Chapter Eleven

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The string of pull was happening in one way or another. 



8:04 am




Silence and daylight. 


The familiar house had a beam of daylight within the silence through; a kind of silence that had a certain, and familiar yet unknown comfort in it and surrounded by the light were the pair in the living room; asleep on the couch as the man of the house was seated with his head thrown back on the headrest and the beam of daylight seep through his eyes to squint them with a frown until it opened slowly to greet the golden light of chandelier contrasting with daylight. 


Baekhyun gulped, and turned his head towards the balcony to find the morning through the glass window; a blink of his eyes, and last night's moments crossed his head of him having a pizza with his sweetheart wife ironically with a TV marathon without his awareness of falling asleep. 


That's when he felt it; Iseul's figure, and his head lifted up with a gaze towards his side to find her sleeping soundly as in snoring soundly with her figure laid down where his eyes unwittingly stared at her sleeping self in a certain calm; the daylight was seeping through her face like an enchantment with her hands on her stomach until his eyes noticed her stretched legs on his lap while he was holding her feet against his palm. 


It felt hot and soft again. 


A flinch of his heart at his thoughts and actions until she shifted; a kick of her foot on his stomach and a hiss from his lips where his eyes narrowed at her sleeping self. “This crazy woman.”


Another shift of hers and she pulled her legs up brushing his thighs that had him flinching to immediately shift aside for her feet to hit the couch as he breathed out in a flush before feeling a muscle pain in his neck, and back as he his lips while stretching his neck to squint his eyes at her. 


“She's having her beauty sleep and I'm having back and neck pain.”


At the moment, his phone pinged, and standing up with a grimace, he had took it beside the open box of pizza eaten with left bread crust of mighty Iseul; Baekhyun was quick to answer Kang-min's call. 


“Yes, Lee.”


“Did you just wake up?” 


Baekhyun frowned at his astonished tone to look at time; he should have showered until now but for a certain astonished reason he had woken up at his unusual time before he hummed, suppressing a yawn while brushing his messy hair up. “What is it?”


“Mr. Park has asked us all to join at his gym.”


Baekhyun recalled the night of his talk with Se-Ju that led to the confrontation with Iseul but both of them didn't go well and before Baekhyun could answer, he heard Kang-min's question again. “Is the lady boss awake?” 


“Lady boss.”


Baekhyun mused; his eyes glancing at her sleeping figure to find her facing the backrest sight yet he couldn't keep eyes away from her as annoyingly enough for his thoughts to come up with how enchanting vision she appeared at the moment until he was standing over her while bending over till his hand was gripping the headrest over her figure while his eyes unwavering at the sight; the daylight over her face were completing her vision in a shine. 


“She's sleeping.” 


His trance in intent eyes traced her right side-profile from the curve of her neck to notice a mole under her earlobe somehow eye-catching until his eyes took a notice of something he hadn't seen before; a scar on the corner of her temple, and a deepened frown of his confusion. 


Since when? How? She never had it. 


“Well, wake her up and come together.”


Baekhyun heard Kang-min but his eyes were in a trance of his thoughts towards her; the scar was sending unpleasantness to his system until he flinched as she shifted to face him with her eyes opening slowly in a squint and a smirk of sarcasm on his lips. 


“Sleeping beauty is awake at last-Ow!”


He exclaimed as Iseul pulled his ear hard and he glared at her. “Let go.”


“Sleeping beauty can't be awake without a kiss; this can do much better.”


Iseul let go with a sass in her tone; Baekhyun glared at her while rubbing his ear turning red almost where Iseul sat up looking around while covering from yawning before Kang-min's loud voice was heard. 


“Don't kill each other on the way.”


The call was hung up but the pair was on their usual task of glaring at each other; Iseul looked around to realize how she had fallen asleep comfortably to recall the TV marathon last night with him surprisingly; her narrowed eyes twitched in a trance, and the newly awakened emotions that she had been turning off were on because of that confrontation night. 


His words from last night; how he was opted to prove her wrong and she wanted to be proved wrong. 


Even if she'd be proven wrong; the guilt towards her father wouldn't stop piercing her heart and more because if she was proven wrong then she had done wrong with the man standing before her. 


I did no such thing, Iseul; if you had trusted me this much, you should have kept it until the end of it!


His words echoed in her head like a jolt; her heart in an unpleasant pierce as her emotions against her beliefs were clashing yet again that somewhere deep down she had believed him yet the facade she was surrounded by wouldn't let her do it in case she'd be in the facade again; she feared it but strangely enough, he appeared different right now. 


