
Do you believe there is life on other planets?  kinda. i mean it's kinda weird if we're the only living things in such a vast galaxy :D
Do you believe in miracles? Yepp
Do you believe in magic? I do
Do you believe in Satan? i believe in God and i know satan is fallen angels so yeah i do believe they exist but i don't worship them.
Do you like roller coasters? more like love-hate relationship. I'm kinda scared of heights but then again, i like the rush lol
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? A million times NO!
Have you ever asked someone out? Nope. I'm an introvert and an awkward person so... 
Have you ever been asked out by someone? i don't think so.. i mean i have someone approaching me and liking me but i usually backed away before they even asked me out lol
Have you ever been to the ocean? like beaches?? 
Have you ever painted your nails? yes, of course lol
What is the temperature outside? warm
What radio station do you listen?  I don't really listen to radio, i have my phone and headset lol
What was the last restaurant you ate at?  a small bakery-cafe at a bookstore lol
What was the last thing you bought? hm... bread, i think lol
What was the last thing on TV you watched?  Chicago code. i don't even know what is it about. lol
Who was the last person you IM'd?  im?? 
Who was the last person you took a picture of? me.... lol
Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?   I don't really say i love you to people that easily so... no...
Ever really cried your heart out? yeah
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes, few times
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? no...
Ever cried over the opposite ? yeah...
Do you cry when you get an injury? if it hurts pretty bad, then yes.
Do certain songs make you cry?  yes. Westlife's have you ever, brown eyes "Don't go", Big bang's haru haru and lies, Kimjongkook 'to her boy".. and many others lol
Are you a happy person? i probably am when i'm with my friends but i'm not when i'm alone. I'm just good in masking away all my problems and stress and just look like a normal human being when i'm not really feeling okay lol
What is your current hair color? reddish brown :D
What shirt are you wearing? A white T-shirt from B2ST special album!! woohoo~
Shoes?  none haha
Necklaces? none 
Underwear? i forgot... i think it's grey? haha
Eye color: dark brown
Short or long hair: short. just below my shoulder lol
Height: 161!! hahaha


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