Chapter: 9

Swordsman: Sovereign

Swordsman: Sovereign


This FanFiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series.


" Speech "


' Thoughts '


Salute = The Bao Quan Li - the wrap fist greeting/Fist Wrapping Rite


Chapter: 9






Dongfang Bubais' aura was one of elegance, grace, and appeal. She knew what she had and knew how to use it to train all eyes on her; especially from the men. To Linghu Chong it reminded him of when they first laid eyes on each other in the brothel. Back then, though his heart was completely given to Yue Lingshan, he quietly admitted to himself that Dongfang Bubai was very tempting; and if not for his relationship with his little martial sister, he might have considered 'getting to know her better'.


As she walked the dress trailed behind her giving everyone an exquisite feel to the atmosphere. The opened white umbrella also added to this effect as it gave her the look of an gentle maiden. Even if that was the farthest thing from what the former cult leader actually was.


The dress she wore was simple in design, yet elegant. For her, the colors signified who she was. The red, as the brazen and strong former cult leader Dongfang Bubai, the white as Madam Linghu, the wife of the hero Linghu Chong.


In truth, she was going to wear something much more revealing, but Linghu Chong would have none of that, as he had threatened to put a blanket on her if she did, which immediately caused the former cult leader to quickly scrap the idea.


“South Hengshans' chief is Mo Da. Who are these people?!” Ning Zhongze asked in shock.


“Mother that's them. They are the ones who saved myself and Pingzhi,” Yue Lingshan said pointing towards the pair. Though she to was surprised at the identity of her saviors.


Heroine Ning didn't respond, instead she chose to observe the flamboyant couple. One appeared to be a beautiful young woman, yet kept most of her face covered with a head scarf. The other was even more oddly dressed as he wore a regal, expensive looking white robe. Though that was not the odd thing about him she noted. It was the white and red fox mask he wore which completely concealed his face except for his nose and mouth.


Flamboyant and odd they appeared to be, but everyone could feel the sense of power they emanated.


'What strange people. Yet for some reason I feel like I've met them somewhere before. Especially the one in the mask...' Ning Zhongze said racking her brain to figure out if she had met either person before.


Wang Zhongqiang who had hurried back after being instructed by his father to greet the rest of the guest's while he took care of Lin Pingzhi arrived just as the last of the rose pedals hit the ground. He was taken aback as the couple approached him, but quickly composed himself remember the task his father instructed him to do.


“Ah...May I know the names of the ones who succeeded Master Mo Da as chief of South Hengshan?” he said politely while saluting.


Dongfang Bubai gazed at the man in contempt after noticing the look of lust in his eyes as he approached her.


Linghu Chong didn't recognize the green robed man. Though he did remember the elder Wang saying something about his other son being away when he was at the compound before.


Linghu Chong though had the nagging feeling he would not like him any better then his brother.


“No you may not,” Linghu Chong said flatly as he and his wife walked past the now embarrassed and speechless man.


“A bit harsh weren't you? Usually that's my area,” Dongfang Bubai said teasingly.


“And you do that very well my love,” Linghu Chong replied back with a tease of his own.


Ning Zhongze wearily watched as the pair approached her and Yue Lingshan.


'I still can't shake this feeling that I know them. But from where? I can't recall ever meeting such people before.' she thought a bit exasperated as her memory drew a blank.


She reasoned perhaps it was just her imagination. Though her intuition kept telling her otherwise.


“Mistress...” Linghu Chong whispered.


Dongfang Bubai quickly grabbed his right arm and leaned closer to his ear.


“Remember why we are here. You are no longer affiliated with Huashan Sect. You must master and steel your emotions or else we came here for nothing...” she whispered.


Linghu Chong let out an exasperated sigh, but knew his wife was correct. To reveal who they were now would curtail their plans and might even bring harm to those of the sect.


“Benefactors this is my mother, mother these are your daughters saviors,” Yue Lingshan said with a large smile as the pair stopped right in front of her.


Dongfang Bubai closed her umbrella. Both her and Linghu Chong then saluted the pair in front of them.


“I've long heard of the renowned Heroine Ning. You are an inspiration to all of us women. It is an honor to finally meet you,” Dongfang Bubai said politely.


“You honor me greatly, Miss?...”


“You may call me Madam Fox,” Dongfang Bubai said smirking.


Linghu Chong chuckled while shaking his head.


“I see...I may not be able to repay you and your husband for saving Ling'er and Pingzhi. On behalf of my husband and all of Huashan Sect I thank you.”


Ning Zhongze tried to bow to the pair but was quickly stopped by Linghu Chong.


“No need Heroine Ning. Little sister Lingshan was in danger, we are just glad we were able to come to her and Lin Pingzhis' aid before something terrible would have happened,” Linghu Chong said warmly.


Ning Zhongze stared at the man before her warmly. Though she still could not shake the nostalgic feeling she could here the sincerity in his voice.


'They obviously don't want their identities revealed. Either way I must be cautious. Given what Ling'er said about the mans skills, his martial arts is extremely high.'


“If I may be so bold to ask. Why do you and your wife keep your identities hidden? You even have used your inner energy to change your voice. Why such secrecy?”