She shouldn't be doing this but she couldn't stop either. 


It was probably her turmoil of emotions or the sudden seep of daylight over his standing figure in front of her or the shine of his silver hair shining through it, or maybe his brown eyes in a shade of golden looking back at her intensely and again in an observation that her heart thud behind her chest unaware of Baekhyun's trance of her confusing words last night; her words felt unfamiliar and now the scar and both felt somehow worrisome. 


He shouldn't be doing this; yet he couldn't stop it. 


Something felt different; something familiar. 


Baekhyun snapped out; his one eyebrow raised and his head tilted. “Are you done fancying me, sweetheart?”


Iseul snapped out, unable to ignore the warmth from her long stare again before rolling her eyes. “He's starting again.”


Baekhyun's squinted eyes watched her standing up in front of him; closer so he was towering her figure but she stood erected confidently to his like, until she had taken a step towards him for him to to retreat without averting her eyes from him before she had walked past his figure with a sudden blow of breeze that her strands brushed his shoulder and left the familiar enchanting fragrance of white flowers. 


“I'm using the bathroom first.”


A flinch to Iseul's system and a brush of Baekhyun's shoulder against hers in his walking past phase as her rounded eyes watched him ascending the stairs rather quickly where Iseul followed suit. 


“Stop there!” 


The chaos of the married couple had just begun yet something was changing within it. 


An hour or so later, the pair had been pacing around the room as the woman of the house had started her rants again. 


“There's literally a bathroom in the downstairs room yet you have to insist on using this one.”


Iseul stood before the vanity of the room; clad in a plain black half-sleeve shirt hugging her curves matching with black pants as she combed her hair while looking at her darling husband through the mirror who was standing behind her brushing his hair with his fingers while standing in a matching outfit with hers; black, and somehow she was unable to avert her gaze from him. 


He appeared fine; more than it and she didn't want to admit it. 


“This is my room; I am comfortable here.”


“I have been occupying it now; get comfortable with the downstairs one.”


“I don't want to.”


Iseul shot him a glare for Baekhyun to shrug with his ever nonchalance yet he felt a slight shudder; damn him, and found her sitting on the chair as she had begun to take handful of her hair while pulling it up for a ponytail for him to stare at her in a trance again; unable to look away until his eyes looked at the scar again. 


“Where did you get it from?” 


His question was out before his mind could think of it; Iseul shot him a confused frown to meet his eyes through the mirror. “What?” 




He mumbled; why was he questioning her? It had nothing to do with him yet he couldn't stop thinking about it, about her, and he was going crazy over it. 


“Let's go.”


Iseul stood up, almost walking away until the familiar pull of his hand against her arm again; she was standing in front of him while the place he'd been holding felt hot and her eyes narrowed. “What is it?” 


“Can I trust him?”


The same deep frown of his; the same doubtful yet questionable eyes boring into hers and a question. “You don't trust me either; how are you asking me?”


His frown eased and a silence before he his lips that Iseul glanced at it with a warmth to meet his eyes, “We are bound together in this, Iseul,” He paused, stepping closer as his deep intense eyes bored into hers. “Whatever happens, we are only questionable and answerable to each other and no one else.”


“Tell me.” His forehead creased. “Can I really trust Park Se-Ju?”


Iseul gulped, and nodded, “Yes,” Her eyes bored into his. “I don't trust just like that now but he's been helping me out from the time I'm into this; going through illegal things to take information out and it's only because of his help, I had come this long,” She paused, with a tilt of her head. “I get it you're being doubtful but since we've agreed to be faithful to this; do it in the team too.”


A silent bore of their eyes; a silence in their room and somehow the turmoil words beneath it. 


A thought; maybe the confrontation was needed, because now there were questions and turmoil of emotions in their minds and hearts against their chaos. 


The more Iseul stared at him; the more she was reminded of his young self standing nine years ago, and the one boy whom she had known with a belief that he wasn't someone who could do something worse to her; someone who had gone through the dreadful years of his life. 


Her emotions were all over the place; the awakened one, the confusing one, the turned off ones and her fear of facades. 


What was she supposed to believe? 


“This wasn't hard, wasn't it?” Baekhyun's forehead creased, indicating towards that night's moment unable to ignore the way she had gone into a lost trance towards him and Iseul snapped out, looking away with a few blink of her eyes to meet his eyes; her eyebrows raised. “It could have been easier if questioned beforehand.”


He understood before she gestured towards his hand holding her arm with her eyes for him to tilt his head, and for her to sharp her eyes where he let go with a roll of his eyes. 




