Chapter: 13

Swordsman: Sovereign

Swordsman: Sovereign


This FanFiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series.


" Speech "


' Thoughts '


Salute = The Bao Quan Li - the wrap fist greeting/Fist Wrapping Rite


Chapter: 13






All eyes and mouths were agape in complete shock.


The scene was like what you would expect if a bomb had been detonated. The entrance was partially destroyed do to the size of the massive sword statue and the force in which it was hurled towards it's intended target.


It is said that once you are near death. Your entire life flashes before your eyes. Yu Canghai could attest to this, as his life played back in slow motion; as his life was quickly fading away. From the good to the bad. What a wicked life it was. Full of deceit, murder and utter wickedness. A life essentially given to vain, evil craving's and useless desires.


He felt weary and distressed. His life seemed meaningless. All the glory and power he sought seemed so empty now. Like trying to grasp the wind, was the epitome of his life accomplishments.


'Why...Why did it end like this...' he thought taking a pained breath.


Amazingly, depending on your perspective. Yu Canghai had managed to stay on his feet; despite his gruesome injuries. Mainly do to the fact of the rubble helping to keep him upright.


Many parents in the crowd covered their children's eyes, trying to spare them from gazing upon the horrifying scene. Blood, gore, a large statue sticking out of a majority of a person's chest. You could hardly blame them from trying to protect their child's innocence.


'My disciples are dead, my son is dead. I couldn't even get my hands on the Evil-Warding Manual. What do I have to show for my life?...' Yu Canghai thought truly dejected.


As he slowly lifted up his head. The Qingcheng Sect headmaster locked eyes with the cold stare of his executioner. Mustering all the strength left in his body. Yu Canghai was fully intending on cursing his killer. But as the words were about to leave his mouth. He glanced at the familiar figure of Wang Zhongqiang among the crowd. A sick smile suddenly crossed his bloodied and mangled lips as a better way to mark his exit from the world of the living came into his mind.


“Mr. Wang... Forgive me for failing in my mission...Please forgive this servant of yours for failing to kidnap Ning...”


The words were strained, but said surprisingly loud and clear given his dire condition. Those within earshot could tell they were spoken under great pain. Yet, those words were the last thing spoken by Yu Canghai as the leader of the once respected Qingcheng Sect breathed his last.


Linghu Chong stared blankly at the limp body, then turned to face the younger son of Wang Yuanba. Wang Zhongqiang nearly soiled himself. Though he couldn't tell Linghu Chong facial expression because of the mask. He could feel the chilling glare, directed towards him.


“We shall take our leave now... Ning Zhongze, Yue Lingshan, please follow us,” Linghu Chong said abruptly, as he made his way towards the destroyed entrance.


Linghu Chongs' words were more of a command then a request and left no room for argument. So the two women, albeit a bit hesitantly, followed obediently without protest.


The crowds murmurings started to fill the area as they recalled what they just witnessed. Naturally the conversations were all about the masked man and his wife.


These ramblings brought a smile to a certain ex cult leaders lips. Her plan had worked to perfection. Her and Linghu Chongs' sect now had fame and notoriety. Which also meant their cash flow would be increasing by truck loads.


This caused her smile to broaden before she stopped, and turned to address the chattering crowd.


“Just remember everyone. If you want to turn your children into true martial artists like I and my husband. Then look no further then to our martial school located at the moment, in South Hengshan,” Dongfang Bubai said surprisingly sweetly.


“Are you really the chiefs of South Hengshan? What are your names?” a few random person's, mainly men, asked from the crowd.


“Yes, elder Mo Da has entrusted us with the leadership of the sect. And after today I think you can all see why...As for our names? I am The Invincible, my husband is The Sovereign. Though you can refer to us both as Sovereign's of the martial world, because that is what we are.”


Some thought her statement was full of arrogance, but none dared to utter a word of opposition.


Dongfang Bubai was about to turn to leave and follow Linghu Chong back to the carriage. But she suddenly stopped as her sense of impending danger flared. Waving her hand out in front of her. She unleashed a wave of inner energy which met and stopped in midair a pair of swords dead in there tracks.


