreed and got up to leave. It was time to discuss a new plan!




“I can’t believe it.” Soonyoung muttered after they left his place. “I feel so bad for you now.”


“I would say don’t feel bad, but then again, please feel bad for me.” She said with a small chuckle. “Just two more years of this nonsense.” She let out a dejected sigh. “No hard feelings when I divorce you, right?”


“I’m not letting that wedding happen!” Soonyoung pouted. “I’m saving my first marriage for the one I truly love!”


“You plan to have more than one?” She teased.


“You know I didn’t mean it like that!”


“I know, you’re just easy to tease is all.”


“I don’t like you anymore!” He seemed so childish now, it was cute.


“Good, I never liked you anyway!” The two just laughed it off before they got into a cab to head into the city. “So, who is the girl you like?” She decided to actually take a part into getting to know him a little better at least.


“Uh…” he stuttered out before he started to look embarrassed about it.


“Is she a girl that I know?” He simply shook his head. “Is she a girl from my school?” Another shake of the head. “A girl from another school?” No again. “An older woman?!”


“NO!” His face scrunched up in annoyance. “The person I like is not a girl!” He added before covering his mouth like he wasn’t supposed to say that out loud. Min Hee was surprised, but not in a negative way. She knew what that meant now, he was playing for the same team.


“Wow, that’s interesting!” She managed to say. “So who is he?” She asked like she did before, as if it didn’t phase her now.


“You’re not disgusted?” He asked softly, he looked so worried.


“Disgusted? Why?!” She asked feeling a little hurt that he’d assume such a thing. “I honestly don’t care who you love, as long as you’re happy. That’s all the really matters, right?” Soonyoung was stunned by her honesty and he was glad that his temporary fiancée was so understanding.


“Thank you.” He said quietly with a small smile.


“No problem.” She gave him a bright smile before she repeated her question from before and laughed when he got flustered about it. “Is he someone I know~?”


“Maybe.” He mumbled while looking out the backseat window.


“Does he go to your school.”




“Is he handsome?”


“Of course!”


“Is he among your friends?”




“I caught that!” She pointed with huge smile. “That really narrowed it down for me!” His pouting was adorable but she figured she was done teasing him for now. “I’ll ask more questions another time then~!”




JR was in the back of the arcade by himself after eating at the mall’s food court. He still hadn’t gone home after leaving the boarding house this morning. He wasn’t sure if everyone had calmed down yet or not, but he’d tell you he could care less.


The image of Nari tearing up and running off after calling him a jerk suddenly plagued his mind and he groaned while pulling his hoodie over his head. He never meant for her to get angry at him like that. He didn’t mean to get anyone angry at him. I really don’t know how to express myself, huh? He started to feel bad about the things he said earlier. He honestly didn’t know how Ren’s been feeling, so that was why he even said those things. But now that he thought about Nari hating him and never seeing her the same way again, maybe he could understand now. If he got kicked out for his behavior, he’d never see Nari if she never came to see him.


I’m such an idiot. He thought after letting his head meet the wall behind him. Even if it didn’t seem like it to others, he did care a lot for Nari. He really didn’t want to ruin that. Maybe I should apologize. He snickered at himself for even thinking it was a maybe situation. He had to apologize for sure if he wanted to stay in that boarding house and if he wanted Nari to stop hating him.


“Do you have nyctophilia, too?” A soft voice suddenly asked and JR almost jumped in his spot on the floor. He could tell that voice was familiar but he really doubted he actually heard it. When he looked around for the source, he spotted Ren standing a few feet away from him. He was near one of the arcade machines. The place JR was sitting at was in the corner of the arcade. There were two arcade machines on either side of the adjacent walls creating a small dark and empty space for him to hide.


“Is that really you?” JR asked while rubbing his eyes, he wondered if it was his mind playing tricks on him. He knew Ren was the main person he had to apologize to because of his careless comments, what if his brain made him think he was there right now?


“Yes.” Ren nodded before coming a bit closer and he knelt down. “Are you hiding?”


“Not really.” JR muttered before he scooted over a bit to allow Ren to sit next to him. The blonde took the small invite and took a seat next to him and they sat in silence for a few moments before JR spoke again. “I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay.” Ren assured him. “Hana told me what happened. I guess they took your words the wrong way.” He added and JR looked over at him, a bit confused on what he was saying. “I know you didn’t mean to sound negative but it came off that way, didn’t it?”


