

A/N: Surprise?




Chanyeol is eight when he meets Baekhyun for the first time.


"You're ugly!"


"Get outta here, fatso!"


"Yeah, and bring your stupid ears with you too!"


"Who would want to play with you, you freak?!"


It's okay. It's okay. Ignore them and they'll go away, right? That's what his mother says, so it must be true.


Mommy knows best, okay?


But it hurts, he wants to say. It really hurts, mommy.


Chanyeol covers his ears, squeezes his eyes shut, and curls up into a fetal position. If he can't hear them, he can't get hurt, right? If he can't see them, then he can't be affected by them, right? If he does all of this, then maybe he can make the hurt stop.


He just wants the hurt to stop. Please make it stop.


"Hey! What are you guys doing?!"


Chanyeol looks up to see an unfamiliar kid with crossed arms glaring at the others. He has a small face and neck, and his eyes are small too. He looks a bit like a girl.


He's really pretty, Chanyeol thinks.


The unfamiliar kid enters the playground, still glaring daggers at the group of kids that were picking on Chanyeol when he was playing by himself at his sandbox. Chanyeol wants to warn him, wants to say Watch out! They're really mean! but before he can say anything, the kid's already standing in front of their leader, Oh Jungho, face pulled into a scowl.


Oh Jungho scoffs. "What do you want?"


"Why are you picking on him?" the kid asks.


"None of your business. Now scoot," Oh Jungho sneers and pushes the kid back, eliciting rounds of cheers from his lackeys.


That's when the kid pounces on him.




Five minutes later, Chanyeol finds himself seated beside the new kid who has his legs drawn up and is currently checking his bruises; not much, really, just a scratch on the knee from where he fell. Oh Jungho and his lackeys have already run off after swearing on their lives that they'll call him Captain and they'll never disturb Chanyeol again.


"You're so cool," Chanyeol finds himself saying in awe.


"Huh?" the kid looks to him and Chanyeol feels his heartbeat speed up. It's so weird.


"I can't believe you hit him and made him call you Captain," Chanyeol continues, smiling widely.


When the new kid blinks at him, Chanyeol thinks Oh. "Oh, I'm sorry. I swear I don't do it on purpose, people always tell me I look stupid when I smile!" Please don't go. Please be my friend.


Chanyeol's ears are weird, he's not as small as the other kids, he's round, too.


Who would want to be friends with him?


When the kid stands up, brushing dust off his shorts, Chanyeol looks down in disappointment. Ah, so he doesn't want to be friends too.


"Stand up," he hears.


He looks up to see the kid looking at him with a solemn expression. "Stand up," he says again. "Make a proper introduction."


Confused, Chanyeol stands up and faces him.


The kid nods, as if approving. "Okay," he bows his head slightly to Chanyeol. "My name is Byun Baekhyun. Yours?"


"P-park Chanyeol." Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun. 


Baekhyun smiles, and suddenly Chanyeol is even more aware that wow, he looks prettier when he smiles. "Nice to meet you, Chanyeol. We are now friends."


Chanyeol feels ridiculously happy. "Really? You want to be friends with me?"


Baekhyun nods, still grinning. "Yeah. And as your friend, I'll tell you this. Don't care about what the others say, because I like your smile."


Chanyeol can only gape at him. "Really? So I can smile whenever I like?"


Baekhyun snorts, wow he is so pretty, "Of course. It's your right."


Chanyeol feels so happy he could fly. And he's pretty sure he's grinning that wide grin that always makes people stare at him, but he doesn't care. Because Baekhyun likes it. His friend Baekhyun likes it.


And then he realizes that he should probably say something nice too, and then he blurts out "I like your shoelaces."


Both of them look down to Baekhyun's dirt-crusted shoelaces and Chanyeol turns red from embarrassment. Stupid.


And then when Baekhyun starts laughing, Chanyeol could only stare at him for a moment because he looks so pretty even when he's laughing and his voice sounds really nice. After that, Chanyeol joins in on the laughter even when the joke's on him, because Baekhyun's laughter is contagious and how can he not laugh when Baekhyun is laughing?


Finally, when both of them have calmed down, Baekhyun leans in close as if to whisper a secret, and says "I like your shoelaces too."


And then, right there, at the sandbox of Chanyeol's usual playground, with Baekhyun smiling one of the prettiest smile Chanyeol has ever seen, Chanyeol thinks Ah, I wonder if this is what love feels like.




