☁ In y̶o̶u̶r̶ Our Dreams ☁ — Kim Junmi || Kyungsoo || Building Blocks






Story by AloisDA


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Username : SeoWookAreMyBias 

Activeness : 9/10

Nickname : Mary

I SEE AND... ?

Plotline : Building Blocks 

Name : Kim Junmi

Other Names : Stefania (Italian form of her English name) - Stephanie (Her English name)

Nicknames : None

Date of Birth : 1996.12.21 (Dec. 21, 1996)

Age : 17

Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius

Birthplace : Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Hometown/Nationality : Genoa, Italy

Current Residency : Genoa, Italy

Blood Type : O

Height : 171cm / 5'7"

Weight : 63kg / 136lbs

Languages spoken : Italian (fluent), English (conversational),

Korean (limited)

Style and appearance : Junmi likes to stick to dark colors rather than light, but that doesn't mean she doesn't wear them. Only if she's out and about does she stick to dark. She also likes casual clothing, all day everyday. 

Casual :
Work :
Home :
Parties :
Formal :  
 (and if you want really formal ball gowns) ß ß 



Ulzzang : Park Sora

Pictures : 

Back up ulzzang : Lee Jungha

Pictures : 


Key traits : Calm, Quiet, Usually indifferent


Junmi always has a stoic appearance about her, and a calm aura to go with it. She seems to be an overall intimidating person, and that would be a correct assumption. She doesn't like to be seen as weak by others, always upholding a cold image. To the very few people she's close with, she's nice enough to pass as tolerable. To these same people, she has a great sense of caring and love. She, however, doesn't know how to show affection and caring, so she usually tends to keep this to herself.




— Music

— Books

— Being with children

— Baked goods

— Spending her time on the internet

— Animals

— Rainy days


Dislikes :

— Neon colors

— Loud noises

— Alcohol (beer, vodka, anything of this sort)

— Dark chocolate

— Disrespectfulness 

— Being left alone for a long time



— Playing piano

— Playing with children

— Baking

— Going out at night and walking around

— Surfing the Internet



— She tends to lock the door of any room she goes in

— If she feels uncomfortable she'll start fiddling with the hem of her shirt or start tugging on her sleeves

— Eating when she's bored or nervous

— Procrastinating when she needs to do something important



— Trying new things for fear of failing

— Being abandoned by the people she cares about

— The feeling of falling

— Losing her loved ones to death



— She gives kids at a local school piano lessons, free of charge

— Baking pastries for her loved ones is something she does often

— Her hair is originally light chestnut, but she dyes it black anytime her roots start to show

— She has taken up self defense classes for protection and is really good at it

— Took ballet classes at the age of 4 but stopped after a year. As an outcome she is now highly flexible.

— Children are the only people she smiles out of her own accord for

— She's been playing piano for 9 years now

— Her love for Kpop is actually a secret to everyone except for her best friend


Best Friend 

Alessandra Vargas || 18 || Student || She's sweet and optimistic, and is almost completely the opposite of Junmi's personality. || Alessandra and Junmi met at school. Junmi was new, having just arrived in Italy and knowing little of the language. Alessandra was more than willing to help her out in becoming accustomed to her new surroundings. She stuck like glue to Junmi since day one and has stayed with her ever since. || Alessandra is usually the one to talk during their meetings, and Junmi often listens well. When she's around Alessandra, Junmi smiles a lot more often than usual, and talks a bit more as well. Sometimes they spend their afternoons together chatting away about various topics, and sometimes they like to sit and read a book in each other's company. It differs from day to day.



Julieta Adimari || 19 || Student || Charismatic and flamboyant, this girl seems to love being in the spotlight. || Although their friendship seems to be highly unlikely, both girls share a common interest: piano music. Julieta met Junmi at Alessandra's house, where Junmi played piano for Alessandra and Julieta was a visiting relative. Julieta was a bit jealous of Junmi's skills, and immediately challenged her. After said challenge, Julieta realized she had met her match, and was impressed. The two weren't necessarily very close to each other, but they were always therefor one another, just in case. || Julieta often likes to be loud and enjoys it hen attention is given to her. Junmi, not being the most talkative person there is, often lets the other talk for as long as she wants to. Julieta's never-ending chatter always seems to drive people up the wall, often leaving them to either abandon Julieta in an effort to gain some peace or trying to shut her up completely. Junmi does neither of those, and Julieta enjoys her company a lot as a result.


HOW'S THE FAMILYarrow-10x10.png ?


Mother || Elizabeta Brioschi || 38 || || Caring and warm, she is probably what most people want in a mother. || Junmi adored her mother, and almost never left her side. It was Junmi's dream to grow up and be like her mother.  || Deceased

Father || Kim Taeshik || 39 || Department store manager || A weak, spineless fool. Stubborn and hard-headed too. || Junmi's relationship with her father has not been the best after her mother's death. Even before that, she didn't talk much to her father. It's still a work in progress relationship. || Alive

Aunt || Kim Saejin || 35 || Bakery owner || Nice and playful, she's the complete opposite of her older brother. She's a bit on the sassy side too. || Junmi is grateful for her aunt, as she has become the motherly figure she so desperately needs in her life. Her aunt often lets her off on her own, thinking she needs to learn how to depend only on herself after what she's been through. Other times, they spend the day together lazing on a couch and channel surfing. || Alive



Background :