“Wait! Where do you think you are going?! Come back here!” Lin Pingzhi suddenly screamed, as his uncle, Wang Bofen, helped to prop him up as he came into the area.


With out saying a word. Dongfang Bubai sent one of the swords back to their owner but at double the speed. The sword sped by Lin Pingzhi like an arrow and stuck to the wall behind him as such. As Lin Pingzhi stared in shocked. A few strands of his hair fell before his eyes, letting him know how close he came to death. He tried to calm his nerves, but they refused to be quieted, fully alerting him to the real danger his life was in.


“Cripple, or should your name be little man now? Let this be a lesson to you. When someone spares your life. It's best not to antagonize them further. In other words. Don't keep poking the sleeping lion with a stick. Or else you might get eaten,” Dongfang Bubai said coldly, which caused some in the crowd to shiver involuntarily.


The other sword, which was still dangling in mid air. Suddenly sped towards Lin Pingzhis' direction. The former Huashan Sect disciple tried to move but his body was still feeling the effects from having his inner energy drained and couldn't move at his normal speed. But thankfully for him, the sword wasn't intended for him and was instead, now embedded in the left thigh of his grandfather.


“Father!” both Wang Bofen and Zhongqiang screamed as they went immediately to their father aid as he cried out on the ground in excruciating pain.


Linghu Chong came and stood next to his wife. It was he who sent the second sword into the leg of the Golden Saber, Wang Yuanba. Linghu Chong was originally by the carriage waiting for Dongfang Bubai to finish speaking. But upon hearing the voice of his former classmate. He quickly made his way back from where he just came.


“I promised Yue Lingshan I wouldn't kill you, unless you came to me trying to seek revenge. You remember Yue Lingshan don't you Lin Pingzhi? The same wife you shamed, then thew away like she were mere garbage? For her sake and that alone I will let this entire incident pass.”


Linghu Chong paused as Lin Pingzhi tried to move towards him. But, let out a smirk as his former classmate fell to the ground instead.


“So despite the evil you and your family tried to perpetrate against these two women, you shall keep your life for now. But, if you or any of these scumbag for relatives you have dare to come seeking me, my wife, Ning Zhongze, Yue Lingshan or anyone associated with my school. I will end the Wang and Lin family lines and bring destruction down upon any who would try to stop me from doing so.”


If it were possible. Linghu Chongs' words would have caused it to snow given how bone chilling they were.


Without another word, Linghu Chong and a smirking Dongfang Bubai walked out and towards the carriage which brought them to the compound.




Some time later, as the carriage was moving along. Linghu Chong, Dongfang Bubai, Ning Zhongze, and Yue Lingshan sat silently inside. Yue Lingshan had her head, rested against her mothers left shoulder. Her eyes, seemed lifeless, as the past weeks events constantly tormented her mind.


It wasn't hard for those beside her to know what was troubling the young martial artists. Ning Zhongze herself was also being tormented by not only the situation with her daughter, but also the one with her husband. She truly had no idea what she would say or do once she saw the man she married again. Or to be more precise the man she thought she married. Given the revelation of the extent of his wickness. The Yue Buqun she loved and saw on a daily bases and the one described by Lin Pingzhi seemed to be two completely different individuals.


Linghu Chong was going through his own inner turmoil. His heart was heavy, his spirit troubled.


Though not being able to see her husbands face clearly because of the mask he wore. Dongfang Bubai could tell something was greatly troubling the man she loved with all her heart. Not knowing exactly what the issue was, it didn't take great effort for her to make a guess as to what was troubling his mind.


“You did what you had to do,” Dongfang Bubai said sternly into his left ear.


Her words, abrupt and blunt as they were, caused Linghu Chong to turn his full attention towards her.


“The Wang's and Lin Pingzhi brought their trouble upon themselves. Yu Canghai deserved what he got. The world is a better place now that he is gone. So don't torment yourself over killing him. Eventually someone would have given him what he deserved. It was just that God chose you to do it.”


Linghu Chong let out a heavy sigh. His heart weighed heavy on the events, but he also knew his wife was correct, that the troubles which happened weren't his fault; or not entirely. Her words, plus some reflecting on what actually took place and not focusing on his feeling, was slowly helping to relieve his troubled heart.


