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✯Park Soon Mi✯ 





Username : SeoWookAreMyBias

Activeness : 9

Nickname : Mary






Name : Park Soon Mi

Other Name :  Susan (English name), Susanna (Name she used in Italy)

Nicknames : Queen of the Fangirls (She often fangirls to anyone and everyone who will listen)

Date of Birth  Age : January 13, 1996  18

Birthplace  Hometown : Los Angeles, California  Los Angeles, California ; Venice, Italy

Blood Type : AB    

Education : Seoul Foreign Language High School 

Race : Asian

Ethnicity : Half Korean, Half Italian

Religion : Roman Catholic

Family : Park Joon Tak (Father), Alessandra Vargas (Mother), Park Joon Hyuk (Older brother), Park Joo Hye (Older sister)

Height ✯ Weight : 168cm / 54kg

Languages : English, Italian, Korean (All fluent), Chinese, Japanese (Both basic)







Ulzzang : Lee Geumhee

Links/Gallery :  ✯   ✯  

Backup Ulzzang : Kim Dahyun

Links/Gallery :     

Style : Soonmi doesn't like too tight or too flashy clothing. She goes with the flow, meaning all of her clothes and styles are very relaxed.

Casual -      ✯ 
House -    ✯ ✯ ✯ 
Training -      ✯ 
Formal -     ✯  
Airport -       
Other : Has a tattoo of angel wings on the back of her neck. She usually hides this with make-up.




Family :

 Father || Park Joon Tak  || 50 || Doctor || Funny, Optimistic, Outgoing, Open-minded || Having been the eldest of 5 children, Mr. Park Joon Tak learned from an early age to be caring towards others. He often still acts as if he were 12, in a fun and spontaneous way.  || Alive

 Mother || Alessandra Vargas || 48 || Teacher || Calm, Generous, Patient, Kind-hearted || Ms. Vargas is a short and cheerful middle-aged lady, and often shows just how patient and kind she is when seen at work with her elementary school students. When with her family, she does anything she can to make tham all happy, because according to her, when they're happy, she's happy too.  || Alive

✯ Older Brother || Park Joon Hyuk || 25 || Law Student || Serious, Stubborn, Reserved || Joon Hyuk is a very serious person, and nothing like the rest of his family. He's the only one who doesn't always give off super friendly vibes, and tends to keep to himself all of the time. || Alive

✯ Older Sister || Park Joo Hye || 22 || Fashion Photographer || Bubbly, Happy, Hyper, Crazy || Joo hye is like walking sunshine and rainbows. She's happy almost every single day, 24/7. When it comes to her job, she comes up with the most outrageous ideas that actuall turn out to be pretty well. She's also a very caring older sister, and Soon Mi has always looked up to her. || Alive


Background : Soon Mi comes from a wealthy family, considering the fact that her parent's jobs are well respected in Korea. Her family is probably the happiest you coud find, in the sense that almost all of her family members are just as fun and easy-going as her. It's not the most common, however. Her father is Korean born and raised, and her mother is Italian. Her parents met in an international school, and married shortly after. They then moved to Korea, where all of their children were born, including Soon Mi. Soon Mi grew up in Los Angeles, California. Then at age 5, moved to Venice, Italy with her mother while the rest of her family stayed behind in the U.S. While there, she continued to learn English and Korean, and additionally Spanish and Italian, with the help of her mother.

After she turned 14, the moved back to Korea because her family had decided to go live there from now on. She entered her last year of middle school and started high school. She entered one of Korea's most prestigious academies - Seoul Foriegn Language High School - at age 15. During here time in Korea, she became more interested in the pop culture, and later, the controversial Kpop scene. She soon became more and more intrigued with the high-fashion clothes and fast-paced dancing. She later found herself infront of one of the most famous and high-maitenence companies in all of Kpop- the Star Museum Entertainment building, more commonly known as: SM Entertainment. She had decided to audition, and she had already gotten herself too involved to pull back now. Oppurtunity was knocking, and she was sure as hell going to answer.






Personality : Soon Mi is a very fun person to be with. She's someone you would go to when you need a good laugh. However, she keeps all of this hidden, and is most of the time very reserved. It's only to the people that she's known long enough and trusts that she acts this way. Other times, she can act very motherly. She acts this way with anyone she thinks truly needs it at that moment. She's often very spontaneous with her closest friends, and can be a bit crazy too. It's inheritance, I guess.

