Bonus #3.1 - The Mysterious Fiancee

What A Life
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Baekhyun isn't pleased to see the girl that he hates with a passion standing among the new batch of trainees. What the hell is she doing here? Seems like besides the arranged marriage, another reason why she moved from Busan to Seoul is because she managed to attain a spot for the apprenticeship programme at Al Dente. Is god playing some sort of joke on him? As if staying under one roof with her isn't enough, now he has to see her at work everyday as well! Baekhyun lets out a deep sigh. How can he ever get rid of her?

Sehun notices the deep frown on Baekhyun's face and he wonders why. Baekhyun and Jongin are always very friendly and welcoming towards the new trainees. So why does he have that irritated expression on his face, as if he just saw someone he dislikes? He clears his throat, "How about all of you introduce yourself one by one? Anyone would like to start first?" 


Baekhyun rolls his eyes at her enthusiasm, as he sees it as a childish behaviour. But what is he expecting? That girl is only 19, she is still a kid afterall.

"Hi everyone, my name is Park Soon-deok! And I am Baekhyun oppa's fiancee."

Oh great... Baekhyun smacks his palm on his forehead while everyone gasps upon hearing the girl's introduction. Now he can't even hide the fact that she is his fiancee. The fiancee that he detests. 

"Holy !" Mark, who has been promoted to head chef, exclaims, "So you are the mysterious fiancee of Baekhyun hyung that he hates talking about?!"And for a moment, he seems to forget that this is not their personal gathering until Baekhyun sends him a death glare.

Soon-deok chuckles, taking zero offence in what Mark just said because that's her personality. She never holds grudges against anyone.

"I hope to become a great chef like Baekhyun oppa one day and let's get along with one another!"

Jongin rubs his nose and snickers to himself, "Tell me this ain't another Areum and Sehun, I am not going to believe. Look at her, she came here for Baek hyung."

"I know right," Mark whispers his reply, "Except that this girl is obsessed with Baekhyun hyung from the start and she openly declares her identity to everyone, unlike Areum."

"Shut up, you two," Baekhyun grits his teeth before narrowing his cold hard eyes towards the direction of his fiancee, who is still smiling brightly like a sun, completely oblivious of the anger boiling inside of him. This girl is seriously nothing but a pain in the . 


"Kick her out, I beg you."

Sehun is taken aback to hear such harsh words from Baekhyun because he is never one to treat someone with so much contempt, "Why?"

"Why?" Baekhyun repeats, "Sehun, you know how much I detest her. It's annoying to have her pestering me at home, I don't want to see her face here at my workplace."

"But she is good, you gotta admit that."

Baekhyun will never admit that. Never in a million years. Sure, Soon-deok's skills must have been above average, otherwise, Sehun wouldn't have selected her for this apprenticeship programme, but Baekhyun will never admit it. He doesn't want to give his fiancee more reason to stay. All he wants right now is for her to get out of his sight for good and let him have his peace. And right then, he heard her laughing loudly with the other trainees during their lunch break, he feels even more pissed because she is still haunting him with her obnoxious laughter even when she is out of his sight, "She is only here because of me, not because she is passionate about cooking."

Sehun raises his brow. It's new and surprising to him to see that Baekhyun, being the oldest here, can be such a brat, "Whatever her reason for joining Al Dente is, she does have the skills and you know I don't compliment the kids easily. I am not kicking her out, Baek. Why do you hate her so much anyway? Just because she is engaged to you and you have no feelings for her?" Sehun enquires with a cheeky grin, "You know, I didn't like Areum at the start too. But look at me and her. Maybe that would be you and Soo-"

"No," Baekhyun cuts Sehun off and states in a tone of finality, "No way." Baekhyun refuses to believe that Soon-deok and him will be happy together because he knows very well that he will never fall for her. If that were to happen, it would have happened a long time ago because he has known her for many years. He basically watched her grow up, from a little toddler, who always flashed her toothless grin to him, to an annoying teenager, who wouldn't stop bugging him, in hope that he will return her feelings one day.

Soon-deok was 13 and Baekhyun was 26 when she confessed to him. She told him that it wasn't platonic kind of love, she was serious when she said she only wanted him and nobody else. Baekhyun had first brushed it off like a joke because he sees her as his younger sister and he has regarded her as a kid who was just confused with the difference between the love shared between lovers and the affection shared between siblings. But Soon-deok didn't know how to give up; she was extremely persistent and determined in making him fall for her. Unfortunately, her obsession towards Bakehyun has turned his friendly feelings towards her into despise. What's worse is that Baekhyun's parents and grandparents adore Soon-deok a lot and they have already regarded her as his wife, completely blind towards his lack of interest in that crazy girl.

Peace only came to him when he moved to Seoul and he remembered hearing from his parents that Soon-deok bawled her eyes out when she knew about his departure. He harboured zero sympathy towards the girl and in fact, he was glad that he was out of her reach as this could be a chance for her to erase her feelings for him. Initially he was afraid that she would actually stalk him and come to Seoul to look for him but thankfully, she didn't lose her brain entirely to do such extreme acts. 

Still, at the end of the day, it was futile. Soon-deok has never stopped liking him. She still came to Seoul for him nonetheless, and they are now engaged. It's like the whole universe is trying to tell him that they are bound to be together forever and there is no point for him to escape. Everyone thinks they make a great pair, everyone except for Baekhyun. Baekhyun refuses to believe that Soon-deok is the one he is going to spend the rest of his life with.