Even though he was married to a person who had a reputation for being cold and heartless; a justified reputation one would say. Linghu Chong was not that. Taking another person's life did effect him to a degree: even if the persons killed brought their deaths upon themselves.


This was also the reason he didn't pursue the issue of the kidnapping attempt further with the Wang's. Yu Canghai was a liar but strangely Linghu Chong believed what the deceased sect leader was hinting at.


'They probably wanted to hold mistress and Yue Lingshan hostage to blackmail mast.. Mr. Yue...But why use Yu Canghai unless they hired some men and didn't know who he really was? If that is the case, then Yu Canghai probably planned to keep mistress and little martial sister to himself and use them to blackmail both Mr. Yue and the Wang's,' Linghu Chong thought to himself.


“Thank you my love...” Linghu Chong said with a smile, as he gently took his wife's hand into his own.


“You know despite your reputation you are not as heartless as many made you out to be,” he said playfully.


This caused Dongfang Bubai to smile broadly, though it was covered by the headscarf she still wore.


“Of course...I married you didn't I?” she said smugly.


“What does that mean? You were begging me to marry you. You about near molested me on our wedding night, or have you forgotten,” Linghu Chong retorted back smirking.


“Molest? Your a man, how could I do that to you? Let's not forget who stole my innocence you lecher-est beast. Telling me our love will last and shine like the stars in the sky. That was just sweet talk, aimed to take advantage of a poor innocent girl like myself...”


Dongfang Bubai tried to give her husband a stern look. But, even the mighty former cult leader, couldn't contain her laughter at the thought of her being a simple innocent maiden. She then joined her husband, as he too laughed heartily at the thought.


The scene was light hearted; a vast contrast to what took place minutes earlier. But as the couple got swept up in the playful mood. Neither noticed the strange look one of the other two occupants of the carriage was giving them.


Yue Lingshan moved her head slightly from against her mothers shoulder and took a quick glance at her masked companion.


'Senior martial brother?'


Though Linghu Chongs' voice was the same Qi enhanced echo like version as from when Yue Lingshan first met the masked man. There was a brief point, at the very beginning of the conversation, where Linghu Chong spoke without the Qi altering effect. That brief moment was missed by Ning Zhongze; as her mind was too wrapped up on the weeks revelations to care much about the banter her two hosts were engaged in. But for Yue Lingshan it was another matter.


The voice was unmistakable to her. She and Linghu Chong had grown up together. She would recognize his voice anywhere.


'This must be my imagination playing tricks on me. Brother Fox and Senior Martial Brother are nothing alike...'


Though she tried to push the thought out of her mind. Her intuition kept telling her her masked saviour was indeed her estranged martial brother.


Yue Lingshan started to think back on the rumors involving Linghu Chong and the Holy Lady of the Sun Moon Holy Cult. She thought back to what her parents said about the events that took place in shaolin. How it was really Dongfang Bubai who was staying in the temple at that time and not Holy Lady. How Ren Woxing showed up at the monastery and wanted to marry his daughter to Linghu Chong.


'So if this is indeed Senior Martial Brother then this woman must be Ren Woxing's daughter.'


Yue Lingshan also recalled something else her parents said which involved Dongfang Bubai. That the illustrious ex cult leader was really a beautiful woman and that either her, Holy Lady, or possibly both, were Linghu Chongs' lover.

If it were possible for someone's brain to produce smoke, Yue Lingshans' brain would have done so just trying to wrap her mind around that thought.


As she continued to observe the pair. Yue Lingshan wanted to ask her unspoken question and get confirmation for her suspicions. But in the end was too scared to voice her thoughts.




About a half hour later...


As the carriage was still moving along. With his wife asleep and her head resting against his left shoulder. Linghu Chong watched as the people passed by. Big and small, old and young, man and woman. He observed them going about their daily lives.


'Many seem so carefree. If only life could always be so simple...'


Linghu Chong continued to observe and muse about the people he saw passing by. Until he was surprised to see a familiar face among the crowd wearing a simple tan robe and selling bamboo rake's.