Dongfang Bubai chose to respond to the question, though she liked her 'mother in laws' straight forwardness.


“We all have our secrets don't we Heroine Ning? I'm sure Mr. Yue has things he doesn't wish other people to know about...Allow us to do the same. In due time you will find the answer you seek.”


Ning Zhongze was taken aback by the answer, which further added to her suspicion.


'Do they know something about senior martial brother? Do they know he stole the Evil-Warding Swordplay Manual?' she thought with a bit of panic, thinking of the shame it would bring upon all of Huashan Sect if that news were to ever get out.


“Let's not dwell on this though. I'm sure you wish to check on the condition of that cripple son in law of yours,” Dongfang Bubai said bluntly.


Too bluntly in fact, as it served to incite said cripple's wife.


“Hey! How dare you say such a thing?!” Yue Lingshan screamed out.


Ning Zhongze grabbed her daughter's right hand stopping her from going up into Dongfang Bubais' face.


“Why upset little girl, what did I say that wasn't true?” Dongfang Bubai said nonchalantly.


“Forgive my wife's crassness,” Linghu Chong said apologetically. “ I believe what she meant to say is that you must be concerned about Hero Lin's condition and shouldn't waste time here talking to us,” he said while giving Dongfang Bubai a stern look.


“Why are you apologizing. Is he not a cripple? And a lame one at that,” she said sounding completely unapologetic.


Yue Lingshan was close to exploding. She now knew without a doubt the woman in front of her completely hated her. But the reason for such contempt no longer mattered. She refused to take such treatment any longer.


“Brother Fox is indeed a good person. Unlike the beast he married,” Yue Lingshan spat out venomously.


Linghu Chong immediately put a restraining hand on his wife's left shoulder. Knowing that if he didn't his little martial sister may lose her life.


'Or in the very least be beaten within an inch of her life. I should have known this would happen. They didn't like each other back on Mount Huashan and I doubt they will ever get along,' he thought a bit exasperated.


“Little girl, if it weren't for my husband, I would feed you to the stray dogs! Be careful, if you keep talking you might just 'disappear' mysteriously!” Dongfang Bubai said coldly.


Ning Zhongze and Linghu Chong knew Dongfang Bubai was completely serious about the threat. Even Yue Lingshan could tell it wasn't an idle threat, as a tingle of fear spread through out her body, but her anger got in the way of her better judgment as she continued the verbal spar.


“What was that?!” Yue Lingshan again tried to go up into Dongfang Bubai face but was still being restrained by her mother.


Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand and that some of the other guests were turning their attention towards them. Ning Zhongze sought to pacify the situation as best she could.


“Lets not let our temper's get the better of us. Myself and Ling'er appreciate all that you two have done. If it weren't for your help my daughter and Pingzhi would either be dead or fallen into the hands of Yu Canghai. For this I will be eternally grateful to both of you,” she said kindly.


“We were glad to help Heroine Ning. I would not have been able to live with myself if I could have helped but chose to ignore their plight. How would I be able to properly guide my disciples in the way of chivalry if I didn't?” Linghu Chong responded warmly.


“Good...Good...” Ning Zhongze said impressed by the morality the man in front of her possessed.


“It's indeed shocking news that Senior Mo Da has chosen to relinquish his position as head of South Hengshan. I take it you two are disciples of his? No offense meant, but your eccentric nature and morality are similar to his.”


'Very smart. Using praise then trying to fish for information. She is not such a simple woman,' Dongfang Bubai thought slightly impressed.


“In a sense yes...My husband was/is being tutored by Senior Mo Da in how to be a proper sect leader,” Dongfang Bubai said with a bit of an amused tone, which Linghu Chong picked up on; knowing that his wife was referring to Mo Da's scolding about his drinking habits.


“I see...It is odd that he would suddenly retire. Is he in good health?” Ning Zhongze asked with concern.


“Senior Mo Da has grown weary of this world. After the death of his junior Liu Zhengfeng he had been contemplating retiring all together. But with the recent trouble's involving the Sun Moon Holy Cult and that scoundrel Zuo Lengshan, he has put it off until now. Do not worry he is in good spirits and still has his vigor. If you wish to verify for yourselves you are welcome to come back with us once the celebration here is over.”


Ning Zhongze stared at the woman in front of her silently as she contemplated what she just heard. It seemed strange to her that someone of Mo Da's caliber would just suddenly retire without even sending out notice to the other sects.


'Though he can be very eccentric, so what she said could possibly be the truth. But, it still seems so strange...'


“If this old woman wouldn't be too much of a burden to you then I would like to pay my respects to him before returning to Mount Huashan.”


“Of course...” Dongfang Bubai said seeing her bluff was called.


“Though how do you know we are saying the truth about elder Mo Da. How do you know we won't hold you hostage to use against Yue Buqun or even harm you in some other way?” Dongfang Bubai said coldly.


A chill went up Ning Zhongze spine as she gazed into the woman's ice cold eyes. All of her instincts were telling her that the person in front of her was extremely dangerous, and saying or doing the wrong thing may result in the loss of her life. But as she turned her attention to the woman's husband, she could see a strange sense of warmness, dare she say affection in his eyes which to her surprise helped to calm her nerves.


