HEADDESK(s)! 。 :ㅤ song haneul (송 하늘) --> ಥ_ಥ

— hannie / taemin / actually just the shorter version of her name. however some thought it was "honey" so they had this assumption that they are dating.
— song intern / team leaders & directors

— song / her boy-space-friends (except for taemin)

— hanhan / anyone who wants to annoy her cause that nickname is crap
birthday 20/02 (#22)
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
faceclaim kang seulgi | red velvet
bae 'irene' joohyun | red velvet
kim jennie | blackpink
height 162 cm
weight 50 kg
haneul has a dark brown and natural wavy hair which is messy (but in an attractive way) most of the time. she usually pulls it up on a high ponytail or bun during work hours. she also has 2 piercings on both of her ears. her everyday make up is very plain and simple. she just put bb cream, pinkish lip tint and black eyeliner and she is good to go.
her style completely matches a 90s grunge look. she always wears loose shirts, flannels, denims, leather jackets, sneakers, boots and basically some dark colored clothes. she also shamelessly steals some of taemin's old t-shirts from his closet.
personality trait(s)
(✚) imaginative, intuitive, friendly
(✖) procrastinator, lazy, unfocused
(▲) idealistic, spontaneous, easygoing
(▼) pisces, enfp (campaigner)
"hi, i am haneul and i have this feeling that we would be great friends!" haneul is definitely one of the friendliest faces in monster inc and that's why most of her co-workers are pleased to have her around. she's very easygoing and doesn't really do drama. she's basically chill and alright with everyone. her carefree self is probably what attracts the boys to be more friendly around her since she's not your typical drama queen who loves to around and gossip every single time. they actually have fun hanging out with her and she's actually someone who can party with them. however, that didn't actually sit quite well with the other jealous girls in the office. can't really blame them since haneul is immediately surrounded with her boy-space-friends.
"shots?" "shots." having a lot of guy friends she's comfortable with, haneul is usually with them during parties. she loves being spontaneous since she thinks she deserves some fun after all her "hard work". want to go on a road trip? call. want to get wasted at a local bar? call. want to do nothing all day? call. however, unlike her best friend, taemin, she actually cares about her safety. sure, she could ride the scariest rollercoaster or do cliff-diving but she won't walk on the bridge's railing.

