XIV. Just while we're here.

Call You When The Party's Over (JMJ)
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The end of their trip and a new era of Minjeong's duty as the crown princess.



- We're steering slowly into the angst arc besties... don't fight me, read the tags i've set since the beginning ehehe :DD




“Rise and shine…” An eerie voice flutters through Jimin’s ears. She groans, raising a weak hand to push them away but they don’t leave. “Jiminie… I’m going to eat you…”


Jimin opens her eyes and blinks. She finds Minjeong hovering right over her with a chilling grin.


“Jesus...” Jimin huffs.

“Scared ya?” Minjeong giggles. “Hurry and wash up! Breakfast isn’t going to wait for you!”


Minjeong rushes out and Jimin groans, rolling around in her tiny bed. She has no clue how the both of them remained on the bed the whole night. She’s also got no clue why the bedding on the floor is neatly folded on her desk. Also, Minjeong is awake first?  

Jimin washes up and pads downstairs to find Minjeong seemingly perfectly assimilated into her family. She’s animatedly chatting with her parents and Seulgi as Joohyun watches her fondly. 


“Jiminie, did you sleep well?” Her mother smiles warmly.

“Uh, yeah.” Jimin nods.

“I think anyone would sleep well cuddling.” Joohyun snickers.

“Did you come into my room again?” Jimin glared at her sister.

“I was borrowing your headband!” Joohyun pouts.

“Get your own.” Jimin scowls.

“ Girls.” Her father clears his voice sternly and both sisters quit their fighting.


Jimin takes a seat next to Minjeong and the princess immediately slides over a plate of breakfast to her. Jimin blinks and looks up to find Minjeong staring at her brightly. Does she always look this pretty in the mornings?


“I didn’t know what you liked so I grabbed everything... is that okay?” Minjeong says softly.

“Y-yeah. It’s fine, but I thought this was your plate.” Jimin smiles. “Though I find it odd that you’re serving me.”
“Well, I wanted you to get the nice pieces and a change is nice sometimes, right? This is your home anyway, so technically, I should serve you.” Minjeong grins.

“But you’re my guest, so I should serve you.” Jimin smirks.


“Shut up and eat.” Joohyun snorts at them and both of them have matching blushes.


Jimin’s mother finishes up the last batch of bacon and everyone steals a piece, but Minjeong grabs one for Jimin so she doesn’t lose her share against Seulgi and Mr. Yu since they’re big eaters.


“Oh, thanks.” Jimin blinks at the bacon on her plate.

“You’re welcome.” Minjeong beams, taking a bacon piece for herself.


Jimin looks at the bacon hesitantly and finds Minjeong looking at her expectantly with a bright expression.


“Oh, Jimin, you don’t—” Joohyun is cut off when Jimin shoves the whole piece of bacon into .

“Is it good?” Minjeong asks and Jimin nods with full.

“Mhm.” Jimin smiles tightly.


Minjeong digs in happily and Jimin watches her eat with gusto fondly. When they’re done with breakfast, it is Joohyun and Jimin’s duty to clean up as Minjeong and Seulgi chat amongst themselves on the sofa. 


Jimin scrubs the dishes as Joohyun rinses them and she’s taken out of her reverie when Joohyun nudges her with her hip. She turns to find her sister with an annoying smirk on her face.


“What?” Jimin glances at her sceptically.

“You don’t even like bacon.” Joohyun snickers.

“I do. Sometimes.” Jimin frowns.

“Uh-huh, and not because the crown princess personally saved you a piece?” Joohyun teases.

“Shut up.” Jimin frowns, flicking a handful of soap bubbles at Joohyun.


“Wha—don’t spray water at me!” 


That costs them more time out of the day as Jimin and Joohyun begrudgingly wipe the kitchen down with rags and the mop since they turned the kitchen into a waterpark unintentionally and were scolded by their mother. 


“Minjeong-ah,” Jimin calls for Minjeong. Minjeong turns to her as soon as she hears her name, somewhat like a puppy would. “Come and get dressed.”


───※  ♕  ※───


Jimin decides on taking Minjeong through town and even though it’s a bit early, Jimin thinks Minjeong would like the morning farmer’s market. Minjeong is nothing but a ball of energy as she bounces through the streets, clutching onto Jimin’s arm.


“I’ve never seen mandarins so big before, Jimin!” Minjeong gasps.

“Slow down,” Jimin chastises halfheartedly, enjoying the pure childlike joy on the princess’ face. She wraps an arm around Minjeong’s waist just to hold her close if any chance of separation occurs, knowing the princess can’t stay still. “Do you want one?”

“Please?” Minjeong grins.


Jimin chuckles, shaking her fondly, before purchasing a large and ripe mandarin for the two of them to share while sightseeing. Jimin peels the mandarin in careful motion, making sure to get rid of the pith and other stringy bits. 


“Minjeong-ah.” Jimin pulls Minjeong back. “Here, eat.”

“Thank you,” Minjeong drawls out cutely. 