Baekhyun yells in shock when the girl that he has been cursing appears in front of him, "What the hell!" 

"I made bento for you," Soon-deok hands him a lunch box, "Hope you will like it."

Baekhyun expressed his disdain at the girl and the lunchbox that she made for him. He wants to wipe that silly smile off her face so badly but the kitchen is not an appropriate setting for him to throw his tantrum, not when so many eyes are on them. 

"I am not hungry," Baekhyun walks away as quickly as possible.



Sehun thought he is going to turn from his wife's high-pitched voice. Even Vivi got startled as he turns his head towards the couple on the bed. 

"Baekhyun's fiancee is a trainee at Al Dente now?" Sehun nods while Areum's face lights up in excitement, "So how is she like? Is she pretty? Is she cute? Is she nice? Is she kind and caring? Does she have a couple face with Baekhyun?"

"Can you calm down?" Sehun places his palm on her protruding stomach, "You are gonna scare our babies."

Areum bounces on the bed suddenly, earning a frown from her husband. Sehun hates the fact that his wife is already 5 months into pregnancy and is carrying twins in her stomach yet she is still behaving like an overly-active kid who can't stay still, like she is not pregnant at all. Because of that, he is constantly worrying about his wife's condition but Areum would just dismiss him and say that he is too uptight and protective.

"I need more details! The mysterious fiancee has finally appeared!! Of course I am excited!!" Areum's replies, full of vigor and eagerness, "Tell me more!"

"I don't know? What am I supposed to say?"

Areum grunts and slaps Sehun's thigh, "You can't keep me in suspense like that! I need more information about that girl!"

Sehun throws his arms in the air in despair. Maybe he shouldn't have brought up Baekhyun's fiancee so he can catch some sleep already. With his wife bugging him for details about Soon-deok, he is pretty sure that he is not getting any sleep tonight because he knows his nosy wife loves such hot teas, "Her name is Soon-deok. She has long black hair, small eyes, single eyelid, she is around your height, that's it."

"So is she pretty?"

"Is that a trick question? Where girls try to test their husband's loyalty?" 

Areum snorts, "No, I am seriously asking that question. Even if you think she is prettier than me, I am fine with it, " She shrugs, "I am pregnant with your kids, you can't run away from me."

Sehun scoffs at his wife's witty response. This is why he loves this girl so much, she never fails to amuse him.

"I think she is decent. But considering the fact that you were Baekhyun's past lover and if you were the benchmark, then I don't think she is Baekhyun's type. You two look quite different. You look more playful and y," Areum gasps at her husband's remark while Sehun chuckles and pulls her in to give her a kiss on her temple, "Just kidding. I mean, Baekhyun seems to hate her a lot. He actually begged me to kick her out of Al Dente because he doesn't want to see her."

"Are you serious?" A shock expression forms on Areum's face, "That's so not Baek!"

"I know right? Maybe he really hates the fact that he doesn't get a say in his own happiness and he is tied to someone he doesn't love. I could relate because I was stuck in an arranged marriage with someone that my parents chose for me."

"Tch! Look at us now! We are so ing in love," Sehun clicks his tongue at his wife's crude choice of word again, "Baekhyun and Soon-deok can be like us too! They just need a little push."

Sehun's face falls immediately as an ominous feeling creeps in, as if something bad is going to happen, "What the hell are you trying to do? You better not get yourself involved in their affair. Just mind your own business, Park Areum. You can't force Baekhyun to accept her if he doesn't like her."

"I am not going to force Baekhyun to accept her! I just think they need a little help from the cupid."

"And you are not the cupid so let's go and sleep."

Sehun drops his weight backwards on the bed and pulls his wife down together as he shuts his eyes to avoid further discussion. 

"Hey, how can you be so nonchalant? Baekhyun is our friend."

Sehun puts his arms around his wife and hugs her like a bolster, "Exactly. He is our friend and the last thing he needs is the pressure from his friends to make him accept Soon-deok, as if his parents haven't gave him enough headache. Furthermore, if you try to meddle in their business, it will only make Baekhyun hate his fiancee more. So just let them be, they will figure themselves out."


Areum being Areum. She ignored Sehun's words and showed up at Al Dente the next day during lunch break.


"What are you doing here!" Sehun hisses. He knows exactly what his wife is up to and he is lowkey pissed that his wife has turned a deaf ear to his words. Plus, it upsets him even more to see her carrying heavy things and out alone with her huge stomach. What if something happened to her?

Areum smiles and hands the boxes of pizzas to the trainees, "I bought lunch for everyone!"

The trainees cheer and thank Areum for her generosity and before she can even talk to the trainees, Sehun has dragged her away from the crowd.

"Go home," Sehun commands in hush voice, staring at his petite wife with his cold gaze.

"Can you chill?" Areum whispers in return, "I am just curious how Soon-deok looks like. I promise I won't do anything to embarrass Soon-deok or Baek, okay?" She pouts, flashing her puppy eyes again, "Are you gonna get mad at your wife who just misses her husband and wants to have lunch with him?"

Sehun eyes her questioningly, "Don't use me as a cover-up."

Areum grits her teeth, "Show me who that girl is or I am not leaving the kitchen."

Sehun shakes his head as he wraps his hand around Areum's hand and brings her to the table where Jongin, Baekhyun, and Mark are seated. Baekhyun and Mark are all delighted to see Areum as they haven't seen her fo

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1104 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2072 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1104 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!