
SECRET : Third Ending
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Yoong watched as his kids ate their dinner while he fed Jaeyeon who has become fussy over the days. Jaeyeon kept crying and throwing tantrum at night again. Yoong understood the boy’s attitude as he still needed Sooyeon to sleep at night. Jaeyeon would be up until 3 to 4 am before going to sleep. Yoong tried giving him to the nanny but the baby seemed to understand the situation and refused to sleep without Yoong.

Yoong held Jaeyeon as the baby cried. 

“Jaeyeon, daddy’s here, right?” Yoong cajoled but the baby cried his heart out.

Yoong rubbed the boy’s back and kissed his head lovingly.

“He wants mommy.” Sohyun said and Yoong heaved a sigh.

“Sir, let me take him away.” The nanny said and Yoong gave Jaeyeon to the nanny.

Jaeyeon cried and struggled but the nanny took Jaeyeon to her room to show him his toys. That trick worked once or twice, depending on Jaeyeon’s mood.

Yoong looked at his other kids. They all were coping well. Yoong has lied to them, telling them that Sooyeon was away for a short vacation and will be back later. Yoong heaved a sigh again.

“I know you are worried but you should eat.” Taecyeon who has been silent from the start said eventually.

Yoong glanced at Taecyeon as they were sitting at the sofa in the living room. The kids were busy playing with themselves while Jaeyeon was with the nanny.

“I barely saw you eat anything. Your kids need you too. You have to be healthy for them. I’m sure they will find a lead tomorrow.”

“I don’t feel that way at all. I don’t think I’ll ever see Sooyeon again. My guts is telling that old man kidnapped Sooyeon but you guys don’t believe me.” Yoong was mad but he kept his voice down.

“Yoong, we already have people tailing the two of them, we just have to wait. I have a hunch they are behind it too but we need to have a proof.” Taecyeon reasoned and Yoong heaved a sigh again.

“If I ever see that man, I’ll kill him.” Yoong said dreadfully while Taecyeon could only imagine.


Sooyeon watched as Mr. Kim the light in the room. She sat up slowly and leaned to the bedpost. Mr. Kim glared at Sooyeon. Sooyeon opened to say something but she vomited instead. Mr. Kim looked in disgust. 

“To think you are Jessica’s sister…you are nothing like her.” Mr. Kim threw the food container to Sooyeon as he was disgusted with her.

Sooyeon looked at the food container uninterestedly. She panicked when Mr. Kim shut the light off and exited the room.

“Dad! Dad! Please, dad!” Sooyeon shouted with all the strength left in her.

Mr. Kim froze at the door and turned to Sooyeon.

“Please…I’m sorry dad. I’m sorry for everything. I was wrong. I should have been more thoughtful of you after Jessica passed away. You were so kind to her, giving her everything she needed, made her successful and all. I should be grateful that Jessica met a good family but…I didn’t. I live in poverty. I got to eat once a day. I didn’t get good education. I was accused of something I didn’t do. I’m lost.” Sooyeon cried while Mr. Kim was taken aback.

His eyes stagnated that he walked to Sooyeon and hugged the woman.

“Oh dear, oh my goodness. I am sorry as well. I should have adopted you too. Dad is sorry Sooyeon. Dad is really sorry.” Mr. Kim sobbed, hugging Sooyeon who held his hand.

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll unlock the handcuff and let you clean yourself, okay? My poor daughter. I’m sorry for doing this.” Mr. Kim fiddled with keys in his pocket and unlocked the handcuff.

Sooyeon touched her freed left hand.

“Thank you, dad.” Sooyeon hugged Mr. Kim again and Mr. Kim patted her back.

“Don’t eat this. Dad will order something delicious for you. It’s late but I’m sure Juwon can go buy something delicious.”

“Juwon?” Sooyeon looked at Mr. Kwon.

“Juwon, the man I hired to take you…let’s save that for some other time. Dad is going to get your food ready. Wait, okay?” Mr. Kwon left the room without closing the door and Sooyeon’s heart rejoiced.


Yoong looked at Sooyeon’s cellphone. He unlocked the phone and went to the chat room and looked at the chat he and Sooyeon shared. ❤️Yoong❤️ was what Sooyeon saved his number as. Yoong read the last message Sooyeon sent to him. 


‘Husband, I miss you so much that I dreamt of you. You’re coming home this Saturday, right? Do you want anything particular to eat? I can make it for you. Love you, my husband’


He remembered he deleted the message even before he read through it when he was in New York. Yoong cried as he scrolled the chat space. Sooyeon has never deleted the messages they had before. Yoong scrolled more and more until it reached 2010. The year they got married. 14 years ago. She has never deleted a single messages. Yoong whimpered silently, sitting on the sofa in his room while all his kids slept on the bed. 

Yoong’s shoulders shook as he felt something pressing his chest. He walked out the room discreetly and cried his heart out in the living room. Yoong sat on the floor, leaning to the sofa, reading the messages. He felt waves of emotion coming from his chest, glowing through him. Yoong sobbed as he calm his self down. He knew he couldn’t cry like this or he would need to be nebulised. Yoong looked at his car keys and left the house.


Yoong stayed in his car as he observed the Kim’s residence from afar. When the police asked Yoong for any suspect, he told them about Mr. Kim. The police went to see Mr. Kim and questioned him but he denied and was acting all worried. Yoong didn’t buy it. He knew the old man had something to do with it.

Yoong bent down as he saw a black BMW drove out. Yoong who was in his decoy car, a Kia Picanto, waited until the car passed him. He couldn’t see the driver as the car was tinted. Yoong looked at his watch. 1:50 am.


Sooyeon listened as Mr. Kim yelled for Juwon, asking him to buy some food. Juwon talk back saying Mr. Kim had gone mad for believing Sooyeon. Sooyeon got down the bed slowly as she was still weak and in pain. She stood by the door and listened to Mr. Kim telling Juwon to be hurry. Sooyeon walked back to the bed and sat down as Mr. Kim was approaching the room again.

“Daughter, why haven’t you clean yourself yet?” Mr. Kim was surprised.

“I have no clean clothes to wear…” Sooyeon pointed to the wardrobe.

“Oh?” Mr. Kim went to the wardrobe and opened it.

“These clothes, are old…it must be uncomfortable wearing it…let me take some of mother’s clothes. Maybe they will fit you.” Mr. Kim was giddy as he walked out again.

Sooyeon eyed the old man who went to the end of the hallway and entered a room. Sooyeon went to the bathroom right away and looked at the toilet. She tried to lift up the cover but it was heavy and

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jjsooyoung #1
Chapter 17: I'm curious about what Soyeon has to sacrifice to get the curse off 🤔
Chapter 17: Black magic fight now 🔥🔥🔥
1120 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Damn now you believe her? You know your words to her earlier are hurts her feelings but luckily she did take it to heart...oh uh I don't have good vibes with what the old woman requires for the payment of her helping Sooyeon
jjsooyoung #4
Chapter 16: Minjeong won't stop bothering yoong and sooyeon 😤
1120 streak #5
Chapter 16: Damn* Jessica really won't let him be even in his dreams she started hunting him...
solaris17 #6
how to continue reading chapter 15?
Helarmonk #7
Chapter 16: Any hint for password?
Chapter 16: Its become mythical thriller now 😆
Thought minjeong was dead but her grudges kept her alive 🤣
Thx for the update author
Chapter 15: Just finished the continuation and its hawt 😌
We deserve that chapter after a long drama between that spouse.
Minjeong will stuck there as its became a new forever home
Thx for the pass author, ill be waiting the next update ☺️