"Can I call you Baekhyunnie?"


"Huh?" Baekhyun makes a face. "Only my mom calls me that, though."


"Oh," Chanyeol is somewhat disappointed.


"But," Baekhyun suddenly says, "I guess I can make an exception for you?" He looks at Chanyeol, brows furrowed. "So don't make that face anymore."


Chanyeol smiles. "Okay."




"So your mom is your mom, but your brother and your dad aren't related to you?"


"Yes, Chanyeol."


Chanyeol frowns in confusion. "That doesn't make sense, Baekhyunnie."


"It's called remarriage, idiot."


"Don't call me that! It's not my fault, I'm only eight!"


Baekhyun laughs and Chanyeol feels all the anger leave him. He should really stop being so pretty.




They are twelve.


Chanyeol pouts as he fiddles with his new glasses. "I'll look weird, Baekhyunnie."


Baekhyun snorts. "Just put them on, Chanyeol."


"But," Chanyeol pouts even more. "I'm already fa--"


He gulps when he sees Baekhyun glare at him.


"--chubby," he says instead. "And I have the ears of an elf, if I wear these I'll look even worse!"


"I don't care about that, idiot," Baekhyun says and he takes the glasses from Chanyeol's hands. "All that matters is I won't lose my best friend over a stupid thing." He puts the glasses on for Chanyeol and immediately his sight becomes clearer.


"How?" Chanyeol asks as he amuses himself with watching the movement of Baekhyun's throat. He has a really pretty neck.


Baekhyun scratches his neck idly and Chanyeol sees the pale skin slightly redden. Baekhyun's skin really is sensitive. "Sort of like Oh I'm sorry sir, I didn't see the car there. Or falling off stairs or something. You're clumsy as it is." 


"Huh," Chanyeol answers non-committedly.


Baekhyun flicks his forehead. "If you die, I'll--"


"Kill me, I know."




They're thirteen.


"Hey, Chanyeol." Baekhyun says solemnly and his lips in his usual nervous habit. Chanyeol tries to not stare too long.


"What?" he asks casually, fixing the uncomfortable collar of their school uniform.


"I think Soojung likes me. Should I ask her out?"


Chanyeol tries to ignore the usual pang of jealousy at the thought of Baekhyun going out with girls. "Up to you," he looks away and tries to distract himself with writing the essay they're supposed to hand in the next day. "Do you like her?" he tries not to sound too hopeful.


Baekhyun nods and his lips once more, and this time Chanyeol lets his eyes linger. Not that Baekhyun will notice, anyway.


Baekhyun never notices.


"Go for it, then." Chanyeol gives Baekhyun a big grin, the one that he knows Baekhyun takes comfort in. "And then you can tell me all about it, okay?"


Baekhyun nods and smiles and Chanyeol finds himself thinking how the hell does he stay so pretty?




Baekhyun has really pretty lips. He has a pretty neck. He has pretty skin. He has pretty eyes. He has a pretty voice. His body is small; petite. 


Baekhyun is beautiful, and Chanyeol finds the thought of being in love with him less innocent than he did five years ago.


He wonders if it's too late to turn back.




"You joined a ferret club?"


"Yes," Chanyeol readjusts the position of his glasses and continues playing his video game.


"Why? Then who will I hang out with?" Baekhyun whines.


You always hang out with your girlfriend these days anyways, Chanyeol wants to say. He pauses the game and gives Baekhyun a grin. "Relax, it'll only be for the summer. And you'll also get more time to spend with your girlfriend!" Chanyeol wants to throw up.


"But I broke up with her," Baekhyun pouts.


Chanyeol blinks. "Why?"


Baekhyun shrugs. "Figured I've been ditching you too long. Wanted to hang out more." He scowls. "And then you go and join a stupid club."


Chanyeol feels a rush of warmth to his chest. He smiles more genuinely this time. "Why don't you just join me, then?"


"Since when do I like ferrets, idiot?"


Baekhyun ends up joining the club.




Baekhyun's mother is a very beautiful woman. Chanyeol likes to think that Baekhyun probably takes after her a little too much.


She can also be the devil incarnate.


Chanyeol groans out as he falls to the ground from fatigue. "No more," he moans out. If he sees another grass he has to weed, he will kill his own ferret.


Baekhyun plops down next to him and sighs, head tilted back, giving Chanyeol full view of his sweaty neck and a peek of his clavicles.


