the secret relationship ⇢ song haneul (sky)


love doesn't make the world go round,
love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
 Haneul & Taemin
unknownsweet101 | karen | 9/10
full name ;  Song Haneul
nicknames ;  
Hannie ; friends - It's a short version of her name and it's also like their endearment for her.

Sky ; herself - It's sort of like her screen name as a model and she plans to use it when she becomes a designer. She's known more as Sky by other people who's already familiar with her.

Mrs. Lee ; SHINee members - They call her this when she visits their dorm especially when she cooks them a meal and when helping them with house chores.

birthdate - age ;  February 20, 1994 - 21
birthplace ;  Seoul, South Korea
hometown ;  Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity ;  Korean
languages ;  
— korean (fluent) ; native language
— english (fluent) ; She was taught when she was young by her mother who is an English teacher. Her parents believe that it will help her to have more opportunities when she gets older. English is also one of her favorite and best subjects.
occupation ;   third year fashion design student & part-time fashion model. She's not that famous yet considering that she's still a part-timer but she's slowly getting attention now.
face claim ;  Park Hyemin / Pony
back-up face claim ;  Kim Sooyeon / Mint
appearence ;  
"I am not small, you're just tall." Haneul is quite below the average height of a korean female. She's 155 cm and weighing 47 kg. This actually prevented her from being a runway model but luckily she's doing quite well  being a fashion model. She also has a slender body with the right amount of curves. She doesn't have the hot sinful body but it is attractive enough. She also keeps her body in shape by jogging every morning before attending the university. It is also her way to energize herself for the rest of the day.

"Yeah, I am ready for my close up... I guess," She has a fair white skin and a set of dark brown eyes. She wears clear contact lenses since her eyesight is not really good. At home, she wears a pair of white-rimmed eyeglasses. She has no moles in the face and no birthmarks. She also has no tattoos although she enjoys getting henna during summer when she visits the beach. She has two piercings on both of her ears.

"I think my hair is my asset." She has a wavy dark brown hair that reaches her waist. She usually just wear her hair down whenever she goes out since she thinks it doesn't need to be styled anyway. Events and photoshoots are exceptions obviously. However when she's at home and especially when she's working on something, she usually put it up in a messy high ponytail or bun. She also does it when the weather is too hot for her to handle with her hair down.
style ;   
"I don't know what to wear..." Haneul has a huge huuuge~ walk in closet that consists a lot of dark color clothes which she enjoys wearing most. Although, she has some bright and pastel colored ones that she could use in certain occasions. She doesn't really wear girly clothes (with all that frills and laces) instead she wears those edgy and dark ones but still has a feminine touch.