“I guess.”


“I want to be honest. I’ve had a bad impression on you since I first came to live at the house, but over time, it’s changed.” Ren explained. “If there’s one thing Min Hee taught me while she was at the boarding house, it was to accept people for who they are.”


“Don’t pull that sappy crap on me.” JR snickered and rolled his eyes but he was a bit touched. It sounded like Ren was starting to understand him, unlike the others. “But I’ll agree on that. Min Hee was a smart and wise girl, that she had to leave.”


“Yes, it was unfortunate… and I hope that you won’t have to leave either. That would also be unfortunate.” Ren said with a small frown.


“Tch, I really doubt anyone would miss me if I left.” JR was in denial. It was hard for him to believe that someone he doesn’t know all that well yet would actually miss him, after the comments he made about him and his blunt behavior.


“I might not know you that well, but I think I would. The house would be missing something again.” Ren explained while resting his chin on his knees and hugged his legs close to his chest. “I really don’t want to see anyone leave again.”


“... well now I feel like a real jerk.” JR sighed. “Thanks for coming out here to talk to me. I didn’t think you were capable of that yet.”


“You’re welcome.” Ren managed to give him a small smile. “It was definitely hard, but I was worried about you.”


“Okay, okay, you can stop with the sympathetic words and cliché feelings.” JR held up his hand to stop Ren from speaking. His head twitched like he got the chills. “We can go back to the house and I’ll apologize to everyone, just stop with the mushy stuff already.” His words elicited a small laugh from Ren and the sound seemed to make JR feel better. They were getting along now, weren’t they?


“I’m glad to see you’re in a better mood.” Ren said before he stood up and proceeded to help JR up from his spot on the floor.


“Yeah, whatever.” JR mutter before passing him like he was embarrassed. He wasn’t used to anyone but Nari being nice to him. “Thanks, let’s go home now.” He added. With that he and Ren headed out of the arcade and hailed a cab home together. Ren managed to remain stable while he was out with JR. Perhaps it was because he was with someone he knew or he was focused on spotting Min Hee out in public… he wished he could run into her during her winter break, at least just once. Unfortunately, that wasn’t today, but he’d try again tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that…




“You’re telling me that I can go out and see Soonyoung as much as I want?” Min Hee asked her mother the next morning during breakfast.


“Yes.” She nodded with a calm expression. “I realize that arranged marriages are difficult. If allowing you to get to know him better without restrictions will help, then I might as well let you.”


“I still don’t think it’s fair that I’m being forced to marry someone I don’t have any real feelings for.” Min Hee let out a long sigh. “I’m going to divorce him once I’m old enough, it’s really just a waste of everyone’s time… can’t you see that?”


“How can you say something like that?” Her father frowned. “You’re being inconsiderate of Soonyoung’s feelings.”


“I know he doesn’t like me like that, trust me.” She gave them a knowing look. “Don’t you see how rude he is to me? If anything, you two are the inconsiderate ones about my feelings.”


“We’re done talking about this.” Her mother said before she got up from her seat to clean up her used dishes. “When you’re done with breakfast, go up to your room and study. You may go out for lunch since you were very cooperative during your exams.”




“Yes. I’m leaving for work now.” The older woman said in that same calm expression before leaving the kitchen to get ready. That left Min Hee and her father alone and it was quiet.


“You know… I didn’t know how bad it was until this marriage came about.” Her father suddenly broke the silence between them. “I didn’t realize how strict your mother has been on you… I’m sorry Min Hee.”


The girl just sat there and blinked a couple of times. She had to wonder if she was imagining things right now. “Uh…”


“I feel like the worst father on the planet for siding with your mother and playing along with her strict behavior, the last time I didn’t go along with the scoldings she was mad at me for weeks. I thought it was for your own good, so I just went with it since I was so busy with work these past few years. But that should be no excuse. I’m just a weak man who lets his wife make all the decisions now.”


