Chapter3 - The End and the Beginning

Don't Go ❤
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It was a long day for Baekhyun. One more problem was not a big deal. He could handle it all well. When he was ready to get out, Sehun arrived in the dorm. He was in his room at this time, but Baekhyun wasn't ready to stand his pampering. Silent Sehun meant only one thing: y mode activated.

Baekhyun made sure to look fabulous. He always was and he always will be. He wore a grey suit, which fit him perfectly, on his way he would also buy a red rose. One red rose a day keeps the doctors away.. Forget about apples. This was the main rule.

Baekhyun just hoped this ends soon... He didn't even know why he is into it anymore. He should just put an end but, he was not that hardhearted to ignore other people's feelings. So he decided to use another method.. Not a direct method, and the process would be slow. But at least the results would be positive, and it will be more convincing.

He went to Sehun's room and put a big smile on his face. When he knocked on the door, no answer could be heard.

"Sehun-ah, I'm going out"

The thick silence of ignorance enveloped him.

"OK then" Baekhyun took his keys and left Sehun alone with his stubbornness.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he stayed in his car for about fifteen minutes. Then he saw her getting in.

"The first who comes again" Baekhyun checked what time it was. 6:45. And their date was at 7pm. "Coming this early.. kkaebsong". He drove with his car to the nearest florist. But he drove slowly, and he took his time picking this rose.. The florist tried to persuade him how the red roses he's looking at were all the same.

- not when you have to be late. - Baekhyun thought.

"It's for someone really precious for me" Baekhyun demonstrated "so it has to be a special rose"

"The girl who owns your heart is really lucky" the florist's face was blushing.

-you have no idea-

Baekhyun smiled innocently.

"I'll buy this one" he took one rose out of the hundred roses in the pot. This one looked so fresh and redder than the others.

"You know what?"Baekhyun took four more roses and added them to the one he has already picked "I'll take five of them"

That made the florist even more *wow* and in the same time it satisfied Baekhyun..

After he paid, he noticed the florist wants to say something. So he waited and smiled until she says it.

"Can you please.. give me an autograph?"she asked

Baekhyun threw an angelic smile, one of his most charming heart breaking smiles, and took the pen she gave him.


When he got back to the restaurant, the clock showed 7:10 pm. He sighed.. Why did he feel like a jerk? Something was tightening his neck terribly, so he opened the window to get some air. 

He admitted, Hyejin was not a bad girl, but he also admitted that love is not something that can last for too long. Feelings change, people change, and fates change. Was it his fault he felt no affection anymore? He was not sure, But one thing was for sure, he wanted a clear start. 

He will give her those flowers today, tomorrow he will give her only three, after it only one rose, then he will stop seeing her, he will be busy, then his company will "find out" about their little romance, so he will have no other choice. And Hyejin will have to accept it, if she loved him for real.

He took a deep breath, got out of the car, holding the roses, and slammed the door.

Hyejin was so pretty today. She was wearing a caramel dress, her jacket was placed on the back of her chair, and he noticed, she has put on the earrings he had given her when they first started to date. She looked so dashing, that he wondered, is it really over?

But it was. For he was no longer the same person he was before three months.

The awkward silence after he said hi lasted for about two minutes when Baekhyun decided to take the word

"It's over, right?" Hyejin asked him, her black eyes full of agony, but also hatred. She put the roses Baekhyun has given her on the table and took her jacket. She stood up, making him feel like a complete fool. But it wasn't over.. When he opened his mouth to explain it, Hyejin took off her earrings, and threw them right in his face. One of them hit his forehead and all he could think of was how blue his forehead will look tomorrow. The hit area throbbed with pain. Baekhyun stood up and tried to say something once again, and once again he failed.

"I thought you were different" Hyejin said and laughed ironically "I want you to say it".

"Say what?" Baekhyun asked innocently, pretending not to get it.

But he made a mistake, apparently, and he realized only after he got slapped across his left cheek. WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE?

"Say it.. that it's over.. I'm so sick of your games. I'm sick of your idiotic fake smile, I'm sick of your lies, So please, don't turn me into a fool and just put an end to it".

"It's over!" did he make a mistake again? She wanted to hear something else, perhaps? He got slapped by her beautiful white hand once again, his right cheek burning from pain. Hyejin flew out of the restaurant like a bang, and left him there ,contorting his lips in wonder, Baekhyun turned around and put a hand on his cheek, but he wasn't sure which one hurt more.

He felt like an idiot! She has turned him into a complete idiot! This was the first time someone has made him feel worse than trash. But, despite his shame, Baekhyun felt another thing too: freedom! No matter how pretty Hyejin was, he was never getting back to her! EVER! Not after this! Getting slapped twice, waaah. Ani, how exactly can an angel turn into a devil in less than half of a second?!

He got slapped before, but not on both cheeks, this was too much! After a week or two, she will come back kneeling to him to get back to her, but oh... he won't do it.. Not after the daring action she made.

Baekhyun sat on the chair again, poured some wine and downed it one shot, then he called Chanyeol.


"Chanyeol, it's me! I'm clubbing this night! You coming?"

"Ya! Clubbing again? Who did you dump this time?" Chanyeol's reproachful tone bothered him even more.

- She was the one who dumped me this time - he thought.

"It was all hopeless from the very start"

"Aigoo, ashh.."

- He won't come.. Then I'll go alone - 

"Forget it, see you later" He almost hung up, when Chanyeol's deep voice exploded in his ear.

"I'll come.. But let's not stay for too long"

"See you then"

- Not for too long.. Forever will be enough - 








D.O was worried when his mother called him. She said the girl was waiting for 15 minutes now. But D.O calmed her down. He was already in the cafe, looking for her. She has to be here somewhere.. ah! He noticed the girl in the end of the room. Recognized her by the photo he saw of her earlier: Her beautiful silk like honey-color hair fell heavily on her shoulders. Her blue ripped jeans fit perfectly on her skinny legs, her white shirt was casually tucked in her jeans, giving her a sense of style. When he got closer, he saw her face clearly. She almost wore no make up, but was of no need for it. Her wide natural eyes smiled when she saw him, her prettily shaped lips opened only to show her white, straight teeth. He could also noticed she was tired.

She stood up and bowed several times


D.O bowed back 

"Sit please" and tried to smile naturally, even tho he was more than sure he looked like he is feeling uncomfortable at the moment. The girl sat down and crossed her legs. D.O sat down as well, feeling indisposed with his official tuxedo.. Was it too much or she was the one who did not take that date in a serious manner?

"Annyeonghasaeyo" she repeated "It's nice to meet you, Kyungsoo ssi"

"Ah yeah" he bowed again ....... Oh no! Her name was? What was it again? D.O was ready to slap himself millions of times, and nervously drank the water, which he found in front of him. 

"Ahh.. Kyungsoo ssi, I'm sorry I couldn't come to our blind date in more proper outfit.. It's just that I have just finished work, so I did not have enough time to change"

"It's Ok!" D.O immediately reacted "I have just finished too! I apologize about the delay"

"So I'll go straight to the point" the nameless girl added "I did not come here with my own desire"

- Oh - 

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