Well, Chanyeol figures he could use some eye treat.


As he busies himself with staring at Baekhyun's attractive neck, he hears footsteps reaching them and looks up.


"So how are you doing, boys?" Baekhyun's mother asks with a smile on her face.


"No offence, but I think you are the devil incarnate, ma'am," Chanyeol says with a grin. He hears a mutter of agreement from Baekhyun.


Baekhyun's mom giggles and kneels down in front of them. She gives each of them a kiss on the forehead and says "Get cleaned up, I have fresh juice and snacks waiting for you."


Well, sometimes, she can also be an angel.




They are fourteen.


"Wait," Baekhyun suddenly says one day on their way home from school.


Chanyeol stops. "What?"


Baekhyun stares at him. "You've gotten taller."


Chanyeol frowns. "So?"


"No. I mean," Baekhyun seemingly struggles for words. "You've gotten taller. A lot."


"Oh. Okay?"


Baekhyun groans. "No. Not okay."


Chanyeol sighs. "Why?"


"I know it. You'll be the type that suddenly shoots up like crazy during puberty, and later the height will complement your body mass too."




"The ladies will be all over you, and I'll be ruined! You'll be a lady killer!"


Chanyeol sighs. "It doesn't matter, Baek."




Chanyeol shrugs and grins. "It's fun just being with you."


You're all I need.




"She doesn't have much time left."


Baekhyun says all this with a straight face, and Chanyeol knows that it's affecting him really bad.


So that night, when Baekhyun stays over at his place, Chanyeol decides screw his feelings and shares the bed with Baekhyun.


He could've sworn that somewhere in the middle of the night, Baekhyun shuffles closer until their backs are touching.




They are fifteen.


By this time, Chanyeol has already grown tall enough to be the same height as their teachers, and his voice has grown even deeper. And somehow, girls seem to gravitate more towards him because according to Baekhyun, You look attractive now, you son of a .


Baekhyun also has the tendency to swear a lot more now.


Chanyeol also finds himself having urges that he would not like to discuss in public. Or ever.


Puberty , he decides as he narrowly avoids being caught staring at Baekhyun's neck.




They are sixteen.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun go to separate schools because Chanyeol has to move to the countryside with his whole family to take care of his sick grandmother.


It's ing scary at first, because Chanyeol has never thought he would need to be separated from Baekhyun. But then, he gets the hang of it.


He doesn't know how he manages to become the cool kid, though. But he supposes popularity is nice for a change.


He still misses Baekhyun, though.




They are seventeen.


Chanyeol finally comes home and that night Baekhyun, looking even more beautiful now (or maybe that's because Chanyeol hasn't seen him for twelve ing months), comes over.


When he sees Chanyeol, he doesn't say anything but merely hugs Chanyeol the way he always does whenever he's emotional but doesn't want to show it, with his arms around Chanyeol's waist and his head against Chanyeol's chest. Chanyeol accepts that as I ing missed you.


And so he hugs back even tighter and hopes Baekhyun understands it as I missed you more, you .




Chanyeol is scared. He's ing terrified.


Baekhyun is beautiful. Baekhyun is so ing beautiful. Baekhyun is too beautiful.


He makes Chanyeol want to do things.


Chanyeol wants to kiss him, he wants to run his hands through Baekhyun's hair and kiss every part of him. He wants to press small kisses along Baekhyun's spine, he wants to kiss all of Baekhyun's beauty marks. He wants to kiss Baekhyun's fingers one by one and hold his beautiful hands and never let go. He wants to hear Baekhyun's voice everyday singing him to sleep, he wants Baekhyun to be his and his only.


Chanyeol wants to own Baekhyun. He wants to wrap his fingers around Baekhyun's slender neck and squeeze. He wants to press, bite on Baekhyun's pale skin until it turns a pretty shade of red or black or blue, he wants to bruise Baekhyun so badly and he wants Baekhyun to moan and scream his name with that beautiful voice of his. Chanyeol wants to make him so vulnerable, he wants Baekhyun to shiver and quiver with desire for him, he wants Baekhyun to want him just like he wants Baekhyun. He wants Baekhyun to beg for him, and he wants to Baekhyun so hard--


It's not healthy.


Chanyeol doesn't know how to stop wanting and wanting and wanting.




He wants his best friend.


He wants his beautiful, perfect, male best friend.


It's repulsive.