“That is indeed possible. But, I trust that you and your husband are not such people. Though I don't fully understand why, I feel that I can trust you both,” she said more referring to Linghu Chong.


“Well said Heroine Ning, well said,” Dongfang Bubai said in an approving manner.


The former cult leader wasn't upset or even flustered that they would now have an unexpected passenger when they returned to South Hengshan. Instead her admiration for the legend of the martial arts world grew. She hoped that when the truth was revealed about who she really was, that she and the woman who her husband thought of as a real mother could become like a real mother and daughter in law; or realistically, as close as they could manage.




An hour passed, and Lin Pingzhi finally woke up from the blow Linghu Chong had given him. As you can imagine the young martial artist was startled and disorientated when he woke up to darkness, until he remembered about being blinded by the poison of Mu Gaofeng. He put his hand on his face and found a cloth was wrapped around his head, covering his eyes.


“Pingzhi, Pingzhi, thank God you are awake! Do you remember what happened to you? Why are your eyes like this?!”


Lin Pingzhi was again startled until he recognized the voice of his grandfather.


“Grandfather...Grandfather is that really you?!”


“Yes Pingzhi, I and your uncle are here,” Wang Yuanba said relieved that other then his eyes, his grandson otherwise seemed to be in good health.


Lin Pingzhi could feel a wave of relief spread throughout his body. For the first time in what seemed like forever he felt like he was finally able to relax.


“Grandfather...I...I took revenge on Mu Gaofeng...”


“Excellent!” Wang Bofen said with a pleased smile as he stood behind his father.


“But Yu Canghai escaped...” Lin Pingzhi said sadly.


“Don't worry about him for now. That scoundrel knows it's only a matter of time before he to like Mu Gaofeng is dealt with,” Wang Bofen stated coldly.


“Uncle, Grandfather, how did I get here?” Lin Pingzhi asked with genuine curiosity.


“Yue Lingshan and a young man from South Hengshan were carrying you,” the elder Wang replied.


“Yue Lingshan...” he said coldly.


“Is Yue Lingshan around?”


“I'm here Pingzhi,” she said nearly on the verge of tears just happy her husband was still alive.


Pingzhi though didn't return the show of affection which didn't go unnoticed by those in the room.


“Can you please go out for a few minutes. There is something I need to discuss with my grandfather and uncles'.”


Yue Lingshan was surprised but quickly calmed herself once replaying everything that had happened so far. The way her husband reacted to her after he had been initially blinded was startling and she figured that he still suspected her of being in on some sort of scheme to acquire the Evil-Warding Manual.


“I...shall be outside...” she said flatly, as she quickly exited the room.


For the next few minutes Lin Pingzhi told his grandfather all that had taken place since he was in Yue Buquns' care. From how Yue Buqun first excepted him as a disciple to how he forced him to frame Linghu Chong for injuring him and stealing the Evil-Warding Manuel.


“That evil scoundrel!!” Wang Yuanba screamed in rage, as he got up and began to pace around the room.


“He is known as the gentlmen sword. But his real name should be the hypocrite blade,” Lin Pingzhi said disgusted.


“Father, Heroine Ning is hear amongst the guest's. Perhaps we should hold her and his daughter hostage and make that villain come and pay for what he has done,” Wang Bofen stated coldly.


Wang Yuanba contemplated his son's idea. But after a couple of minutes he decided against such an action, for the time being.


“If Yue Buqun really has learned the Evil-Warding Manual, then killing him would be quite difficult unless we can think of a plan first,” the elder Wang stated.


The other reason, and some might say the real reason. Was that the elder martial artist's didn't want his reputation sullied if it were known he had kidnapped two potentially innocent women.


Wang Zhongqiang, the second son, suggested they should hire men to do the kidnapping for them so their role would remain a secret.


Wang Yuanba once again began to pace around the room. This time in deep thought, as he weighed the idea.




Close to midnight...


“Madam is there anything else I can do for you?”


“No, thank you for your help, you may go now,” Yue Lingshan said politely.


The young servant girl, scurried away after being dismissed.


“Pingzhi, here drink some water. The servants said you haven't had anything to eat or drink since we arrived,” Yue Lingshan said softly, while slowly walking up to her husband while holding the bowl of water.


The sound of rain could be heard hitting the windowsill of their room, as the storm continued to rage. The room was located in the back of the compound, away from where the guests were staying for the birthday celebration.


Ning Zhongze was also there in the room, quietly standing near the entrace to the room. She came at the request of her daughter who felt she needed her mother there to make her feel more comfortable. Though Ning Zhongze had her own reasons for agreeing to come, as she also wanted to hear from her son in law herself about the accusations he made against her husband.


“I, Lin Pingzhi, am no longer of use to your Huashan sect. You might as well leave now and report this to your father,” he said from his seat on the bed.


Yue Lingshan looked distressed after her husband finished speaking.


