Ghost Town, Ghost Author

First, it's amazing that I remember the log-in info for this site. Two, it brought me way back to read comments on stories in the past year, given I've been MIA for 1,000 years.

I was curious to see if people still gathered here. I know my circle is most likely gone; a lot has changed in the Shawol world and in my personal world. A lot of negatives and sad events. I do still listen to SHINee's music though--but I no longer write about them.

I have started writing fics again, but this time about the world of Genshin Impact. If any one is intereseted and play that game as well--and if anyone even reads this blog to begin with--feel free to check it out on AFF or @ or via @ao3orgΒ 

I hope all is well with everyone these days. I miss the good ol' days when we all creamed over SHINee explicitly. I have so many happy memories...

Feel free to follow/chat with me @anileekayne sometime!




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I just got so busy in life with my new job and trying to go to school again that I lost time to get on as much as I used to. I plan on trying to update and rewrite some of my stories. Its hard finding time. But I missed all your stories and I'm interested in reading more that are to come.
Me too. I miss the SHINee days but ever since then I just don’t have the heart to write about them anymore. I’ve tried but at this point they’re just for me to read. I would love to read your Genshin Impact stories, though. I’m not a dedicated player so idk the characters that well.

Ps. Happy to see you’re back :)
we’ll always come crawling back in the end 😭 I’m glad to hear you’re still writing!
I leave, but always come back again
every once in a while I reread some stuff I would check out your new ficsπŸ’•
I'm still here. Still writing SHINee fan fiction. I left, deleted all my stories off here but I came back. People are still here. Still writing. Hope you're doing well?
Dmat17 #7
Still here. Still SHINee. Hope you’re doing well.
Some of us are still here XD
I know nothing about genshin impact so I'm afraid I won't be able to read your new stories, but it's still so nice to see you back on this site!