
Etched Destiny
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Feet scuffled around and voices rang throughout the house as everyone went around their normal day. There was the sound of wood being dropped that finally caused Chanyeol to stir and open his eyes. His body felt heavy, his mind foggy, and he had absolutely no energy. In the dimly lit room, he found himself looking around, trying to determine where he was. After a little while of laying there in silence, he made an attempt to sit up.


This task which was meant to be simple proved to be a lot more difficult than Chanyeol thought and he found himself coughing violently. Right away he leaned over to his side, coughing so hard that he felt his stomach churning and thought he was going to be sick. As he was wiping off his mouth from any spit that had gone flying, his room door opened. 


“Grandma! He’s awake!” Sunny shouted before running over to the bed and kneeling by him.




“Shh, shh...don’t try talking,” Sunny told him as she helped him lay back down and get comfortable again. 


Chanyeol nodded his head and happily rested again, his eyelids already feeling heavy. Another cough wracked his lungs before he was able to calm himself down once again and look over at Sunny.


“Oh my dear, you poor boy,” Clair sighed as she entered the room with a tray in her hands, something balancing on top of it. “Move aside, Sunny. We need to get him this medicine before he falls asleep again.”


Sunny easily shifted down towards the foot of the bed, leaning forward a bit, and watched as her grandmother poured some brown looking medicine onto a spoon. She supported Chanyeol’s head with one hand, and brought the spoon up to his lips, tipping it so the liquid flowed into his mouth. Even though Chanyeol was feeling weak and tired, his hand went up to his mouth and knocked the spoon away as he spit out the foul tasting medicine. 


“Gross,” Chanyeol stated in a hoarse voice, having only enough energy to say that much, and realizing just how much his throat hurt. 


“Well I wasn’t going to feed you hot chocolate to make you feel better,” Clair scolded as she wiped her hands off. “It was hard enough feeding this to you when you were unconscious, so make things easier and take it now.”


Chanyeol watched as Clair poured more onto the spoon again and cringed as she brought it up to his lips once again. This time, he allowed for the liquid to slide into his mouth and down his throat. It was only when she got another spoonful ready that he let out an audible groan. 


Once the two spoonfuls were down his throat, Clair left after telling him to get more rest. Sunny quickly tucked him back in under the warm covers and was about to turn around to leave as well when she felt a hand around her wrist. She turned around, knowing Chanyeol must want some sort of explanation as to why he was in this predicament. 


“You need to rest and get your strength back first,” Sunny told him as she took a few steps closer to the bed. “Tomorrow, once you get some solid food into your stomach, I can explain what happened. Alright?”


Although Chanyeol was still giving her a stern look, Sunny carefully uncurled his fingers from around her wrist and laid his arm back down under the covers. As soon as everything was settled again, she got up and left, closing the door softly behind her. 


Now that he was awake, slightly more alert, and alone again, he started to realize that there was more of a chill in the air. A small shiver ran down his spine, causing him to snuggle down into the covers more and mentally thank Sunny and Clair for giving him so many. His mind still felt too foggy to try and think about the past events that had lead him to be here and his eyelids were getting heavier than before. No doubt it was the medicine making him feel this way, but he was in no condition to try and fight off the sleep. In a matter of seconds, he found himself dozing off again, welcoming the darkness that would allow him to feel better.




The next morning Chanyeol was greeted by light flooding into the room he was staying in, and the smell of food. A small groan left his lips as he cracked his eyes open and let them come into focus to see Sunny walking towards him. 


“My grandma made you some porridge...something light for your stomach,” Sunny explained.


“Tell her thanks,” Chanyeol croaked out as he tried sitting up. 


Once Sunny saw him struggling a bit, she assisted him, moving his pillow behind him and helping him to lean back against the headboard. 


“Damn...I hurt…” Chanyeol complained as he leaned his head back and took a few deep breaths. Never in his life had he ever thought he would be out of breath and tired from simply sitting up. 