With people she just met, she's very quiet and observes them from afar. She decides wether or not they would be able to handle all of the crazy she would throw at them if they become friends. To people she doesn't get along with or doesn't approve of, she glares at them whenever they look at her and ignores them. (i.e.Walks away if they go up to her, doesn't respond if they talk to her, brushes them off, basically just y-like.) Overall, she's a very warm and friendly person. Her friends would describe her as hyperactive, loyal, and overall full of sunshine. Think of her as a walking ball of all things nice.

Likes :

✯ Playing piano

✯ Composing Music

✯ Eating

✯ Sleeping

❄ Candy

✯ Almost anything Blue

✯ Dancing

✯ Swimming

✯ Rollerskating 

✯ Showering

Dislikes :

✯ Waking Up

✯ Dirty Clothes

✯ Dark Chocolate

✯ Pink

✯ Spiders

✯ Unreasonable People

Favorite Color : Blue

Favorite Number : 24 (number of her favorite groups combined)

Favorite Animal : Humming Bird

Favorite Season : Winter

Favorite Movies : La vita è bella, The Pianist, The Exorcist, Silenced, The Man From Nowhere 

Favorite Idols : Super Junior, B1A4, EXO, INFINITE, SNSD

Genre of Music : Kpop, Classical

Genre of Movies : Historical, Horror, Comedy

Favorite Food : Mostly junk food

Ideal guy : She would like a man that's very gentleman-like and nice. Sensitive when needed and at other times a dependeble man would also apply.

Role Model : EXO's Suho

Hobbies :

✯ Walking around at nighttime

✯ Reading

✯ Playing Chess

✯ Running around spreading joy (like no lie she does this all the time)

Habits :

✯ Falling asleep whenever she's not doing anything (it doesn't matter where she is, she'll do it anyway)

✯ Grabbing her hair when she's frustrated

✯ Laughing at the most random of times

✯ Eating when she's bored

✯ When she thinks extra hard she stares straight ahead of her and stays like that until she comes to a conclusion

✯  Zones out in the most random of times

Fears : 

❄ China dolls (Her brother once told her a scary story with china dolls in it and afterwards played a prank on her with one. She wasn't the same ever since.)

❄ The dark (She doesn't like the fact that she's vulnerable and helpless in it. She also has really bad eyesight when it's dark.)

❄ Sharks and snakes (They look scary, and who can blame her?)

Trivia :

✯ Allergic to bananas.

✯ Can her elbow.

✯ Black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

✯ When she was 5, she accidentaly set her playhouse on fire. She proceeded to run around yelling for the fireman to come save her house and her dad having to restrain her from running out on the street to look for the police.

✯ Was once entered in a beauty pagent for little girs. Obviously won.

✯ Hates pineapples.

✯ The shortest amout of time for her to finish a whole series is 3 days.

✯ Was at the top of her school in grades and overall performance.

✯ Has modeled before.








Best Friends : 

✯ Gong Chan Shik || 20 || Idol || When Gongchan was new to Seoul, he grew lost in one of the subway stations. Soon Mi was there by chance, and they bumped into each other. She noticed that he had a country accent, and kindly offered him help. They ended up going on the same subway together, and almost everyday after that they did the same thing. They had many things in common, and soon became very close. She helped him around Seoul and they supported each other throughout their trainee periods. || He's a natuarlly good person, and very fun to be with. Often very shy and soft-spoken. || When together, the two plan the most mischeivious of plans together and also prank the rest of their friends together. || 9

✯ Choi Jin Ri || 19 || Idol || Both of the girls were friends when they were trainees in SM. Sulli had been there a bit longer than Soon Mi, and was the first one to approach her. Both traineed together afterwards and encouraged each other all the way. || Sweet and optimistic. She's just like Soon Mi in terms of kindness. || They both talk about whatever comes to mind. Often go out to eat together or just walk around. || 9


Friends : 

✯ Im Yoon Ah || 23 || Idol || During trainee life, Soon Mi was considered very pretty and was often compared to Yoona. They met after Yoona decided to meet her once and for all, and she quickly befriended her afterwards. || Funny and charming. Very charismatic. || You can find the two laughing loudly at many things. They both find humor to be very easily emraced with each other. || 7

✯ Jung Lin Ah || 18 || Trainee || Both girls were at first rivals when it came to singing, both believing they were better than the other. In the end, they decided to have a competition. Soon Mi won, and Linah was close to breaking down. Soon Mi decided to befriend her since the rest of the trainees didn't seem to like her after the ordeal between them, and they've been frends ever since. || Really mean to most people, but nice to the people she cares about. || When they're together they joke around about who is better at what and have small competitions with each other. Soon Mi usually wins. || 7