personality traits ; 
positive - understanding, hardworking, responsible, motherly
neutral - composed, clingy
negative - insecure, fearful, naggy
personality ; 
"I'm not your mom, so don't call me that!" Haneul has this motherly vibe around her once you get to know her. She's quite mature and responsible enough for her age. When it comes on fight she doesn't really rely on irrational thoughts. As much as possible, she wants to simply talk things out. Most of the time, she's calm and tends to keep her emotions inside of her. That's why she doesn't really get mad that easily but once she reaches her breaking point, will go down! That rarely happens anyway so no worries. She always takes responsibility in her every actions she does. She's also very understanding and always thinking about other people's situation. She listens to other's explanations in other to understand the situation more. That's probably why she doesn't really get caught in a misunderstanding that often. She also takes care of other people well and has a huge liking for children. And of course like every mother out there, she has her naggy side. She becomes like that when someone is not doing anything or doing something wrong. Don't get her wrong though, she just wants what's best for that person.
"I did my best... I guess?" One of Haneul's flaws is her insecurity, probably her biggest flaw too. She always thinks that she lacks something and that what she did may not be enough for other's standards. That's why she always gives her best and hard work in all the jobs assigned to her, may it be on her studies or career. She really appreciates it when they give her compliments for a job well done. She's also not a fan of comparing her to other people. It makes her feel smaller than how she actually feels. She also hates it when she's not able to do a proper job or not able to finish it. She sometimes thinks that she's not worthy of what she has. She doesn't really see how great and beautiful she is. She needs to be more confident and trust herself more.
"I'll be your own clingy panda~" Haneul can be clingy as hell especially with her girlfriends. She doesn't mind skinship since that's when she feels closer to the person. Despite her mature-and-all personality, she can be really fun to be with. It's very veeery~ easy to make her smile and laugh, no matter how dry your sense of humor may be. She's also very easy to scare or surprise. Her scare tolerance is so painfully low. That's why whenever she watches horror films, she tends to cling onto someone so tight that it's like her life is depending on it (Taemin doesn't mind though). When night comes, she'll be paranoid as hell. That's probably why others enjoy scaring her. Plus, her reactions are too epic to be missed.
background ;  
"As you can see... I didn't actually "grow up"." Haneul as a child is actually quite similar on how she is now. At a young age, she already has a very understanding side. She didn't really throw a fit when her parents told her no. She would be just fine when her parents told her that she could have it next time. She's also more matured than her peers, She knew when to say sorry and to accept an apology sincerely. She also listened well when she is being scolded and tried her best not to repeat the same mistake that she has done. With this good actions of hers, her parents usually give her rewards. She actually gained more even without doing an embarassing episode that almost every child does. Also as a child, she liked wearing fashionable clothes more instead of the ones that has cartoon characters printed on them. She loved going out wearing clothes that are similar to her mom. She grew up being closer to her mom. Although she loves her parents equally.
"Oppa is the best! And yes, my dongsaeng is the cutest!" Haneul is the second child of the Song household. Some say that being the middle child is the hardest but for Haneul it's really not. She really enjoys spending time with her older brother (Song Hyunjun ; 25 y/o) and little sister (Song Hana ; 7 y/o). When Haneul was a child, she's really close to her older brother up to the point that she promised to marry him when she turns into a lady. Today, his brother loves to about that and Haneul would just blush and cover his noisy mouth. The two of them never lost the bond they have ever since they were kids. He loves to tease Haneul especially when it comes to her height because he's quite tall (he loves to put Haneul's stuff high up in the air because he knows she can't get it). Hyunjun is also very protective of his two little girls. Haneul and Hana's is quite huge that's why she developed her motherly instinct while being around her. Haneul loves to take care of Hana ever since she was just a baby. She always gives her little sister makeovers and bringing Hana with her when she visits the mall. The three of them really get along well as siblings.
"He likes someone else though..." Haneul's school life is quite normal. She's not really part of the geniuses but she gets decent grades. She always aces her English and Arts subject though. Her worst class is well... sports. Body coordination and Haneul just don't get along very well. As for her love life... well, she doesn't really have any. No one really confessed to her and courted her, maybe it's because they thought she has high standards or she's just too good for them. When someone likes her, they really can't tell her since they don't know if she likes them back or not. Haneul treats all guys the same so it's really hard to tell if she likes someon or not. Of course Haneul liked someone as well, she's also human and a girl! However, the guy usually likes someone else and she has no idea why that always happens. That may gave her an idea that maybe she's not really good enough. Well, she got herself a great guy now so she's more than happy. He's her first so that's why she's so awkward when they started to get to know each other.
