FANFIC 101: What Not To Do: Pretend You're Not American When You Clearly Are

If I read ONE MORE ing story written by someone who is obviously American, or knows American English AND YET STILL INSISTS ON WRITING:








I will personally ream you out for being a total dip and/or unsub your fic. If you're American/in America, write in American English, for sake. Your spellchecker, if you have the humility to use one, is telling you you're spelling it wrong. You KNOW as you're writing it that you're doing it to be 'cool' and write in British English, because chances are you have a slight problem with your life in America and very likely have a deluded case of xenophilia therefore think things from abroad are inherently better than here. Sure, maybe some things are. Maybe a LOT of things are.


But language isn't one of them so GET IT RIGHT.  Because GUESS WHAT?!


Anyone who KNOWS British English or has a firm enough grasp of American English will SEE YOUR ERROR A MILE AWAY.


Know why?


Because you spelled all the OTHER words the American way 8)


And no, I'm not ing telling you what they are. If you want to parade yourself around as being an author from another country or wish to unsubtly distinguish yourself from your American peers, do your damn research or expect to be laughed at by those who know better.


On a more pragmatic note: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, listen to your spellchecker. Don't get into the idiotic habit of writing in a half-assed form of Ameri-Brit English that is in fact INCORRECT where you live AND incorrect where British English is used. When you turn around to write a resume or a professional email you'll be looked down upon because you CAN'T SPELL -- OR ten times worse, you won't even get an interview because people will assume you're an immigrant and are looking for a work visa WHICH NO ONE WANTS TO SPONSOR. Didn't think of that did you. GUESS WHAT, it happens. I've seen it with my own two eyes. Get your straight now. Habits, once formed, are incredibly hard to break.


News flash, no one thinks you're cool cuz you write coloUr or honoUr. We know you're American. And those of us who know better think you're dumb for trying to be something you're not.


I've never even seen ESL/foreign folks make this mistake, I've only seen Americans do this.






/crawls back into bed to cough and die some more/ z_z


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This is epic. I dont know if you wrote this out of legit anger, or if you're even trying to be a bit funny, i dont know. But, this had me laughing so hard, then eventually made me unsure if i should cry or not. I'm from Norway and i havent really used english other than what assigned to me at school or reading books/fanfics whatever, and i just KNOW that i mix american and british english. Well, i pretty much think so as i've been obsessed with England and adopting words from there, and as well have an american english teacher teaching me his stuff. At least i'm not trying to? xD
deluforselu #2
Why do people find Brit English cooler?? I think it's just the same, why do they have to force themselves to write Brit
I've seen too many of those, too.

It happens to me at times, though. Where I first schooled at, I was taught British English, but when I migrated, it was elevators instead of lifts and apartments instead of flats. Now my English is kind of screwed up DX
velvetsand #4
i feel you when the same happens to my language ;~;
lol, omg I sure hope I never went through that phase when writing... /facepalm
i don't english but i feel you
lol i know an author who writes "flat" instead of apartments, and when i asked if she was from england or the u.k. she said no, so im like.....why are you using flat one from america uses flat. everything else is american english, except for "flat"....its so stupid.
Brigi_monster #8
That's quite the rant there ;~; I'm going to assume this doesn't apply to me in any way cause I live in Canada....
Lol what the happened?
what about Amurica for America?