Chapter 31

The Mugunghwa Crown
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Joohyun gasped as her body arched forward and a trickle of sweat glistened on her flushed skin. She closed her eyes momentarily savoring the overwhelming sensation while biting her lips before her body lay back on the bed with a soft thump.

Her hand gradually loosened its grips on the crumpled bed sheets as her chest continued heaving up and down. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and focused back on the figure who wore a sweet smile on top of her.


“Your body is very sensitive tonight.”


A flush deepened on the young princess’s cheek when she felt a finger making its way down from her neck to the ample of her and circling her areola in a feathery touch causing her body to shiver.


“See, you’re shivering so much,” said the figure while raising her brows amusedly as she lowered her body to capture the tip of Joohyun’s ear with her lips. Leaving a series of soft kisses on the back of her ear.


Inhaling the faint smell there, she mumbled, “I love your ears.”


“Well … that’s random,” Joohyun was finally able to mutter something as she put her hand on the back of her wife’s head, playing with the hair that was messily tied into a ponytail.


“Your hair is getting longer, Seungwan.”





“Are we gonna have another round or do you still need a moment to worship my ears?”


A low chuckle was heard, successfully sending tingles to her ear.


The young royal pushed her body up before opening the first drawer of their bedside table. Joohyun’s eyes followed her wife’s movement and almost widened when a velvet box was presented in front of her face.


“Wait, wait.”


Joohyun also pushed her body up while holding a quilt with one hand. As her caramel-colored hair gloriously fell on her shoulder, she tilted her head, “What is it?”


“A gift. I meant to give it to you before … you know.” Seungwan opened the small box and Joohyun’s eyes instantly lit.


“Ah,” she muttered softly while admiring the two small earrings. Looking at the details, she said, “I think I’ve seen you wear this kind of earrings a couple of times before.”


“Yes, mine has the same design and exact color as yours. It was a gift from my mother for my 8th birthday but the shop closed a few years ago so I tried to find another shop that can make the exact same design. It’s … it’s our first couple-item. Do you like it?” Seungwan shyly asked while rubbing her neck. It was the first time she gifted someone a meaningful gift like this.




Joohyun swooned. She threw her arms around Seungwan’s shoulder and hugged her, shocking the younger woman.


“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”


Seungwan patted her wife’s smooth as her other hand put the box on the bedside table. She felt Joohyun kiss the side of her neck with an open-mouthed kiss while slowly sitting on her lap. The quilt was long forgotten and pooled on her waist.


After lightly bitting the young royal’s jaw, Joohyun cradled the latter's face and kissed her roughly. Seungwan responded eagerly while kneading her wife’s bare waist. Marveling on its softness.


Panting hard as her body consumed with desire, Joohyun’s hands slowly pushed Seungwan’s ed pajama top while grazing on Seungwan’s taut abs, and she said, “Let me show you how thankful I am.”



“Mmm, activating your unnie mode now?”


Ignoring Seungwan, Joohyun pushed her wife down a bit too roughly because she was rather impatient tonight, causing the latter to gasp in a frail maiden manner pretense.


“Unnie, please be gentle, it’s my first,” Seungwan said weakly while covering her lips and letting her eyes glisten. She was so keen to continue this role-playing for whatever reason Joohyun didn’t know.


“You’re really turning me off, Seungwan,” the young princess said grimly as she pouted to emphasize her dislike towards whatever Seungwan is trying to do now while they were about to have an intimate moment.


“Oops. Sorry, Jagi. You really don’t like me calling you unnie?”


“No. Not the unnie part,” Joohyun bit her lips as her eyes wandered around Seungwan’s slender body.


“I want to do you a bit rough tonight but you just … I-it’s not lined with what I want.” Joohyun was a bit embarrassed when she said that.


A realization hit the young royal. “Mmm, alright. Please have your way, Master.”


Godness ... now she switched to master-slave role-playing?? Joohyun quietly cursed in her mind for having such a playful lover.


“You don’t like it too?” Seungwan asked meekly. Looks like she really wanted to do role-playing tonight out of all night.


Groaning, Joohyun couldn’t wait any longer, she needed to have Seungwan tonight or she wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully. It’s better than the pure maiden act she did before, she thought to herself as she hovered on top of Seungwan and parted the latter’s lips with her finger while staring at the younger girl’s half-lidded eyes keenly.


“Only if you can be a good girl to me. Can you do that, Seungwanie?” she breathily whispered her name in such an alluring way.


Feeling so seduced and utterly , the young royal nodded eagerly. Way too eagerly. “Yes, Master.”


“Good. Now my finger.”


So Joohyun played along.




Next morning.


Joohyun groaned when the sunlight hit her eyes. She attempted to pull the quilt over her head but someone held the other end, preventing her to pull it.


“Seungwannn …” she whined.


“Jagi, I’m going to work.”




Joohyun was dead tired. After she made love to Seungwan, she thought she could catch up on her sleep but she was wrong. The role-playing only spurted Seungwan’s libido and they ended up having another round. Her younger wife really has unlimited stamina. She loves it but she prefers to have fun on the weekend because she has a royal duty to attend in 2 hours and her lower body is killing her right now.


