Im Yoona

Reborn Young [Discontinued]
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11 | Im Yoona




Yuri (in Yoona's body) felt like his world froze for a moment there after the kiss that took him by surprise and made her cheeks blushed profust. She nearly collapsed, but thankfully Seohyun hugged him/her. The hug, however, felt comforting, and he/she found herself leaning into it. His/her hands slowly return the hug. 


Yuri clasped the woman tightly to her chest, a stranger yet a lifeline in this disorienting moment. "Please, let this be nothing but a dream," he murmured, his voice laden with desperation and uncertainty. 'And may I awaken in my own body once more.' Unbidden tears welled in his/her eyes, his heart heavy with fear and confusion, unaware of the woman's identity but seeking solace nonetheless.


After a while, the Doctor stepped into them to inquire, "How are you feeling at this moment?"


Seohyun gently pulled back and stepped aside.


"I... um..." Yuri/Yoona hesitated, struggling to find the right words to convey her current state. However, when her stomach emitted a loud grumble, a bashful smile tugged at her lips as she noticed the amused reactions from both the doctor and Seohyun, coloring her cheeks with a hint of embarrassment.


"I suppose it's time for you to have your meal now," the doctor chuckles softly.


"Doctor, is it okay if I give her solid food?" Seohyun asked, unsure about the decision.


"Absolutely," confirms the doctor, "she should return the vitamins since she has lost much weight." 


"Thanks, Doctor. Come, Yoona, let's get you some food," she said gratefully, taking Yoona's hand and leading her back to the ward.


'This woman, what is her exact name?' Yuri wondered at the back of his mind. She felt smoothly complying with her as if he owned the body he was in.


After a while, they arrived back at the ward, and Seohyun quickly took out her phone to call Mrs. Im, after Yoona had taken a seat on the sofa. "Mother!" she exclaimed when the call connected. "You need to come back quickly! Yoona is awake!" Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke.


[Oh my, thank God she's finally back. I'll be there quickly.]


"Yes, be careful on the road," she reminds her before hanging up. "What would you like to eat, Yoona? Should I buy your favorites, or should I buy food with vitamins so it will be healthy for you?" She's excited to take care of her more as she recovers.


"Um, anything is fine, as long as it helps me regain my strength," Yuri/Yoona replied hesitantly.


"Right away then." With that said, Seohyun hastily left the ward but quickly jogged back. "Can you not sleep again? I know you just woke up but-'"


"I won't, don't worry." Yuri/Yoona interrupted as she smiled.


"Yes, I got it," said Seohyun with a cheerful smile as she hastily dashed outside.


"I can't believe I just replied like that. And why did I even smile? Ugh, this is all Yoona's fault. She knows that woman so well that this mind can easily reply to her." Yuri/Yoona ran her fingers through her short hair and paused as she remembered the woman's smile. "Come to think of it, when did Yoona fall asleep? Or when did she slip into a coma?" Yuri was suddenly curious because the woman she had seen earlier looked like she had been waiting for Yoona to wake up for a long time. And now that she was awake, the woman's tears just wouldn't stop. Seeing those happy tears was a rare sight for Yuri. And the kissed, she was longing for her. 


She let out a long sigh and tilted her head back, gazing up at the ceiling. As she crossed her arms, she felt the s on her skin and quickly uncrossed them, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. "It's going to take some time to adjust to this body," she muttered to herself.



With hearts overflowing with agape wonder and rendered momentarily speechless, Seohyun and Mrs. Im share a tender moment of witnessing Yoona indulging in the spread before them, consuming each morsel with an appetite akin to someone who hasn't tasted nourishment in years. Despite the initial shock, a radiant joy blooms within them at the sight of Yoona's voracious appetite, a stark contrast to the months of despair watching her lay in a seemingly endless slumber, her stillness almost akin to death's embrace. Yet, now, as they observe her animated and alive, a profound sense of relief washes over them, mingled with an overwhelming surge of hope for her swift recovery from the ravages of the fire.


Yuri/Yoona noticed that the two women were just watching her, she gently dropped the drumstick of chicken and smiled awkwardly at them.