“Dad, if that’s how you feel, you need to say something!” Min Hee scolded him and that surprised him, naturally. His own wife and now his daughter. “I really don’t know what mom’s problem is, but I wish you could talk to her and find out what it is, because I’m suffering from it now. She’s been so cruel to me ever since I messed up my grades. Sometimes her punishments go too far… I hate it. It makes me want to run away!” By now there were tears welling in her eyes. “At this rate, I just might run away, or worse…”


“... Min Hee, I’m so sorry.” It was heartbreaking for him to see his daughter cry in front of him. He hadn’t truly sat down and talked with her for several years now and it just hit him suddenly, she had grown up so much and he missed all of it. He was never there for her like he should have been, he had left his wife to do that because it was stereotypical for the fathers to work and the mothers to take care of the family. He really regretted having that mindset. His poor daughter was suffering because of that now.


“I was doing just fine until she started to boss me around again. Then she made me move back home and blamed everyone at the boarding house for my poor grades when she knows I sabotaged them myself! Ever since that day, I’ve been stuck at home studying for hours on end by myself! I don’t have a social life anymore and I’m constantly missing my friends from the boarding house, this is torture. How can anyone live like this? It’s not fair! Now I’m being forced to marry into another family simply because they’re successful, I’m only 18! I don’t get a say in my life anymore?”


“I’m sorry.” Was all her father could say. He clearly looked guilty, but obviously that wasn’t going to cut it.


“Please, talk to mom and fix this, because I promise you… I will run away and you’ll never see me again.” With that, Min Hee got up from the table and left up to her room. Her father was left behind to do some serious thinking, but he wasn’t sure how he was going to fix this situation in the end. It seemed like his choices were to not do anything and his daughter disappear or go against his wife and end up with a divorce. Both of them were very important to him and he couldn’t simply pick one over the other. What should I do? Should I look into family counseling? That could possibly be a solution, though, he was sure his wife was going to refuse and say they didn’t have a problem. But it was worth a try, he had to make an effort at least.




It was noon when Ren came out of his dark room. The event from yesterday took a toll on him and he had slept in a bit late, but it was fine since none of the other housemates bothered him. They were all too scared to come to his room anyway, everyone but Minhyun.


“Good afternoon, Ren. Did you sleep well?” Minhyun asked with a kind smile. He was currently preparing lunch, but it didn’t look like he was cooking for a lot today. “The others went out for lunch, but I thought to stay since I didn’t really feel like going out.”


“I see.” Ren nodded with a small smile. When he and JR got home yesterday, he made sure JR apologized to everyone, including Nari and they were all forgiving and accepted him with open arms. He supposed they had all gone to their usual ways and went out together since it was winter break. Nari had been saying they should enjoy their break to the fullest and even had a bunch of events planned out. Ren said he’d try to go to one of them before the break is over, but he couldn’t make any serious promises.


Like always, they were understanding about his limitations but they couldn’t deny he had made a lot of progress since he first came to the boarding house. Before, he wouldn’t even come out of his room for anything but the bathroom. Now he was able to go out into public by himself! Speaking of which… Maybe I can go out for dinner instead. I wouldn’t want to leave Minhyun here by himself. He thought before Minhyun asked him to set the table for them.


While he was in the dining area setting the table, he heard the front door open. He thought it was their housemates returning, but it sounded like there was only one person entering. Maybe one of them had returned early or something. He was naturally curious and headed over to see who it was and practically froze in his spot. There stood Min Hee at the front door with a bright smile on her face.


“My parents let me come out for lunch, but they didn’t specifically say where I should be going.” She said while taking off her shoes and took a few steps forward. “The food was always amazing here. Table for one, please?” She added with a small giggle when Ren continued to stare. “Hello?”


“Sorry!” He apologized and let out a sheepish laugh. “I just didn’t think I’d see you so soon like this.”


“That’s okay!” She assured him before happily skipping her way over to him. “I missed you!” She said before she grabbed him into a tight hug. “I’m sure you missed me too, right?”


“Of course I did.” He said while wrapping his arms around her in the same way she was holding him. It was like they were two lovers who had been separated for years! They were innocently enjoying the moment as close friends who had been separated for so long until Minhyun walked in and cleared his throat.


“What a surprise.” Minhyun said with a smile before Min Hee quickly gave him a hug as well, but Ren could clearly see it wasn’t the same as the hug she gave him. And that really made him think about if she might feel the same about him like he does her. “Should you be here?”


