Chapter 23

The Mugunghwa Crown
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It’s been a week since their kiss. A week and nothing.


Where is the Bae Joohyun experience?

Where is the kiss??


Seungwan expected something to happen but looks like her wife had a different thought.


Is she playing with me?


Sitting restlessly on her chair in the study room, Seungwan put down her iPad with a frown on her face.


She couldn’t focus. Taeyeon had sent a few documents back for her review. But the older woman told her that one part of the documents was missing. That part was very important apparently. Therefore, Seungwan needed to infiltrate the server room once again.


She planned to do the said mission next week since her brother and his beloved secretary will go on a business visit to Ulleung Island (thanks to Sua, she got to know such information). She hoped she could have the server room free from their grip by then.


Now back to the ‘main’ problem of the day.


Sighing, Seungwan decided to just take a walk in the garden to clear her mind. She walked out of her study room only to find Joohyun standing in the mid of their living room. The older woman was gone since morning to handle her business (she said) but now, she is finally back.


“Going somewhere?”


Seungwan pursed her lips upon hearing her wife’s question, “Yeah, need to take some fresh air in the garden.” Truthfully, she was a little annoyed this morning when she woke up and found Joohyun’s side of the bed was empty. She only got a short text saying that she had to handle something urgent in the laundry shop.


“Which garden?”


Seungwan smiled inwardly, “Sunmyeong garden.”


Joohyun’s eyebrows twitched, “That one garden near your mistress’s residence? How brave of you.”


“She is my mistress now? I’m not aware.”


Joohyun looked at her for a moment before dropping her body on the sofa, “Alright. You can go.”


Seungwan was dumbfounded, she thought that the latter would fight her because of jealousy.


“Well, I’m going then, to Sunmyeong Garden,” she said once again, to make sure that her wife heard it.


“Have fun.” The young Bae waved her hands indifferently before adding, “I’m going out with Jennie later.”


Seungwan stilled, “You just got back! And where are you two going?”


Joohyun shrugged, “Best friend outing.”


“You know she has a special feeling for you and you’re going to go out with her?” Seungwan asked in disbelief before turning around and sitting beside her wife instead of walking out to the garden.


“I’m going with you.”


“You’re not invited.”


Seungwan crossed her hands and mimicked her wife, “You’re not invited.”


She added, “Aren’t you forgetting our agreement? To try out with me? It’s been a week and nothing. NOTHING. Where is the said experience?”


Joohyun stared amusedly at her wife before shrugging, “I actually wanted to take you out but since you want to go to that garden, I’m taking Jennie as your replacement.”


The young royal sighed, “Is this a push and pull? We’re too old for that.”


“Well, you’re the one who initiated that first. Instead of asking me directly, you tried to make me feel jealous instead. Were you hoping that I would go rampage and then, give you the thing you want from me?”


Wow. Busted!


Seungwan should’ve known that this woman was as sharp as her. It felt like almost all her tricks were figured out by her wife, but she refused to back down.


Frowning, she asked, “Are you doing this purposely? You know that I’ve been waiting for you to come to me but you chose to ignore me.”


Joohyun smiled as she listened to her wife who looked like a mad tiny hamster. She did ignore her on purpose. “This is The Bae Joohyun experience.”


The young royal was not amused by it. “What kind of experience is this? Bad experience??”


Joohyun wanted to laugh but she held herself and faked a sad innocent expression on her face. “I spent a whole week planning for a perfect date, but now you accused me like this, I’m hurt.”


Seungwan uncrossed her hand, “You’ve made a plan?” She suddenly felt happy and relieved that Joohyun wasn’t playing with her.


“I want to take you out later, to a beautiful place, but it seems I’m the only one who is excited to do this.”


Shaking her head, Seungwan took Joohyun’s right hand to her lap. While giving a tender massage on her fingers, she said, “You could’ve just said it. I was worried for nothing.”


“Worried about?”


“That you changed your mind. I thought you don’t want to try it out anymore.”


“Silly,” Joohyun pinched her wife’s cheek with her free hand, “I’ve told you that I’m attracted to you as well. Why would I change my mind?”


“It could happen.” Seungwan shrugged, “But you’re right. I should’ve asked you instead of assuming things myself.”


The young princess nodded in agreement.


“So … in exchange for me taking you out, you have to tell me something about yourself.”


“We didn’t agree on this before.” Seungwan frowned.


“I know but I’m attracted to you so I want to get to know you better. Is it wrong?”


“No,” Seungwan cleared as a shy blush crept on her cheeks. Well, if Joohyun said it like that, she couldn’t help but feel flattered. Not when those bunny eyes looked at her with so much interest. But how much she should tell without potentially disclosing her goal?


“I’ll tell you about my childhood when my mother was still around.”