"M-me? Why me?" Haneul then took fashion design for college and she loves it. When she was in first year college, she attended a Fashion Week event with her friends. That is when someone approached her and asked her if she has interest in being a fashion model. She suddenly became embarrassed and said that she would think about it. With the support of her friends, she tried it out. She doesn't really expect that she would pass the screening but now look at her, she's currently been in the business for almost 3 years already. She really loves her job and it can unconsciously help with her issues and insecurities.
likes ; 
  • pandas ; they are too cute for her to handle
  • black clothes ; she always prefers them and finds them more attractive
  • coffee with milk ; this drink helped her get through many all-nighter sessions she had
  • cookies 'n' cream ; that would be her all-time favorite flavor in any dessert
  • children ; she always enjoys their company and they're just too cute and sweet
  • puppies and dogs ; she has a soft-spot for them
  • amusement parks ; she loves the atmosphere around it and some rides may scare her at first but she'll end up enjoying it
  • Taemin's shirts, sweaters, jackets & hoodies ; yep, she steals them all
dislikes ;  
  • waking her up in a not-so-nice way ; she just hates it when someone disturbs her sleep especially if it is just for a trivial matter. what more if you wake her up in such a bad way? besides, she rarely gets some sleep because of her studies and work so give her a break.
  • frogs ; she just can't stand them
  • wet tree trunks ; she just finds them hideous
  • scary and gory stuff; Haneul is just a scaredy-cat. you can actually convince her to watch horror movies but for the gory ones, nope never.
  • rushing her ; she just feels the pressure more and tends to do things slower because of the mistakes she commits along the way. she just panics so there's really no use in rushing her
  • telling her the same things over and over ; it''s kind of weird because she's actually the naggy one and does the same
  • comparing her to others ; who likes that anyway?
  • going out alone ; she just doesn't like the idea of doing something alone, she likes to have some company and someone to share the moment with
hobbies ;  
  • shopping ; it's practically her life and stress-reliever
  • designing ; it's mostly fashion related
  • painting ; she's currently working on a mural on her bedroom walls
  • photography ; not really the professional type. she just loves to take pictures for memories and then she sticks them to her bedroom wall
  • watching movies ; this is what she and her girlfriends always do whenever they have a sleepover
habits ;  
  • running her fingers through her hair when she's nervous 
  • taking 3 deep breaths to calm herself down
  • biting her lower lip and frowning when thinking hard
  • pulling the hem of her clothes when lying
  • blushing a lot and voice is getting higher when someone teases her about the person she likes
trivia ;  
  • Haneul can't sing and dance to save her life 
  • Her username name in all of her SNS accounts is: Song_SKY
  • Haneul has a fashion and beauty blog in tumblr. There she writes reviews about different beauty products and clothes that she buys and tries. She might not updating it very frequently but she tries her best to do so.
  • Haneul once had a puppy named Amber (a japanese spitz) when she was 18 years old, it was a birthday present for her. Unfortunately, he passed away at such a young age. That's why puppies and dogs have a special spot in her heart. She also gets too emotional when watching sad films about dogs
  • Despite having a lot of black clothes, Haneul's favorite color is actually pink
  • It takes forever for Haneul to finish preparing herself whenever she goes out. She always have a hard time choosing her clothes and it takes time for her to do her hair and make-up
  • During that time of the month, she always craves ramen, ice cream, white chocolate and fries. That month is also a bloody torture for her. ehem freakin' cramps ehem
  • She's actually a huge fan of  Paramore and whenever she sings their songs, everyone will end up laughing and entertained
  • Haneul and Taemin actually have both matching black piercings
  • There are times that Haneul actually gets frustrated with Taemin's stylists because of what they are making him wear and doing with his hair. That's why Haneul is more than happy to dress him up when they both go out on a date or when he's going to the airport
  • Haneul's dream vacation is to visit Europe especially Paris, France
  • Haneul and her friends are actually planning to have their own store where they could sell their own designs. The four of them have different styles so they know they can cater different customers
  • When Taemin and Haneul are arguing and Haneul is starting to get pissed off, she starts to speak in English before walking out. That would of course shut up the poor guy
  • Haneul surprisingly has a high alcohol tolerance 
best friends ; 
Yoon Miyoung - 21 - 3rd year fashion design student & part-time stylist - carefree, protective, straightforward, flirty

