Writing resolutions (2017)

Hi hi~!


So I first thought of doing this post after reading Lindanele's one, and my best friend told me "YOU HAVE TO DO THIS" and then I forgot and it's actually Tripping-Panda's blog who reminded me I was supposed to do this so YAY, let's do this.

I know I don't have a lot of fics posted but I actually have more up my sleeve haha (which I didn't post because I want to focus on the ongoing ones first).

So let's go.


- One night or another (Winkun, NCT) : Still ongoing, I have more inspiration but as I said when I turned it into a chaptered fic (if you didn't know, it used to be a oneshot), it's gonna be a short fic. So I don't know how many more chapters yet but I'm really trying to focus on it to finish it soon. I know where I'm going tho.


- The night has come (Taeten, NCT) : Still ongoing, unlike ONOA, I planned this story to be quite long so yeah, more Taeten coming ^^


Now, onto my other projects which I don't know when they'll be posted (if ever).

- A war is near (Yeonkyu, Boys24) : After an epidemic, a quarantine zone is created, dividing the country in two. Three years later, Yeontae and Jinkyu who live in the sane area and have been raised in the fear of the virus and 'the other side', start their military service. But what will happen when they find out what's really going on on the other side ?

I already have several chapters written and I know where this is going but I wanted to finish ONOA before posting it. I hope I can post it soon because I really like this story and I feel like Boys24 don't have many fics (also the possibilities in pairings are limitless kinda).


- A bout de souffle/Out of breath (SugaSoul, BTS & Lovelyz) : Soojung lost her loved one. One year later, she meets Yoongi through common friends.

"You know you'll never be able to take his place..?"

"I don't want to take his place, I just want to be here for you."

First of all, I know this pairing might sound super random but YES, I ship Suga and Baby Soul. And I've wanted to write a fic about them for a long time and I finally got an idea and I know this fic will be sadder than my other fics, but I think there's room for something beautiful. I started writing but same here, I don't know when I'll post it but I want to post it this year.


- I'll take care of you (Mingcheol, Seventeen): Seungcheol had never had a lot of friends at school and was fine minding his own business, just like that. When a new student, Minghao, joined his class, he thought he wouldn't care about him either... Oh boy, was he wrong !

So this is an idea I got a long time ago since this photoshoot, I think it'll be a oneshot (or a really short chaptered fic, you know how I am). I had kept it in a corner of my mind and kinda ignored it but I finally started writing a few stuff and the overall plot too. So here's something I hope to post this year.


- FANDRASA Part 4 (Multifandom: EXO, Seventeen, NCT, SS501, Girl's Day, Stellar, Red Velvet) : Months passed and the rebellion is getting bolder every day. The Kim family is still in control of the Eastern area, but for how long ?

Series summary: In a land devastated by an epidemic, the only thing that matters is surviving.
While most people joined Fandrasa, the capital city of the area, some chose to stay back.
And as their lives are turned upside down, nothing will ever be the same.

I put the summary of the series because I don't want to spoil too much I guess ? But this is a fic I transferred to my 2nd acc (after changing my username). It's actually a big project of mine as the fic currently has 3 parts already posted. And the 4th part has been planned for a while but I needed some time to focus on other works and new things and that's why I didn't start it yet. But I want to work on it this year as this fic is my baby, my first fic and I love it.



Of course I also have other ideas but still nothing concrete so that's why I didn't add them here. Hope you'll anticipate everything ^^

Bye for now !




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