“Sounds good.” Joohyun quickly nodded. It’s better than nothing, she thought. One day I’ll get to ask about her goal. One step at a time,



Turning her body to face her wife properly, Seungwan started her storytelling, “So when I was in kindergarten, my mother and I …”




A few hours later, in the car.


Seungwan who was dozed off along the way opened her eyes when she felt a ray of sun disturbing her eyes, “Have we arrived?”


“Yes, just in time.” Joohyun who spent her time watching her wife sleeping before now looked at her watch.


“Seulgi is currently doing the safety protocol inside. I’ve told her to do so on behalf of you, even though I already chose a time where there are fewer visitors,” she added.


“Where are we?”


“Seoul Botanic Park.”


“Botanic Park ?” Seungwan asked in surprise, “Why are we here?”


“They have many greenhouses for flowers and we can …”


Before Joohyun could elaborate some more, Seulgi knocked on Joohyun’s window.


“All clear, Wangnyeo,” the royal guard reported once the window was lowered down.


“Great!” Joohyun beamed, then she looked back to Seungwan, “Shall we go now?”




Both of the royals walked arm in arm, passing the outdoor garden, along with Jaemin and Seulgi behind them.


Seungwan was still confused, honestly, she wasn’t that big of a flower enthusiast. She only liked lilies because of her mother. Visiting a botanic park to enjoy flowers certainly would never cross her mind. Yes, it wasn’t her first time visiting the place. Back in 2017, when the park management held a grand launch, they invited the royal family. That was her first and last visit. She didn’t even have time to wander around, only stayed in the front garden for 15 minutes, as she needed to be present at another event. Thanks to Seungmin who neglected his duty (again) to do stupid things.


Does Joohyun like flowers that much?? I also need to get to know her better. Seungwan thought as she stared at her wife who was humming a song while swaying their hands.


A moment later, they finally arrived at the front of the big main greenhouse and Joohyun quickly said to one of the guards, “I already made a reservation to the private greenhouse with Mr. Chang.”


The guard recognized both of them and bowed respectfully. “Please follow me, Your Highness.”


They passed various smaller greenhouses. Seungwan has heard about these greenhouses, in fact, a few times Sohee had asked her to accompany the older woman to scout out new flowers for her flower club but Seungwan was never interested. But now that she was here, she thought the place wasn’t so bad. The surrounding is peaceful and not to mention very beautiful. The Palace has its own gardens but compared to this place, the diversity of plants is noticeable here.


Once they arrived at their destination, the guard left them as Mr. Chang already waited for them outside the medium-sized greenhouse.


“Your highness,” he bowed, “It’s a great pleasure to have both of you here with me. Shall we take a look inside?”


Joohyun smiled before turning to see the royal guards, “Both of you don’t have to follow us. Just enjoy the scenery or maybe pick a flower for yourself.”


Seulgi glanced at Seungwan who nodded, giving her consent.


“Yes, Joohyun-wangnyeo,” Seulgi answered as she walked to a big tree not so far away from the greenhouse’s entrance. She let Jaemin stand at the other entrance.




Seungwan widened her eyes when she looked around the greenhouse. The moment she stepped inside, she was greeted with a familiar fragrance, and thus she had a clue of what was waiting inside.


“Your Highness, what do you think? Is this up to your request? If it isn’t, we’ll re-arrange everything for you.”


“Perfect.” Joohyun nodded with a smile, “You did a good job, Mr.Chang. Did you bring the document of ownership?”


Mr. Chang bowed, “Yes, please wait for a little. I put it on one of the tables over there.”


Once the man went away, Seungwan tugged Joohyun’s arm.


“You bought a greenhouse?” She asked, not understanding, “Why? We have enough garden in The Palace.”


“We have enough garden but not enough lilies. Didn’t you say your mother loved lilies?”


Seungwan was stunned. Before she could say anything, Mr. Chang was already back with a document in his hand.


“Your Highness, here’s the document.”


Joohyun read the details and signed her name, “Thank you, Mr. Chang. Please send the certificate to The Palace and what about the nameplate? Is it done?”


“Yes, Your Highness. We’ll have the gold plate arrive tomorrow and hang it outside. As per your request, ‘Baek Wanhee’s Lilies Garden’.”


“Very well, thank you.”




Once the man went left them alone, Joohyun immediately looked at her wife who was still in her surprised state.


“You ... you bought a greenhouse under my mother’s name?”


Joohyun shook her head, “I bought it under your name. I asked them to put a nameplate with your mother’s name.”


“... Why?” Seungwan lost her words. She never thought that someone else will honor her mother as much as Hoon and Seulgi.


“You told me that your mother loved lilies but His Majesty doesn’t let any lilies grow in The Palace after the incident so this place is perfect to be a reminder of her existence. You can even open it for the public to visit in remembrance of your mother.”