They are eighteen.


When Baekhyun finally notices, Chanyeol doesn't feel all that surprised when he runs.




They are nineteen.


Chanyeol still wants Baekhyun.




They are twenty.


All the one-night stands only make him want Baekhyun more.


They're not him, they will never be him.


You will never have him.




They are twenty-one, and Chanyeol doesn't know what he wants anymore.




The day after Baekhyun's proposition, Kim Jongdae comes to see him.


Before Chanyeol even manages to wonder how the hell Kim Jongdae found his house, Kim Jongdae punches him. Hard.




Chanyeol blinks and touches his cheek. "You punched me," he says in disbelief.


"We need to talk."




"What do you want to talk about," Chanyeol mumbles out as he stares at Kim Jongdae sitting across him at the dinner table.


Kim Jongdae scoffs. "I don't know if you're actually dumb or you're just acting like you are."


Chanyeol sighs. "What is it, Jongdae?"


"I'll get straight to the point. Byun means more to me than I'd like to admit, so you better not this up."


"Are you forcing me to accept him? Because that's not fair--"


"That wouldn't be fair to both of you, so of course not. You really are an idiot."


Chanyeol groans. "Then what?"


"Give him closure, Park Chanyeol. Either you let him go fully; or you hold on to him like your life depends on it."




What do you want?


Chanyeol doesn't have any idea.




Chanyeol definitely didn't like the idea of Baekhyun kissing some other guy.


It was fine with girls, because then Chanyeol knew that he didn't stand a chance. But when it involved another guy--


Why couldn't it be me?


Chanyeol was actually scared because he didn't know he still felt that strong for Baekhyun, and he was actually about to hurt him out of jealousy.


He wonders when his feeling of love for Baekhyun turned into something like this.




"Jongdae really did a number on you, huh?"


"It's only one punch," Chanyeol mumbles and winces when he accidentally poked too hard on his cheek.


Junmyeon sighs, shaking his head. "Really, now. That Jongdae should learn some manners. You don't just punch people out of the blue like that." He walks into Chanyeol's room and sits down beside him on the bed. "Well. You're a grown up, so I'm sure this would heal up in no time." Junmyeon gives him a reassuring smile and Chanyeol doesn't know what's worse; having a temperamental housemate like Jongdae or a housemate who acts like a kindergarten teacher with everyone.


"I don't get how he's your best friend. It's disturbing." Chanyeol's not even exaggerating, because Jongdae acts like a whiny brat with Junmyeon and he even calls Junmyeon Junmyeonnie. Chanyeol almost had a heart attack the first time he saw that happen.


Junmyeon chuckles and pats Chanyeol's shoulder. "He's actually nice, you know. In fact, I think he's gotten a bit nicer these days."


"Are you kidding me. He came to our house and punched me in the face."


"You can't blame him. You know how attached he is to your Baekhyun," Junmyeon grins. "Although that may not be such a good thing for me, since these days it's always Byun this, Byun that, I want to castrate Park," Junmyeon says with a wave of his hand. "It's endearing, actually. How he gets really childish when it involves the people he likes."


"Ignoring the fact that he's been talking about castrating me, he actually likes him?" Chanyeol didn't think Kim Jongdae was even capable of such emotions.


Junmyeon nods. "A lot. He adores him, really. I remember how in the early days of their friendship he used to describe Baekhyun as the sun--"


"I think we should stop this here." Chanyeol feels queasy.


Junmyeon shrugs. "Up to you, then. Though the only change of topic in my mind at the moment involves you."


Chanyeol makes a face. "I don't really want to talk about it, though."


"Chanyeol..." Junmyeon gives him that look again, and Chanyeol hates that look because it always wins him over. "You know that talking about it helps." And the look intensifies and how the hell is Chanyeol supposed to fight against that?


"Fine," Chanyeol finally says. "What do you want to know?"


Junmyeon smiles that ing illegal smile and says, "Everything."


Chanyeol really hates himself for not being able to say no to Junmyeon.




"So how did you feel when you realized that your feelings changed?"


"I...I felt disgusted with myself."


"It's just lust, Chanyeol."




"After all, doesn't lust draw the line between mere platonic affection and being in love?"




The next day, Chanyeol comes home to see a familiar kid standing outside his door.


The kid looks up and smiles slightly when Chanyeol approaches.


"Hi. I'm Kim Jongin."




And then: Who the hell has been giving away my address?


