
Reborn Young [Discontinued]
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10 | Comeback




Heart pounding and breaths coming in ragged gasps, Taeyeon felt as though an eternity had passed since she sprinted from the filming site to the hospital where news of her brother's arrival had reached her ears. Though it had been some time since Seohyun had informed her, the image of her brother haunted her thoughts, and the looming fear of him slipping back into a coma tormented her. Swearing an unforgiving vow, Taeyeon couldn't fathom absolving whoever was responsible for bringing this anguish upon her brother.


Upon reaching the hospital, she quickly approached the front desk, urgently seeking information. As soon as she received directions, she hurried to the elevator, and its swift ascent provided a momentary respite, allowing her to finally catch her breath.


She was just wearing slippers much to the amusement of the people around her. However, she doesn't care, her mind is occupied with her brother's current state. 


As the door swings open, she rushes to the ward, swiftly opening it to discover him peacefully asleep on his bed, adorned with bandages wrapped around his head and arms.


"Who on earth could do such a thing to him?" The urge to throw a punch surged within her, her blood boiling with intense anger.


"It was the bullies, Junsang and his friends." Informs Seohyun who had been on the nearby couch. She gets up and approaches her. "I'm sorry if I was a little late to defend him."


"I told you to keep an eye on him, right?" Taeyeon intensely asked her.


Seohyun was caught off guard. Despite her desire to clarify the situation, a nurse and a doctor approached Taeyeon, diverting her attention. Taeyeon follows them, leaving Seohyun to release a frustrated sigh, her gaze fixed on Yuri's peaceful slumber. "Why can't he defend himself?" she mumbled, clenching her fists in frustration. However, she recognized the insensitivity of such a query. Junsang faced adversity with allies, making it a challenge for him to stand up for himself.


Reclining on the couch, she glanced at the time and unexpectedly received a message from Mrs. Im. Retrieving her phone casually, she leisurely read through the incoming message.


Mrs. Im: She's awake.


Her eyes widened with surprise. Quickly gathering her things, she rushed toward the door, but the nurse's reminder about looking after Yuri stopped her in her tracks. She turned back to Yuri, jotting down a short note before finally allowing him to rest undisturbed.


After a while, Taeyeon returns and finds her brother alone with a note on his side.


I can't be always by your brother's side, Ms. Kim. I apologize.

But hopefully, you will take care of him, he needs you right now.

- Seohyun


"I'm such a jerk, I shouldn't have asked her that. Should've thanked her before even questioning her actions." Taeyeon muttered as she smacked her forehead. Sighing, she looked at her brother and felt relieved the doctor didn't find anything wrong in her brother's brain, besides the wounds and bruises she got from those bullies. "I won't tolerate this anymore, I promise." she declared, determined to get the bullies punished. 



Upon hearing the knock on the door, Mrs. Im hurriedly went to open it and Seohyun passed through her to hastily check on her daughter, who was asleep contrary to the news she told her. "She returned to sleep but she was awake earlier."


"Did you manage to speak with her?" Seohyun inquired with genuine curiosity.


"Unfortunately, no," Mrs. Im sighed, her gaze fixed on her daughter's serene countenance. "But do you see? Her complexion has changed. She doesn't look as pale anymore. Doctor Kim's new medication seems to be making a difference."


Refocusing on Yoona, Seohyun leaned in for a closer examination, noticing a welcome change: her girlfriend's lips had regained some color. Though not as vibrant as before, it was a noticeable improvement. As she gently held Yoona's hand, she felt a newfound warmth and vitality that had been absent before. Tears welled up in Seohyun's eyes, trailing down her cheeks as she held Yoona's hand close to her face, unable to contain her emotions any longer.


Mrs. Im approached Seoul and tenderly placed a hand on her back, offering a warm smile.




Upon hearing of Yuri's hospitalization once more, Tiffany wasted no time, heading straight to the hospital after her workday ended. Upon arriving at his ward, she noticed Taeyeon tenderly massaging her brother's arm. Approaching them with care, Tiffany placed a basket of fresh fruits on the nearby table, which Taeyeon gratefully acknowledged.