Miyoung and Haneul has been friends since 1st year high school and ever since then they we're inseparable. They are always together even during Miyoung's photoshoots since Miyoung is her personal stylist. Miyoung also got a lot of offers to become a model but she declined since she simply wants to work behind the cameras. These two are quite opposites, Haneul is the responsible one while Miyoung is the troublemaker, Haneul is practically the one who cleans up the mess that Miyoung will surely leave behind (especially when they're out drinking and partying). Miyoung always stand up for Haneul whenever someone is getting way below the belt and she's a professional when doing that job. She knows how Haneul always keeps her emotions that's why she always speaks up for her. Both of them are very veeeeery~ clingy to each other that some people actually think that they might be together. Not to mention that Miyoung loves to playfully flirt with Haneul.
friends ;
Park Minhee - 20 - 3rd year fashion design student - sweet, innocent, gullible, hyperactive

The three of them met during the 1st year of college and despite their different personalities, they immediately clicked. Minhee is the innocent one that's why Miyoung loves too trick her and well... taint her pure soul. Haneul will always come to the rescue and prevent any damage that might scar her for life. Minhee is really sweet to Haneul and she always come to her when she needed some help and advices. Haneul would of course love to pamper their little girl. Actually, Minhee and Haneul's relationship is similar to mother and child.
Kang Yeonjoo - 22 - 3rd year fashion student & part-time artist - witty, imaginative, lazy, tomboyish

Yeonjoo is the newest addition to their circle of friends since she just transferred to their class this current academic year. Upon seeing her, the girls actually questioned the fact that she's a fashion design student. Yeonjoo really needs a closet makeover with how she dresses herself. However, when they saw her design, their jaw literally dropped. Her designs are amazing and unique. With her bright and fun personality, she immediately got closer to the other girls. She always make their group smile with her witty remarks and funny jokes. Yeonjoo is also the #1 victim of Haneul's nagging while Haneul is the victim of Yeonjoo's "sports program" to teach the "no-sports" people.
Kim Jongin (Kai) - 21 - idol (EXO member) - hardworking, friendly, easy-going, playful

When Taemin and Haneul started dating, he introduced Haneul to his best friend, Jongin. Ever since then, Haneul and Jongin are partners-in-crime when it comes on making fun of Taemin. They are the ones who are dying from laughter when watching Taemin's acting and other TV guesting. They also entertain themselves by watching Taemin's drunk videos. Nevertheless, they love that mushroom guy. The three of them can actually hang out without really making the other one a third-wheel. They love to have some road trips and try new stuff along the way.
love interest ;  Lee Taemin - SHINee
birthdate - age ; july 18, 1993 - 22
personality traits ; 
positive - passionate, optimistic, polite, gentleman
neutral - perfectionist, gullible
negative -daredevil, childish, blunt
personality ;
"My job is actually my dream" Taemin is actually quite different when he's up on stage and performing. Haneul's still surprise to watch him perform especially when he looks manly and y up there. Taemin actually worked and trained hard in order for him to reach his success right now. Despite the popularity he has, Taemin keeps on working way too hard. He's really a perfectionist that's way he always stays late to practice. He wants everything to be flawless. He's too engrossed with what he's doing that he tends to forget to take care of himself. He sometimes forget to sleep on time, eat his meals and have a proper rest. When it comes on doing his work, he's very professional and never takes his personal problems on stage. He also never forgets how to be still humble and polite to everyone despite being famous. Taemin really loves his job and doesn't regret it.
"Yes, I am 22-year-old boy!" This guy would probably be a maknae forever. Despite his age, he's quite childish and playful. He loves to play around and actually do weird things. He also sometimes tend to do something based on rushed decisions. And just like any other child, he's a bit too honest. He tends to say what's in his mind even though it's negative or positive. But now, he's currently working on it and slowly learning to choose the proper and better words to use. His bluntness can actually be a help for others in order for them to wake up and realize something. He's also an optimistic boy who sees everything in a brighter picture. When someone is sad, he's there to make things less hopeless. His smile is actually enough to make a person's day better. Just like other kids, he's also well... gullible. He easily believes the things said to him no matter how impossible it may sound. You just need to be convincing and you're good to go and trick him. That's one of the things his friends enjoy doing with him.
"Oh come on, I can be manly too~" Despite being known as the cute maknae, he could be manly too now that he's an adult. He became quite the gentleman now especially towards Haneul, of course. He opens the door for others, help those who are in need and something along those lines. Towards Haneul, he always walks at the side which is closer to the road, carries her stuff, lends his jacket when she's cold (that's probably why his clothes are slowly decreasing in numbers) and drives her back to the front of her house. Between the two of them, Taemin is actually the sweet and cheesy one. He's the one who says those greasy pick up lines and doing all those little romantic things during their date. He's also a little daredevil who loves to do anything that would give him an adrenaline rush. Even though some most of them are dangerous (ehem skydiving and walking on a bridge's railings ehem), he's not scared of the risks and still does it. This trait of his always gives Haneul a heart attack.
how you guys met? ;  January 18, 2014 (Saturday)