Iseul uttered as she watched him walking to the bed, grabbing his jacket where Baekhyun hummed, checking through it until she voiced out the most questionable words. 


“Give your excuse to Se-Ju.”


Baekhyun halted his actions to give her a weird look; his eyes squinted. “A what?” 


Iseul huffed, understanding his antics. “You heard me.” She paused, as she watched his familiar pretense of pondering expression with a nod for her to point her forefinger to him along with her sharp eyes. “Don't ‘nah’ me.”


Baekhyun had a slight surprise look; she was this much attentive to him, and his lips in an upside-down curve. “I still won't.”


The next thing he found her forwarding towards her until she was standing closer; in a second, his jacket from his hold was snatched to be in her hold where Baekhyun had a sigh to push his hands in his pockets while Iseul stared at him sternly. 


“You are going to excuse for your behavior.”


“I didn't do anything wrong.” Baekhyun frowned. “All I did was to clear my doubts.”


“At the wrong timing.”


“Does it matter?” 


“It does,” Iseul had her eyes sharp. “Se-Ju is my friend; he's been helpful and I want no awkwardness during the investigation.” 


Baekhyun heard it but there was a familiar bitterness within him as his eyes narrowed, and unpleasant about it and with a deep frown, he snatched his jacket back from her hold to walk past her figure towards the door while slipping his arms through the jacket. 


Iseul scowled at his nonchalance and arrogant attitude again. “Did you understand?”


Baekhyun stopped, and looking over his shoulder he gave her his ever sarcastic smile with his tilted head. “Nah.”


Iseul watched his back out of the room; her eyes glared at his already retreated figure with an urge to throw every pillow in the room on his good for nothing looking face. 


A huff left her lips. “Annoying scum!” 











11:11 am




The silence had fallen through the gym; an awkward silence foremost where Iseul stood with her hands behind her back to spare a glance at Baekhyun who stood with his folded arms in front of the confused Se-Ju who appeared as awkward as the silence throughout the gym likewise for Kang-min and Ji-eun seated on the spare chairs with their eyes staring at the trio silently yet in an anticipation. 


Se-Ju had his forehead creased. “Do you have something to say?”


Baekhyun was quick to glance at his sweetheart wife; the one standing silent yet her eyes meeting his in a glance had him understood her words without wording them, and Baekhyun frowned with a tilt of his head as if asking her if this was needed for Iseul to give her darling husband a nod unaware of the other trio staring at the moment with a sudden interest. 


Something familiar was for the two seated pair but the third one had a surprise at the unexpected sight of a partnership. 


Baekhyun sighed, and met Se-Ju's confused eyes with his neutral ones as he his lips, feeling embarrassed yet was opted to do it by his sweetheart wife. “I would like to excuse for my behavior.”


Iseul had a satisfied expression as her eyes gazed at her husband; his jaw clenched as if feeling dislike about his own doings yet her lips parted at the sight with a sudden warmth as she gulped, while Kang-min and Ji-eun had a surprise expression likewise for Se-Ju where Baekhyun had his frown deepened. “Actually my wife asked-” 


A bump on his shoe had him abruptly halt his words to close his eyes with a sigh as he didn't have to recognize who could be daring enough to do it; always Jeon Iseul, his sweetheart wife. 


Se-Ju read the atmosphere between the pair with an amusement to nod. “That's not necessary,” He trailed off, meeting Baekhyun's eyes. “You were trying to clear your doubts and I understood; could've been better if it would have happened before but let's not worry about it since we're all together for a purpose.”


“Good enough.”


Baekhyun gave him a nod; feeling somehow relieved, maybe it was his words, or Iseul, but he couldn't find him suspicious anymore but he still was embarrassed as he turned to look at Iseul to find her already staring at him; a thud into his heart as he met her trance in eyes in a sudden depth towards him yet again until she blinked, and raised her eyebrows for him to recover with a look; a look of saying that it indeed wasn't needed for her to shrug; damn, he found a sass in her eyes. 


She was freaking enjoying it. 


Iseul found him frowning deeply as he faced her to have his folded arms underneath his leather jacket to graze her arm underneath her brown leather jacket; his head tilted as he continued to stare at her while she couldn't look away since he appeared hard to look away right now enough to feel the warmth to her system under his deep stare until he turned away from her not before pulling a strand from her ponytail slightly knowing how much she dislikes it for her to hold her ponytail with a gaped yet glare towards his retreating figure aware of his satisfied face. 


He was damn enjoying it. 


“Something is different.”