"what's new? you're late again." "shut up, lee taemin! you're late as well." "but you see, hannie. i live to break the rules and you do not." almost everyday, haneul and taemin arrive late due to some ty reasons, to be very honest. they tend to stay up late at night binging dramas or they are simply too hangover. haneul always wakes up late and still has to stop by a coffee shop to take her mandatory cup of morning caffeine. don't blame her though since without it, she's basically a limp useless body. she needs it to help her in breaking the lazy spell casted on her by no one but herself. haneul tends to procrastinate an awful lot since she believes that her creative juices are used more efficiently when she's under pressure and in a way it is true. most of the time, she finishes all her assigned work and they are quite impressive.
"so... i have this new amazing idea--" "so what happened to that thing you were working on. you'll throw them to the trash pile of your old ideas that would never be completed?" "hey, don't attack me! so my idea goes like this."  haneul is a really creative and imaginative spirit. her ideas always come and go and it's basically the same with her attention and focus. she has too much thoughts that she can't really keep up with it. she's the best in conceptualizing and starting a project but the worst in doing and completing them. after working alone for a while, she immediately loses the drive to finish the project because a new more interesting thing kept on poking her brain. that's probably the reason why she's better on working with teams since they could push and pressure her to finish her work.
"your ideas are great and all but are they realistic? are they doable?" "well... that's not exactly the point here."  "oh, that is exactly the point here, hannie." being the creative type, she never failed to impress and amaze her listeners with the ideas she shares. however, she can be too idealistic sometimes that her suggestions tend to be unrealistic. for example, one time she proposes that having pets in the office tends to lessen the stress of the employees so she proposes that each individual would have a "company pet" of their choice. just imagine the finance department crying due to the estimated cost of the proposed project. this girl has a lot of amazing thoughts, someone just had to keep her head away from the clouds.
"hannie, ready for some secret adventure?" "you bet i am!" haneul has a really colorful childhood. she and taemin has been neighbors and easily became playmates. however, their playtime at the playground was not enough for them since they want some real adventure. taemin, being the defiant kid he was, convinced haneul that they should meet later. that night, after their bedtime, they shone a flashlight towards each other's bedroom to indicate that they wee good to go. they climbed down from their windows and started their own little adventures. they basically did what curious kids would do like following a cat around, digging on a vacant lot, etc.
"taking the same program as me? are you stalking me by any chance?" "look, you can't be the only one interested in technology alright." haneul and taemin went to the same school from preschool and even up to college. both of them loved playing games, especially the sci-fi ones, on their spare time and that's when haneul started to be fascinated with technology. having a very idealistic mind, she wanted to someday create an innovation that would be life-changing. that's why she took a program about technology. also, it was during her college years when she met a lot of her guy friends (there's only a handful of girls in their department). this was also when she enjoyed house parties, frat parties, road trips, and all the fun things cool college kids do.
"there's nothing wrong with being the only girl among my friends." being the only female in her group of college friends, haneul tends to hear some snide remarks about her especially when other people see her in the bar with a lot of boys. some immediately assume that she's some sort of a "ho". she always just ignore all the comments though because she knows that she is not doing anything wrong. also she's not scared being the only lady in a bunch of guys since he knows that all her friends are great and trustworthy. 
"how come you're always in a relationship and i don't?" "because you're not me." . being together always, it was not surprising that a lot of their batch mates thought that haneul and taemin are actually dating. right after their puberty hit, they started to deny people's assumption about their relationship. the situation kind of change when they entered college since taemin started to date different girls who he most likely met on a class, party or bar. although, he never dated anyone for more than 6 months since things between them don't always work out. so one can actually consider that he only had flings. haneul on the other had, dated no one at all and she keeps on questioning what's wrong with her. one theory suggest that, she's always with her boy-space-friends and guys are actually intimidated to make a move. another theory is that she simply looks like someone who already have a boyfriend. great, right?
"your parents are alright with you moving in with... well, me?" "yeah, they practically told me i am on my own now." she is the oldest among the three siblings (she has 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister) and that might be the reason why her parents was never too strict with her. they had 2 younger children to look after so they really put their trust on haneul that she would take care of herself. well, they were not really wrong to do that. despite all the wild nights, haneul had successfully finished her studies and is quite doing well on her own.
"lee taemin? uh yeah, i am living with him. anything wrong with that?" right after college, the two of them decided to rent an apartment in the middle of the city since that is where most of their possible jobs are found. since apartments in the city is quite expensive for unemployed people like them, they have decided to just rent one apartment so they could just split the bills. problem solved, right? they're platonic best friends after all so there's really nothing wrong with that. their apartment is not huge but it looks quite nice with its plain white walls, full-length windows and minimalist designs (they actually just don't have that much money to buy a lot of furniture and decorative items so they decided to make their home "minimalist").
"can we stop at the coffee shop first?" "sure, i don't really mind us being late, anyway."  haneul's day always start with her running around the apartment since she's already late while taemin is simply lounging around their living room and watching her panic. she would end up doing her simple hair and makeup in his car as they drive to work. despite being late, she would still insist that they should stop for coffee since she really need it to function like an alive normal being. then they would arrive incredibly late at the office and earn some judging looks from their uptight co-workers.
"just one last episode and i'll go to bed." "lies." after office or wherever she came from, haneul likes to watch before going to bed and she always finished up way past midnight. sometimes she ends up passing out in the middle of the episode and taemin would just clean up her mess for her. other days, she would be just too drunk to take care of herself so taemin would end up doing it for her as well.
"i drank a lot of coffee and i am not awake at all!" "really? your coffee has an awful lot of sugar, cream and milk. you honestly think that would wake you up?" "um yes? i only put them to make my coffee delicious."  she hates black coffee
"why the it is so noisy and bright first thing in the morning?" "hannie, that's the sun and nobody is really talking too loud to be very honest." "oh, off, lee taemin!" she obviously is a morning-hater. she's more active during the afternoons and especially at night. 
"you good to go?" "not yet, i'll just finish this last task." "alright. i'll just wait for you here." despite being late, haneul tends to stay late at night since she really wants to finish all her tasks first before going home.
"hey, let's get a puppy." "nah, it would just die a pitiful death." she's a frustrated dog owner. she would love to have a dog but no one could take care of it. 
"please just keep it down if you two would have ." "can't promise you that, hannie"  after their graduation, she started sharing a two-bedroom apartment with lee taemin so they know a awful lot about each other.