"Sorry, the door wasn't locked!" Taemin and Haneul worked together for the Valentine's special of Nylon Maganize Korea. Both were introduced to each other as soon as they arrived the studio. They we're both shy as they greeted each other before they went to their seperate dressing rooms. Of course, the maknae was attracted to the little beauty. After a few hours of sitting in front of the vanity mirror while their stylists do their hair and make up, Taemin went out of to have a bathroom break. As he was walking back to his room, he received a text from Jonghyun. His  hyung was teasing him about the girl he'll be working with, saying that something might happen between them. Taemin was too busy replying to the text and didn't notice that he opened the wrong door. The doors looked similar so it was an easy mistake to make and besides, the door was not locked. Unfortunately, it was Haneul's dressing room and she's on the process of removing the final piece of clothing she has. Then a loud scream can be heard all over the set. So there we have it... surely, something did happen between them.

"Must stay calm... Must.Stay.Calm." Despite their awkwardness due to the incident that happened, Taemin and Haneul still need to do their shoot. And... it was awkward as hell between them since the shoot required more skinship than usual. The concept is not the usual cute lovey-dovey couple instead it's a dark and y one. Luckily, both of them were able to do things professionaly. However, Haneul can be seen blushing when they get too close to each other. Despite those problems, they were able to finish the shoot with compliments and stunning photos.
"Let's go and grab some coffee... or maybe not?" After wrapping up and thanking everyone for their hardwork, Taemin slowly approached Haneul to apologize once again and she quickly assured him that it was just fine. Their talk could possibly win as the most awkward conversation in the history. After a few seconds of silence, Taemin asked her to have some coffee together and it's his way to make things up for her. Also, deep inside him he wanted to know her more since they weren't really able to talk a while ago. Haneul agreed because why the hell not, right? And she could use some break to relax. They went to the coffee shop near the set and it was closed due to renovation. Taemin awkward asked her to come with him to the convience store instead since it was just at the end of the street. Taemin treated her with a bottle of banana milk and some of his favorite snacks. Unexpectedly, everything went well between them. The night ended with shy good night's and their numbers on each other's phone. 
how many years together ; They are together for almost a year. They''ll celebrate their 1st anniversary on August 19. They actually called their relationship official when Taemin invited Haneul to have dinner after his schedule. They celebrated for the success of his solo debut. Haneul thought that was the only reason why they met up. However, Mr. Lee Taemin had other things in mind. After driving her home, he asked her to be his girlfriend and that's when it all started. 
interaction ;
"So here's my number and... you can you know." After getting each other's numbers, the two of them practically spent the week staring at their phones. Both are debating wheather they should send a text or not because seriously, what would they talk about? Then the February issue of Nylon Magazine Korea came out and Taemin though that it would be the perfect opportunity to asked Haneul if she already saw it. Surely they talked for a bit but ended it short since it was too awkward to bear. However, they continued texting and soon enough their seldom conversations became frequent. Taemin then finally mustered up the courage to finally give her a call and hear her voice. Their first phone call was full of shy pauses and awkward laughs but they grew comfortable to each other.
"Come and meet me up?" Those calls and text messages continued for a few months until Taemin asked Haneul to meet him up. They first met up in a park's playground, near Haneul's university. She was staying up late and finishing up some research papers in the library before she headed towards the park. There Taemin actually bought two cups of hot coffee in order to make up for the supposedly coffee date they should have. Taemin also discovered that their apartments are quite near each other when he drove Haneul home. Meet ups doesn't happen regularly since it's risky and their schedules doesn't really allow them to do so. If ever they meet up, Taemin always picks Haneul up with his motorcycle since he thinks it's less risky that way. Not everyone really knows he has one and it's easier to escape from other peaople's curious looks. Plus, the helmets pracctically cover their head and hide them from the public. Haneul's not really fond of it because of the speed that's why she's clinging onto Taemin like her life's depending on it. Not that he mind though.
