Mess 21

What A Life
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"Did you have a good night sleep last night? I did, especially when I don't have to fight for the comforter with someone."

I raise my fist and it towards Jongin's face but that annoying guy manages to dodge out of reflex. He sticks out his tongue at me to infuriate me further. If I can strangle him, I would. But I will risk losing my one and only best friend. Honestly speaking, I did have a good night sleep last night. When I woke up this morning, I was still glued to Sehun's body and I realise, he never once let me go throughout the night. Neither did my arms tear themselves away from the guy. Sehun is such a cuddling material; my brain and my heart were grappling with each other and after a long and painful battle, I finally detached myself from him to prepare for work (with much reluctance) because my rational part of me reminded me that if I don't get off the goddamn bed, I can forget about making to work on time.

"What?" Eyes scanning my best friend, I wonder since when his face got so close to mine, "Wipe that smirk off your face, Jongin."

"You are blushing," He points at my cheeks, "Guess my plan succeeded then. Did something happen last night? Did you guys have ?"

My hands fly towards my cheeks instinctively to hide my face. Am I really blushing? I can't tell! There is no mirror around for me to check. "Shut up, Jongin, nothing happened! And don't flatter yourself, your plan ! But..." I shouldn't be smiling like a fool but my lips can't help to curl upwards, "Sehun is so snuggly. We were hugging each other the entire night and it feels so cosy and secure to be sleeping in his arms."

"Great, move back to your goddamn room and stop invading my personal space and stop bothering this poor man who is single as already," Jongin spits, envy laces in his voice, "Urgh, I need to find my man to cuddle as well."

"Someone is jealous of me~" I say, in a singsong manner, "Go and find one then, I bet you can never find someone who is as huggable as my fiance."

"I am glad you think that way."

The voice from behind startles me and when Sehun appears, pulling off the usual cold expression on his face. Oh lord, did he really hear my compliment for him? That's so shameful, I really should just burry myself underground. Sure, Sehun is huggable, in my opinion, but he doesn't need to know that! Why am I always embarrassing myself in front of him?

"My arm turned numb from a heavy weight crushing me."

"Yah!" I slap Sehun's arm roughly, something that I would never have the guts to do in the past because we were like cat and dog and Sehun would have killed me with his death stare if I did that to him. But now, I guess we have gotten close enough for me to get physical and playful around Sehun. He doesn't even flinch from the blow, like he is already used to it, "As if you didn't enjoy hugging me to sleep, pfft," I murmur, but loud enough for the guys to hear.

"I don't. I thought my arm was going to break," Sehun retorts but I don't buy his lie. Obviously, he is just too shy to admit.

"Too bad, I am moving back to our room from tonight onwards."

I wriggle my brow in victory when Sehun is lost for words. There is no way you can win against me, Oh Sehun.

"You two, ew. I am going down to grab breakfast, you guys can continue to flirt with each other, bye lovebirds."

Then, I receive a notification on my phone and I am surprised to see a text from Baekhyun and I quickly slam my phone against my body in case Sehun sees it. I jerk my head upwards to Sehun, who is glancing between me and my phone, as he knits his brows, judging at my strange behaviour.

"I am leaving first," Like a scalded cat, I take off as fleeing is the best way to escape before Sehun can even ask me anything. Why do I feel like I am betraying Sehun for not telling him that Baekhyun texted me? 


When I open the metal gate, I see Baekhyun leaning against his black car as he lifts his head, greeting me with his usual charming smile. I was caught off guard when Baekhyun told me that he is outside my place because he didn't inform me in advance. I don't know to feel about his impromptu arrival, a part of me is worried that Sehun and Mrs Oh might have the wrong idea but another part of me doesn't want to ask Baekhyun to leave, not when he was so protective of me yesterday. Upon recalling that scene, where he declared that I am the woman he loves, I can feel a warm, fuzzy feeling surrounding my heart. No one has ever declared their love for me like how Baekhyun did yesterday, I was dumbfounded, and I think my heart skipped more than just a beat. 

"Morning, Areum!" Baekhyun's smile is contagious, I can't help to smile back as well. That's the thing about Baekhyun, he is always so cheerful, just like a ball of sunshine, and it's like he is born with the power to influence the people around him with his positivity and bubbly spirit.

"Hey, Baek, what are you doing here early in the morning?"

Baekhyun hands a paper bag to me and when I open it, I see a sandwich and my favourite apple juice inside. Grinning, I look at Baekhyun for an answer.

"I made breakfast for you and I am here to send you to work."

"You don't have to, Baek..." 

"I want to," Baekhyun puts his hands on my shoulder, honey brown orbs staring deep into mine, "Honestly, I feel threatened when Sehun claimed that you are his fiancee in front of everyone. Like I said, you are the woman I love, I can't just sit back and do nothing when my love rival is declaring war with me, can I?" Baekhyun's chuckle is sweet-sounding, like a tinkling bell.

"Sehun is your not love rival. We are just friends," I reply, cheeks turning red from Baekhyun's words. 

"Sweetheart, I am a guy. I know how their brains work," Baekhyun's brows knitted, the radiant smile fades off instantly, "Sehun likes you. He may not be the most expressive but I know, Sehun has opened his heart to you and my instinct is never wrong."

When Jongin said that Sehun has feelings for me, I denied his assumption because it's absurd. But knowing that Baekhyun shares the same sentiment as Jongin, both telling me that Sehun has started to open up to me, maybe it is true that Sehun does have feelings for me. I mean, from last night's not-so-successful experiment, it's kinda apparent that Sehun has a weak spot for me and. Even though I don't want to get ahead of myself, I am not that dense to not sense it. 

"I know we both have feelings for each other but I am at an disadvantage because you are staying with Sehun. So I will do whatever I can to make sure that your heart and feelings for me don't waver before we can be together openly and officially."

Why does an unsettling feeling bubble inside of me upon hearing Baekhyun's words? I love Baekhyun, that's a fact since we first knew each other, but nowadays, I don't know. My heart is always doing somersault around Sehun, which is also what I feel when I am around Baekhyun. But how can one heart beat for two guys? What do I feel towards Sehun exactly? I really hate myself for being so uncertain and fickle-minded. 

"You are zoning out, I hope you are not thinking about other guys," Baekhyun pouts like a baby.

"I-I am not, Baek."

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1104 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2072 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1104 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!