"hmm, good morning... who's room is this?" "don't know... does it matter?" haneul and taemin mostly spend their nights at home binge watching netflix or playing video games in either one of their rooms. despite having different bedrooms, they sometimes end up crashing in each other's bed. yep, that's how platonic they can get.
"another one for the song haneul!" she's a real party kween. she's down for everything from truth or dare to body shots. she's also an expert on beer pong.
"wait, is that my shirt?" "yep, thanks!" if she fails to wash her laundry due to her laziness, she'll just steal taemin's clothes.
"look at my cute new floaties!" "yeah and it does not go well with your swimsuit." she can't swim to save her life. whenever she's in the deep waters, taemin is probably piggybacking her.
"mmm-hmm... that's what she said." "what the ? what i said wasn't even dirty!" thanks to her guy friends, she had developed a pretty dirty nasty mind. she's even worse than them now.
"really... pink?" "okay look, my fashion style does not show it at all but i really love pink." she may not be the girliest girl and her clothes are always dark but her favorite color is actually pink, cotton candy pink to be exact (bring out your crayola!) she actually has a pink slim laptop and a pink wireless mouse which all fits just right in her pink laptop bag. come on, she's still a girl after all. 
"hey, you can choose the music today." "really?! you don't mind?" every single time she is offered to choose the playlist, haneul would automatically  blast the whole album of the 1975 through the stereo. she's a big fan of the band and their songs. also, she loves their aesthetics and choice of words in their lyrics. not everyone is really fond of her music choice but soon enough taemin started to appreciate it. he even sings out some of the part that he knows.
comments oh mah gawd! i am finally done huhuhu~ sorry i think i went overboard with my app. anyway, i hope you enjoyed reading about my character. if you have any questions or have seen some errors, feel free to let me know. good luck on your story!
scene suggestions
— maybe taemin would surprise haneul with a the 1975 concert ticket. they would go together, have a late night drive, have an after concert beer under the stars and yah know, a kiss while sitting on the car's trunk. maybe this would be the night they become not really platonic anymore. also, there must be a very awkward moment between them the day after.
— a wild party night with the monster inc. employees. some party games and unexpected events.
— the employees freaking out upon seeing the same address written in the resume of haneul and taemin. like maybe they would gossip around and make them the most controversial interns.
— maybe haneul being caught in between shiyoon and baekhyun's fight. she can be their poor messenger as she tried her best to make them up. imagine the poor girl relying their messages to each other back and forth.
— haneul practically forcing baekhyun to get drunk and things would go messy from there. maybe make this a reason for baekhyun to kind of do something with shiyoon like i don't know, some flirting maybe?
office romance?
false advertising.
how were you hired?
i just graduated from college and together with my best friend, we were looking for a new job opportunity. then we saw your advertisement for an it internship program. being an intern is not really our initial plan since ideally we want to be an employee but we gave it a shot since the offered program is really great and educational. *whispers* but honestly, just between us two, we just really need an instant income since we need to pay the bills and this internship offers a huge heap of allowance money. *clears throat* anyway, the company also reassured us that once we finish the internship, we would be evaluated and if we pass, we'll be one of the regular employees here. on a serious note though, we would love to share our innovative ideas to help the company in venturing through the power of internet. so please wish us luck!
how's the office life?
so um... my day would probably start with me running late to the office with a hot coffee on my hand. i am already late so how on earth i got time for coffee? *laugh nervously* please, just ignore it. i need coffee to function properly since i always stay up late due to well... professional reasons. yah know, studying new tech and stuff... *awkward smile* anyway, i start to work once i sat down on my desk but to be honest... my real productive work starts after lunch. i'm basically brain dead in the mornings. sorry... but i try my best to meet all my deadlines. i swear, you can go check our scrum board! also, i usually stay late so i could finish all my tasks so yeah... i am also the cause of the coffee, sugar, cream and milk shortage these past few weeks. again, sorry... on the brighter side, i really get along well with my officemates especially with mah bois. *whispers* but, there's a tinnie-tiny problem regarding that. i think some of the girls hate me. but hey, i am doing quite well, right? right?
on coffee runs, what do you get?
oooh... coffee! please i would take any sweet creamy coffee there is. hot, cold? who cares? bring me all that sugar and caffeine! coffee is probably what courses on my veins but no biggie. it's not like i am only having useless palpitations instead of some useful energy. also, can i have my coffee extra large or nah? wait, nevermind. i'm just an intern and i feel embarrassed to ask for that much but yah, know... maybe you can throw in some double chocolate chip cookies in there as well. thanks! *smiles sweetly*
tell me about your company dinners.
well since i am already legal and have no curfew hours since i live on my own apartment. i am actually not scared to be wasted af. since i spent my college years with a lot of boys-- oh, wait! not like that, okay? not like hooking up with them. our department just has a way way larger population of boys so mostly of my friends and acquaintances are boys. wait, i'm losing track! back to the question, so yeah i got used to a lot of drinking parties and wasted friends. so i don't mind whatever wild party there is. games and drinks and whatever random stuff, i'm your girl! my best friend wouldn't mind dragging my home, anyway. god, i miss drinking already. mah vodka shots are calling me. my assignments could be stressful and i need to dri-- *pauses awkwardly* but hey, i am also down for a chill and peaceful dinner with the company. although... don't forget to hit me up when there's a party, okay? *holds out pinky* promise?
i heard that you're chummy with taemin, can you tell me more about him?
alright... people kept on asking us about our weird "living arrangement" since they find it quite a... "shocker". i mean, a girl and a guy can live under one roof and be totally platonic about it. you see, it's very practically since we can split all the bills and we could save more money. also, it's a blast to have your best friend one room away. so yeah, taemin is a really great guy. sure, he can be a real pain in the sometimes but honestly, who didn't become one during their lifetime? he might be like a rebellious child most of the time but give him some credits. he can be all manly and matured too. i think. but yeah, cool dude. yes? no?
song haneul
has a lot of boy-space-friends
i got 99 errors but you won't be one
monster inc it intern
번역 보기
leetaem, baetsuH0rang 님 외 ??명이 팔로우함
— taem / haneul
— lee taemin / haneul / not really a nickname but haneul calls him by his complete name when she's annoyed at him
— lee intern / team leaders & directors
— taeman / himself
birthday 18/07 (22)
faceclaim lee taemin | shinee
kim 'kai' jongn | exo
kim 'jin' seokjin | bts
height 175 cm
weight 60 kg
taemin is the type of guy who wears simple clothes but still look damn fine in them. he usually wears a simple t-shirt or hoodie, denim pants and sneakers. he also has both of his ears pierced.
character quotes
"get your moving, hannie! trust me, you'll be late again."
"so... it's dangerous, right? at least let me do it first then so i can, you know... test it out."
"beer, please. draft."
"no, i'm actually not joking."
"where's the fun in following the rules? breaking them is the most euphoric experience."
department public relations
position intern
personality trait(s)
(✚) creative, protective, loyal 
(✖) defiant, rebellious, child-like
(▲) spontaneous, curious, direct
(▼) cancer, estp (entrepreneur)
"hi, i am taemin but i call myself taeMAN" / he's probably the most childish 22 years old in monster inc. he keeps on breaking rules and curious about everything. he's willing to do anything just to satisfy his curiosity. he also tends to say everything in his mind, just like a child. despite those, he is really loyal and protective of his friends. he always got their backs and knows how to take care (properly... hopefully) of them whenever he needs to.