“Why did you do this for me?”


“I told you, I want to let you feel the Bae Joohyun Experience. This is what I’m offering to you. I want to gift you something meaningful since you already have everything, besides you already helped me push my grandmother for my father's ceremony. This is not a big thing compared to what you’ve done for me.”


Seungwan stilled.


“Did you not like it?” Joohyun asked in worry, “I’m sorry if it’s too much. I should’ve thought about it properly. I just want to help you preserve memories of your mother.”


The young royal shook her head, she was feeling overwhelmed. Nobody knew that she actually wanted to keep her mother memories, not even her father. So, to see Joohyun, whom she had only known for a few months now, did something big for her, was very touching.


“It’s beautiful ... here. I like it.”


Seungwan could imagine her mother’s smile if she saw the scenery in front of her. Her mother used to have her own lilies garden in The Palace, it was at the back of Taejeong Hall. A small garden that was destroyed by The King later.


“Can you hug me?”


Joohyun nodded quietly before embracing her wife. Moving her hand up and down her back soothingly. Is her back always this small?


“You can cry, I won’t tell anyone. I won’t even tell Seulgi. I swear.”


Seungwan chuckled before grasping the rim of Joohyun’s shirt, “Thank you.”


No, she didn’t cry ugly, just a few tears slipped out because she felt so loved right at this very moment.


She never hoped or dreamt to have someone who can understand her wound and even help her to patch it. All her life, she thought she would bear the burden and memories of her mother alone but this woman proved her wrong.


So, how can she not like this woman?




At a restaurant reserved by Joohyun.


Seulgi and Seungwan stared at each other. They’re seated at a rounded table waiting for Joohyun and Jaemin to be back from paying for their meals. The young princess said she would treat all of them tonight, despite Seungwan’s protest.


Clearing , Seulgi turned to face Seungwan.


“She bought you a private greenhouse.”


Seungwan eyes widened, “How did you …”


“I asked the man, Mr. Chang,” Seulgi raised her brows, “Are you two having a good feeling towards each other now? The greenhouse is not a cheap gift nor a common gift.”


Seungwan pondered. Indeed, a greenhouse is such a grand gift.

She felt warm inside whenever she thought about the place.


Seeing the quiet royal, Seulgi asked again, “Is she another Sohee for you?”




Seulgi nodded. She didn’t need to ask further. Actually, she was glad that Seungwan finally let someone else take care of her aside from Seulgi and Hoon. At least, someone would stop her from going bat crazy on her plan … but only if that someone isn’t as crazy as Seungwan. Though at this point, Seulgi could feel it, Joohyun is slowly becoming Seungwan 2.0.


Seulgi frowned, handling two Seungwan would be a pain for her and her team. But as long as the woman makes Seungwan happy then Seulgi will endure it for the rest of her life.


“I didn’t expect it will turn out like this,” Seungwan started as she brushed her short hair with her hand, “It’s still early to say that it’s love.”


“I have no experience since I don’t do relationships either, but my advice is to see where this will take both of you. You still have a year to figure things out, Taenyeo. I’m happy to see you have something to look forward to after we are done with the mission.”


Seungwan tapped her fingers on the table. She wanted to say that she would either end up in jail or dead on her mission but she didn’t want to make Seulgi worry. Her future is still on the grey side, after all, whether it’s wise or not to involve Joohyun in her life, she doesn’t know. But she sure wants to stay alive now more than before.


Suddenly, Seulgi’s phone went off. It was a call from Jaemin. A call means trouble.


The royal guard’s body stiffened as she answered, “Yes?”


She was quiet for a moment before whispering back.


“What do you mean?”


Seungwan became alarmed.


“Wangnyeo told you not to intervene? Where are you?”


The royal guard frowned while listening to Jaemin.


“What happened to Joohyun?”


Seulgi looked at a tensed Seungwan before filling in the details, “According to Jae, Wangnyeo currently arguing with this man. High chance, someone from her past. She told Jae to not intervene.”


Seungwan quickly stood on her feet as her jaw clenched, “Let’s go.”




Near a fountain, at the restaurant’s back garden.


Seungwan found Joohyun pointing at a guy in anger while the guy only smirked at her.


“What is the problem here?”


“Taenyeo?” Joohyun turned around after glaring at Jaemin who immediately

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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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I'm curious
1692 streak #2
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #4
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1692 streak #6
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!

Chapter 35: it's very hot, especially in the dry season like this, it's too hot, and above is suitable for us hehe! now it's peaceful no more fighting! just see how Seungwan performs as queen
Chapter 34: I already have a lot of inkling that Seungwan will indeed be the queen because I saw the poster😁! curious how joohyun can overcome himself to be an empress! Even though there is sadness, at least it has a happy ending for Wenrene and all the members who side with Seungwan!