
Cameras Rolling
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"I want you to meet my parents" 


Lying lifelessly on her bed before glancing over towards the side at her half-packed luggage, Sojung lets out a long deep sigh.


She honestly can't find any motivation at the moment to finish packing.




Eunbi's parents, her parent. Anyone's parents really.


Just the thought of meeting any one of them enables this daunting feeling to creep up her spine.


Reaching into her jacket pocket, the A-lister lets out another sigh as she felt the ring box right under the palm of her hand.


She's feeling pathetic right now honestly.


If Yerin was here, she'll no doubt let Sojung know about just how pathetic she is acting.


Wanting so bad to propose to Eunbi, but at the same time scared to absolute death with the thought of needing to meet her parents.


Sojung laughs bitterly at herself as she drowns in her demise.


What if Eunbi's parents don't like her?


What if they think she's not good enough for the shorter.


What if they disapprove of their relationship.


All these thoughts had been spirally through her head ever since Eunbi mentioned her parents.


But despite it all.


Despite all her fears that have only grown since then... Sojung still said yes to meeting them.


Because at the end of the day, if she wanted to marry Eunbi, she needed approval. And god... did she want to marry Eunbi...


Which brings us here. Luggage half-packed, self-confidence non-existant and motivation at level zero.


Hearing the ruffling sound of sheets, Sojung turns over and grabs the culprit who has been endlessly moving around for the last 30 minutes since she's started packing. 


"Meonji" The A-lister sat up and carried the small pup up so their faces would be right in front of each other. "What am I meant to do I'm so scared... what if they don't like me?"


A small smile curves up when Meonji responds in little barks.


It's been two days since she's adopted the puppy and looking after it had proven to be quite the task, but all the while, just as rewarding. It's nice to have a companion with you, especially on nights when one is all alone.


Whilst she had spent all her attention on the puppy for the past two days, she's never been happier... looking after him with Eunbi by her side, it as if they were looking after their very own child.


The very thought makes Sojung all giddy inside really.


"I hope they'll give me their blessings Meonji... I really hope they approve of me... Your mother really wants to marry your other mother.."


She continues to talk in a cutesy baby voice before giving Meonji a small kiss on the head, just in time as the door to her room opens. 


Even through her peripheral vision, she can see that it was a smaller girl with arms wide open, seemingly over ecstatic before placing them down as if she saw something that instantly caused a change to that mood.  


"Eunbi? Finally done with your shower I see." The A-lister lets go of her puppy

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154 streak #1
Chapter 50: Such a masterpiece, just like everything you do. I absolutely loved it, thank you for blessing us with such stories!!
154 streak #2
Chapter 31: Woah their reaction is so frustrating but it perfectly represents the sad reality of many people. I don’t know how you do it but you always manage to deliver the emotions and frustrations of the characters perfectly to the readers!!
154 streak #3
Chapter 24: They’re so mf cute my heart can’t handle it
154 streak #4
Chapter 16: Currently crying
154 streak #5
Chapter 1: Just started this, I’m hooked already hehehe
Chapter 50: I found this fic before I get to read secretary's secret, I'm missing WonHa nowadays, reading this making me hopeful that there's still active Gfriend writer. Even though this fanfic was a long time ago, but still, it's amazing. Thank you Author
Chapter 52: Good thing I had searched for other stories. Found this one, waiting me to read it. Thanks for this story author-nim. ☺️☺️
Chapter 52: I'm just sooooo soooo happy reading this again. Thank you always for this gem, authornim 🤍
Chapter 52: One of the best fanfics i've ever read!
CliveBenevolent #10
Chapter 1: Just gonna casually reread this, bc gfriend is leaving their label and I'm not ready for them to d*sband fjksvgfliuvgheua