“Can you close the curtain before you go? Please?”


Seungwan shook her head. “You have to wake up now. You need to attend a fundraising event.”


“I know. Just 5 more minutes.”


“Ah, I feel bad because I tired you up last night.”


“You should be,” Joohyun scowled as she forced her eyes to open. There she saw Seungwan already in her working attire, her usual royal blue dress shirt combined with black skirts today.


“So, am I really going alone today?”


“Yes, sorry.” Seungwan apologized again. “This is my first day back to work. Though I have nothing to work there, I don’t want to let my brother bad-mouth me.”


“You were injured.”


“Not anymore.” Seungwan smiled as she pecked Joohyun’s forehead. “I’ll see you later tonight for dinner?”


“Mmm dinner.” Joohyun nodded as her eyes followed Seungwan's movement.


Seungwan stood up and called Taeyeon, she instructed the young secretary to never leave Joohyun’s side. Both of them would go as the royal family representative today.


“Wangnyeo is not familiar with the event but you went with me last year so please guide her,” Seungwan told the young secretary. “Immediately report to me if anything happens, okay?”


“Thank you for looking after me,” Joohyun muttered once Seungwan pocketed her phone. Her heart felt warm with Seungwan’s attention and care.


Smiling, Seungwan waved her hands dismissively. “What are you thanking me for? It’s my duty as your wife.”




Fundraising Event.


Taeyeon and Jaemin watched the young princess delivering her speech in front of the attendees. She looked so confident, much more confident than a few months back considering it was her first event without Seungwan beside her.


Even Jaemin was amazed. “Wow, Wangnyeo really nailed it.”


Taeyeon nodded. “I sent the draft last night and she delivered it perfectly. Even her tone and gesture are on point.” The young secretary had accompanied Queen Soohyang and Princess Sohee a few times before so she knew what she was saying.


“I feel like I’m watching Taenyeo speaking. Like she’s born to be there,” Taeyeon said with appreciation in her eyes. Acknowledging the young princess’s ability.


“Of course, our Princess Joohyun is very smart,” Jaemin replied proudly. As Joohyun’s guard (sometimes delivery boy), Jaemin spent almost all his time beside the young princess so he knew very well what the princess was like on and off her duty.


“You’re very fond of her.”


“I respect her as much as I respect Taenyeo.” Jaemin smiled widely. “Noona, do you think Wangnyeo will be better as the future Queen Consort?”


“Jaemin, don’t speak nonsense.” Taeyeon scolded the young guard as her eyes wandered around. They were in public so they had to be careful.


“I’m sorry!”


Taeyeon shook her head and continued watching Joohyun. Deep inside she agreed with Jaemin. Seunghoon and Sunhwa are capable to handle Palace’s matters but Seungwan and Joohyun would be better rulers. They’re more well-known in public as The Palace’s representative. Sadly, Seungwan thinks differently.




A week later.


A series of footsteps could be heard from outside Taejong Hall. When a guard announced that they were coming inside the hall without waiting for Seungwan’s approval, the young royal knew that something must’ve happened.


“Taenyeo, you’re summoned to The Gojong Hall.”


She didn’t bother to turn around from her mother’s portrait as she was changing the flowers so the guards must wait. A few minutes later she finally turned around and found about five guards lining up, waiting for her.


The young royal glanced at Chaeyoung. “If Wangnyeo is looking for me, tell her I’m going to Gojong Hall.”


“Yes, Taenyeo.”


Just when she was about to go, Jaemin rushed inside with panicked stature. When he noticed the other guards from Gojong Hall, his face instantly paled.


He bowed to Seungwan and looked so unsure of what he was about to say.


“What’s the matter, Jae?”


“Ro-royal Guard Kang is taken to Gojong Hall.”


Chaeyoung who overheard him instantly looked up from her hands, staring at the young guard questioningly. A bad feeling slowly crept into her.


Seungwan nodded upon hearing the news and patted Jaemin’s shoulder calmly as she ordered, “Stay here with Wangnyeo.”


“But Taenyeo … ”


“Stay here.”






Gojong Hall.


When Seungwan finally arrived at the hall, the first thing she saw was Seulgi kneeling down in the center of the spacious living room. PM Kwon, Seungmin, and her father along with a few people that she didn’t know stood surrounding the latter, some with an obvious distasted expression on their faces.


Once the crowd saw Seungwan’s arrival, they stepped back to stand on the side except for her father who was still standing in front of Seulgi.


The young royal calmly walked forward and stood beside Seulgi. She bowed to her father and then glanced at Taeyeon who stared back at her for a brief moment. Acknowledging her presence.


Turning her attention back to her father, she asked, “Why is my guard kneeling here?”




“Seungwan, are you aware that your guard broke into the server room that night?” The King asked her.


“Why would she do that?” Seungwan asked back, looking utterly confused. “Why is she accused as the suspect out of all people?”


“May I step in Jeonha?” PM Kwon asked from the side.


“You may.”


PM Kwon took two steps forward and said, “We identified her DNA and it matched with the blood on the knife that was found inside the room.”


