
Etched Destiny
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Baekhyun spent the rest of the afternoon reading as much of the books as he possibly could. There were interesting and dull parts he came across, but he found it entertaining to learn about everything. It was only when he was halfway through the second book that he ended up falling asleep in one of the chairs at Claire’s house. As he awoke to delicious smells, he found Chanyeol sitting up in bed reading the book he had fallen asleep reading with a frown on his face.


“Chanyeol...are you feeling better?” Baekhyun asked while rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake up more. He took in a deep breath through his nose and stretched slightly.


“I’m feeling much better,” Chanyeol replied with a small smile. “I saw you had fallen asleep while reading and decided to see what you were reading about.” He held up the book slightly and tapped the cover with his finger. 


“Did you find anything interesting?” Baekhyun asked. He moved to go and sit on the bed with Chanyeol who still had the book open. “I was curious about the wizard history in this town and-”


“My ancestors came through this area,” Chanyeol cut off.


“What!? Really!?”  Baekhyun asked excitedly, playfully drumming his hands on Chanyeol’s leg like an eager puppy asking to play.


“It’s nothing to be excited about,” Chanyeol told him seriously. “Have you ever heard of the Blue Death?”


The room turned silent as Baekhyun removed his hands from Chanyeol and shifted on the bed slightly. The Blue Death.


“I remember reading about it back had something to do with people’s veins expanding and rising to the top of their skin. I think it was usually accompanied the a very high fever. There is a lot of speculation if it was the expanding veins or the fever that killed people in the end,” he explained as well as he could. It had been a few years since he had read up on it so he was just trying to recall any information he could. “It spread really far too and killed hundreds of thousands of people, though people are not sure how exactly it spread so fast.”


Chanyeol cast his eyes down to the book where he was covering the name of the wizard family who had done it. When he looked back up at Baekhyun, he slowly moved his hand. The movement caught Baekhyun’s attention and caused him to look down at where Chanyeol’s hand had been resting. 


“Sizior?” Baekhyun asked as he read the name, not sure if he had pronounced it correctly.


“That’s my family’s last name,” Chanyeol explained.


In the books back at the castle, there had never been a cause for the Blue Death mentioned, or any possible names. That information had always been said to have been lost in history and forgotten. Now that Baekhyun was able to put everything together, he understood.


“Your family is the one that caused the most destructive disease ever recorded…” Baekhyun gasped in shock.


“Back home...we still see it as the best thing our family has ever done,” Chanyeol explained before slowly closing the book and resting his hand on the cover. His fingers lightly traced over the words, spacing out as his fingers felt the grooves.


“Everyone...including you?” the prince asked, scared to hear the answer.


Chanyeol simply looked at Baekhyun and shook his head. Even though he was related to his family, there was no part of him that was happy about the destruction they had caused by unleashing that disease all those generations ago. Although there was a statue of his great-great-great-grandfather to commemorate what he had accomplished, Chanyeol did not understand it. He never understood how causing so many deaths was something that could ever need to be celebrated. 


As the two of them sat there in silence, Sunny appeared around the corner.


“Ah! I thought I heard you two talking and I was right!” she cheerfully chimed. “Are you feeling well rested, Chanyeol?” 


“I’m feeling much better now,” Chanyeol acknowledged. “But...I don’t...believe we have met? You know my name?”


Sunny cringed, forgetting she was not supposed to use their names if she had heard them in her visions. 


“I overheard you two talking a little and heard your name,” she quickly replied. “I’m Sunny by the way!” Reaching out her hand for a handshake, she gave Chanyeol a beaming smile. 


“I’m Chanyeol...but you already seemed to have known that,” the wizard commented.


“I’m Claire’s granddaughter,” she explained.




“Ah, Claire is the old woman who owns this house. The one who stood up for you and stopped Crystal from rioting against you,“ Baekhyun explained.


Sunny sat down on the floor in front of the two of them and gazed up towards them. When she saw what book Chanyeol was holding, her face brightened up.


“That is an excellent book! Great for some of our darkest history!” Sunny exclaimed, pointing to the book. “Did you enjoy your reading?”


“Yes, we did,” Baekhyun answered for both of them. “It’s great to learn more and not be ignorant towards important topics like wizard and non-wizard kind.”


“Hazkenn,” Chanyeol simply said.


“Umm...bless you?” Baekhyun asked, since it sounded like Chanyeol had just sneezed.


“No, hazkenn,” Chanyeol said again. “It’s the term for people with no magical abilities. Humans."


“Oh...I didn’t know there was a name for us,” Baekhyun admitted. 


“Uzmakk is the name we have for those who are half wizard and half hazkenn,” Chanyeol explained next.


“All of those are actually covered in the purple bound book,” Sunny explained as she pointed to the small pile. “The wizards taught the townspeople simple words and meanings when they first came here.”