“I don't know why you keep suspecting my father wants to steal the Lin Family's Evil-Warding Manual. Remember that year when you'd just entered Huashan Sect. You asked him to be your master, he never forced you, nor demanded the manual from you. Pingzhi, why do you think we have ulterior motives with you?”


Lin Pingzhi was hardly convinced by his wife's words and simply snorted before replying.


“Our Lin Family's Evil-Warding Manual is world-renowned. That day, Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng couldn't find the manual on my father so they tried to find me. Aren't you the same? If your parents didn't coax you, why would you go to a far away place like Fuzhou and open a small wine shop? Wasn't it to look for the manual as well?” he said in an accusing manner.




“And Yu Canghai's son, actually, that day your martial skills were superior to him. Too bad, this stupid blind person tried to be a hero and save the damsel in distress. I fell into you and your father's trap. It was only later on that I realized your parents treat you like a precious treasure, how could they bear to allow their precious daughter to do such lowly work like pour water and bring food?”


Yue Lingshan gave her husband a solemn look, thinking she had found the source of what she deemed as a misunderstanding.


“That year, father only sent second brother to Fuzhou, I'm the one who was too willful and insisted on going.”


“Your father is very strict to his disciples, if he didn't see fit, even if you kneel for three days and three nights he still wouldn't allow it. The truth is your father didn't trust your second brother. He let you go to keep a eye on him.”


Yue Lingshan sighed heavily before responding. Her heart was breaking bit by bit as the conversation continued.


“Whether you believe it or not, before going to Fuzhou I've never heard of the words Evil-Warding Manual. Father only said, senior brother injured people of Qingcheng Sect which ended up causing a misunderstanding. And that Qingcheng sect was about to cause some trouble to the east, which would be bad for Huashan Sect. So father sent second brother and I to keep an eye on them.”


“Okay, even if everything you said is true. Even if you are not your fathers accomplice. Do you think there's any meaning to it? Do you think that in my current state, if you continue to follow me, that you would find any happiness?”


Lin Pingzhi himself let out a exasperated sigh. Finally realizing that his wife may have been guilty of nothing more then being naive and not deceit like he previously thought.


“Even though we're married by name we're not really husband and wife. You're still a . How about this, you can go and find your senior martial brother, I'm sure he will take you back...”


Ning Zhongze wanted to interject herself into the conversation between husband and wife after the surprising revelation. But she chose to remain silent and continued to stand motionless by the rooms entrance. It seemed like her son in law was oblivious to her presence or perhaps he knew she was there but just did not care.


Yue Lingshan felt embarrassed for that piece of information to be revealed in front of her mother. It was indeed her shame as a new bride. But composing herself she turned to her mother with a sad gaze, before kneeling down and gently grasping her husbands right hand.


“Pingzhi, do you still not know where my heart lies? Senior brother to me is like my blood brother. I respect him like a real brother. After you came to Huashan, day and night, I thought about you, and only you. My feelings for you will never change. No matter where you go, I will go with you, even to the ends of the Earth.”


“You're sure everything you said is true?”


“Yes really....” she said nodding with a smile.


”No matter how I turn out to be you'd still follow me?”


“No matter what you become I'd still follow you. I've made up my mind a long time ago. In this life, I want to be with you. No matter if your eyes recover or not. I will always be with you to take care of you. Until I die, I won't regret it a single day,” she said affectionately.


Yue Lingshan touched her husbands left arm gently; and gazed at him with a large smile.


“Pingzhi...Let me give you my body here...”


The words were said nervously. Normally a respectable woman wouldn't be this forthright; especially when one was a . But given Yue Lingshan wanted to have their relationship cemented by ion she threw her fears and pride away in asking.


“What do you mean?” he said suddenly grabbing her hand and moving it away from his arm.


Yue Lingshan didn't respond aggressively, instead she gently touched his hand with her free hand, which caused him to relax his grip slightly.


“I mean...Tonight, in this room let's consummate our marriage. From now on,

we'll be like real husband and wife,” she said placing her head against his chest.


At this Lin Pingzhi quickly and aggressively shoved his wife away.


“Enough! Go!” he said standing up from the bed and pointing towards a random direction instructing her to leave.


“Pingzhi, what's wrong?” she asked frantically.


“Don't pity me! LEAVE!” he roared.


Now it was Yue Lingshan turn to become angry. With anger and purpose she stood up and got right up in her husbands face.


“You hate me, you hate me right?! After the third day of our marriage, I realized you hate me! But if you hate me, then why did you marry me?!” she screamed in rage.


“I don't hate you...” he responded softly, the guilt from her outcry sinking in.


“You don't hate me? Then why, at day light, in front of my parents you were you so gentle and caring towards me? Yet when night falls, behind closed doors you act like I'm not there. My parents asked me a couple of times about how you treat me. I told them you treat me very well. I lied to my own parents to hide my shame...”


“I don't hate you...But, I hate your father. However, I have to thank you. If you didn't look after me, perhaps, at Mount Huashan I would've died under your father's hands,” he said trying to subtly change the subject.


“What did you say? Why would my father kill you?” she said angrily, apparently falling for his tactic.


“Because you don't know the kind of person your father is. To tell you the truth, ever since you were at Fuzhou the old monk robe was stolen by your father. After he returned he threatened me and told me to accuse your senior brother.”