"no, lee taemin! you're not supposed to say that!" "but, hannie. i'm just--" "no!" / taemin tends to be really blunt and direct so he doesn't tend to sugarcoat things. people usually think that he is joking since he tends to be too frank sometimes. that eventually cause him to be in a lot of troubles. thank heavens, haneul is there to save his .
"do you think i should drive fast on a highway with my eyes close?" "what, no! that's dangerous!" "exactly." *grins widely* / this guy loves the thrill and danger so he loves to do a lot of stupid daring stuff. he always give his friends heart attacks everytime he does something he should definitely not be doing. 
"lee taemin, it says do not touch! why are you touching it?" "because i am a bad boy." "what the ?" taemin is probably the biggest headache of the human resource with all the rules he kept on breaking but they can't really fire him since he's one of the few people who can think outside the box and give last minute solutions. also, his rebellious and witty side is what attracts all of his girlfriends. well, he didn't date them all at the same time because despite having those countless girls, he's still a loyal dude. it just that things didn't work well with them.
— instagram: @lee_taem
"hey, taem. have you seen my--" "i don't know. i have probably lost it." taemin has his magic hands which can either make things disappear or break them. probably why he decided to work on software and not on hardware since he can practically destroy a computer set with his bare hands. (well, a lot is probably wanting to be destroyed by that hand, if yah know what i mean *wink wink*)
"here's the files you asked for. i'll just leave them on your desk. um, wait. where's your desk?" "this is my desk." he is not really the most organized person out there so his desk basically a pile of messy folders and papers, empty plastic cups and chips wrapper, a few electronics, and some toys (fidget spinners and whatnot)
"café au lait, please. without the coffee." "so, basically just warm milk?" this bad boy's favorite drink is milk (any kind of milk, really). yep, real mature.
"should i sell my car and then buy a motorcycle with the money?" "um... sure? as long as you still give me a ride." taemin got a car as a college graduation present from his parents but he really wants a motorcycle instead. he is currently considering the pros and cons of just selling his car to buy a brand new motorcycle.
"hey, you still okay with this, right? not having cold feet or whatever." "nah, i still want this." before entering high school. taemin proposed that he and haneul should do something together once they achieve a milestone together. first one was after their high school graduation, they should illegally enter a bar (since they are still underaged) and get wasted. second was after their college graduation. they both decided to get their ears pierced. now they are planning to get tattoos once they become a regular employee.