"Since they already know about us... let me show you off." When they we're just secretly dating, they don't really interact that much in public since the risks were just too much. They would only act friendly with each other. Since other people knows about them now, they are able to be more closer in public. They can now hold hands, warpped their arm around each other and a few gestures that are more than friendly. They never display too much affection in public (no make out sessions or whatsoever) but just enough for the people to know they are together. Taemin tend to have a protective stance around her and Haneul noticed it right away. She laughed at him and called him silly since nothing bad will really happen. Taemin said that he just wanted to keep her safe and at the same tell everyone that she's his. He wanted to do that a long time ago so maybe that's why he kept on doing it as soon as their relationship was publicly announced. Haneul didn't really requested for that much attention but she doesn't mind since he makes her feel so special. Her insecurities instantly went down the drain.
"Alright, stop with the teasing!" They act almost the same in public and with their friends. Taemin of course is more relax around their friends since he knows that nothing will really happen to Haneul. When they're with their circle of friends, they don't actually cling to each other too much. They don't want to be like the couples who have their own world and they don't notice their friends anymore. They want to spend time with their friends too. Besides, Haneul tends to be more clingy to her girlfriends whenever they are around. Taemin and Haneul tend to share some sweet looks and smiles when they are with their own group of friends. They also do some sweet cute things but they don't do it often since they will be killed by their friends' teasing. When meeting Haneul's own circle of friends, she doesn't really bring Taemin with her unlike some other couples and Taemin also does the same. They don't think it's necessary to bring your other half when bonding with your friends especially when they are not really close.
"Come here and let me cling on you~" When they are alone, Haneul's clingy side is at its maximum level. When they are at the couch, Haneul usually rest her head on his shoulder or lap and Taemin will absent-mindedly play with her hair. On bed, Haneul is a big fan of cuddling and spooning (she wants to be the small spoon, of course). When she's around, Taemin should expect a lot of surprise hugs and well... attack, maybe. There was a time that she's actually riding on Taemin's back when he was walking around the house and doing something. She also loves receiving some skinship from him too. It's cute to see her reaching him on her tiptoes since she is just too short. That's why Taemin is practically lifting her up whenever they hug. Haneul also loves to steal Taemin's clothes specially his sweaters, hoodies and jackets. Despite his nearly-empty closet, Taemin enjoys seeing his girl wearing his over-sized shirts.
"Sorry, my emotions took over. I don't mean to hurt  you." There's no thing such as perfect relationship. Haneul and Taemin have their fair amount of fights too. Most of the time they want to understand each other and just try to talk it out but sometimes they really can't. They don't really yell at each other when fighting but their voices are louder and colder than usual. Taemin never lay his hand on Haneul even though he's really mad. If he needs to release his anger physically, he takes it out on his things instead. After the fight, they will give each other the cold shoulder and silent treatment. They'll eventually make up with a sincere apology and a hug. They then try their best not to repeat the same arguement again. They don't usually get jealous easily and when they do, they'll do their best to deny it. As if it's not painfully obvious already. They'll end up admitting it anyway with a blush and and embarrassed look. On normal days, they are really cute to see. They keep on laughing and doing silly things to each other. Taemin's usually the sweet and romantic one and Haneul just laughs at him and calling him cheesy. Taemin's also good enough to accompany Haneul on her shopping spree and Haneul is just as great to watch his shows and visit him on his set. Taemin is also a poor victim of Haneul's nagging but he's used to it anyway. Haneul is the matured one between the two of them and the one who keeps everything in order. While Taemin, he's the childish one who loosen Haneul up and keeps her happy and laughing. They really compliment each other well.
back-up love interest;  Kim Jongin (Kai) - EXO


