
SECRET : Third Ending
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Yoong was on the ground, crying and feeling lost. The weight of worry and fear bore down on him as he struggled to make sense of what was happening. Thoughts of Sooyeon's safety raced through his mind, filling him with dread.

"We're doing our best to find your wife, Mr. Kwon," the officer said gently, trying to calm the distress Yoong.

"Please, officer, I need to be involved in the search. I won't rest until I find my wife," Yoong pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion.

“We have sent the blood samples to the lab and do you have anything that we can use-“

“Her toothbrush.” Yoong ran into the house and to his master bedroom.

Yoong opened the bathroom in his room and took Sooyeon’s toothbrush. He raced outside and handed it to the police officer.

“Thank you, Mr. Kwon. For now, all we can do is wait. And-“

“That’s okay. I’ll take it from here.” A man suddenly appeared.

They all looked at the man.

“Mr. Kwon, I’m Detective Junho, Taecyeon’s friend. He has told me everything and I need that CCTV recording.” Junho looked at the policeman.

“The tape is on its way to the station.”

“Mr. Kwon?” Junho gestured to his car.

Yoong looked at the nanny and took Jaeyeon before asking the nanny to follow him.


“In case of abduction, we have to determine the time of the attack. From there we can determine where your wife is.” Junho said as the examined the recording.

Yoong nodded and held Jaeyeon securely as the baby was asleep. Yoong even wore the baby carrier to make it easier for him to hold Jaeyeon.

“There. 2:30 am.” Junho said and the policeman slowed down the recording.

They watched as Sooyeon sat on the gazebo, peeling garlics. They sped up the recording again to Sooyeon walking to the gate as a car appeared.

“You know that car?” Junho asked.

“That’s Sooyeon’s car but that isn’t the man I hired to send the car to her…” Yoong was worried. 


Sooyeon looked up as she saw her car stopped in front of the gate. Sooyeon hid the small knife she used for peeling the garlic up her sleeve as she approached the gate.

“Mrs. Jung?” The man said, showing some papers.

Sooyeon read and nodded.

“That was fast.” Sooyeon opened the gate wide for the car to drive in.

Sooyeon stood aside as the man parked the car and exited it. He handed Sooyeon the car keys.

“Thank you.” Sooyeon said, locking the car and stood by the gazebo.

“Oh, Mrs. Jung, I forgot that Mr. Kwon asked me to give you this.” The man punched Sooyeon’s face that she fell on her back onto the gazebo, scattering the garlics.

Sooyeon screamed but the man quickly covered . Sooyeon deliberately took out the small knife and stabbed the man’s rib. The man grunted in pain before he punched Sooyeon again, making her half unconscious. The man pressed his wound before he unlocked the car. He then carried Sooyeon into the car and tied her hands and legs.


Yoong hugged Jaeyeon as he watched the footage. His hands trembled in anger and fear. Yoong’s mouth was dry, he was fuming mad. 

Junho who received a call, answered it.

“Taecyeon! You are the best!” Junho ended the call and looked at Yoong who awaited the update.

It was then 7 in the morning. Jaeyeon just had some milk that the nanny made. He was fast asleep when Yoong carried him, refusing to sleep in the nanny’s arms. 

“Mr. Kwon, Ok Taecyeon said he remembers putting trackers on all of your vehicles. But he wasn’t sure if your wife’s car still has it or not.”

“I have no idea he did that. If he put it then it must be there with the car.” Yoong wondered why Taecyeon has done such without telling him.

“I’m waiting for the serial number from Taecyeon and here it is. Track it.” Junho said to the policeman.


Sooyeon was in pain. Her face was throbbing and with her wrists and ankles tied together, she was uncomfortable. Sooyeon looked at the man driving the car. Only then she remembered what happened. Sooyeon couldn’t say anything as a tape covered , gagging her. She looked around to find Jaeyeon. She hoped the assailant didn’t take Jaeyeon.She cried silently. She didn’t understand who would want to do this to her. Sooyeon tried fidgeting but the rope was too tight. She stopped squirming when the car made a stop. Sooyeon closed her eyes in an instant. She could hear the door being opened. She stayed still, pretending to be unconscious.

“Good. Bring her in.”

Sooyeon knew that voice! It’s Mr. Kim.


Yoong and Junho listened as a policeman explained how a civilian found an unconscious man in the bushes. He showed Yoong the man’s picture and Yoong acknowledged that the man was the one he hired to send Sooyeon’s car.

“He was attacked and we have sent him to the hospital.” The policeman said.

“This is planned. The one doing this may have planned even before you decided to send the car.” Junho said and Yoong had one name.

He wasn’t sure.

“Is there anyone who you think would want to harm your family?”  Junho asked.

“There’s one.” Yoong said.


“Why are you doing this?!” Sooyeon shouted as soon as the man pushed her onto the bed. Sooyeon crawled to the back, hiding herself between the bed and the wall behind her.

She glared at Mr. Kim who was smiling at the door.

“I tried to approach you nicely but you and your husband shut me off like a dog! You think I would let you steal Jessica’s place and be happy just like that?!”

“Jessica is dead!” Sooyeon yelled.

“And it’s your fault! You drove her crazy! Your husband drove her crazy! And then he has audacity to marry you? Watching you and him prosper, I was quite happy but why’d you shove me away? What’s my fault? I was just trying to be a good person, a good grandfather to your kids.”

“They are my kids and I am not related to you through anything. You are no one to me!”

“Ah!” Mr. Kim yelped in annoyance.

“Your stupid mother was once here to beg for you! If I was nothing she wouldn’t be here! Jessica was upset! She cried and saying nonsense about being adopted. I can’t let my little girl be like that. Jessica deserves everything in the world. Anything she says is my command. And she died for what? For a man who marry her twin sister…” Mr. Kim was psychotic as he imagined Jessica standing in the r

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jjsooyoung #1
Chapter 17: I'm curious about what Soyeon has to sacrifice to get the curse off 🤔
Chapter 17: Black magic fight now 🔥🔥🔥
1120 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Damn now you believe her? You know your words to her earlier are hurts her feelings but luckily she did take it to heart...oh uh I don't have good vibes with what the old woman requires for the payment of her helping Sooyeon
jjsooyoung #4
Chapter 16: Minjeong won't stop bothering yoong and sooyeon 😤
1120 streak #5
Chapter 16: Damn* Jessica really won't let him be even in his dreams she started hunting him...
solaris17 #6
how to continue reading chapter 15?
Helarmonk #7
Chapter 16: Any hint for password?
Chapter 16: Its become mythical thriller now 😆
Thought minjeong was dead but her grudges kept her alive 🤣
Thx for the update author
Chapter 15: Just finished the continuation and its hawt 😌
We deserve that chapter after a long drama between that spouse.
Minjeong will stuck there as its became a new forever home
Thx for the pass author, ill be waiting the next update ☺️