"I'm... I'm sorry," Yuri/Yoona stammered, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "I believe my stomach's empty—I thought filling it would give me the energy I need," she explained sheepishly.


"Oh, it's alright, sweetheart," Mrs. Im reassured with a soft chuckle, reaching for a tissue and delicately wiping away the stray sauce and crumbs from her daughter's face. "Your appetite hasn't diminished one bit," she remarked affectionately.


Yuri/Yoona's smile blossomed shyly, her cheeks tinted with a delicate blush. "I've never had a mother figure in my life before," Yuri mused silently, a realization dawning upon him. "This is truly life-changing," he reflected in the recesses of her mind.


"You need to slow down," Seohyun advised gently, filling a glass with water and passing it to Yoona.


"Thank you," said Yuri/Yoona as she gently received the drink and slowly sipped it.


"Ah, Seohyun-ah, could you pass me the apple?" Mrs. Im requested, and Seohyun casually handed it to her. "I'll peel you some fruit while you're finishing your meal." she added, smiling briefly at her daughter. 


"Seohyun, so that's her name," Yuri/Yoona thought, making a mental note. She returned the glass and continued with her meal. "I think you both should eat too." she blurted her mind out, earning a surprise look of silence from Yoona's mother and girlfriend. "I mean, I feel like I should share the food with you, mother, S-Seohyun... ssi." 


Seohyun and Mrs. Im looked into each other's eyes and then they both smiled in amusement at her.


"Absolutely, we should have joined you much earlier," Mrs. Im acknowledged, passing the plate and chopsticks to Seohyun. She then took her own utensils, marking the first occasion they sat down to eat together since Yoona fell into a coma.


Yuri/Yoona smiled at the two before her. 'Whoever are they, I'm glad I went into a kind and sweet family.' He thought, missing having such a supportive family. 'You're lucky to have this family, Im Yoona. And I'm sorry that I'm... in your place right now.' 



Glancing at the wall clock nearby, Yuri/Yoona thought the clock was ticking way too slowly. She wanted to fall asleep but it seems having been sleeping for months is preventing her from doing so. She averted her eyes on the sofa and found Seohyun reading a book, obviously looking after her for the entire night. She felt awkward. And hopeless because she doesn't know what to say about it, for not knowing anything about Yoona. 


He's just an eighteen-year-old boy trapped in a girl's body without knowing anything of her memories. It's hard to pretend.


"You can tell me anything, Yoona." Seohyun breaks her silence upon noticing that her girlfriend is staring at her. "What do you need?" She noticed she also had been quiet since her mother left them. It's something unusual because she's used to being so talkative. But she kinda understands since she just woke up and probably she lost some of her memories.


"Uh, n-nothing." Yuri/Yoona replied hesitantly. "But I just want to fall asleep yet... I... do-don't think I can."


"I think I have an idea." A sudden idea popped up in Seohyun's head and she hastily got up and grabbed the wheelchair. "Come on, I'll take you there."


Yuri/Yoona hesitantly sits up. "W-where?" 


"There's a garden out there and it was so cool to hang out there." Said Seohyun as she held Yoona's hand and guided her to the wheelchair. She then transferred the fluid to a stand attached to the wheelchair before she began pushing it out of the private ward. 


Yuri/Yoona felt goosebumps almost immediately when cold air graced her skin, which made her hold her arms. Seohyun noticed and she halted to take her jacket off and place it gently on her shoulders. "T-thanks." She softly says.


Seohyun briefly smiled and resumed pushing the wheelchair until they reached the garden. There were a few patients with their families and they joined them in enjoying the fireflies that were dancing around.


"Fireflies? I thought we're... in a city?" Yuri/Yoona's face lit up as she raised her hand and tried to touch one of the fireflies. 


"No, we're out of the city. This hospital is located in a province but near the city so you could still see the buildings from the city." Seohyun corrected. She took a seat on a nearby bench and smiled warmly while watching her girlfriend being mesmerized by the beautiful fireflies. 'When her memories return, I'll ask her about the fire.' But she can't help and feels the need to do it when the time comes.


"Hey, why are you just watching there? You should touch the fireflies too." Yuri/Yoona suddenly suggested not knowing how she addressed her.