The Interview! - part one
what was your first impression of Taemin?
A :   Um... well, I am not really sure... I mean I was just awkward as hell around him because of the "incident" /laughs/. But, I have to say he's really a professional considering how calm he was during the photoshoot! Let's see... we eventually got over the incident after the shoot. I also think he's a really shy boy despite being an idol. It's kind weird to see him like that with his dark make up on. So when we had our coffee-turned-milk together, I think that's when he got comfortable. Then I started to think that he's really polite, gentleman and sweet.  And what really caught my attention is his smile. /smiles at self/
 describe your relationship with your boyfriend in three words ?
A :   Walking the runway. I never really had chance to be a runway model because of my... well, cute height /laughs/. That kind of gave me some insecurities but when I am with Taemin... I feel very special. Like walking down the runway, all eyes are on you and that will make you feel confident. Taemin makes me feel that way. His eyes were always on me and he never comapred me to anyone. It's like I am the only girl he sees. Okay, that's really cheesy... I sound like him now! /laughs and covers face shyly/
what's his best quality ?
A :   I really admire him when he gives all his efforts for something or someone he loves. When it come to his work, he never does a mediocre job. He wants everything to be flawless so I really do believe that he deserves all the success he achieves so far. Also whenever he fails to spend some time with me, he'll always cheer me up with his small sweet ways. Despite the lack of time and energy he has, he'll make sure that I won't feel sad when something didn't go as planned. He'll never fail to do that. He will always make sure that he'll make up for it and that really makes me happy /smiles/
do you see him often?
A :   As much as possible we would want to see each other at least during the weekends. Sometimes it's hard especially when Taemin's too tired and busy with their promotions and activities and when I have my exams. But we eventually work things out. Also, surprise visits often happens! Those visits always brighten up my day. Although it's kind of frustrating when Onew oppa and the others call me, panicking. Taemin loves to sneak out of his dorm or giving them different excuses /laughs/. But seriously though he needs to stop doing that. Eventually, his hyungs started to get used to it. We always text and call each other too.
describe your relationship in three words.
A :   Um let's see... it's like a... limited edition clothes. /laughs/. Okay, let me explain why. When it's a limited-edition it's like an once-in-a-lifetime thing and everyone wants that. Being in a relationship with Taemin, is like that for me. It's something great and I know that I don't want to lose him because I won't find someone like him again. Besides, a lot of girls want him so I guess he's really a limited edition. /shrugs and then laughs/.
did you knew that he was an idol/trainee?
A :   Of course, I do. SHINee's already famous and I actually listen to their songs but I am not really a die-hard fan. However.... maybe I am now /laughs/. So yeah... It never crossed my mind that I would date their maknae.
what annoys you the most about him?
A :   Let's see... I think it is when he works too hard. Like when he forgets to take care of himself . It makes me worry to death. I know he just want to make things perfect for his job but he has to think about himself as well. I once saw him passing out as soon as he stepped off the stage. That scared the life out of me. It's  alright to work hard but he should know his limits too...
do you love him?
A : /sighs/ Unfortunately... I do. /laughs/. Just kidding, yeah... I love that guy so much! Gosh, I even love him more than my clothes! And everyone knows how much I love them. 
any pet name? if yes, what it is?
A :   We usually call each other, "babe". I don't really know when it started but there was a time when Taemin suddenly called me that. Okay, I've got to admit, he sounded y-slash-hot when he said that. /whispers: please don't tell him this 'cause he'll just tease me all day/. So yeah... eventually that  became our pet name, I guess. 
tell us a funny fact about him?
A :   There was this one time... we were drinking at my apartment and he got so wasted already. He suddenly went to my room and I thought he was going to sleep already. Then after a few minutes, he went out  wearing my clothes. /starts laughing/. T-then he calls himself Taeyeon and keeps on complimenting himself, saying he's pretty. He kept of trying my clothes and literally gave us a fashion show until he suddenly passed out in the middle of his catwalk. I still have the video and Taemin still denies the fact that it was him because he said that he is a "real man". I still love him though. 