Kang-min mused; the sight of the married pair felt different than usual, and heard Ji-eun's hum beside him to turn to her who had her observed eyes on the pair. “They look somewhat, something.”


Kang-min chuckled. “What?” 


Ji-eun pressed her lips sheepishly at her own choice of words to look at him with a sudden warmth of his adoring eyes towards her as she looked away. “I couldn't find accurate words.”


“Do you think it's good for the baby to watch violence?” 


Ji-eun turned to him with an amused look as Kang-min shrugged. “Just asking.”


“The baby should learn how to fight.”


Both of them turned ahead to find Iseul standing before them; a soft expression towards Ji-eun who nodded with a smile and Kang-min nodded. “I fear the baby might kick the moment he'd be in the world.”


“Be careful with it, Lee.”


Iseul's heart jolted at Baekhyun's presence beside her; she glanced at him to see his jacket taken off, as the black shirt cling to his torso like a perfect click, and his biceps in a sight by his half-sleeves to give her eyes the access to his arms, damn; she needed to turn away only to glance at his hand wrapping his right one to follow his movements of raising his hand to his mouth as in the flow his eyes met hers in a sudden intensity while he continued to secure the wrap while her heart thumped against her chest behind a warmth. 


His one eyebrow raised in a question hidden under his silver strands; something strange happened, she found it unable to ignore his actions.


“Stop joking about my baby.”


Iseul immediately looked at Ji-eun; a warmth through her system as she bit her lip hard enough to snap out of her doings where she found Ji-eun giving her a questioning look for her to shake her head, before both of the ladies found Kang-min leaving his chair to have a practice with Se-Ju; the ladies sat down together to watch him but Iseul noticed how Ji-eun couldn't take her eyes off him. 


“He's not bad, right, Eun?” 


“He's more than good, smarty.”


Iseul had an amused smirk at her; she leaned back with her one leg over other to have her elbow leaned against her thigh as she brought her fist to her chin while her thumb caressing her skin as she continued to watch Ji-eun's sudden change of expression towards Kang-min unaware of her husband standing over her had his eyes on her actions always enough to left him in a captivation. 


“Did something happen between you and Lee?” 


Ji-eun flinched, and discerned Iseul's suspicious yet slight teasing glint as her forehead creased for Ji-eun to get flustered and for Iseul's eyes to round in her owning shape for Baekhyun to tilt his head, his hands behind his back as unwittingly he was trying to access her eyes. 


Iseul leaned in closer to Ji-eun; a whisper. “Did he confess?” 


“What makes you think of that?”


Ji-eun managed not to stammer but her deer-like round eyes with flushed cheeks gave Iseul her answer as she nodded; a slight smirk on her lips. “What was your answer?” 


“Speak loudly, sweetheart.”


Iseul and Ji-eun looked at Baekhyun; a disturbed frown on his lips while Iseul couldn't help but discern his way of standing similar to her yet somehow unable to tear her eyes off but snapping out for the umpteenth time from her unusual doings, she had given him a frown. 


“Why are you eavesdropping on our conversation?” 


His forehead creased, “You both are gossiping about my friend like typical women,” He trailed off, immediately sitting beside Iseul, “Of course I have to be attentive, sweetheart,” He paused, leaning back in his usual leg spreading manner that Iseul felt his knee brushing her leg in a warmth to meet his eyes; the same intensive ones as he tilted his head. “Let me listen to it.”


“Just like the typical men,” Iseul nodded, dropping her hand down with a sass in her eyes. “How wonderful.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes yet couldn't ignore the amusement at her words; she had always been good at it, before Kang-min was in their sight in a beat of sweats and a frown of Baekhyun at the ladies staring at him; he couldn't care less about Ji-eun's enchanted gaze but his sweetheart wife had a long stare for his like; she had her expressionless face yet he could discern the amazement in her eyes. 


“It's been a while since I have practiced like this; Mr. Park is really good-” 


Kang-min's excited blabber was abruptly stopped by the towel thrown at his face as he was quick to pull it down to narrow his eyes at his friend; the grumpy seated man. “What was that for?” 


“Dry yourself.”


“I hardly doubt it was a concern.”




Iseul and Ji-eun watched the men having their usual banter without any reactions but Iseul surely had shot a slight teasing smirk towards Ji-eun who couldn't stop staring at Kang-min for Ji-eun to slap her arm in return with her flushed cheeks and for Iseul to sneer at her expression. 


“Iseul, do you want to have a go?” 


“Right up there.”