“I’m not sure, I was telling Ren that my parents let me come out for lunch, but they didn’t specify where I had to go. I figured there were no limits and so I came straight here!”


“I’m glad you were thinking of us.” Minhyun chuckled before he noticed Ren was looking a bit flustered. “Too bad I need to run an errand right now. But at least you can keep Ren company while I’m out.”


“Really?” Min Hee frowned since she thought she’d spend some time with the both of them together. “Well, hopefully I can come out again real soon.”


“Fingers crossed,” Minhyun said while crossing his fingers. “Have fun while I’m out, okay?”


“We sure will!” Min Hee said happily and the two followed him to the door and waved after he got to the gate.


“I think he left on purpose.” Ren pointed out after they shut the front door.


“Did he?” She looked confused and it was quite adorable to him. Did he understand the situation and she didn’t?


“Maybe.” He chuckled before he gestured for her to follow him to the kitchen. They completed the food Minhyun was making and took it to the table to eat. It had only been a week since they last saw each other so they didn’t have a lot to catch up on, but he told her about the events of yesterday.


“I’m glad to hear you’ve been getting along better with the other housemates, especially JR. I know Minhyun and I made out like he’s a terrible guy at first, but we were also still getting to know him at the time as well.” JR had been the last one to join the boarding house. He had moved in at the beginning of the year, two months before Ren.


“When I heard what was going on, it kind of reminded me of my situation and when I first started staying here. You gave me a chance and did your best to understand me, I thought I should do the same for JR.”


“Aw, I’m proud of you. Even though I said you didn’t have to change, you did, but in a good way.” Min Hee said with teary eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to be a part of it all…”


“It’s okay.” He assured her with a sad smile. “You were still with me through Tiffany.”


“Oh, right!” His comment made her laugh and his sad smile cheered up a bit. “Speaking of Tiffany, how is she and Chucky?”




“Ah, Hello Mrs. Lee!” Soonyoung said after answering his phone.


“Hello, Soonyoung.” The woman greeted on the other line. “I was hoping that you could take my daughter out for dinner tonight since I’m working late. Her father is also busy with work as well and we don’t want her to be alone.” After hearing Min Hee’s complaint about her parents, he really wanted to scoff and call them out on it. But he supposed he should keep in mind the little deal he and Min Hee made yesterday while they were out.


“Sure, no problem.” He agreed to it before exchanging a few more words and the call ended.


“Who was that?” The handsome guy sitting across from him asked.


“Remember the thing I told you about the other week? The arranged marriage? That was her mother… she wants me to take her daughter out for dinner since they won’t be home until late.”


“Ah, I see.” The guy nodded with an understanding look. “What’s wrong?”


“Aren’t you jealous?” Soonyoung pouted. “I just said I have to take my fiancée out to dinner.”


“Do you want me to be jealous?” He laughed. “I already understand the situation, there’s no need for jealousy here!” Because he was actually Soonyoung’s boyfriend. He was the guy Soonyoung said he liked.


“Well, damn. I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I actually married her then, huh?” Soonyoung pouted while folding his arms.


“Go ahead.” The other laughed. He knew Soonyoung was just being difficult now. He always got like this when he didn’t react like a normal boyfriend would.


“I find it funny since her last name is also Lee, like yours.” His boyfriend’s name was Lee Seokmin.


“At least you’re marrying a Lee.” Seokmin grinned.


“Not funny!” Soonyoung continued to pout. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you about my meetings with Min Hee anymore.” He added before getting up to leave.


“Maybe you shouldn’t.” Seokmin said with a teasing smile. “I might get super jealous.”


“Whatever!” Soonyoung huffed before leaving the table. Seokmin only laughed before he got up to follow after him and took his hand into his when they left the cafe and headed down a sidewalk that wasn’t too busy. It was a secret that they were dating, but only to Soonyoung’s parents.


“I probably should tell Min Hee that we’re dating. She already knows that I like a guy… I probably shouldn’t keep her in the dark.”


“That might be a good idea. I don’t want her suddenly falling for you later on. I’ll be so jealous then.”


“Okay, you can stop with the jealous comments.” Soonyoung pouted for the nth time today. But Seokmin loved seeing his expressions and only continued to tease his boyfriend until Soonyoung eventually started laughing instead of pouting.




