< Teaser x1 >

< Wintercrest High of Sorcery and Wizardry Arts > || < APPLICATIONS: OPEN!!! >

Teaser x1: Welcome to Wintercrest High!


"Good day, fellow students. It is I, Nam Yemi of House Whistlewell. Today I welcome you to the opening ceremony of Wintercrest High of Sorcery and Wizadry Arts. The headmaster would like everyone to go to our ball room. Have a nice day~" 

There were quite a number of students wandering around before the announcement was made. But they all stopped once they heard Yemi's voice. They proceeded to the ball room, and saw that Headmaster Goo was there.

Everyone picked their seats, chatting a little while they are all waiting for the headmaster to talk or make a speech. It was a bit crowded with over 500 students in the same room. 

"Omo, are we going to get sorted today?" One female student asks her seatmate.

"I think so, yes." The male student replies, a bit unsure to his answer.

The headmaster proceeded to give his warm welcome speech, "Welcome one and all to Wintercrest High of Sorcery and Wizardry Arts! I wish for all of you to enjoy your time here! Don't ever be afraid to knock on my office and ask for some help alright? Very well, let us start the opening ceremony!"

"Ah ne, kamsahamnida, headmaster. I would like to request everyone to stand up for the school anthem, and up next, you will all be sorted into your respective houses." The teacher then faced the school's banner and signaled the operator to start the music.

A lot of the new students didn't know the lyrics so it's up to the seniors to sing louder. Some new students already memorized the song and sang quietly. It was a memorable moment to a lot of them, mostly from the freshmen as it is their first time in the academy.

The song then finished and everyone sat down. "Alright. Here is where we all get serious. Not that we weren't serious earlier... *ehem* The seniors, old students, please head to your classrooms. And we'll get down to the sorting with the new faces. Each one of you, when I call your name, will head to the main stage for it to begin." Whistlewell's representive Yemi, removed the cloth hiding the sorting registry book.

"So sunbaenims, how does this work?" Another female student stood up and asked.

"Ah yes... Students,  we will call you one at a time and then you should write your name. Your. Real. Name. Understood? Then look at the right side, that page on the right... Your house banner will slowly be drawn on that page... If your older siblings told you something scary, no it is not so you can relax students..." Crystalmist' representative Hyerin thoroughly explained.

"There will be exceptions though. The book would not just classify you into your houses, it would also tell if you have exceptional skill. If you are 'special' as the book says, you would be placed in the new program here in our school. Matter regarding that program would be explaned in the following days. As I heard, there would be SEVEN chosen students overall. Good luck!" Yemi explained some things furthermore.

"Also, the position of Head for Dragonvale has been vacant due to the former one leaving. This position will be decided by the Council in the following days. As for the assistant heads for each house, you are allowed to apply at your own discretion. Your applications will be thoroughly reviewed and those who got accepted are willing and deserving. If not, you still tried your best and we'll cherish those thoughts of yours that you wanted to lead your fellow students." Hyerin nods as she finishes.

"Should we start?" The two said in unison and took a glance of each other.

"_______, please come up the stage."

Will you be accepted in Wintercrest? What house would you be in? Apply now! 

Hai guys. Yeah. I removed the deadline. So, please send in your applications as soon as you can. We will be considering 5 people to be in the story or 6, if we can memorize it. By the way, your applications don't need to be that long, as long as we can get the personality and traits, it's all good. Anyways, that's it. <3 - M+J

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i'm just curious tho. are you guys continuing the story? :o
Chapter 6: yesh i am c:
finally, here's my application c:
i'm sorry if it's a little boring and not up to your expectation :'c
and honestly i have doubts on the layout. i tried coding it on my laptop but i'm scared it'll look different on other devices (cwc)

well, enough blabbering! here it is: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1022379
May I know when is the deadline?
Also... is it possible to apply as a boy (I'm a girl but idk I feel like doing something new haha)?