Minjeong munches on the sweet fruit as she goes around looking at everything the market offers. There’s kids running around with pinwheels and flowers and some people are selling arts and crafts. 


“Miss! Miss!” A gaggle of young kids surrounds Minjeong and she freezes with delight. Jimin cautiously holds Minjeong closer to her side. “Can we please put flowers in your hair?”
“My hair? Why, of course.” Minjeong giggles, crouching down to their level.

“Are you a princess?” A young boy asks.

“Why do you think so?” Minjeong decides to be coy.

“Because you’re pretty like one.” He says it shyly.

“Then maybe I am.” Minjeong chuckles, pinching the boy’s round cheek gently.


Jimin watches fondly as the children tend to Minjeong. Wistfully, Jimin wonders if, at some point in time, Minjeong will have her own kids and be as sweet as she is now. Jimin thinks Minjeong would be a great mother if she ever chose to be.


“Unnie, do you have a prince you’re going to marry?” A young girl twirls Minjeong’s hair in her small hands.

“Not yet, sweetie.” Minjeong smiles. “I’m too busy studying to become a doctor.”
“Princesses can go to school?” The young girl gasps and blinks with wonder.

“Of course they can.” Minjeong chuckles.

“But will you marry a prince?” She asks.

“Maybe.” Minjeong shrugs, smiling softly as her eyes trail up to Jimin, who seems to be in thought.


Jimin’s taken out of her reverie when she feels a small hand tugging on her jacket.


“Hello… there.” Jimin clears awkwardly, bending down slightly.

“Flower.” The young girl says, smiling brightly. “For her prince.”

“Prince?” Jimin tilts her head, looking at Minjeong, who is turned away with a blush on her cheeks.

“You’re the princess’ prince, right?” The girl blinks.

“Um, well,” Jimin hesitates. She doesn’t really want to ruin the girl’s childhood thoughts, so she nods politely, smiling softly as she ruffles the girl’s hair. “Sure. Yes, I am.”

“Yay!” The girl jumps. “I hope you stay together and be happy forever!”
“I’ll try.” Jimin chuckles.


She moves through and pulls Minjeong to stand up. Her hair is now braided under her winter hat and flowers are placed in her hair as well as in the seams of the hat too.


“You look like a garden,” Jimin chuckles. 

“I feel like one.” Minjeong snorts.

“Shall we continue, princess?” Jimin teases.

“We shall… prince.” Minjeong grins.


Jimin rolls her eyes, taking Minjeong’s hand to lead her through town.


Jimin visits a local bookstore that she used to find solace in during her breaks from training. She’d sit in a far corner, reading comic books and eavesdropping on the gossip of every other normal person in town. Minjeong doesn’t indulge in comics like Jimin, though she pulls Jimin over to a section of old poetry and Jimin can tell the books have been well kept over the years. Even though the covers are brittle and the edges of the pages are darkened—the centre of it all—the words on the pages remain unchanging.


Minjeong reads quietly with one hand and Jimin realises her other hand has been interlinked with hers. Oddly, it doesn't make her embarrassed like it usually would. Perhaps it’s the comfort of being in her own hometown that makes her not afraid of onlookers and prejudices. 


Jimin leans on the bookshelf, almost towering over Minjeong, who is nosedeep in the poetry section. Jimin smiles softly, watching the princess’ eyes filter the words carefully. 


“You’re staring.” Minjeong says quietly, still reading, though Jimin notices the flush on Minjeong’s cheeks and it is not from the weather.

“So it’s considered acceptable when you stare, but it’s not when I’m doing it?” Jimin smirks. 

“It’s, well—it’s making me shy.” Minjeong mumbles.

“And this isn't?” Jimin holds up their hands and Minjeong blinks, blushing even brighter as she tries to pull away but Jimin doesn’t let her.

“Shut up.” Minjeong grumbles.

“Don’t wanna.” Jimin grins, teasing Minjeong.


Minjeong scrunches her nose and pauses for a second before bringing up their joined hands to her nose. Her nose wiggles and Jimin feels the briefest brush of Minjeong’s lips against the back of her palm.


“What’s wrong?” Jimin asks.

“Nothing.” Minjeong chuckles, smiling softly. “Your hand just smells like mandarins.”
“I peeled it for you.” Jimin scrunches her nose—not entirely fond of the pungent scent. 

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imnotchal #1
pls, i started reading this without noticing that it's still not finished 😭
720 streak #3
Congrats! Promoted ♡♡
Sakunako08 #4
Chapter 14: Please make them happy 😭
154 streak #5
Gonna start this one, it looks good
Chapter 13: Awww so cute😭🫶
Chapter 10: Omg she kiss her 😭
Chapter 1: Oohh interesting
Chapter 13: abdkajdksndksnfksjfowjdosjd

me blushing giggling smiling throughout the whole chapter at work 😭🫣🥰🤭
889 streak #10
Chapter 13: cute cute naman 🥺