Celebrating my 1yr anniv on the site with a contest based on my fic, Phoenix Rising!


The contest:


We are 27 chapters in and the story is planned to be 36-40 chapters total. We're about 3/4 of the way through - but there is a lot yet to come! The entire story is outlined and I know how it ends - but do you? 


From now until when I post ch 28, I am accepting submissions of your guess how PR will end. And I mean more detail than "BaekYeol end up together!!! 1"

When the fic is over, the person whose guess was closest will get a drabble/oneshot from me of any pairing/prompt they like :3 





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CH 28 IS UP! Contest is officially closed :D Thanks to all who participated! I'll announce the winner probably in the next chapter... Be thinking of the pairing and prompt you'd like to see me write a oneshot of x) <3
i think Yeol's already halfway inlove with Baek, and Baek's already starting to fall.

so my prediction is that THEY WILL END UP TOGETHER but before that,

Baek will find the strength to face his fears, maybe Yeol will be his pillar of strength or that he finally get tired of not being able to live the life he actually wants.

Yeol will have a confrontation with kai, us readers will find out what the crawled in Joingin's .

there might be slight angst wherein you authornim will be evil, scaring us into thinking that Baekyeol might actually not end up together, they might break up for a little while because of Baek's spineless , then Yeol will actually say that he's in love with Baek and that he wants him to be happy. there are actually a million possibilities in how you will do this, but the end result is that something will happen or someone will be a catalyst in which Baek realizes how much he's in love with Yeol.

and of course, before the end of your amazing fic, Baek will find out that Yeol is his Boss's son :D

P.S. i hope that Kris will be part of the remaining chapters. though i'm thinking he might be the reason that Baek finds out about Yeol's parentage.

goodnhait authornim :D
I think what GoldenIntoBlack said could happen LOL I'm not participating since it's his/her idea. Just came here to ask: is there an e-mail acc or some place where we can write to you, dear Author? I need to send you a love letter -_- Also, I cant find how to upvote (Im such a newbie)
XxxZoiExxX #4
Can I still predict the ending?

ChanBaek will learn to fall in love with each other.

But no matter what, they won't end up together.

Because Baekhyun will have to live his life and do his life prospects while Phoenix, yeah, he'll have to choose what to do either.
I will throw a bomb here

Baekhyun will commit suicide at the end.
Worst ending ever !

I've been watching so much depressing things lately forgive me for that
GoldenIntoBlack #6
I think Baekhyun will end up with Chanyeol and become his boss's son who is Chanyeol's father and Baek will get back into music, probably join Chanyeol's band or something
sappheiros15 #7
I can make some suppositions, but I will probably get it wrong -_- (not that I complain, I like the fact that you surprise me with each chapter ^^)
Since it's called Phoenix rising, maybe at the end the group will sign into Park entertainment, but I doubt that Baekhyun will become a singer, he keeps doing his job as an executive. We also discover Chanyeol's past story dealing with someone who was like Baek (himself maybe ?) And Baekyeol end up together of course (you can't make them part, can you ??) even if Baek's parents don't approve of it (the company wouldn't mind though). And in between, I predict loooots of drama : Baek's unwanted coming-out, Kai's outburst (even if he has to love Baek at the end, because who wouldn't love him, huh ?), Baekyeol breaking up at some point and getting back together once Baek realize that his life is even more miserable without Chanyeol and that people, besides his family, don't mind that much and can be supportive. And I'm sure Kris is gonna have a role to play even if I don't know which one (I want to know more about his relationship with Chanyeol :D)
Lol, that's definitely what I want and not what you will write, isn't it xD That's too much of an happy ending ^^ I guess (or hope) that it will end good but not as good as that... Anyway, at least I tried ^^ ( I wish I could win and ask you for a Kaibaek oneshot *Q*)
XxxZoiExxX #8
Just one thinh, I esp at guessing the outcomes. /face palm/

So let's see.. First of all, Baek's "perfect image" would shatter one after another, and Baek might even get fired..? He'd be stressed n Yeol would be there. But B would push him away. Fights would come and they might even break up, like thinking that they realize that that's not love but lust between them. Baek would go back to his cage and lock himself there. Yeol would be with his friends but there's Kai and his little problem. PR might disband and Yeol might also be in a trouble himself. Eventually some people(like in suits) would show up and cause some scenes. Yeol might be, idk, some rich CEO's son.

Oh, there might be like signing with B's company and PR but CY would insist while Kai would badly wanna sign.

I assume there might be a lot misunderstandings, drama, angst coming. BUT.. You're story was tagged as romance, not angst so.. I STILL HAVE A LITTLE HOPE THAT IN THE END MY BIGGEST O TEE PEE WOULD END UP TGT, just a serious illness I have. =.=
I'll just enter for the fun of it :D
btw, long time no talk, life's busy I guess? For me it is ;A; //cries a thousand years//
clings to you, I miss you Soh ;A; you so flawless...

