What a pain.

Well this is the first blog post I've ever done on this account, so bear with me, I'm a little new to this.


Lately I've been struggling with a lot of different things. I'm not gonna get into it, I'm not here to tell you about my personal struggles, I'm here to tell you about my I'm trying to work on.


So, as some of you know, I have a little preview of "I'm Jealous" up here. I've been trying to finish it for months now. Literally my problem is I have no inspiration. I kind of turned away from U-KISS and turned more towards LEDApple and Teen Top. Which are both great bands, but this isn't going to help me finish my story, is it? I really just need inspiration. A video, some new song, maybe just mezmerize myself with Soo again. Of course, this proves difficult lately......especially with my finals coming up.


However, I'm going to treat this as my getaway from studying. If I study too hard, I probably won't retain all the stuff I'm trying to learn, so it'd be best to take a break in a way I like. Or at least, this is how I'm going to take it as. So bear with me. I'm going to try SO, SO HARD to finish it for you guys. So please....keep checking on my page and your subscriptions. I gotta get this done.


Leave me a comment, if there's a video or a picture you can think of with Soohyun (or Eli....hehe...>>") that would help me get into the zone. After all, I write for you guys, I love to hear from you :)





Ps- Enjoy this photo of Soohyun his lips seductively.

soohyun photo: Soohyun Soohyun.jpg





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erm...u-kiss has a sub unit now (Eli and AJ feat. Kevin). Their album came out last night online. Here's a pic of Eli from when they were in Malaysia a few days ago...
