AFF Has Changed

Sigh.Β  πŸ˜”

AFF had changed a lot over the many years I've been active on here. I've been here since 2014 and changed my name a few times. Lol. I was gone for maybe 2-3 years. A lot of my readers, followers, favorite authors have gone. The activity on this page is just not the same anymore. I'm trying to stay strong and finish my revamp on here. The subs aren't the same feel anymore.Β  Same goes for upvotes and comments. I remember getting 3k views for ads now it barely hits 1k. I remember getting subs every day, every hour. Now, barely any for weeks. How long have you been on here? Or, if there's still some followers or readers of mine left, holler at me! I need some kind of interaction.Β 


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I feel almost the same. I am here since 2012.. My stories subscriptions, my friend here and also my fav author has gone too. You are one of my fav author. I remember sobbing when i was reading Shards of Us, oh and I have read thet more than twice 😁
I'm here since 2015.Yes, a lot has change and some of my fav story and author had gone.But I am still waiting for ur story Lucky monsters to continue and I love ur story Shards of Us.
cea05044418ymz93a09 #3
Lol, same I've been on AFF for 7 years already. But I did left between 7 years then back again on AFF. I guess people just move on. You know, grow to adulthood and stuff. And new generation is coming so yeah... With lots of new fanfics with new generation/new kpop group there's no doubt some of the fics isn't going to gain lots of attraction.