Chanyeol nods slightly. "Hi."


Jongin rubs the back of his neck and smiles sheepishly. "Uh, sorry. But we need to--"


"Talk. Yeah, I figured."


Jongin nods, still smiling that half-smile of his. "I'll just keep it simple, since I have to work today. Alright?"


Chanyeol nods.


"So here it goes. Uh, I'm really bad at this, so I'll just say whatever I feel. You," he pats Chanyeol's shoulder, "only have a few days left. Right?"


He doesn't want to know how the kid knows, so Chanyeol nods again.


Jongin scratches his head and mutters something under his breath. And then he sighs. "Alright. Look, I understand how you feel. I've been in your shoes before. So I know it when I say you won't make a decision on your own by the end of this week."


Chanyeol frowns. "What do you mean?"


"It means you're not going to do anything, just like what you've been doing all this time. Wait, don't punch me." Jongin lets out a frustrated groan. "I am so bad at this."


Chanyeol actually feels sorry for the kid.


"Look. I know you won't because I've been through the same thing." Jongin holds him by the shoulders. "What you need is a trigger."




Jongin nods solemnly. "Yeah, you need an event to trigger you into action. It may occur right now, it may even occur next year, but. Yeah." He scratches his head. "Wow. Uh, I'm really sorry if that was uninspiring at all."


Chanyeol smiles slightly and pats his back. "You tried, kid."


Jongin mumbles something else under his breath before suddenly shaking his head. "Anyway, my point is this: I hope you find your trigger soon."




Jongin smiles wistfully. "Because I think you broke him."




This is how his break-up with his previous girlfriend went:


Before I leave; one last question.




Do you still love him?






Chanyeol has been in love with Baekhyun for a long time.


Chanyeol is still in love with Baekhyun.


Chanyeol thinks he will continue to be in love with Baekhyun.




Chanyeol, I think you need to think this over very carefully. This is very important.


I know that, Junmyeon.




Chanyeol is used to loving Baekhyun.


But what he can't get used to is the idea of Baekhyun loving him back.


Because he's been in love for years and not once did Baekhyun look at him.


So how is he supposed to know whether it's the truth or not?




Jongin is right.


It's been five days, and Chanyeol hasn't made any progress besides admitting a long-known fact, and his anger has long since simmered down into pure dread and maybe guilt too.


He is so ing screwed.




Chanyeol spends that night watching romance dramas to clear his mind. It is four in the morning when watching a particular drama--


"I know you love me. I love you too. So why can't we be together?"


That line hits too close to home and Chanyeol feels uncomfortable.


"It's not that simple!"


"Why? Why can't it be? Aren't you the one who's making it all difficult?"


Maybe he should turn it off--


"No! I...I'm not--"


"You're just scared!"


Chanyeol's about to turn it off with disdain when--












It doesn't have to be something colossal; it could be the simplest of things.




After Chanyeol knocks on Junmyeon's door for a questionable amount of time, the door opens to reveal a less-than-pleased Junmyeon.


"Chanyeol, it's after four--"


"I think I know what's wrong with me," Chanyeol interrupts. He feels breathless and his heartbeat is ridiculously fast.


Junmyeon blinks. "What--"


"It piled up; my insecurities." And even as Chanyeol says it, he knows it's the truth. "Little ones, but they piled up so much over the years that they are even affecting the way I live." He doesn't know where all of this is coming from, but he just knows and it's making him feel light-headed. "Accumulation. It's just accumulation of doubt!"


He grabs Junmyeon by the shoulders. "And to top it all off, Junmyeon, I'm just ing terrified.Yes, that's right. "That's exactly it!" Chanyeol's feeling too excited now, he should probably-- "I'm just scared! All of that stuff about lust and all the excuses I've been using over the years, they're not the main problem. The main problem is fear!" Chanyeol releases Junmyeon and laughs almost hysterically. "Junmyeon. I have always been waiting and wanting and hoping, so much that I got used to it, so by the time it actually happens, I can't find myself to believe it!"


He grins widely at Junmyeon. "So all I need to do is to believe!"


Junmyeon stares at him. "I'm proud of you--"


Chanyeol runs to the bathroom and throws up into the toilet bowl.


Enlightenment ing .




"But I thought you said you saw him kissing his ex?"


