
Cameras Rolling
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They sat in awkward silence, while Sojung drank her orange juice peacefully. 


Putting the bottle down, the a-lister, for the first time, realised that she was in her pyjamas rather than her dress she wore yesterday.


"Did you take care of me last night Eunbi... after everything?" Sojung asked awkwardly but nevertheless stared intently at the shorter sitting on the couch not too far from her.


"Huh?" Eunbi spins her head towards Sojung instantly. "uh, yeah, you um... you seemed like you needed it then..." Eunbi said hesitantly, reminiscing back to the events that had just taken place last night, when the latter brought the older back to their room.


Let's just say, Eunbi did everything she could at that moment not to become a flustered mess once again.


But deep down she knows what she did and... almost did with Sojung and the things the older had said to her... she knows for a fact they won't be leaving her mind anytime soon. It's going to be there to distract her for a long time coming...


They're going to be the reasons why she'll be spacing out, why her face will turn red all of sudden whilst doing something as simple as packing her bags or getting dressed. 


They'll be the reason why every time she sees Sojung again, she'll have this sudden desire to touch her... to be touched by her... to kiss her.. more so than she already does.... it'll be the reason why she will feel this heat that will no doubt take over her body and why her heart will start beating abnormally. 


All of it.


She just knows it's going to happen.


Because all that is happening right now as she looks right back at the woman across from her...


"I need to thank you for that, I know I can be really bothersome when I'm intoxicated, so thank you, thank you so much for putting up with me Eunbi and taking care of me.." Sojung said sincerely.


"Uh! no no!, It was no bother at all!" Eunbi replies waving her hand side to side.


"Are you sure?" Sojung's eyes wander to Eunbi's neck and her expression instantly turns into worry... "You have bandaids on your neck.. are you alright? Did something happen to you last night... or did someone hurt you?" She makes her way towards the shorter who was internally panicking at this point.


"I'm fine!" The rookie actress said in a panic, failing in keeping the redness under control as the girl gets closer and closer to examine her neck. "Do you- um- do you not remember anything from last night?"


"Just us getting separated and then the drinks... did I... do something?" Sojung asks with an eyebrow raised, still slightly worried over Eunbi's neck


"Oh, I see" Her heart felt like it just plummetted then. 


Well to be fair, what was she expecting? 


The woman was drunk to the point she couldn't stand... but even so... those words she said to her... the things they did... just deep down she truly TRULY wishes it was all done through some form of awareness.


Cause what is Eunbi supposed to do now?


She wanted so bad, to settle her status with the older... to just know where she stands with her...


This confusion she's been feeling is destroying her and she just desperately wants closure... and maybe... just maybe...  she desperately wants Sojung as well...


"No you didn't do anything, you were just drunk" Eunbi lets out a convincing smile, "and don't worry about me those are just- um these are just  mosquito bites" she lies.


"Ahh alright then" the A-lister plops herself back onto her side of the bed. "It's weird though, I really don't remember drinking more than I'm used too... maybe th

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154 streak #1
Chapter 50: Such a masterpiece, just like everything you do. I absolutely loved it, thank you for blessing us with such stories!!
154 streak #2
Chapter 31: Woah their reaction is so frustrating but it perfectly represents the sad reality of many people. I don’t know how you do it but you always manage to deliver the emotions and frustrations of the characters perfectly to the readers!!
154 streak #3
Chapter 24: They’re so mf cute my heart can’t handle it
154 streak #4
Chapter 16: Currently crying
154 streak #5
Chapter 1: Just started this, I’m hooked already hehehe
Chapter 50: I found this fic before I get to read secretary's secret, I'm missing WonHa nowadays, reading this making me hopeful that there's still active Gfriend writer. Even though this fanfic was a long time ago, but still, it's amazing. Thank you Author
Chapter 52: Good thing I had searched for other stories. Found this one, waiting me to read it. Thanks for this story author-nim. ☺️☺️
Chapter 52: I'm just sooooo soooo happy reading this again. Thank you always for this gem, authornim 🤍
Chapter 52: One of the best fanfics i've ever read!
CliveBenevolent #10
Chapter 1: Just gonna casually reread this, bc gfriend is leaving their label and I'm not ready for them to d*sband fjksvgfliuvgheua