What I've been up to

Hi hi !


Just a short post to keep you updated a little bit on why I've been so inactive lately.

I know I haven't really been updating in the past months. College has been a pain, and I’m basically bringing my thesis on vacation, so that’s what’s up. This last year has been so time-consuming :((((

I should be done in a few weeks though hopefully for good, and then I should have more time. I want to invest more of my spare time into my writing like I used to do before, have more regular updates, write more, work on WIPs I’ve had to put on hold. I just have so many ideas, on top of the fics that are already posted, and I really don’t like leaving stuff unfinished.

I’m slowly working on fic updates, TNHC in particular. Thank you for being so patient, there are good stuff coming when I’m back, that I hope you’ll enjoy :)


Till next time, take care ! ^^


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