✯ Kim Da Ni || 17 || Student || Da Ni is Soon Mi's hoobae in school, and is practically her shadow. Da Ni really looks up to Soon Mi after she helped Da Ni fight off some bullies. Da Ni has pledged herself to be Soon Mi's loyal servant helper. || Very quiet. Extremely shy. Not very loud and talks in near-whispers. || Soon Mi is Da Ni's rolemodel, and Da Ni always goes out of her way to please Soon Mi in whatever way she can. Soon Mi finds this adorable, and always welcomes Da Ni's help. || 7


Rival :

✯ Suzy Bae || 19 || Idol || Both Suzy and Soon Mi were in the last few chosen to be in a CF for school uniforms. Soon Mi an Suzy were eventually the last two applicants, and after a tough fight, Soon Mi was chosen. This happened not just once, but 4 different times. Suzy saw Soon Mi as a threat to her modeling career and never lets go of her grudges. || Very y towards Soon Mi. || The two usually try to outshine each other in whatever ways possible. || 4

Why are you rivals : Soon Mi is a threat to Suzy's modeling career. If Soon Mi tries modeling for something, Suzy joins it too just to outshine Soon Mi. Soon Mi never liked or tolerated this, and hasn;t backed down from modeling just yet.







Love interest : Suho (Kim Joonmyeon)

Backup Love Interest : D.O (Do Kyungsoo)

Date of Birth ✯ Age : May 22, 1991 ❄  22

Group : EXO, EXO-K

Personality : Calm, collected, very well-mannered, and at times very sweet.

How you met : When Soon Mi first entered SM, she was picked on by ome older girls. Suho, having been one of the trainees who was there the longest, told the girls to back off of Soon Mi. She was very young at the time, and saw Suho as a sunbae she could look up to. They developed a Teacher-Student relationship after that, and Soon Mi soon started to slowly fall in love with him as she grew older. Screw s.

How you act around each other : Suho only sees Soon Mi as a little sister and hoobae he should take care of. Soon Mi obviously sees him another way. Whenever they're around each other, he gives her tips for idol and trainee life and often takes her out to eat. Soon Mi is usually calm around him, and never acts like her usual crazy, AB self out of fear that she may scare him away.










How did you get in FAIRY? :  Audition

How were your trainee days : She was usually the first one in and the last one out. She trained whenever she could and pushed herself forward. She made few friends, and kept herself distanced from the ones that seemed as potential competition. Linah was the only exception.

Years of training : 5 years

Persona : Cheerful and a very fun person.

Stage Name : Summer

Real Name : Park Soon Mi

Age : 18

Birthdate : 01.13.1996

Height & Weight : 168cm / 54kg

Skills : Singing, Dancing

Motto : "Our purpose in life isn't to live forever. It's to make something that will. "

Nickname in Group : Crazy Fairy

Position : 

[ O ] Main Vocalist
[ ] Lead Vocalist
[ ] Main Dancer
[ O ] Lead Dancer
[ ] Main Rapper
[ ] Lead Rapper

Backup Position : {will pick by author}

[ ] Sub-Vocalist
[ ] Dancer
[ ] Sub-Rapper
[ ] Composer
[ ] Choreographer
[ ] Moodmaker
[ ] Spoken
Power : { Don't fill this yet; I'll tell you later by looking at your app }
Plotlines : { Mark 'O', 'X' is taken }
[ ] Rose - Tiffany
[ ] Lavendar - Hyoyeon
[ [ Orchid - Seohyun
[ ] Daisy - Yuri
[ O ] Tulip - Taeyeon
[ ] Jasmine - Jessica
[ ] Carnation - Sooyoung
[ ] Lily - Sunny
[ X ] Sakura - Yoona

Fanclub Name : Sunrays

Fanclub Color : #ffff33

Fanclub Motto : " As long as our Sun exists, so will we. "

Special Talents : Has a dolphine pitch and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do

Weakness : Extremely hot weather and beatboxing

Super Junior Mentor : Ryeowook

Shinee Mentor : Onew

EXO Mentor : Suho

SNSD Mentor : Taeyeon

F(X) Mentor : Sulli

Singing twin : Ailee

Dancing twin : Jessica

Rapping twin : Yuri 






Comments : x

Suggestions : x

Scene Requests : x


Password : My wish is for me to be able to finally overcome my shyness and tell my crush about my feelings. >///////<





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