

I saw a few of these posts and decided it would be fun to have something to reflect on in the future. Lol. Thanks for letting me steal this by the way.

Anyway, nine years from now, everyone that posted is still super young. 😲 Lol. They all wish to have jobs they want and have a successful life with money. Not that it's a bad thing because that would be nice, but sadly that isn't reality. 😣 I'm not bashing anyone, I'm just saying I remember those days and they were wonderful thoughts. I kept telling myself I'd be married in my twenties. Lol. Ummm...honey, I still haven't had my first boy. Lol.

In nine years I'll be super old. Lol. Too old to say.  😝 I don't mind what I'm doing now, so it'll be okay if I still kept my same job. I love chemistry, what can I say. In nine years, I hope to have bought my own house. I would like a nice big house just because my parents could never afford one. But, nine years from now, I really do hope I have a nice man who I can also depend on. In nine years from now, I also wish to have a couple of children and maybe good life savings by then. In nine years, I also hope to be supporting my parents and grandmother. I would love to take them on at least one trip because they could never afford to do so. It doesn't matter where, it could be to the nearest state or maybe just a trip to the zoo because I love zoos. They are my heart and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for them. Thank you, mom, dad, and grandma. This is the me I want to see in nine years. Maybe then I'll rest peacefully.

In nine years, I might still be around this site and hopefully, I stumble upon this blog.

Hahaha. I think that was more of a confession, but it was fun. πŸ˜†

AND, #7yearswithEXO. Thank you for existing. Without you, life wouldn't have been as fun.


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#EXO!! Same completely! I support you wholeheartedly and I wish the same for everyone here, including myself.
Me too, in nine years i wish to have my own family and adventure. To be well financially too...

I'm gonna be super old too but hopefully with young mind so it'll help me to get trough life's hard phase.

To think that we could've been passed away in nine years is... ;'(

I wish this site will still exists so we can go back to read some good stories in our break.

I'm so going to post this #in9years in my diary tonight..

Thank you,
Have a great day, dear ❀❀❀