"Thank you for coming, Fany," Taeyeon said softly.


"I apologize for taking so long to get here," Tiffany said as she pulled another chair beside her best friend. "How are things going?"


With a sigh, Taeyeon gently withdrew her hands from her brother's arm. "The doctor said it's just a contusion and he's out of immediate danger. But he couldn't give us a timeline for when my brother will regain consciousness. I just hope it won't be another month before he's back with us."


"Did you already know who did this to him?"


"I supposed it was the bullies. But Ms. Seo hasn't shared the full details about it."


"She was there when it happened?" Tiffany was surprised to hear.


"If she hadn't arrived when she did, I fear my brother wouldn't have made it," Taeyeon shared, her voice tinged with realization. "I've already enlisted a detective to investigate this. I'm determined that those bullies will face the consequences of their actions," she declared with unwavering conviction.


"That's good to know. Yuri doesn't deserve this harsh treatment. Not even one student deserves this."


"By the way, due to this incident, my company has decided to postpone the release of my comeback. It's now scheduled for next month," Taeyeon shared, her tone carrying a hint of sadness.


Tiffany nodded in understanding as she reached for her best friend's hand. "Don't stress about it. Right now, your priority should be your brother, especially while his father is out of the country."


"Speaking of him, I've already informed him, but he can't come back immediately. It's frustrating; he's been away for so long and still can't find the time to visit his son," Taeyeon shared her disappointment regarding Mr. Kwon. However, she doubted his presence would make much of a difference; after all, he couldn't wake his son up either way.


"Have you eaten?" Tiffany asked, realizing she hadn't thought about it sooner. Taeyeon simply shook her head, indicating she hadn't. This prompted Tiffany to casually leave the ward, intending to get some food for her best friend to eat. When she returned, Taeyeon was speaking with someone on the phone and she decided to prepare the food on the coffee table quietly. 


After a while, Taeyeon returned to the sofa and was met by what seemed like a feast. "You didn't use every penny you have, did you?" she chuckled because her best friend hadn't bought a lot of food for her. It is always her who treats her with food.


"Nope, don't worry. And these are just cheap ones, not much like what you always buy for me." Tiffany assuredly replied.


"Thanks, fany." Taeyeon gratefully says before taking a bite of the fried pork. She needs some comfort food either way. 


"Likewise." Tiffany smiled back warmly. 




2 days later...


Despite enduring another challenging day at school, Seohyun summons the strength to make the long journey back to the hospital. Despite the distance from home, her determination remains unwavering. She hasn't witnessed Yoona awakening yet, but a persistent hope resides within her that one day, she will. Particularly as she observes the diligent care provided by the new doctor to her beloved girlfriend.


"I've returned, Mrs. Im!" Seohyun announced as she entered the ward, only to find it vacant of Mrs. Im's presence. Undeterred, she settled back into her seat beside Yoona's bed, a warm smile gracing her lips as she reached for Yoona's hand, intertwining their fingers. "How was your day, Yoong? Mine was quite challenging, teaching isn't as simple as it may appear. Yet, it's incredibly fulfilling witnessing the smiles, laughter, and gratitude of my students," she shared, pressing a gentle kiss to her girlfriend's hand before bringing it tenderly against her cheek. "I know you're listening, my love. Don't be shy, open those beautiful eyes, won't you?"


The steady rhythm of Yoona's breathing and the soft beeping of the heart monitor are the only responses Seohyun receives, but she's grown accustomed to this silent companionship and finds solace in it.


"Tomorrow, I have a quiz, so my afternoon schedule won't be as stressful. I'll be able to come earlier. I want to be here for you this week, to give your mother some time to rest," Seohyun murmured softly to her slumbering girlfriend, her words a gentle stream of comfort in the quiet room. As she attempted to release her grasp, Yoona's hand tightened around hers, halting her movement. Startled, Seohyun's gaze shifted from their entwined hands to Yoona's face. "You... you're awake, aren't you?" she asked, tears welling up in her eyes. "Baby, it's alright... I'm here, I won't leave," she assured, her voice quavering with emotion. "I knew you were in there," she whispered, overcome with happiness, pressing kisses to Yoona's lips and cheeks before resting her head on her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, their hands still firmly clasped together.