After Min Hee and Ren were done eating lunch at the table, they headed to his room to visit with Chucky and Tiffany. His room was still dark and scary, but she remembered what he had said to her before and focused on Ren so she wouldn’t be too scared. The night light was supposed to help but it wasn’t making a huge difference in the end.


“Hi, Chucky… Hi, Tiffany.” She managed to say with a small wave. “Long time no see.”


“They’ve really missed you.” Ren said cutely.


“I’ve missed them, too.” Her expression relaxed. She was amused though, how normal this seemed to her now, talking with two scary dolls from horror films. Ren sure change her in some ways, too.


“I’ve been thinking…” Ren said after they sat together on the floor against the wall on either side of Chucky and Tiffany. “Should Chucky and Tiffany get married once school resumes again?”


“The wedding?” She asked with a smile but it faltered when she was reminded of her own pending arranged marriage. “Sure.”


“Really? Or should we wait until Spring when the weather is nicer?”


“Maybe that would be better.” She agreed with a small nod. He smiled again and started to talk to the pair of dolls and asked them about what they’d want for their wedding? It was cute to see Ren get excited about it, but she knew she had to tell him the news and she had a feeling he wasn’t going to be excited about a real marriage…


She couldn’t be so sure if Ren felt the same way as she did, but she was sure he wouldn’t be happy about the arranged marriage simply because he doesn’t like the way her parents treat her. She knows he really cares about her, if she’s not happy then most likely he wouldn’t be happy. I wish things were different. She watched Ren with an adoring look as he continued to make small talk with his dolls. He seemed happy, and she was sure it had to do with her being there. They’ve missed each other so much, romantically or not. I wish I had been a normal girl without strict parents, and he be a normal boy but still the same as he is now… she did understand maybe she might have not given Ren a chance had her status been different, she probably would have been freaked out but on the other hand, she honestly felt like fate would have brought them together somehow.


The more she thought about it, the more the sting in the back of her eyes started to grow. She really wished things were different. She even started to think negative things, things like... Things would have been easier had I not fallen in love with Ren. It was something she didn’t want to regret, but it was true, things would have been a lot easier if she hadn’t fallen in love with him. Being away from him wouldn’t have been so hard. This arranged marriage with Soonyoung wouldn’t have been so stressful. She would have still tried to get out of it, but it wouldn’t have hurt so much… Why couldn’t it have been Ren that I have to marry?


“Min Hee, are you alright?” Ren’s soft voice caught her attention and she realized she had started to cry. She didn’t mean to, but she supposed she couldn’t help it anymore.


“Ren, there’s something I have to tell you.” She said and wiped her tears away.


“What is it?”


“It has to do with marriage.” The moment she said that word, his heartbeat started to pick up. He wondered if she was going to possibly ask him to marry her like he was planning to ask her! But he didn’t understand why she was crying? “My parents. They’ve gone and arranged a marriage for me to another successful family. I didn’t think they’d go that far, but they did.” He knew why now. This was the complete opposite of what he wanted to hear and he was left speechless. He started to feel conflicted emotions and they were all negative.


“You’re getting married?”


“Yes. In the Spring.” She answered. Even though she was avoiding his eyes, she could sense that made him upset. “My fiancé is from the boys school across from mine.” Ren remained quiet as she went on to explain the situation. “But honestly, I don’t want to marry him.”


“You don’t?” He had been thinking maybe she thought about giving this unknown fiancé a chance, that maybe she’d grow to love him or something.


“Yeah, I don’t. We’re both trying to figure out ways to get out of this marriage. I even talked to my dad about it. Hopefully he can talk to my mother and fix it. She’s the one who’s been making all the decisions while he just went along with it because he was more focused on his work. I couldn’t believe it. I feel kind of betrayed that he would let my mom go this far.”


“I’m sorry, Min Hee, I had no idea.” He felt so bad for her, and he really didn’t know what he could do for her now? He felt so useless right now.


“There’s no need to be sorry…” she sighed. “But… if getting out of the marriage doesn’t work, I do have a backup plan.”


“You do? What is it?”


“I’ll run away.” She said calmly. “I’ll disappear and they’ll never see me again.”