Baekhyun stared at Iseul standing up to forward towards the mat; Se-Ju was already standing there before his eyes took a hold of her actions of taking off her jacket, standing in her curvy shirt, and loose pants, as her back was in his sight to get the access of her ponytail swinging behind her back, and his head tilted to watch more of her actions with a warmth to his system as she was wrapping her wrists with a wrap in a way he couldn't take his eyes off. 


The sight was new; he had never seen her in that form before except for the night of their sudden and unknown duel at Choi Myung-Soo's house. 


“Since when has she been doing that?” 


The question was out of his lips again before his mind could decipher; he glanced at Ji-eun who blinked at him to Iseul before turning to him. 


“Since we have started this investigation.”


Ji-eun started, glancing at Kang-min standing over her with an attentive glint but so was Baekhyun who's eyes were on Iseul again before listening to Ji-eun. “Iseul asked Se-Ju to get her learn the self-defense, and the work of some weapons, because this whole thing was a risk of a life, and she couldn't risk it again-” Ji-eun abruptly halted, and met Baekhyun's confused, and intruding eyes for her to blink away. “I mean, she couldn't risk her life after losing uncle.”


Baekhyun had gotten a strange feeling from her abruptness, something he couldn't pinpoint, and his lips. “I just never seen her like that.”


“Nine years is a long time.” Ji-eun sighed. “So much can happen to change a person.”


Again the strange feeling; the more he paid attention to her words, the more confused he was getting, and the more he tried to discern Iseul's sudden change of demeanor, the more curious and drawn he was to her. 


The scar; her words from last night, and her eyes often in a pool of redness. 


Something was there; he couldn't discern it but he felt unpleasant about it. 


Until with those several emotions, a bitterness fallen through his system the second he watched her conversing with Se-Ju; her words from morning with the insistence of excusing to him unnecessarily, but it was enough to put him in a bitter mood, and right now felt disturbing; a disturbed bitterness within him. 


And he couldn't handle it. 


“With the knife again?” 


Iseul nodded at Se-Ju while adjusting her ponytail to her wraps. “I think that's my strong hold; I should make it stronger.”


“Mr. Park.”


Iseul and Se-Ju turned to the voice; there her husband was walking over and his deep intense eyes met her confused ones. “You wouldn't mind if I do the practice with my wife?” 


Iseul felt a thud behind her chest; he appeared intimidating somehow as he stood by her where Se-Ju looked between the pair to discern a sudden tension for him to shrug while pointing towards Iseul. 


“She's all yours.”


Iseul shot a glare towards Se-Ju who looked away to hear Baekhyun humming; his eyes holding hers with the same intensity in a glance. “Undoubtedly.”


Iseul felt a tingle sensation within her; gulping, she had spared a glance over his shoulder to find Kang-min and Ji-eun seated with an interest to their sight where Se-Ju was joining them until her vision was blocked by her husband standing in front of her with a tilt of his head; his hands on his hips and a smug smirk on his lips. 


“Are you scared, sweetheart?” 


Iseul scoffed to herself, turning away with a nod of amusement, “I didn't think I'd have to remind you,” She trailed off, meeting his eyes with her own usual sass as the grip on her wooden knife tightened to point it towards the side of his neck. “This would have been slit very generously that night, darling.”


A flashback of that night's duel flashed in their heads; a sudden thud into his system, and how impressed he was without being aware of her being in the cover until those almond shaped eyes were in his sight like right now; unflinching and fearless, and so damn enthralling to neglect. 


“I'm honored to be lucky enough for this generosity, sweetheart.”


Iseul heard him behind his sarcastic tone with her own words backfiring her yet his eyes felt intense enough before she shrugged it off, pulling the knife back to her for Baekhyun to raise his eyebrows. “What? Already giving up-”


Baekhyun halted his words with a flinch to his system; she swung the knife with a yank toward him just like that night, and his head tilted enough to let past the thing from his ear yet almost brushing his skin sent a jolt within him as his sharp eyes met her own sharp ones to find a sass. 


A smirk on her lips. “I'm just starting.”


It was a challenge for him; he loved being challenged, and adored winning it. 


Before Iseul could have pulled back the thing to opt for another; her arm was grabbed in a firm grip with a sudden pull towards him as within a second, her hand holding the wooden knife arm was twisted behind her back, and her front collided against his sturdy chest; his face closer enough to have his nose brush through hers and her glaring eyes met his own sharp ones with the same intensity. 


She felt a warmth through her unable to decipher if it was her actions or his proximity as her hammering heart felt his quickened heartbeat against her warming skin. 