“Elder Lu Zhuweng...” he whispered softly to himself.


Linghu Chong looked a second time to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks and was pleasantly surprised to see it was indeed his elder friend.


Linghu Chong started to reminisce about the first time he saw elder Lu Zhuweng at the bamboo hut located at the end of the forest. He remembered how he enjoyed learning how to play the zither from the white haired old man around the age of fifty. And just how he enjoyed the older mans company and kindness in general.


'Good times...' he thought pleasantly.


Ying Yings' face then popped into his mind as he was reminded about the promise he made to see her again when he recovered from his injuries.


'It would be nice to see sister Ying Ying again. Plus I did promise to visit her once I was recovered. I'm sure she's worried about how I am doing.'


Linghu Chong was about to tell the disciple that was driving the carriage to stop so he could greet his friend, until his wife's slight stirring caused him to keep silent.


'Now may not be the best time to do this. But perhaps Qiang would be understanding...It's not like Ying Ying was ever my lover.'


Was this the wisest thing for a married man to consider? Perhaps not; definitely not, considering your wife is literally capable of ripping a person's head off with little effort. But, he was a man of honor and believed in keeping his word. He did promise to visit Ying Ying when his injuries were healed. And truth be told he was curious how she was doing. He had no romantic feelings for her. But, as a friend, martial sister even, he cared for her.


Linghu Chong also wanted to take his mind off of everything that had happened at the Golden Saber compound for a bit. This seemed to be an opportunity to do that, see if his friend was okay, and if possible; though unlikely. Try and resolve the issues between his wife and the Ren's.


Oh noble of heart, yet, naive Linghu Chong...


'Wait, am I stupid?!'


Though he could easily match his wife's power. Linghu Chong gulped involuntarily imaging how a conversation would go between he and his wife about the subject. His skin prickled imagining the killing intent which would roll off her in waves.


'Don't you trust me?'


'I will always trust you...' she said softly


Linghu Chong could hear the tenderness, worry, fear in her voice


'Fine go...But if you are not back within a day. Then I will burn that little bamboo house she has to the ground...'


As he imagined how the conversation would go. Linghu Chong debated whether to even bring up the subject, knowing how she would react. He considered lying, but immediately scrapped the idea. A marriage must be built on trust. If he would have lied and said he needed to visit a friend quickly and later Dongfang Bubai found out he secretly met with Ying Ying. Things would turn out very badly.


''Given what just happened at the Golden Saber compound. It would be better for us not to be separated in case Lin Pingzhi and the Wang's try anything. I doubt anyone will try to attack us so soon. They would have to be crazy to, but it's better to be cautious at a time like this. Besides, I can always send Laotouzi or Zu Qianqiu to take a message to Ying Ying for me.'


Common sense finally prevailed and Linghu Chong put the idea to rest, at least for now.




Speaking of said friends...They were for lack of a better word, being tongue-lashed by a certain purple and white robed female.


“Useless! Absolutely useless all of you!”


“Please forgive us Holy Lady. We have found no trace of Linghu Chong. Even those nuns of his have found nothing. Perhaps...Perhaps it's just as the rumors say and that he did die,” Zu Qianqui said nervously, but with also a heavy heart at the thought of losing a good friend.


“Shut your mouth! He is not dead!” Ying Ying roared.


The two men and one woman all got down on their knees out of fear. Over the past few months Ying Ying had commanded her subordinates to look for any trace of Linghu Chong once the rumors of his death began to circulate. Though with her father still unaware that Linghu Chong was still alive. She had to keep the knowledge of the search to only a few people; namely those who not only had loyalty to her, but also equal fidelity to the man she loved.


Laotouz, the portly "Old Man" who's daughter Laobusi's was cured of her illness when Linghu willingly used his blood, which contained the eight herbal tablets originally meant for her to save the young girl.


Zu Qianqiu, though arguably a lowlife; depending on your point of view. Who tricked Linghu Chong into consuming Laotouzi's tablets. And saved Linghu Chong from being killed by Laobusi when said fat man kidnapped Linghu Chong and attempted to drain the blood from his heart in a desperate attempt to save his daughters life.


