Fox Ladies {Application!}

____________________________________________________________fox typical

01. Ice Fox

02. Fire Fox

03. Water Fox

04. Electric Fox -AngelBass-

05. Angel Fox

06. Silvechase Fox

07. Invisibillity Fox



username: Kamoria

profile link: x

what should i call you?: Just call me Kam :)



character's name: Kaya Park

character's image: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

age: 15

birth date: 10/30/96

blood type: B+

height: 148 cm

weight: 39 kg

waist: 22 inch.


personality: Kaya is a unique one, and far from your average lady. If you would have to take a guess at what her personality would be from her looks, you would expect her to be a shy, cute girl with a dumb persona. No, deep down inside she is nothing but a jokester at heart. Let me define jokester for you: Kaya is always the girl to laugh the loudest, talk the loudest, and have the most humurous aura surround her.

There isn't a time that you would not be humored by this girl, because she has the funniest jokes ever. Yeah some people could find her fake and annoying, but truly deep down she just loves to live her life while she's still young. Another trait she posseses is being a daredevil. Even for a tiny little thing, she is always up for a good dare and will never back down to one, ever. Tell her to stick a hand in a fish tank filled with piranha's.. she'll do it. Tell her to take off her shirt and run around the campus half-... she'll do it.

So, you get the point. She doesn't have one regret bone in her body.Don't think she doesn't have a soft side to her, she does. She just doesn't like to show it that much because she wants people to think of her as a tough girl that can handle anything like a beast, without acting like a total ''girl''. Get on her soft side, and she'll be open to any secrets, or things she had done in the past. Just don't ponder the dear girl because she can get either really sad, or really angry that you would want to run away from her. Naturally, Kaya has something about her that make boys.. and girls, fall to her feet at her cuteness. Well, she doesn't need to act cute, she just needs to be who she is, and people really like that about her.



• Minah has a hobby of going swimming in oceans or, lakes. Anything with water.

• Doing Community Service.

• Lurking in the woods.

• Book Reading.

• Pranking people.


• Cursing in italian when angry.

• She tends to stare off into space too much, and it makes people confused if she's staring at them or not.

• Pouting out her lips when she wants something.

• Laughing too loud when someone says a cheesy pick up line, or joke.

• Pressing her tongue against her cheeks when she's frustrated or pissed.


• Korean Variety Shows

• Chicken Raymen

• The Woods

• Water

• Sprite

• Hip Hop Music

• Supernatural Books

• Mexican Food

• Tall Boys

• The Color Blue


• Show off's

• People who downgrade others

• Broccoli

• Getting in fights

• Diet Soda's

• Haunted Houses

• Romantic Movies

• Prissy Girls


Kaya has a deathly fear of being abandoned by someone close to her, and she also is afraid of anything that has to do with the word ''death''. It frightens her to a point that she doesn't even like mentioning those two things.



name: Katerina

age: 40013

power(s): Katerina has the ability of moving water in her mind, and shooting it wherever her brain says. Also, she tends to have the power of talking to different types of animals (particulary marine), and whenever she needs help, she loves to talk to them for help.

energy: Dolphins, and Zelo's laughter

weaknesses: Seeing her loved one's get badly hurt mentally, or physically. Anything that has to to do with heat/fire.



love interest:

Choi Junhong (Zelo) | 15 | B.A.P / INFINITE | Zelo is a very hyper and moody boy. Being only fifteen years old, his traits still continue to change now and then, and he is always on the go. He is also very tricky, and likes to trick people into thinking different things, but also can be very loving. Over all, he is just your typical fifteen year old. | He is your partner in crime/Best Bud 

love interest picture: #1 #2 #3 #4

his hobbies:

• Skateboarding.

• Breaking the rules.

• He likes to also go out camping some times.

• Just being adorable.

his specialities:

• He knows how to fight really well.

• He is very good in math.

• Sweet talking.


any scene request for you and him?: Hmm, well I was thinking maybe you could do a scene where he tricks her into coming close to his face, but kissing her by surprise.

why are you choosing him?: The reason I choose Zelo, is because I can relate to him the most from B.A.P. His personality shines, and he is probably the most good-looking fifteen year old i have ever seen! Also, the boy is mega talented, and is just wonderful in whatever he does! Whenver I see him, or hear him in music, my heart starts to flutter. xD I just love him. Period. ♥



rival name: Kwon Gina

rival picture: #1 #2 #3 #4

his/her weaknesses: Well, Gina has a very weak lung system, and she easily runs out of breath quickly. Since Kaya has the ability of moving water, she can easily drown her in under a minute.

his/her power: Gina has the power of freezing somebody to not move, this comes in handy when she wants to attack/kill someone.

any scene request?: I want a scene where Gina goes down to hunt Kaya sometime to kill her, but when Kaya finds her, she atomatically uses her powers on her, and kills her with her water power when Gina wasn't looking

the reason: The real reason is because two years ago, she used to think that Gina was her best friend. She and her went to middle school together, and Gina was always really nice to her and they hung out all the time. But, one night when Gina was sleeping over, she went into Kaya's older brother's room and killed him in his sleep, and ran away far from the city. Ever since then, Kaya and Gina have been targeting each other.




 Suzy | 17 | Miss A | human | Suzy is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, and will never ever be mean to you for no good reason. You can trust her enough to tell her anything and everything, and she will not judge you. She is also a good influence on Kaya since Kaya usually likes to cause a bit of trouble, but she calms her down during that time.

Yunho  | 25 | TVXQ | wolf | Yunho is like an older brother to Kaya, and is the protective type. He is always watching over her, and taking care of her when she needs comforting. He also knows of her real brother's death two years ago and he wants to take up as a brother figure for her. If Kaya is hurt badly, he will be angry enough to kill.


 Bang Yong Guk | 20 | B.A.P |  human | Yong Guk is a very serious dude. He never really likes to bring any trouble, but trouble lives within him. He and Kaya has such similar personalities that they can't help but want to be friends. They hang out, alot. And they understand eachother very well. Yong Guk also teases Kaya about Zelo, alot, and she always hates it when he is like that.

how did you guys being more closer?: When Kaya first met Yong Guk, she wasn't to certain about him since he seemed to hard to approach. But, one sunny afternoon in the woods she found Yong Guk almost drown in a nearby lake by her cabin home, and she went to go save him. Whenever that happened, the two instantly became friends, and hung out alot with eachother.



you want to still Alive or Died?: You Provide It. So, I really don't care what you put! Because it's gonna be greatttt~

if you still Alive, tell me why: { the reason why you've to still alive, but if you not choose Alive, please cut this part }

if you Died, tell me how: { the reason how you can died, but if you not choose Died, please cut this part }



anything else?: Nope, I think you did just perfect! Good job on making the application so well done, and neat! A+!

suggestions: To be honest, are you into ? Don't want to sound really erted or anything, but maybe if you want to, (you don't have to!) could you do a scene where kaya looses her ity to zelo? if you feel uncomfortable on writing it, you can just skip the details and say it just happened. but, even if your too uncomfortable with that, you can just forget about the whole part!

comments: Well, all I want to say is that I hope you have fun choosing all of the applicants, and that you have fun in the making! I don't want to say "Oh, please choose me or, I hope you choose me!'' Because I don't like pondering the author. It's your decision on who you choose, and being pressured by all these people are too much for you to handle. Also, I hope that you have a good week! FIGTHING~

the password: You'reMyFox


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