Chanyeol scoffs as he tries very hard not to barf again. "That's exactly why I need to see him now," he retches into the toilet bowl. "Baekhyun doesn't cheat. So it'd be better if I made him mine," he rasps out.




"What makes you so confident that he'll accept you?"


Chanyeol swallows. "Because I've been doubting for far too long."




Chanyeol ends up leaving the house slightly before dawn because Junmyeon kept holding him back.


Are you seriously going to see him now? At least brush your teeth first!


Don't go in your pajamas! Wear something else!


He nags more than Chanyeol's mother.




By some twist of fate, Chanyeol manages to arrive at Baekhyun's apartment after merely fifteen minutes of running his off.


He knocks on the door while trying to catch his breath at the same time, breaths coming out sounding like a dying dog's. He hears voices from inside, and when the door opens--


Chanyeol feels his breath catch.


The early morning sunlight casts a glow on Baekhyun, making him look almost ethereal, and Chanyeol thinks he is so beautiful and how could you ever think of letting this go?


Baekhyun, with wide eyes, steps outside and closes the door gently behind him. He stares at Chanyeol, and only then Chanyeol remembers--


I think you broke him.


"Are you okay?" he blurts out. Stupid. Stop asking obvious questions.


Baekhyun's lips tilt up in a small smile. "A bit pissed that I had to wake up too ing early, but I'm good."


Chanyeol makes a strangled noise. 


You idiot you could have at least waited until later--




He looks back to Baekhyun.


"Why are you here?" Baekhyun's looking at him with an unreadable expression on his face and Chanyeol hates it because Baekhyun only makes that face when he's prepared for the worst and--


What have you done?


In a moment of panic, Chanyeol kneels down on one knee in front of Baekhyun and gracelessly grabs Baekhyun's hand. He hears a gasp and--


"Chanyeol, what--"


"I love you," Chanyeol interrupts. "I am so ing sorry for all the things I have done to you and I was scared and I love you so ing much." Somewhere in the back of his head he thinks screw it, this is not a drama anyway and this should have been planned better, and he fumbles inside his coat and takes out one of his accessory rings that Junmyeon insisted he brings. "I want you to spend the rest of your life with me; till the end." He winces.


Where the did all of your smooth charm go?


Chanyeol hesitantly looks up.


Baekhyun still has a blank face on.


Panic strikes again. "I know it's not much, but I swear I'll find a better one later. I'll find a part-time job to earn more money and I'll study really hard so that we won't have any problems later and I'll even stop going to clubs. I know we're still young and this is probably a bit too fast for you but I'll propose again and again if I have to and I'll do whatever you want--"


"Park Chanyeol."


Chanyeol winces.


"You're supposed to put the ring on for me, idiot."


Chanyeol is silent for a moment and then when the words and the implications they present sink in--


Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun's hands tighter and stands up to face Baekhyun. He feels unstable and slightly dizzy.


"Baek," he says, and he's shaking and he should probably do something about that but then he realizes that Baekhyun's shaking too and oh Baekhyun's crying but--


"You mean--"


Baekhyun pulls him down into a kiss.


"Yes. I will marry you, you idiot."




Chanyeol just proposed to Baekhyun.


Chanyeol just proposed to Baekhyun and Baekhyun accepted.


Chanyeol has a fiancee now.


And Chanyeol, in a moment of sheer stupidity, says to his fiancee the first words after their engagement--


"I like your shoelaces."


Both of them look down to stare at Baekhyun's bare feet.


You have got to be kidding me at least he had shoes then--


But then Baekhyun laughs and he is so beautiful and he pulls Chanyeol down and whispers secretively:


"I like your shoelaces too."




What do you want from me, Park Chanyeol?








A/N: Still contemplating an epilogue ;__;

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Kill me now.


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 9: Very well done - found this fic on a favorite list and glad I read it!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 8: Genius shoelace ending!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 7: I feel like Chan is trying to see how much Baek will take...
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 2: Slowly but surely making some progress...I think 🤔
161 streak #6
Chapter 9: I really love this.... thank you ❤
melramsey #7
Chapter 9: So dramatic over nothing lmao
Chapter 9: Yeay im riding a rollercoaster from the start to the end! :') u played my feelings well authior nim. This is the best !
Naerisong #9
Uhm author-nim! Can i translate this fic into vietnamese? I will credit everything. Hope u agree!<3
Naerisong #10
Uhm author-nim! Can i translate this fic into vietnamese? I will credit everything. Hope u agree!<3