V. Sickly sleep, a promise is made

Call You When The Party's Over (JMJ)
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Minjeong gets slightly sick and Jimin grows worried.

hello ! Nice to see u again, and whoever is new here, welcome <3




“Say something motivating for me to go to school,” Minjeong groans into the phone.

“Your highness, I thought the exchange of our phone contacts was for emergency use only.” Karina chuckles. 

“This is an emergency; I don’t want to leave my bed!” Minjeong whines.

“Shall I come in?”

“You can.”


Karina chuckles, ending the call. She finds it humorous that the princess has chosen to call her instead of calling for her since she was standing outside.


“I was only just checking if you’d pick up.” Minjeong says this from under her cocoon of blankets. Only her head sticks out and Karina chuckles as she sets foot into the princess’ room.


She takes a seat on the edge of the bed and searches for where Minjeong’s head sticks out.


“Are you feeling unwell?” Karina asks, feeling Minjeong’s forehead with the back of her hand.

“Not particularly,” Minjeong hums, seeking out the cool of Jimin’s hand.

“You feel a bit warm.” Karina frowns. “Should I call for the maid and medic?”

“I don’t want to alert the whole house.” Minjeong says. “Maybe I’m just tired from running around with you yesterday.”

“Oh, about that. We were pictured by Paparazzi.” Karina says, remembering that Mark had shown her an article on his tablet earlier in the morning. “What should we do about it?”

“Is your face in it?” Minjeong asks.


“I’ll sue.”

“Your highness, that is not necessary,” Karina laughs.

“Well, it’s not like they’re saying anything bad, right?”

“Not particularly.”
“Then great.”


Minjeong huffs and Karina plays with Minjeong’s hair unconsciously.


“You should really get up, Minjeong. You have classes soon and you should have breakfast.” Karina tells her.

“I will… Just give me a minute.” Minjeong seems to fall right asleep with Karina’s soothing touches.

“Minjeong? Your highness?”

“Okay! I’m up.” She grumbles.


Minjeong practically eats breakfast with her eyes closed and it is a sight for Karina to behold. Minjeong gets ready pretty fast, opting to wear a hoodie and tying her hair into a messy bun. She wears thick framed glasses and she takes another nap on the way when Karina drives her to school.


“Who’s that?” Karina sides up against Minjeong and she startles.

“Why are you so close to me?” Minjeong blinks. “You’re meant to walk three paces behind me.”

“Tall man with dark brown hair wearing a basketball jersey is looking at you and approaching you.” Karina details. “Now tell me, who is he?”

“Oh—Sunbae!” Minjeong beams.

“My favourite hoobae!” A man comes over and pats Minjeong’s head and Karina almost smacks his hand away, but Minjeong grips Karina’s hand to ground her. “Don’t tell anyone else I said that, though.”


Minjeong tugs on Karina’s hand and Karina smiles forcefully.


“This is my close sunbae, Jaehyun.” Minjeong introduces them. “And this is my friend from out of town, Karina. She’s visiting.”

“Nice to meet you. A friend of Minjeongie’s is a friend of mine." He smiles charmingly and it ticks Karina off.

“Right. Likewise.” Karina smiles fraudulently.


“Well, I’ll be headed off!” Jaehyun chuckles nervously before leaving.

“Bye, sunbae!” Minjeong beams, waving cutely.


Karina turns to watch him go and she catches his eye and something settles uneasily in Karina’s gut.


“Why are you being funny?” Minjeong asks when Karina takes the seat beside her in class.

"Whatever do you mean?” Karina frowns. 

“You were acting so stiff in front of Jaehyun. You could’ve blown your cover.” Minjeong chastises. “I thought you were used to being around boys.”

“I didn’t like him.” Karina shrugs and she realises how childish it sounds.

“Are you serious? What grounds are you basing that off of?”

“My grounds. Be quiet and focus on your professor.” Karina grabs Minjeong’s head and turns it to the front.

“You’re annoying…” Minjeong grumbles under her breath and Karina smiles.


Minjeong seems to doze off halfway into the lecture and Karina tries her best to scribble notes about whatever the professor is saying for Minjeong to catch up on later, but it’s been a long time since she’s done anything around academics, so her handwriting is a bit of a mess.


“Minjeong-ah.” Karina shakes Minjeong awake just before the lecture ends.

“Mm?” Minjeong blinks away and her eyes are bleary and her glasses are askew.


Karina smiles softly, reaching over to fix her glasses.


“Your lecture’s over.” Karina tells her. 

“Oh.” Minjeong blinks, dazed and Karina frowns.

“Are you sure you’re not feeling unwell?” Karina asks again.

“I’m just tired," Minjeong says, shaking her head. “Seriously.”

“Okay.” Karina accepts her answer. “Let’s get you something to eat before your next class.”


Karina purchases a meal for Minjeong and finds the princess sitting outside on the grass in the sun with her friends.


“Ah, a bit of sun really does make a girl optimistic.” Aeri purrs as she stretches out, laying on Ningning’s legs.

“Your head’s heavy!” Ningning whines. 

“Is not!” Aeri gasps, purposely leaning down harder to annoy Ningning.


Minjeong chuckles at their antics. Karina returns to her and sits beside her. She hands her the chopsticks and Minjeong almost drops them.


“Don’t tell me you’ll make me feed you too, your highness.” Karina humours.

“Would you if I told you to?” Minjeong teases.

“I do as you wish, princess.” Karina says and Minjeong blushes, turning away.


She eats the sushi, and Karina takes a few bites here and there as well.


“Karina?” Aeri calls for her.


“You ever thought about going to uni?” Aeri asks.

“I hadn’t even finished high school. I don’t think I have time to think about university.” Karina chuckles.

“What?” Minjeong’s eyes widen. “You didn’t finish high school?”

“No. I dropped out to focus on training.”

“That’s crazy. You’re like a beast.” Ningning says.

“I wanted to be the best.” Karina shrugs.

“I can tell.” Minjeong snorts.


She finishes eating and lays down against Karina’s lap.


“Is this a part of guarding duty as well?” Karina asks, raising a hand to shield Minjeong’s eyes from the sun.

“When she wants princess treatment, she gets it.” Aeri snorts at how comfortable Minjeong is in Karina’s lap.

“Yup.” Minjeong grins.


Karina lets Minjeong indulge in her rest for a while since she’s been worried about the princess since the morning. 

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imnotchal #1
pls, i started reading this without noticing that it's still not finished 😭
720 streak #3
Congrats! Promoted ♡♡
Sakunako08 #4
Chapter 14: Please make them happy 😭
154 streak #5
Gonna start this one, it looks good
Chapter 13: Awww so cute😭🫶
Chapter 10: Omg she kiss her 😭
Chapter 1: Oohh interesting
Chapter 13: abdkajdksndksnfksjfowjdosjd

me blushing giggling smiling throughout the whole chapter at work 😭🫣🥰🤭
889 streak #10
Chapter 13: cute cute naman 🥺