'Hey?' Seohyun was taken aback. She has never heard her girlfriend use such an informal way to call her. She always calls her Hyun, Hyunnie, and most of the time 'baby'. "You don't... remember me, do you?" 


Yuri/Yoona gasped and slowly looked at Seohyun. "I... Uh... "


"But you did call my name earlier. So you know me." Seohyun squinted her eyes.


"Um, to be honest, I barely remember anything. I'm sorry if I... offend you or something." Yuri/Yoona apologized as she looked down on her lap, feeling bad for it. 


Sighing, Seohyun reaches for her back and gives it a gentle rub. "Take it easy. I know it's hard for you."


"But I do remember you and your name, and mother." Yuri/Yoona raised her head and smiled cheerfully.


"You do, obviously. We're your family, either way, my love." Seohyun softly chuckles. "But I hope you return them soon because I felt weird." 


'This woman is so kind. I feel like I don't deserve to be in Yoona's body.' Yuri thought, not getting used to experiencing such gentle kindness. Although he has his sister she barely even shows up in the mansion. "Thank you." he/she said as she cried her heart out. 


"Omo, what... what's wrong?" Seohyun's voice trembled with concern as she quickly rose from her seat to envelop Yoona in a comforting embrace. Despite the urgency of the moment, she couldn't help but feel a wave of tenderness wash over her at the sight of Yoona's tears. 'She's probably overwhelmed with gratitude for being saved,' Seohyun thought, her own relief palpable as she held her girlfriend close. Grateful that Yoona hadn't surrendered to despair, she silently vowed to cherish every moment they had together even more.




"Seohyun, dear, you didn't head home last night, did you?" Mrs. Im's voice was filled with concern as she greeted Seohyun upon her arrival at the hospital ward early in the morning. Remembering that Seohyun had left the night before intending to follow, Mrs. Im had expected to see her at home when she woke up, only to find her absence causing worry to settle in.


"Oh, I just got back, Mrs. Im," Seohyun replied with a sheepish smile, masking the truth. She had spent the night next to Yoona, ensuring she wouldn't miss a moment by her side.


"Of course you didn't. Go home and freshen up," Mrs. Im said with a soft chuckle, her motherly concern evident as she began preparing breakfast for her daughter.


"It's okay," Yuri/Yoona said reassuringly, flashing a brief smile at Seohyun. "I'll be fine."


"Be right back—"


"Come in the afternoon, Seohyun. I know you're as excited as I am, but let's take this easy, okay?" Mrs. Im gently advised the young teacher, sensing her stress from both school and personal life. "Yoona is in the process of recovering, and I believe she won't return to a coma anymore. So, take your time, dear," she continued, emphasizing the importance of patience and self-care. "Don't worry, okay? We'll get through this together."


Seohyun nodded in understanding, leaning in to give Yoona a brief hug before smiling sweetly at her. "I'll see you later, Yoongie," she said, finally grabbing her bag and leaving the ward with a casual air. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, a smile gracing her lips as she walked down the hallway. Despite the lingering stress from the fire, she felt considerably better than in the previous months. She knew she would address it later; for now, she relished in the sense of relief and optimism.




As the door swings open, Taeyeon springs into action, hastening to assist the nurse in maneuvering her brother's stretcher, deftly guiding it toward his designated bed. With precision, two male nurses gently hoist Yuri's limp form onto the mattress, mindful of his fragile state in the depths of unconsciousness.


"What was the outcome?" she inquired, turning to one of the nurses for an update.


"The doctor is scheduled to arrive tomorrow upon receipt of the results from his second MRI. Based on those findings, he'll consider implementing a new medical treatment for his brain, potentially offering a significant change," the nurse relayed, her expression briefly lifting with a hint of optimism.


"Thank you, Nurse," Taeyeon expressed with a respectful bow, watching as the nurses departed the private room. With a heavy sigh, she redirected her focus to her brother. "I promise to do everything in my power to bring you back, even if it means taking you to the U.S., Yuri," she declared, her determination unwavering. The thought of her brother remaining in a coma for months was unbearable; she couldn't bear the thought of such prolonged suffering.


