
Why hello, it's nice to see you here.


Thanks for noticing I had a post. So, I'm thinking of doing 3 different one-shots. I have no time/patience for an actual plotline right now, so I wanted to get some feedback from my subscribers. Here are your choices


.1. Dongho- this was a suggestion made to me. Although he's not my bias, and I'm not sure how to approach it, if it's something that interests you, please let me know.
2. Soohyun- of course. Because I've already wrote 2 oneshots for him, I don't want to be repetitive. But if you guys would really like another, I can certianly try to do that for you. In a much FASTER manner than "I'm Jealous".
3. Chunji- oh, weren't expecting THAT, were you? well, to be honest, I had a bit of inspiration as I have Teen Top Takeover lately in my mind (this is my alternative to having a "condition". They're just plain old taking over). How does THAT sound.

I'm leaving the board open to discussion. Is there something you guys want to see me to? I write to please, and I welcome suggestions. Who's your bias? Can I tackle a oneshot for him/her? I've never done a her. That'd be difficult. My only request is that I don't do OTP's. I don't want to get into that. I just want a YouxYourBias oneshot . Sound good? Na mean?


Oh, my other point to making this- I have finals this week. Seeing as how I have the attention span of a sqiurrel or less, I probably will be working on a oneshot between study sessions. So, the sooner I get an idea, the sooner I can start working on it for you guys. be completely honest, I've been feeling a little depressed lately. I'm working on being happy, but it's hard to pretend for so long. It's been a rough week. This next week will be rougher, hell, even TOMORROW will be even worse. I don't expect myself to pretend this week. But when I see a comment from you guys, it brings a genuine smile to my face, because it means you care and like my writing. <3


Have a wonderful week. <3


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I vote for Dongho too, because there's not a lot of written about him and since I find him mischievious and all, it would be fun !
Although you have written 2 Soohyun oneshots *still fanning self off from them...LAWDY* and Chunji would be cool to read, I think the Dongho one would be SO interesting to read. Not too much is done on him 'cause he's the maknae and it's like everyone has this invisible 12 foot pole that they don't want to touch him with. Most of the on him on here that I've seen is and even though I have nothing against ppl writing's like I want to see him with a girl. I think it would be interesting to see what you would have in store for him story-wise. So, I vote for Dongho ;) Feel free to throw ideas my way and I'll be happy to help out ^_^ GOOD LUCK with your finals *hugs* <3 <3 <3