“I’ll want to have a look at that,” Baekhyun said excitedly.


“After dinner that is!” Sunny stated while bouncing up from the floor and smiling. “I have helped Granny make some delicious food for all of us! And you said you had met Jong and Crystal so I invited them over as well!”


“Great…” Chanyeol droned in an unexcited voice while rolling his eyes. 


Sunny looked over at Chanyeol and frowned at his reaction. She leaned over with his hands on her thighs and said, “No moping around. We are going to have a delicious dinner that will fill your stomach and make everything better.”


“The only way you could make things better is if Crystal wasn’t coming tonight,” Chanyeol stated.


Just as he said that, there was a knock at the front door. Sunny got back up and told him, “That should be them. Don’t be all glum. Please?”


“I make no promises,” the wizard replied before receiving a hard nudge in the side by Baekhyun. “Fine...I’ll try…”


As Sunny went to let Jong and Crystal in and greet them, Claire came into the room to herd the two of them into the small dining room. It was a cute room. There was a simple wooden table with six chairs surrounding it. The whole set looked like it could be replaced and updated, but Baekhyun knew it must be hard to get something so big and new in a small town like this, not to mention it would probably be really expensive.


Claire insisted that Chanyeol sat down and rested more, and had Baekhyun help bring different food dishes out and set the table. While Baekhyun was helping with that, Sunny brought Jong and Crystal in and had them sit down. Right away Crystal glared at Chanyeol and sat there with her eyes averted from him.


Once everything was set on the table, and they were all sitting, Claire started passing the bowls of food around. There was an awkward silence only broken when Claire set down her glass rather loudly.


“So, everyone here is acquainted?” Claire asked while looking around the table.


Crystal looked over at Chanyeol again before blatantly saying, “He should not be here right now. He's a wizard and cannot be trusted.”


“You said you would apologize,” Jong hissed at her through clenched teeth. “Do not make things worse.”


“What does she need to apologize for?” Claire asked as she leaned forward.


“She’s been nothing but rude to him since he has arrived in our town,” Jong explained while giving Crystal a disappointed look.


“And he's even the one who put out the fire that she started this morning,” Claire added while glancing around the table, stopping her eyes on Crystal. “If it weren’t for his quick thinking we would have lost the town.”


“He's still a wizard!” she cried angrily, slamming her hands down on the table and rattling the plates and cups. “I’m not apologizing to him.”


When Chanyeol saw that Claire was about to say something again he put his hand up to stop her. “It’s alright, Claire. I know not everyone is going to like me for what I am.”


“At least he’s aware,” Crystal huffed, now leaning back slightly in her chair.


“Crystal,” Sunny called, looking over towards her and blinking slowly. “I think you owe Chanyeol an apology.” When Crystal only gave her a strange look she said again, “You owe Chanyeol an apology, since you were so rude to him.”


Crystal almost looked like she was in a trance and shook her head as soon as Sunny looked away from her and started poking at her food.


“I’m sorry I was so rude to you,” Crystal said out of the silence. She looked over to Chanyeol and gave him a small smile. “I shouldn't assume the worst of people like that without getting to know them first. Sorry.”


Chanyeol’s eyebrows knit together slightly as he looked from Crystal over to Sunny. When he looked over at Crystal again he replied, “Apology accepted. Thank you.”


“Was that so hard, Crystal,” Jong asked, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.


“Yeah…” Crystal replied with a small smile in response.


The atmosphere seemed to lighten up a bit after that was done and everyone started talking while they finished getting food on their plates and began eating. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were asked where they were traveling and why they were coming through this way, to which Baekhyun simply answered that he had wanted to travel and Chanyeol had volunteered to come with him after running into each other in the forest. The conversations kept going as they ate and moved onto a cherry pie Sunny had made for dessert. 


“So you two are staying here tonight. Right?” Sunny asked excitedly.


“We couldn’t do that,” Chanyeol replied with a shake of his head. “It was kind of

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 18: The "death"plot was fun to read - and Chan has made a connection to Baek again!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 17: Enjoy your time away - rest and recharge!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 16: Learning some wizard skills - I wonder if Sunny will confess??
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 15: Ok - is the storm some kind of "help"??
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 14: So some missing pieces filled in but so many more questions??
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 13: Silver wolf - could it be Chan's avatar??
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 12: I definitely know there's a trick - but still not sure how Chan will get in the castle??
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 11: Overcoming an upbringing is difficult when it's the people you love handing out the trauma - luckily Baek and Chan can help each other to recover 👍
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 10: Very intense chapter - being held captive, escaping, fighting, and killing someone - so much has happened!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 9: Very touching chapter - people out of their comfort zone and sharing honest thoughts - I'm interested in how Chan will use his zombie knife!!