The Interview! - part two

what was your first impression of Haneul?
A :   When they introduced me to her, I was like... "God, she's so beautiful...". Seriously, I think I am the one who was star-struck /chuckles/. Her height also made her more attractive for me. I also think that she's really kind considering she still went to have, well... "coffee" with me despite the incident. I also see her as someone responsible and hardworking considering that she still manages to do a great job in her university and career despite doing them at the same time. She's also fun to be with since it's very easy to make her laugh. She really sincerely laughed at my jokes despite the fact that my humor is quite... you know, not good.
 describe your relationship with your girlfriend in three words ?
A :   Better than skydiving. I tried to skydive before and it was such a bliss. However, being with Haneul is way lot better. I always feel this "rush" whenever I am around her. I feel really excited and happy. Haneul means sky so... she's the sky that I will always jump onto. 
what's her best quality ?
A :   There's a lot really... but if I have to choose one, it will be her being understanding. I know it is hard to be with someone like me but she never complained. She understands even before I can give my explanations. She always says she understands when I arrive late for our date, when I cancel things the last minute because of a sudden schedule and when my mood suddenly changes because I am too tired. There's a lot more but she never got mad at me instead she'll smile and say that she understands. That made me even more guilty because I am not able to give the best for her. I really hope that I can do something for her in return.
were you scared to date her?
A :   Yeah, a bit... I guess. I know it will be hard considering my career and all the issues that might pop out. But what I feel for her was stronger than my fear so I was like... "screw everything, I'll date this girl"/chuckles/. I have no regrets though... she's definitely worth it. I just wish that she's not having a hard time because of this.
describe your relationship in three words.
A :   Better than dancing. Okay, it's kind of funny how similar that is to my other answer /chuckles/. I have always loved dancing since I was young so it really plays a huge part of my life. But when it comes between Haneul and dancing... I'll always choose her. She's more important than anything else.
do you see her often?
A :   It actually depends on our schedules but I want to see her as much as possible. Whenever I miss her and want to see her so bad, I usually sneak out of the dorm and give her surprise visits. We're both so happy to see each other of course! Although, she'll scold me whenever my hyungs panic because of my sudden disappearance. I just don't want them to know where I am going cause they'll just tease me to death. I also like the idea of no one knows we're together so we could like be lost in our own little world even just for a while. Is it weird? /laughs awkwardly/. Since we're on this show now.... I guess there will be no sneaking out for me anymore /chuckles/.
what annoys you the most about her?
A :   Probably when she feels insecure about herself. She sometimes think about being not good enough or not worthy of something. I really hate it when she acts like that. I mean she should know that she's amazing. She doesn't have to be worried with the outcome of her photoshoots and designs because she's great when she does them. I hate it the most when she thinks  she did something so disappointing that she thinks maybe she's not good enough for me. I mean, come on! I think I am the one who is not good enough here... I really wish that she'll see how beautiful and perfect she is. I'll never get tired to feel her special anyway. /smiles/
do you love her?
A :   I do. I really do... /laughs shyly and rubs back of the neck/. That girl is the best thing that happened to me.
tell us a funny fact about her?
A :   Okay, so I am always surprised whenever I open my phone since she always changes my wallpaper. Her face is just so... hilarious! /laughs/. She looks really funny and different in those photos. She'll always ask me not to show it to anyone though. I guess she's embarrassed on how she looks there. I have no problems with it though since I want those to be seen by me only. I-I mean... I just want us to have some "secrets"together. Hey, d-don't think anything naughty! /blushes/.


comments?;  Thank you for creating this cute applyfic! And... finally I am done with making my application! Hope you enjoyed reading about Haneul and Taemin as much as I enjoyed doing it. I think I kinda went overboard though and wrote too much... sorry about that. Well, at least you learned a lot about them. Good luck with the story, authornim! Fighting~
scene request?;
— Taemin and Haneul visiting the amusement park. They could be wearing matching headbands and enjoying the rides together. Except for the horror houses, Taemin's the only one who will enjoy that while Haneul will practically be clinging on him as if her live is depending on it and she'll surely scream her lungs out.


— Haneul singing and dancing for Taemin during his birthday. She'll be so embarased since she can't practically sing and dance to save her life.

— Taemin and Haneul going to shopping together. Of course, Haneul will make Taemin try on different clothes as they passed by the men's section. Then that shopping trip will eventually be a date. Taemin will take her to movies and dinner. He'll also definitely show his dancing and playing skills in the arcade. He could probably win her a panda stuffed toy after an awful lot of tries.

— They could have a fight during the show because no relationship is perfect. I will leave it you author-nim, if you want them to have a huge fight or not. Just surprise me.

— Taemin picking up Haneul after her classes

— Haneul having a photoshoot with another guy model and Taemin will try his best to hide his cute obvious jealousy




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