“Min Hee… don’t.” Ren said a bit serious. “I know you’re upset, but running away is not the answer.” He added. “You even told me this before… running away from the problem is only a temporary fix.” He could tell those words affected her and she looked guilty now in the dim glow of the nightlight nearby. “Do you really want to leave everyone behind like that and be alone?”


“... at least I wouldn’t be forced to do things anymore.” She pointed out, but it was clear by her tone that she knew she was wrong.


“Min Hee, stop.” Ren got up from his spot and took a step over to stand in front of her. He knelt down and reached out to take her left hand into his and held it tight. “Don’t run.”




“Don’t do it.” He helped her stand up and brought her into a tight embrace. “Don’t leave me a second time.” Those words alone broke her heart. She couldn’t believe how selfish she was, how inconsiderate she was… about Ren’s feelings. It was clear he cherishes their friendship, how could she throw it away over trying to escape this arranged marriage. “I don’t know how the marriage can be stopped, but promise that if it isn’t, that you won’t run away?”


She didn’t have to think about it this time. “I won’t. I promise.” Because she really couldn’t bare leaving Ren a second time.


“Good.” He was happy to hear it. “You should go now.”


“Go?” She frowned when they parted from their hug. “So soon, but why?”


“I’d hate for you to get caught here…”


“Me too.” She sighed. “But I’ll try to visit again soon… okay?”


“I’ll be here, waiting.” He gave a cute smile.


“Thank you, Ren. For talking some sense into me… I appreciated it.” She had a smile of her own before she leaned up to give him a kiss to his cheek. He seemed surprised and she giggled at that. She figured he was too innocent to get the hint just yet about her feelings, but she’d second guess that when Ren kissed her on the cheek before parting at the front door.


She stared up at him in surprise while holding her hand over the spot he kissed. He just smiled and pointed up at the top of the door frame where a mistletoe was hanging. Right. “... Merry Christmas.” She managed to say in a shy voice. “I forgot about it.” With all the stress she’s been under, she didn’t realized the holidays were already here and passing. “If I would have known, I would have brought you a present!”


“That’s okay.” He assured her. “Seeing you today is my present.” He pointed out and that made her feel better. Seeing him was her present, too. “Be careful on getting home!” He said and fixed her scarf around her neck before he opened the door. “Don’t catch a cold!”


“I won’t.” She chuckled. “Bye for now.” She gave a small wave and he did the same. It was bittersweet leaving, but she knew she’d be returning one way or another. Wait for me… Ren.




“What are you doing here?” Min Hee asked when she finally made it home and saw Soonyoung waiting outside of her parent’s house.


“Your mom called and told me to take you out for dinner since she won’t be home until late. Your dad, too.” For once she really didn’t care about it and was more glad.


“I didn’t think they’d have to work on a holiday, but I guess it can’t be helped.” She shrugged. “Where should we go, are there any places even open?”


“Don’t worry, leave this to me!” Soonyoung smiled brightly. She smiled in response and started to follow him.




“We’re home! Sorry for leaving you home alone this whole time, Ren!” Nari and Hana ran over to give said person a hug. He was shocked but didn’t push them off this time. He was getting used to their affection.


“It’s okay.” He assured them.


“He’s right.” Minhyun pointed out. “He wasn’t really alone anyway.”


“He wasn’t?” Sun Hee asked with a confused expression. “Oh right… his dolls.” Now she understood.


“No, Min Hee was here earlier.” Minhyun corrected.


“She was?! Why didn’t you tell us!” The girls including Aron and Baekho started to attack him, gently though, gently.


“Because!” He laughed. “They deserved a little alone time together. It just seemed like perfect timing since it’s Christmas too. Santa must’ve heard Ren’s wishes.” Everyone but Ren and JR cooed at that and they couldn’t help but chuckle at it. This bunch were certainly a handful. Too bad Min Hee wasn’t a part of it, but there was hope that she could be a part of their silly bunch in the near future. With that, Minhyun left to the kitchen to start preparing their Christmas dinner while the rest of the housemates exchanged last minute gifts with each other.


Ren was extra happy when JR quietly handed him a present, he didn’t think he would, but he did. “Thank you.”


“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” JR snickered and Ren smiled. He was getting used to JR’s persona at least. When he opened the preset he was even more happy, it was one of Lady Gaga’s recent CDs, though he was sure he had this one already until he saw it was a special edition.