“That can't be true...” she said in disbelief.


“Think about it, how can Linghu Chong's mix up nonsensical martial arts compare with my Lin Family's Evil-Warding Manual?” he said smugly.


Yue Lingshan grabbed her husband by both arms and began to shake him while she spoke.


“Lin Pingzhi, do you know what you're saying? How can my father be that kind of person? I don't want to hear this nonsense from you anymore. I don't want to hear it!”


She tried to turn around and walk away, but as she was doing so Lin Pingzhi grabbed her by the arm and forced her to turn back around.


“You don't want to listen, then I'll definitely talk!”


“I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it!” Yue Lingshan said like a child throwing a tantrum, as she thrashed back and forth while still in her husbands grip.


“Let me tell you!...” he yelled.


“I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it,” she said trying to cover her ears, as tears were now freely falling, but having her hands brought back down by her husband.


“I'll let you know what kind of person your father is. I'll let you know the truth about my families swordplay!”


Ning Zhongze could hardly believe the heart wrenching scene playing out before her. Seeing the once loving couple reduced to such a pitiful state broke her heart. She was about to interject herself into the conversation and make her presence known to her son in law, until his next statement stopped her cold.


“Listen carefully...My great grand father Lin Yuantu, before becoming royal bodyguard, was originally a monk. Even my father didn't know this. He transcribed the Evil-Warding Manual on a monk's robe. After he returned to secular life he hid the monk's robe at the Buddhist altar in our family's old house in Xiang Yang.”


“All these past events you can't be sure of any of them,” Yue Lingshan said trying to compose herself.


“Normally you would be right. But I am sure because Lin Yuantu clearly wrote the origin of the Evil-Warding Manual on the monk's robe. He even repeatedly stated this martial arts is extremely evil and dangerous. Subsequently to learn it one has to be forever childless.”


This new piece of information caused both mother and daughter to look at Lin Pingzhi intently; and also fear at what the last part of his statement meant.


“At...At first I presumed, the results from learning the manual would have to wait eight to ten years to appear. However, after witnessing everything written on the manual it truly mesmerized me. I couldn't help myself so I began learning it. After learning, I realized that my grandfather wasn't Lin Yuantu's biological son. He's a child he bought. He bought his son and wife so he could avoid the public's scrutiny.”


“Avoid the public? Why would?...” Yue Lingshan stopped speaking too afraid to even think about what this new revelation meant.


“That's right, I kept thinking again and again that I would learn the manual after marrying you. But I couldn't resist its temptation. So that night, inside the cave I opened the monk's robe. I could clearly see written on there, the swordplay's preliminary requirement.”


Lin Pingzhi took a deep breath trying to gather the courage needed to continue.


“The preliminary requirement...To learn the divine skill, castration is necessary,” he said as his bottom lip slightly quivered.




Yue Lingshan found it hard to speak. The horror of what she just heard leaving her in a state of shock.


“You castrated yourself to learn it?!” she asked horrified.


“Correct... Because the Evil-Warding Manual is the essential method to cultivate internal energy. If I don't castrate myself I won't be able to control the energies and will burn myself, and risk becoming paralyzed and then die!”


“Lin Yuantu in the past, to avoid public scrutiny pretended to get married and have kids. Marrying me was also to avoid public scrutiny,” she said her heart breaking for the first time realizing their entire relationship was a lie.


“Correct... However, I was only trying to avoid your father's scrutiny. At first, I was only trying get him to teach me properly so that I could avenge my parents faster. I...I pursued you thinking that if I were in a relationship with his daughter then he wouldn't hold any of Huashan Sect's skills back from me. That was the reason I was so aggressive and did some of the things I did while pursuing you. Now you know the truth. Do you hate me for what I've done?”


Yue Lingshan slowly stepped back. The young woman was in obvious shock and shuck her head slowly, still trying to wrap her head around the things she heard.


'I...I was used as a tool this whole time?...' she thought dejected.


“From the start, I never hated you. Circumstances forced you, you didn't have a choice...” she said while slowly stepping back, still in obvious shock.


The sad attempt to justify being used as a tool for her husbands attempt to gain power was pathetic to hear, let alone see.


Ning Zhongze could hardly believe what she heard. Her heart wept for her only child. Though that was until she along with her daughter realized something else that threatened to send both of their emotions spiraling completely out of control.


“That means my father is also like you? He castrated himself?” Yue Lingshan asked fearfully.


“That's right, he has. But don't be surprised he didn't tell you or your mother. Think about it. He's a sect chief yet castrated himself. If rumors were to spread wouldn't he be a laughing stock? Now do you understand what kind of person your father is? Do you now know what kind of circumstances I'm under?!”


Ning Zhongze silently slumped to her knees. No matter how strong your martial artist may be. The affairs of the heart can bring anyone to a quivering emotional mess.


'H...How could this be possible? How could senior martial brother do this to me his own wife?!' Ning Zhongze thought in despair.


Ning Zhongze just stared blankly ahead, barely registering the on going conversation. She wanted to die at that moment. How could she face her husband in the future knowing now what he had become. How could she face him after finding out the true extent of his betrayal.


