Application ♥Global Best Face♥



Username: Kamoria

Profile Link: profile


Ulzzang You:


Your Name: Danelle Campbell

Nickname: Dani

Age: 14

Ethnicity: White

Country: United States

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Bloodtype: B

Pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



Comments/Questions: To be honest, I didn't think that I'd made it! But, this is the first time I ever attempted to do ulzzang. I know I'm not that pretty, but it was atleast fun trying! I hope you get alot more applications, and Good Luck^ :D

Password: Favoriteulzzang

Others: ♥


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/throws confetti everywhere.
First ulzzang^^
kipi9899 #2
You're pretty :D I love your nose and eyes x)
You're really pretty too :3