— director yoon / back when shiyoon used to give haneul a hard time, the intern used to call her with this nickname.

— director bae / during office hours
— shi unnie / outside work
character quotes
"song intern, in my office please. i have a... work-related question for you."
"so baekhyun is acting extra lovely again. can you help me, haneul. please..."
"what? how can you be friends with baekhyun? first of all how can you even have a normal conversation with him?
"song intern, can you please take care of lee intern. i already have a big toddler in my care. his name is joonmyeon."
"what is this chaos?! are we in hell?!"
(i just copied from your app, hope you don't mind)
(✚) charismatic, passionate, perceptive, innovative
(✖) sarcastic, somewhat theatrical, egoistic, judgmental
(▲) eloquent, forthright, workaholic, idealistic
(▼) n/a
"song haneul! do you like baekhyun?! answer me!" "no, director bae. really, no." "why you are acting friendly with him then?"  the two of them don't really have a good start since shiyoon was jealous of haneul and baekhyun's friendship. she was mad at her for a while and tends to give her quite a hard time by giving her extra work load, making her do unnecessary errands and not approving her work immediately.

"why is baekhyun ignoring me again?!" "um... depends? did you do something bad or mean again?" after a lot of explaining and reassurances, shiyoon finally let things go and see it as an opportunity instead. soon, she start to go to haneul for advices regarding her relationship with baekhyun. she even asks haneul to be her "personal spy" to get more personal information from baekhyun.
"what heavenly concoction is this?!" "welcome to the world of matcha, song haneul. i told you that you would love it." as an apology for their first meeting and her actions, shiyoon decided to treat haneul on her favorite matcha cafe and the world has changed for the intern ever since. also, shiyoon brings haneul here as some sort of reward whenever the younger provides her some useful advice or information. soon enough, it became their hang out place and haneul is happy to finally be making friends with a girl.
"so i heard you have a new idea. want to talk about it?" "no, director bae. they say it is really unrealistic" "then why don't we make it realistic?"  being idealistic individuals, shiyoon loves to hear haneul's new ideas. she believes that maybe the two of them can make it possible and be a great asset of the company. once they talk about creative and innovating ideas, the two of them are like fireworks that keeps on and on.
— (whatever it is in your app)
— team leader byun / during office hours

— byunbaek / outside office
— baekhyun oppa / outside office and when haneul needs something
character quotes
"what do you want now, song haneul? did director bae send you here again?"
— "okay, i'll listen. just make it quick. please."
— "what part of 'no' do you not understand?"
— "do i seriously need to answer that question?"
— "i don't get it. why do the ceo allow you to wear that attire for work? does that look professional for you?"
(copied for your app again)
(✚) courteous, solicitous, rational, adaptable, proficient, cultured, incisive
(✖) enigmatic,  impassive
(▲) frank, confidential, placid
(▼) n/a
"um... team leader byun? if you want, you can have my coffee. i already drank too much anyway." "no need for that. i am good." "but i think you really need it. you look tired and sleepless.haneul met baekhyun when she was getting the website design from him so her team can start to work on it. she soon notice the team leader's black under eye circles and his tired posture. she offered him a cup of coffee out of concern and after a few convincing baekhyun thankfully accept it. 
"you're quite different from most of the girls here." "oh no, is that a bad different or a good different?" "a really good different.after the coffee incident and a few small talks, baekhyun noticed that unlike most of the girls, especially in the sales department, haneul is different. she's not really into gossiping and all that. instead she's really friendly and comfortable to be with. despite her bad working habits, she always make sure that she finish her job even if she has to stay late. that is when they talk the most. baekhyun usually stay late as well and it was kind of nice to have another person to have a conversation with after office hours.
"did director bae send you here again?" "what? no! i just have to ask you something... work-related." "alright, let's hear it then.without them really knowing how, haneul and baekhyun ended up being friends. of course, shiyoon took this opportunity to spy on the team leader. getting answers from baekhyun is definitely going to be hard but weirdly haneul always end up getting them.
— (whatever is in your app)
by 95816!


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