“Thank you, JR.”


“No problem.” He said with another snicker before holding out his hand. “Where’s mine?”


“Oh, uh… I’m sorry. I didn’t get you anything.” Ren apologized and hid behind the present he got. “I didn’t realize it was Christmas already, so I didn’t have time to buy presents.” JR stared at him for a few seconds before laughing. “Uhh…?”


“It’s okay.” He assured him. “Accepting me as a friend yesterday is good enough.” He really meant it.




“Yeah… thanks.” JR’s expression was soft and it made Ren happy. It was like JR was changing in a good way.


“No problem.” Ren said before suddenly he was pulled into a little group hug by Nari.


“AWH~! It’s so nice to see you two getting along! I’m so happy I think I’m going to cry!” She sobbed.


“You are crying!” JR complained. The girl cried even harder while the rest of their friends laughed at the scene of Nari smothering the two guys with her love. Ren even laughed and it warmed Minhyun’s heart. He was glad Ren could have fun with the rest of the housemates during his first Christmas with them. It was unfortunate that Min Hee couldn’t be there with them, but there was always next year, right?




“I brought someone, is that okay?” Soonyoung asked to what Min Hee assumed, one of his older friends.


“Sure, that’s okay!” He said with a happy smile. “Welcome!” He greeted to Min Hee. “I’m Seungcheol.”


“Hi, I’m Min Hee.” She said back softly. She didn’t know where Soonyoung brought her, it was a pretty large mansion, maybe even larger than the one she stayed in before.


“It’s nice to meet you, Soonyoung told us about you.” Seungcheol gestured for them to follow. “I didn’t think he’d bring you around.”


“Well, her parents aren’t home, not even for Christmas. Her mom called and requested I bring her out for dinner since she’d be alone. I figured to bring her here!”


“You did good, Hoshi.” Seungcheol patted him on the head and Min Hee couldn’t help but giggle at how it was like Soonyoung enjoyed that praise like a true puppy before he snapped out of it and smacked the older’s hand away when he realized he was being watched. “Fair warning, there are a lot of us, but we’re all friendly!”


Min Hee wasn’t sure what he meant by that until they entered what seemed to be the dining area and there were three big tables that were packed with people. Mostly guys but some girls were among them as well. It felt like she entered a section of a high school cafeteria or something!


“Everyone, can I have your attention!” Seungcheol called out, but no one paid attention. “Everyone!” He called again and still no reaction. “Yah!” He pouted and stepped back to flash the lights off and back on. That sure got everyone’s attention. “Ehem, glad I got your attention now.” He said it as if he wasn’t the one who flipped the lights off. “We have someone new joining us for dinner. She’s the fiancée  from the arranged marriage Hoshi told us about. He said her parents were working late tonight and wouldn’t be home, despite it being Christmas. if you can all welcome her and be nice~!”


“Hello, Min Hee~!” Everyone said all at once.


“...! U-uh, hello!” She managed to say back.


“Go pick a seat, any seat!” Soonyoung said with encouragement before giving her a small push towards one of the tables with an empty seat, then he was off to sit next to his boyfriend. She frowned at the fact he just ditched her, but she supposed it would be fine. It’s not like she had a problem sitting with strangers. No… not in the slightest. Damn. She couldn’t help but stand there feeling nervous about meeting all these new people. Suddenly she felt like this was probably how Ren felt when he first came to their boarding house. Except there weren’t this many people!


“It’s okay!” She heard a girl’s voice snap her out of it. The girl had gotten up and approached her while she was zoning out. “Really nice, Hoshi, ditch your fiancée  for your boyfriend!” The girl said in a scolding tone. “You can sit with us!” She smiled and helped guide Min Hee to the table she came from. “Let me introduce everyone~!” She beamed after they were seated. “I’m Soo Min. This is my boyfriend, Jeonghan. My best friends Won Woo and Jihoon. And our English speaking friend, Joshua~!”


“Hello.” Min Hee managed to say with a sad smile.


“It’s nice to meet you.” They all said with smiles of their own.


“Same.” She nodded before looking down to the empty spot on the table in front of her. She didn’t have any food yet.


“Oh… right.” Soo Min noticed and was about to get up until someone came to the table and sat a plate of food down in front of Min Hee.