“That night,” 


He voiced out; deep enough that her lips parted for his intense eyes to glance at it to watch him swallowing and a tingling to her system as he leaned a bit more closer with a tilt of his head in an angle as his words fanned against her lips that she glanced at it unconsciously. “Why did you miss it, sweetheart?”


Iseul gulped; his eyes igniting a warmth to her system but recovering, she had reached out to stomp on his foot for him to hiss with his eyes twitching in a glare against hers before her other arm reached to her back to get the knife in her hold as the next minute, Baekhyun found it being pointed to the side of his neck yet again, and her drowning in sharp eyes had left her words behind her rosy lips igniting a warmth into his system. 


“So, you wouldn't have ended up like this, darling.”


“How generous of my wife.”


Iseul's jaw hardened at his tone of sarcasm again; the next thing he had held her knife holding wrist, and with a twirl of her figure, her back was leaned against his sturdy chest to feel the quicken of his heartbeat, and her whole system in a chill by his action of holding her own arm with his hold against her own neck by the wrap of his arm around her shoulder, but her chest heaved up by his other hand gripping the curve of her waist in a hold to fist her loosen hand tightly the moment his warmth fanned against her temple to feel his nose tracing her skin; a warmth rushing into her by the feel of his warm lips against the shell of her right ear. 


“Just giving you a brief,” He whispered, and she tried to break free only for him to tightened his hold on her wrist, and waist, “If any other man besides me comes this closer to you,” He trailed off, as Iseul stood still with her uneven breathe by his warmth to feel her hand holding the knife being gestured in a slitting manner by his hold. “Aim for the throat, sweetheart.”


Her quickened heartbeat paced more unbearably to gulp as her lips parted. “How about I try it on you first, darling?” 


A deep chuckle of his against her ear; a chill to her system. “I'm not another man, my sweetheart wife.”


“Still an annoying scum.”


Iseul huffed; an anger, and her loosen arm reached out to grab his arm holding hers in a firm grip to break free as within a second, Baekhyun had felt his arm being twisted behind his back as she stood behind him while the knife was against his throat; he took a minute to adapt to her actions to feel her speaking over his shoulder that her warmth fanned against his nape in a jolting manner that he gulped harshly. 


“Should I do it for you, darling husband?” 


Damn; she was freaking good at this and he was goddamn impressed again. 


Iseul found his silence strange to glance at his nape abruptly to find a ‘fearless’ tattoo; something she was seeing for the first time but her trance was broken by his words. 


“You're good but I'm not less than it.”


The next moment happened in a swift; he locked his leg with hers in a way Iseul had tripped to loosen her grip for Baekhyun to grab her waist from behind, and in a moment, she was dropped down on the mat with him on top of her; Iseul adapted to the situation in a moment to be surrounded by the warmth of his proximity hovering over hers through his figure and his hovered over face while his hands leaned either side of her head on the mat. 


His one eyebrow raised; her eyes glared at him yet unable to ignore the warmth from her cheeks or look away from his damp mess of his silver hair likewise his actions; damn, since when she had been so unguarded around him to let him do whatever he had been doing? His sudden flashbacks from nine years ago? Her own confusions of her emotions? Or his good for nothing looking face appearing suddenly hard to take her eyes off? 


Yet the way he's had satisfaction on his freaking shining face made her more angry. 


Until he leaned in; her heart jolted, and his head tilted enough to feel his nose grazing hers without tearing his intense gaze from hers as her lips parted, and his one glance at her actions had her gulp to unwittingly look at his lips in an annoying smirk, the next second, her eyes sharpened enough to shift to pull the knife up only for him to hold her hand down as Iseul glared at him to meet his sharp yet intense eyes while a warmth had crawled through her system at his actions of holding her legs steady by his own legs either side of her. 


“What do you say, sweetheart?” 


She heard his whisper against her lips; her jaw hardened, frustratingly feeling giddiness at the moment but couldn't give in, she couldn't give in to his satisfaction as the next thing, she had grabbed the neckline of his shirt for Baekhyun to glance at it until he was tossed around hardly enough to find himself on the mat; Iseul on top of him with the knife against his neck back again. 


Her eyes were sharp yet sassy. “What do you say, darling?”


Damn it; how come he always loses against her?


The satisfaction of hers couldn't be adored right now yet he couldn't ignore the way she had been hovered over him with an authority and assertiveness, without flinching and a fearless confidence in her position and actions to be ignoring; more because her proximity sent a hammering warmth into his system as his eyes traced her damp mess of her loosened strands to her face like a damn enchanting sight; damn, he couldn't even deny it. 