“Understandable,” Sunny commented with a frow on her face. “Now let’s get some more medicine in your body before you eat.”


The thought of tasting that medicine again made Chanyeol visibly shiver in disgust, but he took it. This time he was just thankful it was one spoonful and not two. As soon as he had that disgusting taste in his mouth, Sunny passed him his breakfast and sat on the edge of his bed. 


Chanyeol tried to take it slow and eat at a steady pace, but as soon as the food touched his lips, that all went out the window. The first two spoonfuls of food went in slowly, but everything after that was shoveled in. In fact, he was eating so fast he started choking a little which caused Sunny to move and pat him on the back. 


“You need to calm yourself down. No one’s going to take your food away,” Sunny told him as she tucked hair behind her ear and settled back onto the bed again.


“Can you blame me?” Chanyeol asked while wiping his mouth off on the back of his hand. “I haven’t had solid food pass my lips long?”


“Umm...four months…” Sunny told him with a bit of hesitation.


Upon hearing that, Chanyeol’s eyes flew open as he blurted out, “Four months!? Please tell me your joking, Sunny!”


When she turned her head away from him and looked down at the floor, he could tell she was telling him the truth. A sigh passed his lips as he ran his fingers through his hair. Four months? He had really been laying there for four months?


“Sunny,” he called out, breaking the silence, “I need you to explain how I came to be here and what’s been happening over these past four months.”


Nervously playing with her fingers, Sunny nodded her head and situated herself more comfortably on the bed. Chanyeol also shifted a little before placing his mostly empty bowl of breakfast down.


“Alright...where do I start?” Sunny asked, finally bringing her gaze back up to meet with Chanyeol’s again. 


“The beginning,” Chanyeol stated.




The day was going by slowly and Sunny found herself gazing out the window as she worked on chopping some food that Clair had given her. Getting a familiar feeling, she closed her eyes. Before she knew it, she was seeing something. It was Chanyeol, scolding fire, a loud screech, and a door slamming closed. Then she saw an aerial view of Chanyeol laying on a forest floor, trees bare all around. Chanyeol was not moving.


A startled gasp passed Sunny’s lips as she opened her eyes again and looked down at her hands. They were shaking and her arms were covered in goosebumps. Something about this vision she had told her that she needed to get to Chanyeol right away. Nothing made complete sense to her, but she knew she had to get going. 


“Grandma! I need to head out right now!” Sunny called as she started rushing towards the door.


“Where are you going in such a rush?” Clair called back as she walked towards Sunny. “You’re supposed to help prepare the food.”


“Sorry. I just remembered that I promised Amber I’d pick something up that she was holding onto for me,” Sunny explained.


“Just leave it for now. She’ll be coming to visit in a few days and can bring it then,” Clair told her with a wave of her hand.


“No, I have to go now,” Sunny stated as she continued getting ready.


Just as she gripped the handle of the door, she felt Clair’s hand on her shoulder. Turning around, Sunny looked back at her grandmother. She saw a confused yet understanding look in her eyes.


“I’ll be back before you know it,” Sunny assured her as she took her grandmother’s hand in hers and held it firmly.


“Be careful,” Clair told her before pulling her hand away and then shooing her out of the house.


Sunny sprinted out and prepared a horse and cart. If her vision was accurate, she knew she was going to need it. Once everything was set up, which thankfully did not take too long, she was off. There was no time for a walk or trot as she set her horse into a fast gallop. 


Based on the aerial view she had in her vision of the forest, she knew Chanyeol could only be in one direction. She knew the area well, and there was only one direction she had not traveled which had to be where he was. 


“Please let me be right…” Sunny groaned as she hunched over her horse more and urged him to go faster.


Her horse did a good job keeping up with her command of a fast pace and before she knew it a forest like the one in her vision was coming into view. The pace slowed a little as they drew closer, wanting to make sure the horse did not step wrong and that a wheel would not get broken against a tree or rock. 