I hope you're good? and yes, I'm still following PR and LASHDKGSAKFshLSHFDKLSh HOWWWWWWWW...
damned be my comment-lazy self.
I'm happy for your feature! Yaaaayy, you deserve it *throws confetti over your head*!!!

how will it end... hm. thats a tough question. I guess you like twists. phoenix is rising in baekhyun's view/heart/idek. phoenix is rising with his group, cause they're getting a little bit better gigs now (wasnt it?)...
hmmmm... baek let go of his fiancee. I guess he'll get a load of crap from his family now, a load from his boss, everything will go up and down like a rollercoaster, Yeol will stay with him through it. But they will have their own fight/drama inbetween because baek is difficult and he still cant completely let go of his "ideal self"- maybe he will get fired because he doesnt accomplish anything. he could try getting chanyeol signed because that guy is just awesome and yeol could probably save baeks job but he wont sign under the same company as krissy-baby is, because those two were like twins/best friends a long time ago and now thats impossible, cause kris gave up himself (his music?) for fame and moneyyy and yeol wont do that.
ok, so back to baek being difficult... baek's "perfect image/world" shatters one after another (he could've possibly acted greatly through his entire life without yeol in it).
so, that beautiful songbird, who was caged by his surroundings (I kinda found (?) this metaphor-type, analogy thingy - however you call it- in your story, which I think you indicated in your chapter titles and story as well)
let's say his cage gets destroyed and now he can be free, but he doesnt know how to. so lets say, chanyeol will help him free himself from his old life and baek will be able to fly and sing again...
ozwalkr #10
well, let's see..Where to start this. First off,Baek and Yeollie are meant for each other. Ultimately, the truth about Baek will come out to his folks, and he will be a mess, but I think before that, he is going to realize that it is HIS like, not theirs and his happiness is HIS business. The ex fiancee is going to make a play to get him back, thinking its a woman, and will probably be the one to spill the beans to Baek's folks when she finds the truth out. Kai is going to make a big mess thinking Yeollie is trying to fly solo, or duo with Baek after the noraebang. Tao is going to be caught in the middle, but lean towards the happiness of the giant. Eventually, Baek is going to sign PR to the label, only to find out that Yeollie is the CEO's estranged son. (Proud to have you as my son)8P. Eventually, Baek is going to either 1) become the 4th in PR. 2) manage PR and be with Yeollie, or 3) both. Since you have story tagged as romance and not angst, they WILL BE HAPPY. Beak needs to drop the suit image and be himself tho...kinda like GD. Yeollis and Appa will find it in themselves to make up their differences. The ex will probably end up with Kris. DO needs a better role too. With his amazing voice, Baek needs to hear him and bring him in as a soloist. Anyways. Thats my stab at it. Thank you for the wonderful sweet, y, ty story that you have going. i have officially tagged it into my favorites under EXO along with The Replacement Doll, (try it if you haven't already, its GOOD). Congrats on that little star!! I'll be waiting for your update!!
I think that Chanyeol and Baekhyun will not stay together, because I don't think Chanyeol really loves Baekhyun. I think he thinks he does, just because he spent so much time with him and enjoys his company, but he doesn't love him. I also think he's trying to "make himself" even though he might forget his intentions sometimes.
I think that Baekhyun will marry a girl, maybe his ex-fiancee, maybe not, because he still wants to make his parents proud. I think the story will end with baekyeol on bad terms.

/hides face/ annie's tragic.
If I have to predict based on the realistic side, Chanyeol amd Baekhyun won't end up together as husband-husband couple, but would be "friends that sleep together" while maintaining their personal lives and upholding their obligation with their parents.
But the ending I hope is baekhyun and chanyeol would be a couple, they got permission from their parents and Chanyeol is actually a very rich guy that gets bored very easily while Baekhyun never fails to intrigue him.
soulpreme #13

And ummm the contest wow this is so exciting I always like to predict how a story will go lol. My first guess is Chanyeol is actually CEO Park's son, he probably left his family bcs of his father's young wife or he just wants some freedom. And PR might have big fight in the future, with Kai's cynicism towards Phoenix and Baek relationship. But I hope all will turn out well, and Baek will probably join PR (this is more like a personal wish lol should not waste that amazing vocal talent ;) ) bcs I think Baek will come out to his family, tho it'll be a really hard thing to do, and he cant just go back to his routine life. Chanbaek probably will have a little break up too, a bit misunderstanding or something, and they'll be separated for a little time just to evaluate their real feelings towards each other (IDK I just like a bit drama here and there OTL).

BUT OF COURSE "BaekYeol end up together!!! 1", IT'S A MUST OR ORR.. I'll just cry u____u AND PLEASE I LIKE YOUR SO MUCH LMAO.

That's it. Please dont laugh too much if my predictions hit too far from your original plot ♡
Karolayn #14
Gosh this is so hard because I'm torn between the ending id like and a more realistic one lol, dude baekhyun is addicted to Chanyeol by this point, which is why staying away from him doesn't seem plausible...but baekhyun will hold on to his reputation for as long as he can so he will try to keep Chanyeol hidden until the very end, that won't work tho...I'm expecting for the band to break up because is being such an ...maybe Chanyeol will get signed on his own? I at predicting sh*t so I'm not expecting anything but just to satisfy my curiosity hahaha I just hope baekhyun doesn't lose his job or anything, id love it if he ran away with Chanyeol to be a musician again but uh is that even possible at this point? God...hahaha
I think Baeks going to try and work it out with his ex-fiance to appease his parents but it's all going to go to h3ll. I think he will try and keep his distance from Yeol but then there's Kris who won't be havin that. Ermmm and I think Baek will bring Yeol,Tao and Kai to the record label and sign them. Forcing them to be around it other a lot more which will make Baek fight his attraction because he feels as though its wrong. I'm positive Kai's gonna cause some drama with his feelings towards Baek..well that's what I think as more chapters come out I shall come and guess again ^_^