She immediately moved back only for him to pull himself up and Iseul ended up straggling his lap with her hands on his shoulders while his one on the mat, and another one holding her waist; his intense gaze boring into hers silently yet in a hammering heart of their warmth. 


Iseul swallowed at his actions of tracing her features silently as the surrounding warmth had her frustrated enough to bite her lips against with a narrowed glint, and for him to glance at her actions to meet her eyes again in a way she felt hard to breathe. 


“Hermosa.” (Gorgeous)


The word left his lips in a whisper; a confusion of Iseul's and her eyes narrowed. “Did you just curse me?” 


Baekhyun snapped out; he had blurted out in the trance of hers as he gulped, looking away from her only to find her grabbing his neckline again to make him face her; eyes glaring down at him, closer. “What did you say? Translate it; it was in spanish again, right? It was a curse, right?” 


Baekhyun his lips; his head tilted and his one eyebrow raised. “What are you going to do about it, sweetheart?” 


“I will slit your throat, darling.”


“Right,” He nodded, slowly, “Your slitting my throat style,” He trailed off, gesturing towards their position to smirk at her stunned face a bit closer of his face to feel her uneven breathe against him. “Isn't it a bit too suggestive for us, sweetheart?” 


The moment Iseul understood his words; her already flushed face flushed to immediately let go of him by standing up while her eyes glared down at him with her uneven breathe. “Bloody ert scum!” 


Baekhyun tilted his head down with a silent chuckle; his fingers brushing through his damp hair. “Of course.”


Baekhyun lifted his hand for her to help him stand up only for Iseul to slap it away and he scoffed; emerged with an amused chuckle while Iseul had her eyes sharp at her darling husband unaware of the trio seated with an interest for the time they could count whilst watching the happening in front of them were still taking a moment to grasp it. 


“Kiss, kiss, fall in love,” Ji-eun uttered, as she fanned her face. “I wanted to chant this so badly; am I the only one who felt the tension by watching them?”


“I don't know if they were fighting or flirting.”


Se-Ju scratched his cheek and Kang-min hummed, brushing his fingers through his damp hair. “I'd say they are married; husband and wife's way of flirting with fight.”


Ji-eun gave him a nod of amusement. “Nice.”


Kang-min smiled. “Thanks.”




Kang-min and Se-Ju found Ji-eun palming her stomach as she continued her words, “Even if it looks good, you can't follow your aunt and uncle like that, alright?” She caressed her stomach softly where Se-Ju shook his head at her while Kang-min stared at her with a smile; his eyes held an adoration until Ji-eun met his adoring eyes with a warmth to her system and a melt of her heart while unable to look away from him. 


“Aren't you going to tell me?!” 


The trio flinched to find the usual sight of the married couple's banter as Iseul chased Baekhyun. “What was it?!”


“If you're so adamant on it,” Baekhyun turned around, unwrapping the wrap off his arms while his amused eyes stared at his sweetheart wife bursting in her anger to his satisfaction had him a bit more. “Find out by yourself, Mrs. Jeon.”


Iseul crossed her arms; her eyes sharp. “So it was a curse.”


His forehead creased. “Did I say that?” 


“What is it?” 


“I don't want to tell you.”


Iseul huffed, and launched to stomp on his foot for Baekhyun to retreat it back with a sigh; his head shook. “So predictable.”


The next moment, he felt his ear being pulled again for him to hiss, and for Iseul let go with a sass. “So annoying.”


Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at her walking past figure to almost tug her ponytail only for her to retreat as if known of his antics as he scoffed to rub his ear where Iseul approached the trio staring at them silently. 


“He just cursed me in spanish.”


Ji-eun's eyes narrowed. “He what?” 


“I hardly believe that.” Se-Ju stated, walking past her for her to frown to look at Kang-min nodding for Ji-eun to nudge him as he met Iseul's narrowed eyes. “Do you really think he'd curse you, lady boss?” 


“Do you really think he'd shower me with compliments, Lee?” 


“Possibly.” Kang-min shrugged; a playful grin on his lips until another throw of a towel on his face by his one and only friend, and boss as he immediately glared at Baekhyun. “What is it, man?!” 


“You just look really handsome, Lee.”


“Was it an insult?”


Iseul huffed at the men before pushing Kang-min aside as she opted to dry her sweat while the moment of theirs lingering in her mind with an unwavering warmth as she took a deep breath to calm down her quickened heartbeat, before looking over her shoulder to find his broad back in her sight, while talking to Se-Ju as her eyes discerned his actions of ruffling his silver hair up until her own actions had her turn away with a frustrated sigh. 