And Lan Fenghuang, aka “Blue Phoenix” the leader of the Five Deities Cult. Who was ordered by the Killer Physician, Ping Yizhi. To watch over Linghu Chong until he could find a way to cure the former Huashan Sect disciple of his injuries.


Lan Fenghuang was especially was nervous as she gazed upon her childhood friend. In reality, when she first met Linghu Chong it was her goal to meet him regardless. Ying Ying had mentioned him a few times, and with the other rumors going around that the two were lovers. Blue Phoenix had to meet the man who had garnered the love of such a prominent figure. She feared telling her friend that she had become Linghu Chong's god-sister. For fear of her thinking she were trying to steal him from her; which she wasn't against doing, or at least attempting.


All three were who Holy Lady had chosen to search for her missing love.


Lu Zhuweng sat about twenty feet away silently observing the conversation while he worked on making more bamboo rake's. He couldn't help but think about the strange actions of the woman whom he served with absolute loyalty.


He knew that she let her father think Linghu Chong was dead, while she was absolutely certain that he was alive. But, if he were alive, why not tell her father? Why must it be kept such a tightly guarded secret?


He reasoned something else was going on. Something bigger then if Linghu Chong had rejected her feelings for him. Rejection would cause Ren Woxing to be angry, but Ying Ying could plead with her father to spare Linghu Chongs' life in that case.


'So whatever it is she is hiding about Little Brother Linghu is so big that his life would not be spared by her father even if she begged for him.'


Lu Zhuweng decided it was best to put such thoughts aside for another time. Turning his attention back towards the pathetic three, as he called them in his mind. He decided it was a good time to recall some rumors he had heard while selling his products.


“Don't be so harsh with them Holy Lady they've done their best,” he said trying to placate her anger.


Everyone turned their attention towards the old rake maker. The three on the ground gave appreciative looks.


“I've heard some news while in town getting supplies and selling bamboo rake's. As you already know, that old blowhard Golden Saber had a birthday celebration recently. Apparently something happened involving his grandson Lin Pingzhi and a few of his guests.”


This bit of news peaked everyone's interest as Ying Ying motioned for him to continue.


“Apparently this couple who said they were the new leaders of South Hengshan defeated the head of Beggars Sect and Wudang in individual duels.”


This news shocked everyone, as the martial reputation of the two men was legendary.


“They claimed to be husband and wife, yet strangely kept their identities hidden. The man wore a fox mask, and apparently injured both Lin Pingzhi and Wang Yuanba himself. But the most surprising thing was that he also killed Yu Canghai the head of Qingcheng Sect, who had taken Yue Lingshan, Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze daughter hostage.”


“Did you learn their names?...” Holy Lady asked flatly.


“I'm not sure if what I heard was correct. But it seemed like the woman called herself The Invincible and referred to her husband as The Sovereign.”


“Masked man...The Invincible...The Sovereign...Married man...” Ying Ying whispered to herself.


Holy Lady began to slowly pace back and forth processing everything she just heard.


'Could this person be related to brother Linghu?' she thought nervously to herself.


Her heart began pounding out of fear. A scowl appeared on her face as she fought to not even consider what it meant if the masked man was indeed Linghu Chong.


'What am I thinking? I must calm down and regain control over my emotions. I don't even know if this masked man is Linghu Chong yet I'm already scared that witch has so captivated his heart she tricked him into marrying her.'


Steeling herself since worrying wasn't like her normal self at all. Ying Ying called her subordinates to her and gave them a new set of orders.




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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 16: I love this pairing and would like to see you finish this story. You made the changes realistic. The bickering is cute though repetivitive in nature.
tsukuyomi-sakurachi #2
I discovered this fic on another site and was surprised in seeing this fic here. Although the last update was already a long time ago, I hope that you didn't abandon this fic and merely went on a hiatus cause I really love how you wrote your fic! Everything seems perfect especially with how you protrayed the characters. After watching the cdrama, I wanted to search for fanfics regarding this pairing cause I was so sad that they didn't get together. Thanks for the fic and keep up the good work! ^_^
LadyCaoFeng #3
This is a great story. I am enjoying this so much.