Tagging everyone. Feel free to answer so i can read all your thoughts :D


rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them





1. 3 favorite fics you have read this far?

- I'd lie again to get you by ret 097

- i'm sorry but i love him by ret097

- Protect me from this by ret 097

I love her writing style and i love how the story flows. I'd lie again to get you has got to be my favorite so far :D


2. Can you speak korean?

A little i guess. i do understand some words...


3. Can you read korean?

yepp. writing and reading :D


4. Your favorite kpop song?

all time? that'd be haru haru, lies, and Blue by big bang. 


5. Have you read any of my stories?



6. Which one?

I read A LOT of your stories so yeah... hahaha


7. What kind of fics do you like to read?

i like good writing. I love fics that aren't too dragging and have a weaking as the main character ( no offense but if you've been in aff for a long time, you know there's a huge amount of weak-innocent character and you'll bound to get sick of it) i love it if it has happy ending :D haha


8. Do you like horror movies?

NOPE a thousand time NO. I'm quite sensitive (if that's what people call it) so watching this kind of stuff might 'trigger' something lol


9. Bias from Exo?

not a fan but if i have to choose, i'd say Kris lol


10. Do you like Junhyung? hahahaha xD *Random I know*

I do lol 







1. What would you like to be when you graduate?


2. If you could meet your bias and have a long chat, what are you going to talk about with them?


3. What's attractive about your bias?


4. Do you like to read aside from AFF?


5. What kind of book?


6. I want ____ to be my dad, ____ to be my brother, ____ to be my best friend, and ____ to be my boyfriend/significant other (fill it up with any celebs or idols, doesn't have to be korean :D ) 


7. Have you read any of my stories?


8. which one? do you like it? 


9. Which one is your favorite?


10.What kind of advice would you like to give to improve my writing ?


11. What's your impression of me?






Anyone who's interested in answering. if you do, would you tell me so i can read it? :D


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