“Damn him.”


As she began to undo her wrap from her wrist, a long lost memory flashed in her head of how he had once saved her with his skills of being known to use of knifes or sword; something that he probably learned before meeting her to realize how much he was more skilled than before during their practice that he appeared ‘hot’ for her like; she didn't want admit it, until another thing flashed that how less he had told her about himself. 


In fact, he hardly told her about himself. 


Is it the reason for her being unable to hold the faith in his words yet the time she had spent with him was creating another turmoil. 


That he couldn't be the one to do it; he wasn't someone who could do it but something was holding her back, a fear, and every possibility of hers in a facade. 


“You were really good there, Mr. Byun.”


Baekhyun heard Se-Ju's compliment for him to have his lips turned upside-down. “Thank you,” He trailed off, looking over his shoulder to Iseul with her back to his sight to meet Se-Ju's eyes. “Iseul isn't bad either; I'd assume that you must have taught her.”


“Iseul is good at throwing things; we just gave it a good hold.”


“Of course,” Baekhyun nodded; a smirk on his lips, “She's good at throwing, be it pens or knives,” He paused, as a slight smile curled the corner of his lips. “Who'd know it better than me?” 


Se-Ju had his forehead creased in amusement at the sudden change of his expression; the man was smiling that he'd been seeing for the first time, “I'd assume you must have learned it from the cop, Carlos Perez.”


“I have an experience with swords.”


“Right,” Se-Ju nodded. “You're a royalty.”


Baekhyun scoffed to himself. “Hardly.”


“If you don't mind, can I have Carlos Pe

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Chapter 20: Not me squealing here whenever they wake up together. (That "you can touch me all you want, sweetheart") like hello sir!?!? You can't just drop these words and expect us to function normally. They both deserve the world ✨
Chapter 19: The flashback scenes are so precious. The innocence of them fills my heart with love 💕 now CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE OBVIOUS TENSION BETWEEN THEM??? like it's so so damn suffocating. Let's just lock them up in a room(Baek will enjoy it to the fullest 😏) Both of them are so hot on heels. Can't handle all this tension. Not a strong soldier for THIS BAEKHYUN!
Chapter 18: Where can I find this Baekhyun for myself?? Ughhh Just reconcile already!
Chapter 17: Iseul, my precious baby don't hurt so much. Everything in this chapter made me cry😭😭😭
Chapter 2: Do you guys know how to save the progress on here?
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: BaekSeul's moment is sooo precious 💙🥰
Ayla12 #7
Chapter 20: They are so cute, I wanna cry right now 😭. I wonder how you can write the story so beautifully, niaa🥺❤️. All the details of their actions are written so concisely. You're such a good author🌟.

In Chapter 15, I love how you portray Baekhyun as a husband who doesn't want to give up on his wife. He's really trying his best to console Iseul🥹. And Iseul didn’t even hesitate with his actions. C'mon Iseul, please acknowledge that Baekhyun is already falling in love with you!

In Chapter 16, you give us a cheeky Baekhyun. Despite being sick, I love how considerate Iseul is towards him—taking care of him, calling her mom to ask for recipes, and even staying beside Baekhyun until he falls asleep. Iseul, you deserve to be there beside Baekhyun; you deserve all the love in this world, dear❤‍🩹❤‍🩹. (Thank you for considering the idea before authornim, my heart is full when reading it 🥺❤️)

I can feel how lonely Baekhyun was back then when he had no one around to take care of him when he was sick. It's okay, Baekhyun, you're not alone now. I love when Iseul comforting Baekhyun, and when Baekhyun let his guard down and cried in Iseul's embrace, my heart is wrenching!! Huaaa, please, both of you deserve the whole world❤️❤️. I love this pair so muchh.

Thank you so much niaa for writing this beautiful and amusing story. Looking forward for another exciting chapters! Have a great days ahead authornimm💜💜
Chapter 20: Damnnnn both of them,just kiss😘already.
Ayla12 #9
Chapter 18: Cant believe you give us double chapter again this time❤️!! Arghh i love the angst part so much. My heart sank as well when iseul let out her fear and thought. I swear that I really love your writing niaa🥺❤️❤️ it would be cute if suddenly baekhyun got a fever after the rain and iseul take care of him (cause we know how clingy man would be if they are sick hehe). But overall, i really loves both chapters. Cant wait for another exciting chapters! Love youu niaa. Happy weekend☁️