“Here. Sorry if there’s anything you don’t like on it.” Soonyoung muttered. “And I didn’t ditch her!” His words were directed at Soo Min this time.


“Are you sure about that?” Jihoon questioned with a raised brow.


“I was just telling Seokmin that I won’t be sitting with him tonight! That’s all!” Soonyoung pouted while sitting next to Min Hee at the table.


“Cut that out, your fiancée is right there.” Won Woo scolded when he noticed she looked upset.


“What’s wrong, Min Hee?” Joshua was concerned.


“Nothing. I’m okay!” She assured them and forced a smile. “I’m just happy Hoshi picked me over his boyfriend.” It was clear she was teasing by the way Soonyoung reacted. The rest of the table laughed. But in truth, she was reminded of the dinners she had with her friends back at the boarding house she used to live at. It was bittersweet. I want to go back, so bad. She really hoped things would work out in her favor and she could be happy, with Ren and the rest of her friends once again. For now, she’d have to settle with Soonyoung and his friends. It really wasn’t so bad, she slowly started to fit in after getting to know them a bit, though, she knew she probably shouldn't get too attached.

Chapter nine~!



TT^TT Poor Min Hee.

Well, hopefully things will all work out for her in the near future~!


Ren won’t be happy with me if it doesn’t happen!


He’s so cute. GAH!


Some of the SEVENTEEN members made a cameo, yay~!

But no worries, I won’t be focusing on them too much.


Despite SVT and NU’EST are from the same company and most fans are fans of both, there are a lot who are not. It’s kind of sad but it’s okay, we just have to respect what others like. As long as they don’t give unnecessary hate, then it’s all good!


I’m hoping to update more this year~

My goal is to finish all my current running fics before I start posting new ones~

It’s not funny how many Ren fics I’ve started offline >.> I need help…



Anyways, until next time~!


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06/12/18: if anyone sees this post, I will try to update this story soon. I'm currently recovering from knee surgery so it's taking time to get back into the swing of things. Please be patient, I'll make it worth it, hopefully! ^^


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Chapter 14: This is one of the first stories I found on this website so I'm glad that you'll still continue it :)
StarSongGalaxy #2
Chapter 14: I hope you feel better soon! It's okay, take all the time you need to take care of yourself :)
Baby117 #3
Chapter 1: You're beautiful too Ren.
ckossi #4
Chapter 10: Loved the chapter!!!!! I'm so happy that he was able to see her and that they are planning to see each other. Her parents are so controlling, it's scary. I love how innocent he is about his feelings for her, he's adorable! Even though she's not in the house to help him improve (yet still staying himself), he's starting to subconsciously improve because he wants to be where he can be reminded of her. His mom's idea of marriage and his reaction to it was cute!

My favorite part (it made me laugh): “Did you like her, too?” … “Yah, I thought we were friends?!” He frowned at his doll’s non-existent reply.
Chapter 9: I dont want her to leave Minki!!!!
Why are her parents so stubborn >.<
ckossi #6
Chapter 9: Aw, T^T... Her parents are stubborn and just self absorbed, not truely thinking about her in the decision.

Poor Ren! Poor Minhee! He should hold her captive in his room or just tell her parents that he's marrying her. Ren! Steal her away~!!!!

You're such a good author! I'm so into you're stories that I actually yell out load and talk to the characters as if they'd hear me.
Chapter 8: I just wanted to let you know that I love this story so much! You have no idea how hard it is for me to find good Ren stories that aren't one shots xD
Like i love it!!
And I can't wait for the next update.
Dont stress so much during college have fun and enjoy it ^^
CraaazzyGeek #8
Chapter 1: Umehito Nekozawa!!! Right? Right?
ckossi #9
Chapter 8: I understand that pain. Even though I only on the website to read rather than writing, sometimes I'm not even able to read anything because of homework from school (I'm in college too). I've been going through fanfic withdrawal and I have so many stories to catch up on. Since the end of my semester is near, my professors (I'm lucky that I only have two classes this semester, but both of them have so many projects as one is a reading/writing course and another is an art course) were nice enough to let us start our finals project early, so now I have more free time when I'm not working on my finals projects. But I really understand your pain. Good luck! You're stories are awesome!
Ae-Seul #10
Chapter 6: Yay! All those gifs are killin me. Too cute!