Junmi came from an average family. She loved her mother very much, and cared for her father even though he never really spoke with or interacted with her. It was at the age of 7 that she moved from the U.S. to Italy, and it was also at this age that her family problems soon started to appear. Her father was an alcoholic, and her mother didn't tolerate her husband coming home late reeking of alcohol and tobacco. She tried to stop his bad habit, and he only saw his wife and child as nuisances. Night after night, he would come home drunk, and night after night, Junmi would hear the sound of arguments and breaking furniture. This continued on for months, and it progressively grew worse. Her father would beat her mother, and she would hear it every time. This went on for about a year or two, her mother keeping it a secret for the safety of her only daughter. On one fateful night however, all of that abruptly stopped, and not for the best reason. Junmi's mother had gone out to look for her father, leaving Junmi in the care of her aunt. She took the car with her, and once she found her drunken husband at a bar, proceeded to take him into the car and drive him back home. She thought that with the aid of his sister, they would talk some sense into him. Unfortunately another fight ensued, and things got physical at the worst of times. While trying to avoid a punch from her husband, Junmi's mother swerved the car a little to hard and they ended un flying off the road, crashing into a streetlight. Junmi's father received a concussion and a few scratches, but her mother recieved the worst. Her skull had cracked open on impact, which led to sever bleeding and she was brain dead in a few moments.

After her loss, Junmi moved in with her aunt, her aunt fearing what would happen to her if left in her father's care. She was never the same again. The once happy, fragile girl had grown up to be a depressed and lonely one. She resented her father for quite some time after that, no matter how much he said he never wanted it to turn out in such a way. She never lets her emotions get the best of her, and rarely ever shows them to others. In school she was thought of as an outcast, since no one besides Alessandra could ever get anything out of her. A simple wallflower she was, and she liked it that way.


How did you get into the accident? : My.. father. He and I got into an argument. One thing led to another, and I ended up storming out of his house. He tried to drag me back in, but I utterly refused. In a rage, he picked me up and threw me in his car. I guess he was going to take me to a secluded place in which he could make sure no one found out about our argument and quite possibly beat me as well, but I was having none of that. I opened the door while the car was still going and jumped out. I wasn't really lucky, and I ended up at the hood of another car. I'm pretty sure you could fit the pieces of the puzzle at this point.

Which prince do you like the best? : In my opinion, Prince Kyungsoo isn't that bad. He's a nice person, I guess..

Why is he your favorite? : My 'favorite'? I wouldn't necessarily call him that. I just think he's an amiable person, that's all..

What would be your first action as queen? : Queen? I don't think I'll be taking any action at all unless deemed as necessary, and it would depend on the situation at hand as well.

Are you prepared for what's ahead of you at the ball? : Well, not really..
If no, why? : Attending balls isn't a common thing for me, and I'm not one for socializing. This ball will be my first, and I'm honestly feeling very wary of the outcome..

Any worries about the COMPETITIONarrow-10x10.png? : That's of no interest to me. 

Please, give everyone a message : Please do take into consideration that I'm still new to everything going on. I don't know much, but I'll try the best I can at what's handed to me. Thank you for your time.




Prince : Kyungsoo (D.O.)

Date of birth : January 12th

Age : 21


Personality :

             Prince Lee Kyungsoo is a very reserved and calm person. He is a man of very few words, and often spends his time reading or writing. However, when in the presence of his fellow princes, he can be just as loud and fun as any other person. He also acts as a stern older brother to the princes younger than him, and is a very dependable guy when needed. His father finds him to be one of the most suitable princes to run a kingdom, and is eager to marry him off soon. Kyungsoo, however, isn't so sure about running a kingdom, and is rather doubtful of himself. 



How you meet :

             In town, there is a store that the Prince finds himself frequenting often. A music store, where the shop sells the finest instruments around the Kingdom. Their specialty is the piano, and of course this catches the eye of Junmi. She goes into the store, and finds a beautiful ivory grand piano. She plays a song for the shopkeeper, a kind old lady who somehow knew of Junmi's skill. 'You have the hands of a pianist' she says, but Junmi doesn't buy it. She plays a beautiful symphony, one she would always play for her mother. Kyungsoo, who had been helping the shopkeeper with some violins at the other end of the store, overhears her wonderful skills. He leaves his post and wanders off to see who had played the song, and sees a young woman sitting at the gran piano. The shopkeeper notices him, an introduces them to each other, purposely leaving out the fact that he was a prince. She then asks him to perform a song for her, not for the piano, but for the singing, and he does. Both end up being amazed by each other's talent and become acquainted with each other.



How you act around each other :

Kyungsoo and Junmi often talk about music, books they've read, and the most random of things that pop into their heads. They find that with each other they never feel lonely or sad, and all their worries seem to fly away, Surprisignly enough, Junmi finds herself having fun with another person that's not Alessandra or Julieta, or even her aunt. She enjoys the time she spends with the Prince. The Prince feels the same way, even going on to add that she is probably the only female that he's ever found himself comfortable with. He often tries to make her laugh and she doesn't mind that at all. Sometimes she finds herself doing the same (because she secretly likes his heart-shaped smile). The two are very friendly with one another, and both their families would be surprised at their type of relationship.


Comments : Maybe my character could be really good friends with another one of the girls please? If not then that's alright.

Suggestions : Nope

Scene requests : Nothing much really. I do, however, really hope there is some bonding in between the girls. Like a sort of sisterly feel going on. That would be nice, wouldn't it? :)




Back to the story





[ ► ] — The three pictures of Tao should be replaced by your faceclaim.

[ ► ] — Everything in brackets or parentheses - "{ }", "[ ]", "( )" - are deleted. Including the bracket itself.

[ ► ] — There is a password and it's the right one.

[ ► ] — The APPLICATIONarrow-10x10.png is not on "private" when you submit it.

[ ► ] — The APPLICATIONarrow-10x10.png has been submitted at the right place.

[ ► ] — You did you up most best, double checked for spelling and grammar errors, and anything out of place.

[ ► ] — You had FUN.



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