Do you ship?


SO.... what's this about Taemin and Kai going to Japan ALONE for six days? I know they're close, but maybe they are, like, CLOSE close... do you ship it, or are they just brommies? I wish Onew and Joon would go on a brocation too. TTTT 


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taekailust #1
I do ship them. Oh goottttt
Piggybunny3 #2
Taekai Ships itself . ;DDDD <3
yoongles #3
No.I don't ship...

I ship only 2min......

JONGKEY......... 2MIN
BeautyIsPain #5
I don't ship it. I think they are really close friends who care a lot about each other. They could have possibly fooled around in the past, but I don't think they are or ever were in a relationship. They are mostly a brotp.
Siblings-Curse #6
I think they're friends...with benefits they indulge in here and there

I do not ship Taemin and Kai. I think they are just friends. Onew did go on vacation with Joon or I should say Joon went on vactation with Onew a while back just the two of them alone for a few days.
For me they're really good friends, even BEST friends. And sometimes it's good to hang out with your friends than family that is beside you everyday and even if you love them you want to spend some time with friends. To me, they are really good buddies and it's good that they can take some rest! TaeKai for me is FRIEND!ship.
EXO is not my band that I'm interested in, but I respcet their friendships with SHINee :) But no relationships... 2min forever! :D
I think it's just 2 really good friends that happened to be allowed some vacation time and they took the chance to travel to somewhere they both wanted to go. They travel with their band members so much that they were looking for new experiences with a different people.
NyappyxLove #10
Tae kai is amazing.... Js... So is joonew I ship that hard
SapphireSelliegh #11
Maybe? I don't really put Taemin with anyone besides SHINee...... = . = now that I think about it I really don't ship Kai..... period. Kaisoo is so-so in my books. Poor kai!
Tbh I think it's an SM publicity thing to get more interest in EXO, (sorry SHINee!) they've been subtly (not) throwing exo in with their sunbaes, like Sehun and Donghae had a "date", dinner and night time walk through neighbourhoods in Seoul this week, and sending Kai off with Taemin is another attempt to push inter-group interactions, they've sent the Chinese exo members to China for the lunar new year, and set Sehun off to spend it with another one of the members too (it is possible it was his own choice, but would he not want to spend his vacation time with his own family?)
I know that Taemin and Kai are friends and maybe they genuinely made the choice to go in a "brocation" together. It would be kinda sweet if they did- even without all the fangirl "they're sharing a hotel room ㅋㅋㅋ" fantasies that are circulating. -already.


Haha maybe I should do a taekaiho fic, I've already gone for the TaeKaiSoo version
sugarkookies #13
taekai is my otp ♡