“DNA? What are you talking about?” Seungwan still feigned an indifferent expression.


“One of the security guards managed to wound the intruder on her arm. So I took an initiative to investigate … ”


“Arm? Seulgi is your arm injured?” Seungwan didn’t let him finish his words as she turned her attention to her guard, “Show me your arms.”


Seulgi rolled the long sleeves of her shirt and as expected, there was nothing. No signs of major incision injury. Her arms were flawless except for a few almost healed bruises from the car accident.


“I understand that you’re trying to find the culprit but isn’t it too much to blame my innocent guard?” Seungwan then turned to her father. “Royal Guard Kang is innocent, Your Majesty.”


“Then how do you explain the blood?” Seungmin who stood behind PM Kwon, challenged her as he motioned for Dr. Won to come forward with the DNA result.


“How could I explain? I wasn’t even at the scene. Furthermore, are you sure that’s Seulgi blood, Orabeoni?” Seungwan raised her brows.


“Are you saying that I'm making up things?!”


“I never said that.”


“Your words implied that I’m trying to frame your guard!” A menacing glare was thrown toward the youngest royal.


“Seungmin, let me handle this.” King Seungjo raised his right hand slightly, signaling his eldest son to shut up. Then he looked at his daughter again.


“Seungwan, are you sure your guard is with you that night?”


The young royal nodded confidently. “I was at The Palace since evening. The on-duty guard at the main gate can testify and you know wherever I am, Seulgi is with me.”


“Not even 24 hours after the incident, Royal Guard Kang went to Jeju for two weeks. Anything could happen in those two weeks including surgery to mask her wound.” PM Kwon was still not backing down.


“I approved her vacation leave a few days before she started her trip. You can check the hotel where she stayed for the whole trip. Seulgi, where did you stay?”


“Jeju Applewood Hotel,” Seulgi answered.


“You can also track every hospital in Jeju if you are that adamant in accusing my guard, PM Kwon,” Seungwan said. She was standing face to face with her three enemies, but there was no sign of fear on her face.


“Moreover, isn’t it illegal for you or anyone to do a DNA test without asking permission from the person? You’re not a part of the police department.” In other words, who do you think you are?


PM Kwon's eyes twitched. “I only want to find the culprit.”


“That’s the police’s job, not yours. If you want to find the culprit, then why did you order them to halt the investigation? Is there anything inside the server room that you don’t want them to find out?”


Seungmin glared at Seungwan but he didn’t say anything meanwhile PM Kwon kept the same sinister smile on his face but Seungwan knew that he was boiling inside.


If the police got a hold of Seulgi, they would ask about her motive then Seulgi would potentially spill the secret inside the room because it was so strange that someone wanted to infiltrate a server room out of all the rooms in the building.


Besides, Seulgi was a royal guard, what importance was the room for her? Valuable treasures such as old paintings and porcelain bowls are mostly kept in The Palace. If she wanted to steal something, Palace is the more perfect place to do that. All the people presented inside Gojong Hall knew that very well, Seungwan didn’t even need to explain it to them.


A simple case of breaking into the server room could evolve into a bigger case and it would potentially put PM Kwon in a tight place and he didn’t want that, so he tried to get rid of Seulgi and of course, Seungwan without the involvement of the police.


“What are you talking about? There’s nothing there!” Seungmin answered while gritting his teeth. He didn’t think that Seungwan would be this clever. He told himself to be more careful of his sister from now on.


“Then, there shouldn’t be any problem with letting the police investigate the case again. This country is based on law and I’m gonna stand on my guard’s side until she is proven guilty by the law, not by you, PM Kwon, or anyone in The Palace.” She especially mentioned it to her brother.


Seungwan then put her attention back to her father, “What do you think Jeonha?” She wanted to know where he stood.


The King nodded. “What Seungwan said makes sense.”


“Jeonha!” Seungmin was frustrated that his plan didn’t work as he wished.


“Your Majesty, the DNA kit showed that Royal Guard Kang is indeed the one who infiltrated the room. We should give her a punishment. She is guilty,” PM Kwon explained again. “The reason why I halted the investigation until after the coronation night is so it won’t cause any stir with the public. Rest assured, I will continue the case after.”


He won’t. He will get rid of Seungwan and her followers. Once Seungmin is crowned, there won’t be any chance for Seungwan to fight both of them.


“I apologize, Jeonha. I will only let you punish Royal Guard Kang until she is proven guilty by the law,” Seungwan said firmly.


The King exhaled. He had to make a wise decision tonight.


“Although what you said makes sense, we can’t ignore the fact that Seulgi’s bloo

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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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I'm curious
1692 streak #2
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #4
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1692 streak #6
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!

Chapter 35: it's very hot, especially in the dry season like this, it's too hot, and above is suitable for us hehe! now it's peaceful no more fighting! just see how Seungwan performs as queen
Chapter 34: I already have a lot of inkling that Seungwan will indeed be the queen because I saw the poster😁! curious how joohyun can overcome himself to be an empress! Even though there is sadness, at least it has a happy ending for Wenrene and all the members who side with Seungwan!