“I'm a horrible person. I wrongly blamed senior brother for injuring you. Actually that time, when father said senior brother stole the monk's robe I didn't believe it at first. It was only when his martial arts skills increased immensely so quickly, so that even father couldn't defeat him, that I finally believed it. We grew up together, yet I couldn't tell that he was not a man to do what he was being accused of. Mother is the only person who believed him. I couldn't even...”


“Senior brother, senior brother. Things have gotten to this point, yet every word you say is still senior brother,” he said interrupting her.


Yue Lingshan didn't acknowledge the comment, she only continued to sob against the wall.


“You guessed correctly. Your mother really likes your senior brother. Because of your senior brother your parents fought numerous times. Actually a long time ago, your mother discovered your father's beard was shedding, his voice changed, his behavior was strange. I believe now your mother may also know your father isn't a man anymore.”


Yue Lingshan slumped to the ground, like her mother and began to weep even harder.


“But despite bearing the bitterness of being lied to your mother still tried to persuade your father to stop practicing Evil-Warding Swordplay. She tried to reason with him. She tried to appeal to his pride as a sect leader and also a husband. Your father is a very good actor. He pretended to give up practicing, and even tried to further deceive her by throwing away the monk's robe outside the window.”


Lin Pingzhi knelt down next to his wife. Not out of trying to comfort her; as was his duty as a husband. No, he wanted to make sure every word he spoke sunk in.


“It's truly like the saying, Heaven helps those who have faith. That night, I was outside their window eavesdropping. Right then, the monk's robe, out of no where, fell right into my hands. But your father isn't so simple. He'd already memorized the manual. He threw it away to temporarily suppress your mothers anger and suspension.”


Lin Pingzhi stood up and took a few steps away from his distraught wife.


“What kind of person your father is? I think you now know.”


Yue Lingshan still couldn't bring herself to believe the things she had heard. A part of her wanted to think Lin Pingzhi was lying to her, but in her heart she knew what was spoken, though horrifying, was the truth.


'Madam Lin, why does your husband have on so much fragrance, has he been studying the Sun Moon Holy Cult's Sunflower Manual?'


'What do you mean, what is the Sunflower Manual? What would that have to do with...'


'Why would this Sunflower Manual cause someone to wear more fragrance?'


'Ask him yourself when he wakes up. Given your response I see he hasn't told you the truth.'


'The truth of what?'


“She was trying to warn me...” Yue Lingshan said as the memory of the conversation she had with Dongfang Bubai suddenly resurfaced.


“Brother Fox's wife knew what you had become and tried to tell me while we were on the way here. I thought she just hated me, but she was in fact trying to show me the truth.”


Lin Pingzhi had a perplexed look until he realized who his wife was talking about.


“Ah...So this Brother Fox must be the one who saved us from those hired thugs of Yu Canghai?”


“I don't know how, but she knew what you had become and wanted to warn me...”


“Really?...” he asked a bit surprised that apparently someone had known his secret.


“She asked...She asked...If you have been studying the Sun Moon Holy Cult's Sunflower Manual since you had on so much fragrance. I didn't know what she meant, and that perhaps it was some kind of insult. But it all makes sense...” she said going into further dispair.


Lin Pingzhi was completely shocked at this revelation.


'Is it possible that the demon cult has a copy of my families Evil-Warding Manual? I must meet this person and find out more.'





Up in the rafters of the hall right outside the room. Two figures, dressed in black, hid themselves stealthily. Given the raging storm and it being nighttime it was easy for them to hide their presence.


Dongfang Bubai looked towards Linghu Chong concerned what effect finding out what type of person his former master truly was would have on her husband. Her heart broke for him. Not that she cared anything for Yue Buqun. But she cared about for Yue Buquns' greatest disciple.


Linghu Chong remained silent, even though his faced was hidden from the nose down, one could tell he was greatly distressed by everything he had heard.


'How could master be such a despicable person?!' he thought with almost equal despair as his former mistress and martial sister.


Initially he was worried about how Lin Pingzhi would treat Yue Lingshan once he woke up and they were alone. He wanted to keep an eye on them just to make sure nothing happened that would have lasting consequences for their marriage. He already guessed his former classmate had castrated himself to gain the power needed to take revenge for the death of his mother and father. The confirmation of his suspicion was disturbing but not surprising. But the news of his master, and what type of man he truly was; how essentially the man who he once admired most in the world, sold his soul for power was what truly left his mind swirling.


'This is truly unbelievable. Isn't he afraid he will be laughed at and ridiculed by the other sects if this news ever gets out?'


Dongfang Bubai gently touched her husbands shoulder; trying to give what comfort she could. A small gesture but one which was greatly appreciated as the pair looked at each other affectionately.




All occupants of the room where surprised when a masked man wearing in all black suddenly came in through the window and suddenly spoke, catching everyone off guard.


“Hero Lin, Madam Lin I'm here on orders from SongShan Sect's Chief Zuo

to give you assistance,” A mysterious man in black said politely.