The more they wandered into the forest, the more hesitant her horse became. With a few pats to his neck, and encouraging words, Sunny was able to keep him going. Her eyes constantly scanned around the dead forest, on the search for Chanyeol. Although the forest appeared to be the same from her vision, she was beginning to doubt herself when she was not seeing him anywhere.


“Maybe it hasn’t happened yet…” Sunny said to herself as they continued deeper and deeper into the forest. 


As she traveled just a bit farther, she realized there were ashes floating around in the air, being pushed around by the wind. Looking up, she saw some of the trees looked like they had been slightly burned, some even had small flames still at their branches. 


“Fire,” she gasped, realizing her vision must have already happened. “Chanyeol...where are you…?” 


Fear ran through her veins as she started worrying that she was not going to be able to find Chanyeol. Right as that fear crossed her mind, however, she heard something. 


“Woah!” Sunny called to her horse, making him stop in his tracks with a pull of the reins. 


The forest went silent as she listened for what she thought had been Chanyeol’s voice. A few more seconds passed before another small groan could be heard. That instantly kicked her back into gear as she headed towards the sound. After that, it did not take her long to spot Chanyeol laying on the forest floor, face resting against the dirt and leaves.


“Chanyeol!” Sunny cried as she jumped from her horse and ran over to him. “Oh my gosh, Chanyeol! What happened!?” 


Kneeling on the ground, she carefully rolled him over and placed his head on her lap, trying to keep him comfortable. As she pushed his hair away from his face, she saw him open his eyes ever-so-slightly. 


“Help…” Chanyeol managed to croak out before his eyes closed and his body went limp. 


“Oh no! Chanyeol! Chanyeol, stay with me!” Sunny called out to him, lightly tapping him on the cheek. 


Sunny took a few deep breaths before she mustered the strength to begin moving Chanyeol. He was larger than her, and she was not the strongest person. This was something she had not thought through when she had come to get him. So she hooked her arms under his armpits and began dragging him along the ground as best as she could. Him being dead weight in her arms made things more complicated, but she somehow managed to not only get him to her cart but also haul him onto it. 


Once she was certain that Chanyeol would not fall off the cart, she hopped back onto her horse and headed back home. She had absolutely no clue how long he had been laying there or what was wrong with him. 


In what felt like no time, she arrived back home to find Clair waiting outside the front door with her arms folded across her chest. When Sunny got closer, and Clair could see the current situation, she rushed forward.


“Sunny! What’s happened!?” Clair asked as she rushed up to the cart and placed a hand on Chanyeol's forehead to find he was burning hot. 


“I have no idea what happened to him, but we need to get him inside,” Sunny told her, hopping down from her horse right away. 


The two of them worked on getting Chanyeol inside and into Sunny’s bed as quickly and carefully as possible. It thankfully did not take them too long to accomplish their task, along with getting him out of his filthy clothes and into some bigger clothes they had laying around. Sunny could not help but fall to the floor next to her bed as Clair finished tucking Chanyeol in. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at his lifeless form. 


“What do we do, grandma?” Sunny asked through sobs.


“We keep him comfortable, give him some medicine, keep an eye on his fever, and do the best that we can,” Clair explained as she helped Sunny up from the floor and gave her a tight hug.

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 18: The "death"plot was fun to read - and Chan has made a connection to Baek again!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 17: Enjoy your time away - rest and recharge!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 16: Learning some wizard skills - I wonder if Sunny will confess??
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 15: Ok - is the storm some kind of "help"??
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 14: So some missing pieces filled in but so many more questions??
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 13: Silver wolf - could it be Chan's avatar??
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 12: I definitely know there's a trick - but still not sure how Chan will get in the castle??
Beau1996 1371 streak #8
Chapter 11: Overcoming an upbringing is difficult when it's the people you love handing out the trauma - luckily Baek and Chan can help each other to recover 👍
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 10: Very intense chapter - being held captive, escaping, fighting, and killing someone - so much has happened!
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 9: Very touching chapter - people out of their comfort zone and sharing honest thoughts - I'm interested in how Chan will use his zombie knife!!