Seating herself on the bench, she tenderly tucked her brother's hand under the comforter, ensuring he remained warm. "I need to share something with you," she murmured softly. "Those bullies won't trouble you anymore. The court has sentenced them to a year of community service as juveniles, and they're prohibited from returning to the school after I filed a complaint. Please, awaken now. I can't bear to witness you in this state any longer."


She tilts her head to the side, finding it amusing that Yuri is getting fruits and flowers from the Hotel's board members as well as some from her supporters, even if he is unable to see them. Unfortunately, she is the only one who can recognize their thoughtful actions toward her brother. "I'm sorry but I have to eat some of your fruits because they might get rotten if I don't eat them." She laughed softly.


Just then, she heard a knock on the door which swiftly shifted her attention to it but only to see no one coming in. She got curious and decided to walk to the door. As she opens it, a box of pizza and iced coffee is on the floor with a card on top of it. "Ha, I know who gave this." she picked it up and read the text on the small card.


Don't forget to eat while you look after your brother, Kim Taeyeon.

- Lee Junho


She initially scoffed upon confirming it, but her resistance crumbled in the face of temptation. Instead of tossing it aside, she succumbed to the allure and brought the pizza inside. With hunger gnawing at her, she embraced the savory delight, savoring each bite as it became her impromptu brunch. The morning rush had led her to forgo breakfast, her priorities shifting to hasten to the hospital to relieve Tiffany in caring for her brother. A slice of pizza seemed a fitting remedy to appease her empty stomach, especially when she found herself alone in indulgence.


In the midst of it, her phone rings and she casually picked it up to answer her best friend's call.


[You were in that chicken place without telling me?]


She dropped the pizza when she heard it. "How'd you know?" 


[And you were with Seohyun? Whoa, you didn't even invite me!]


"Seriously? I just bumped into her and I decided to have my chicken beside someone I know." She finds it funny how Tiffany reacts but she has to defend herself.


[Oh, these articles are misleading then. Because it says, you are having a fine date with a friend.]


"A fine date? They're insane for that. It was just a coincidence Seohyun was there. People make stories right away, out from a non-valid source."


[But the fact that you had chicken without me, I feel... a little betrayed.] Tiffany can't help but share her feelings.


"I'm sorry. It was after the MV filming and I got cravings. It would be so hassle if I invited you over because it was almost midnight." Taeyeon explained genuinely. "I hope you don't put any meaning in that."


[Fine, I understand. I mean, this town is just small. But next time, let's grab some chicken in your favorite restaurant.]


"Yeah, when Yuri awakes, it would be such a great chance to celebrate."


[Anyway, have you eaten?]


"I'm doing it. Junho dropped by with a pizza. I thought I couldn't decline it." She chuckled softly.


[Omo, that's new. But I guess he was just concerned.]


"I doubt it." 


[Who knows, right?]


"Well, if you're right, then good. But I hope if he finally snapped out, I hope it was because he realized something and wanted to change for himself, not for the money. Because while he's competing against Yuri as the next heir, I won't think he has changed." Taeyeon replied, feeling like she couldn't trust Junho right away just because he was showing some concerns.


[I couldn't agree more. But let's see.]


Taeyeon felt a little disappointed that Tiffany was obviously on the side of Junho even though she was not saying it. But she really hopes Junho is indeed changing now. "Are you going to come later?"


[Yeah, after work. Are you going somewhere?]


"Yes, I'm meeting Teacher Seo. She has the right to know about the bullies too, so yeah, I'm planning to call her later."


[I see. See you later then.] Tiffany replied and ended the call on her end.


Putting her phone aside, Taeyeon just casually returned to her pizza while glancing at Yuri's body frame from time to time.




As Seohyun meandered through the bustling market, her attention was drawn to the vibrant array of stalls. Engaging with vendors, she meticulously inspected the quality and prices of vegetables, fish, meat, and fresh fruit. With a determined purpose, she envisioned crafting a nourishing meal for Yoona before their hospital visit—a departure from the greasy takeaway fare of the previous evening. Despite Yoona's apparent enjoyment of the food, Seohyun couldn't shake the concern lingering within her; she couldn't ignore t

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1120 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1120 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1120 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 340 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1120 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