“Thank you for your offer. May I have the honor of knowing your name?” Lin Pingzhi said politely, while also keeping his guard up.


“I am just a lowly servant, my name is not even worth mentioning. Chief Zuo has learned that young hero and madam were attacked by Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng and were heavily injured. So he specifically sent me here to protect both of you and lead you both to a safer place to treat your injuries and to ensure your enemies will never find you.”


“I appreciate Chief Zuo's good intentions. As for my recuperation, I will see to it myself so you do not need to trouble yourself.”


“Pardon me for being blunt. Your eyes were blinded by the Hunchback Mu Gaofeng. It may be hard to restore your vision unless it's Chief Zuo who treats you or else, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your life.”


Lin Pingzhi tensed up, thinking the man was going to attack at any moment. Though blind, he still possessed his great martial arts skill, and wouldn't be killed without his attacker paying a heavy price.


“Chief Zuo and I are neither family nor friends. Why is he being so concerned about me?”


“Sharing a common hatred is just like friendship borne out of a common cause. Chief Zuo is always on the lookout for talented individuals. Plus he is disgusted by Yue Buquns' actions and wishes to punish him accordingly.”


The hypocrisy of Zuo Lengshan finding anyone's actions deplorable given all the tricks and schemes he had done over the years wasn't lost on those listening in on the conversation.


“But your blindness, if we were to find its root cause, the culprit is also Yue Buqun. Moreover, young hero has already mastered Evil-Warding Swordplay. Even if you flee to the end of the world, you won't be able to escape from Yue Buqun's hand. Moreover...there's Yue Buqun's beloved daughter staying at your side night and day. Even if you're capable, it's hard to protect yourself from a scheme of the person lying next to you. You must be very careful young Hero Lin.”


Though still distraught. Yue Lingshan was listening intently to the masked man speak and finally realized why his voice sounded so familiar.


“Second senior brother?” she spoke as she slowly walked up to the masked man.


Seeing that he was found out. Lao Denuo decided it was useless to hide his identity any longer and removed the clothe from his face.


“Good observation, little martial sister,” he said with a small smile.


This bit of news also served to snap Ning Zhongze out of her stupor as she gazed upon her former disciple in disbelief.




Linghu Chong was also surprised the masked man was Lao Denuo and had to be forcibly restrained by Dongfang Bubai, stopping him from making his presence known and killing his former classmate right there and then.


“Let go of my arm. I have to take revenge for what he did to Lu Dayou,” he whispered angrily, with a look of murder in his eyes.


Dongfang Bubai was taken aback from his outburst. For the time they had known each other she had never seen the man she loved with so much rage.


“I understand you want to take revenge, but now is not the time,” she said sternly.


“Think about what will happen if your identity is revealed now. Think about how all that we have done to build the clan may end up to be for nothing. Just calm down. There will be another opportunity for you to avenge your martial brother.”


Linghu Chong gazed intently at his love contemplating her words. After a few seconds he calmed down, after realizing the truth that was spoken to him and agreed not to take revenge, unless a better opportunity presented itself.


'Or unless I make an opportunity. You better hope I don't see you again Lao Denuo or you won't leave this compound alive.'




“Its really you, you didn't die?” Yue Lingshan asked in shock.


“The corpse you found that day was only a scapegoat. If I didn't do this, how else would Yue Buqun of let me go? To be frank, your father is a hypocrite and unscrupulous man. He would do anything to gain power, even sacrifice his family and sect,” Lao Denuo said in disdain.


“His words are indeed true. The day I was slashed by a black-clad assassin. As I was losing consciousness, I saw a piece of joss paper underneath his foot. That piece of joss paper came from the prayer we were making for my deceased parents that particular day. Coincidentally, you saw it too underneath your fathers foot. If not for that piece of joss paper, I would have never found out what kind of person your father really is.”


“Don't say anymore I beg you don't say anymore!” Yue Lingshan said turning away from the pair and walking distraught back to the wall.


“Brother Lin, if Yue Buqun had not discovered my presence and left the room to kill me, I'm afraid you would have died. In other words I saved you.”


Lin Pingzhi merely smiled, understanding the ploy the older man was trying to work against him.


“Then I should be thanking Brother Lao then. Though I wonder when has Brother Lao changed schools to Songshan Sect?”


“You misunderstand, I did not change schools. I was originally a disciple of Songshan Sect. Chief Zuo is my teacher. He wanted me to join Huashan Sect to keep an eye on Yue Buqun's martial arts and Huashan Sect's movements.”


“So Chief Zuo hasn't trusted Yue Buqun for quite some time now?”


“Correct, that night I stole the copy Yue Buqun had of the Evil-Warding Swordplay manual to unsure he wouldn't cause any more harm with it. ”


“I see...So when you stole the manual you must have been greatly acknowledged. Such a treasure would be invaluable,” Lin Pingzhi said amused.


“Yue Buqun, that old dog, he's truly despicable. Chief Zuo and I both want to ensure we haven't been tricked by him.”


“Tricked? Okay, now I understand why you are really here. I bet you fear that the manual you stole has been altered by Yue in someway. That's why whether by Chief Zuo orders or your own fears, you wanted to seek me out. With the upcoming meeting between the five mountain schools. He most likely wants to ensure his spot as leader and you your own standing within Song Sect; or perhaps even your life.”