Tears streamed down her cheeks as she allowed herself to release the pent-up emotions, finding solace in the moment of connection with her beloved.



"When Mrs. Im entered the ward, her eyes fell upon Seohyun, peacefully dozing beside her daughter's bedside, clutching her hand. A gentle sigh escaped her lips. "Aigoo, she didn't even think to call me," she murmured softly, setting down the plastic bag on the nearby coffee table before stepping closer. "Seohyun-ah," she called out, giving her shoulder a tender shake. "It's time for dinner," she announced, her voice filled with warmth, as Seohyun's eyes slowly blinked open, adjusting to the light."


"Mother, you're here." Seohyun leaned out from the bed, extending her arms upwards. "Ugh," she winced, feeling a twinge of pain in her back. "How long was I asleep?"


"That's what happens when you sleep like that. You know it'll make your body numb if you doze off sitting up," Mrs. Im chided gently as she returned to the sofa, reaching into the plastic bag to retrieve the food.


"Oh, by the way, mother," Seohyun interjected, a sudden recollection prompting her to swiftly move closer to Mrs. Im. "Something happened earlier. Yoona... she held my hand as if she didn't want me to leave. That's the first time that ever happened since she got into coma."


"Really? But didn't she open her eyes?" Mrs. Im's attention quickly darted towards her daughter's face.


"Unfortunately, no. But the way she held onto me earlier, speaks volumes. She's listening to us. I believe she just needs time, and she will eventually wake up again," Seohyun shared optimistically. "I can feel it. She's slowly coming back to us."


Mrs. Im's smile radiated warmth. "I felt the same way when I saw her eyes open, Seohyun. She saw me crying, and her eyes welled up with tears at that moment. And now, seeing her move her hand like that, I share your confidence that she's nearing her return," she said, reaching for Seohyun's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Let's continue to pray and look after her. In time, it will come."


Slowly nodding, Seohyun moved closer to give Mrs. Im a comforting hug. "Thank you, Mrs. Im. Without you, I would've lost hope," she expressed gratefully.


"No, thank you, because you continue to be the strength I rely on," Mrs. Im whispered back as she reciprocated the hug.


After a while, as they pulled back, Seohyun noticed the coffee table filled with takeaway orders and a bouquet. "You must be so relieved that you were able to buy this food, mother."


"Honestly, I didn't buy them. I found them outside our apartment. It seems someone sent it," Mrs. Im revealed, reaching for the flowers and handing them to Seohyun. "There's a card here."


Seohyun was puzzled and she curiously took the card that could be read as;


I'm sorry about the last time.

I hope I can see you back here so I can apologize personally.



"I see," Seohyun sighed after reading the card. She remained upset about their last encounter, and since then, she had been declining her calls.


"Who is this Taeyeon?" Mrs. Im inquired, her curiosity piqued.


"Yuri's sister. You don't recognize her name? She's that singer Yoona is fond of."


"Chincha? You're friends with this celebrity?"


Seohyun chuckled softly. "No, I don't think I can do that. I mean, I thought we could be friends, but it seems she's more interested in having me look after her brother."


"Why? What's wrong with Mr. Kwon?" Mrs. Im asked with concern.


"He's been getting bullied, Mrs. Im, and he's in the hospital too. Speaking of him, I'm not sure what the latest update is. But since his sister sent me these, it seems like he's woken up," Seohyun explained.


"Maybe. Don't worry about him," Mrs. Im advised, taking one of the chopsticks from the coffee table and handing it to Seohyun. "Let's eat before it gets cold," she declared, earning a nod and a sweet smile from Seohyun.

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1120 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1120 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1120 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 340 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1120 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