Lao Denuo gave his former Huashan Sect classmate a wry smile at the younger mans reasoning.


“Brother Lin, since you are the only heir to the this legendary swordplay, only you can bring fame to it. If you are willing come with me back to Song Sect. I believe Chief Zuo will treat you well and heal your eyes. Then we can team up and eliminate all of our enemies together.”


“What do you mean?”


Lao Denuo hesitated for a couple of seconds before replying. He collected himself, knowing his next words would determine if he came here in vain or not.


“Both Master and I would like to to take a look at the Evil-Warding Swordplay manual you have in your possession so as to fulfill our wish.”


This caused Lin Pingzhi to laugh loudly, causing Lao Denuo to think his offer had been rejected.


“Please pardon me for being frank. If your eyes are completely fine then there's nothing to fear from Yue Buqun. But considering your current situation, I'm afraid only with Master Zuo and me mastering Evil-Warding Swordplay and combing our strength, only then can we defeat the hypocrite, Yue Buqun.”


'There is wisdom in his words. Though I don't really think I could ever full trust him or Chief Zuo. But since I'm blind now, and the doctor is not sure if my sight will return or not. Combining our strength might be the only way to insure Yue Buqun and Yu Canghai are dealt with.'


“Okay, you made a good point Brother Lao. But, before any decision is made. I must first discuss this with my grandfather and uncles. If they agree, then I will go with you to Songshan. Once there I will immediately recite the Evil-Warding Swordplay's to everyone who is willing to learn.”


Lao Denuo wasn't thrilled with this news. He had been hoping to lure Lin Pingzhi away without his family coming into play and possibly complicating his plans.


“Are you sure it's wise to bring your family into this? Why drag ...”


“Without my family getting involved then the answer is a definite no. Don't be concerned. My grandfather is a fair man. He to wants to take vengeance on Yue Buqun for all he has done.”


“Okay, if that is the only way...But what did you mean by recite?”


“Ah, I see you didn't hear much of the conversation which took place. You might not know this but my ancestor Lin Yuantu once wrote the manual on a monks robe. Once I got the robe, to prevent Yue Buqun from finding out, I memorized each word and then burned it. So the only copy left in the world is inside my brain,” Lin Pingzhi said pointing to his head with a smile.


“Fine, if that's how it is, let's not delay any further. Lets meet with your family right away.”




Lin Pingzhi extended his right hand so Lao Denuo could lead him towards the door. But they didn't even take two steps before the now cripple, suddenly stopped and turned towards the direction he perceived his wife to be.


“Who are you siding with now? It's your choice.”


Lin Pingzhis' tone came off as apathetic but if you listened carefully you could hear a bit of concern in his voice.


“I won't side with anyone. Tomorrow I shall shave my hair and become a nun. For the rest of my life, I don't want to see anyone. Yue Lingshan will be dead to the world...” she said sadly.


This was not what Lin Pingzhi had expected his wife to say. And naturally he was shocked she would even consider such a drastic thing.


“Fine, then I suggest you become a nun at North Hengshan. In that way, you can see senior brother everyday; if he is still alive.”


Yue Lingshan turned away from the wall and slowly made her way to stand in front of her husband.


“Pingzhi, I know you hate my father. If all you said is true, then I can understand your hatred. But I, Yue Lingshan, your wife, have never done anything wrong to you. Even senior brother treated you quite well despite knowing about our relationship. Yet you're still saying such a thing now. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with trying to have me join North Hengshan?”


“Trying to accomplish?”


Lin Pingzhi hesitated. He considered killing Yue Lingshan but dismissed the idea almost as quickly as it came into his mind. He did not hate nor wanted her dead. Nor did he want to really see her hurt anymore then she already was. He knew the emotional pain he inflicted upon his wife may never leave her and cause the woman he use to love to never be the same person ever again.


“Do you hate me? After all I have done, don't you want to kill me?...”


What is love...


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.--1 Corinthians 13:4-8


“I don't hate you...Ping Zhi...take a good care of yourself...” she said with a sad smile, realizing her marriage was most likely over.


Yue Lingshan silently watched as her husband and Lao Denuo left without saying another word.


Yue Lingshan then passed out. The mental strain of not only the days event's but also everything which had taken place in her life recently was finally too much for her to handle. This also caused her mother to break out of her own stupor and immediately run to her daughters aid.




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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 16: I love this pairing and would like to see you finish this story. You made the changes realistic. The bickering is cute though repetivitive in nature.
tsukuyomi-sakurachi #2
I discovered this fic on another site and was surprised in seeing this fic here. Although the last update was already a long time ago, I hope that you didn't abandon this fic and merely went on a hiatus cause I really love how you wrote your fic! Everything seems perfect especially with how you protrayed the characters. After watching the cdrama, I wanted to search for fanfics regarding this pairing cause I was so sad that they didn't get together. Thanks for the fic and keep up the good work! ^_^
LadyCaoFeng #3
This is a great story. I am enjoying this so much.