She Loves Her After All

Was I Dreaming?
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It's been three months, eight days, ten hours and forty-seven seconds—



Anyway, a certain dark-haired has been counting since day one.

Since the day she's officially become a couple with the president. It was unbelievably easy and at this point, she can say she's almost reaching the goal of her life. She wasn't sure either, but having President Solar as her girlfriend is definitely an impossible dream came true and putting her as a life goal didn't sound so wrong either.

But of course, they've been doing everything with subtlety. Indirect physical contact at school, admiring the other from afar, exchanging all-too-knowing smiles. Although, let's admit having those won't be enough. There's always that urge to at least brush their hands together or to talk directly with each other and even the urge to kiss the other. It was hard at first and terrifying—it's too risky.

Unfortunately, Byul is dating Kim Yongsun.

And by now we all agree that Yongsun is one who will take a huge risk when it comes to Byul. She wouldn't hesitate to pin Byul against the wall the second every single student council members were out of the room. She wouldn't hesitate to drag Byul to the school's rooftop and make her girlfriend skip the first class. She wouldn't hesitate to come to Byul's classroom, putting up a lie to excuse Byul from the class so she can steal a few minutes alone.

Byul almost thought it was getting a little out of hand with how often this happened.

Not because Yongsun keep on pulling dangerous stunts, it is also because Byul couldn't exactly say no to everything she proposes. If they were at Byul's house, then it won't be a huge problem but these days Byul barely stay at home because of her part-time jobs. This resulting in Yongsun taking every chance possible to be alone with her.

The most terrifying moment was whenever she had to come to Yongsun's house and her parents are present. Yongsun would take her to the bedroom, lock the door and the whole making out session will start. Byul almost got used to this until one day she heard someone tried to turn the doorknob and Mrs. Kim's voice followed after.

She was quick to push her girlfriend away and quickly apologizes. "S, sorry—but your—"

"Honey, why did you lock the door?" Mrs. Kim asked, knocking on the door again.

Byul could see how Yongsun's face turn a little pale. She decided to step in. "Uh, I'm currently trying out unnie's new clothes—" She pulls Yongsun up to her knees and make her sit on her bed before going for the door. She put up an apologetic smile at Mrs. Kim, trying to not look too suspicious. "—it was me, I'm really sorry. Yongsun-unnie wants to know how it looks on me so yeah… I'm not that confident so I asked if it's okay to lock the door."

"Is that so?” Mrs. Kim took her time checking out Byul from head to toe before saying, “You have nothing to worry about. I bet you would look pretty, Byulyi."

Byul scratches her nape and let out a nervous shy laugh. "Ah, thank you… Your daughter is prettier though."

Byul slapped her own mouth in her head.

Did I just say that to her mom? God, she needs to control her grease.

"Y, yah—" She felt the familiar weight on her left arm when Yongsun jumped and clinging onto her like a girlfriend would. Well, they're technically girlfriends but c'mon, aren't they supposed to be subtle about it? They’re in front of Yongsun’s mom, for god sake. "Stop embarrassing me in front of my mom." Yongsun pouted cutely.

Byul had to curse inside her head to prevent herself from kissing the cute pout away.

"I'm stating the truth, unnie. You are very pretty."

Okay, Byul, stop. Stop before her mom gets more suspicious—

Byul caught the blush creeping up her cheeks. "Stop being greasy in front of her." She lightly hit Byulyi on the stomach, the latter only laugh it off like always. And for a second there they forgot that Mrs. Kim was still standing there witnessing the whole interaction.

Only then when Mrs. Kim giggles at them, Byul become a little tense again. "Oh my, you two would make a cute couple." Byul choke and Yongsun look away. "If Byulyi is a guy, I'd mistaken you as Yonggie's boyfriend." Byul dared to glance at Yongsun's way but the latter still looking away.

"Ah, I'll take that as a compliment." Byul scratches her nape again. Right, Yongsun's parents would have expected their daughter to date a guy. Byul won't stand a chance. "But of course, a handsome guy would be a perfect match for such a beauty like her."

"You really have way with words, Byulyi. Anyway, come down now. I cooked a special menu for lunch." With that, Mrs. Kim went away with a smile, leaving Byul and Yongsun standing by the door of the bedroom.

“We’ll be down soon, mom.”

Yongsun was the first one to walk back inside, letting go of her hold on Byul's arm. Byul followed after, watching Yongsun's back.

"Stop doing that." She suddenly said.

Byul frowns, "Doing what?"

"That," Yongsun finally turns around, her fists were clenched tightly. She's upset. "Encouraging my mom who I am supposed to date. I don't like it. You have no right to decide who I want to be with." Byul supposed to feel somewhat honored by hearing that. It means, Yongsun hates it when Byul dictate her feelings because right now, Byul is the one who owns it.

But Byul was a little offended.

She couldn't help but think that there is no certain future for the two of them. It may be too fast to judge, they were only together for three months, but Yongsun will soon graduate and enter college. She hates the idea of her wishful thinking saying there will be a way when there's actually not.

She needs to face the truth that sooner or later, whatever they have, will come to an end. Byul was already preparing herself for that but every single time, she only fell deeper and deeper into the pit of her feelings. She couldn't help it, they were still so very young and they're only high school students. Many things will still change from this point and on, and Byul couldn't hide the fact that Yongsun's feelings for her can change too.

That's why she doesn't want to wish too much.

That's why she doesn't want to expect too much.

But Yongsun keep on planting those ideas inside her being. Yongsun is selfish like that and Byul was stupid like that. Whatever Yongsun gives, Byul willingly takes. That's the whole mechanism.

"No, unnie, you should stop."

"I should stop? Stop what? Dating you?"

"No—" Byul sighed, Yongsun is now seriously upset and Byul is getting a little tired. "Stop acting like this will last forever. There's no such thing, you know it… Your parents would want you to date a man, get married and have kids. We're just high school students now…and you're graduating soon… I—"

Byul stumble backwards but was able to keep her balance when Yongsun pull her in a too tight embrace.

"Stop it, Byul-ah…"

She buried her head in the crook of the younger's neck.

"…I don't want to think about it now. Just, not now."

Byul then heard a soft sob. She hates it when Yongsun cries. The older girl rarely cries but when she does, all Byul wants to do is just shower her with affections and make sure that everything is alright and okay. She starts returning the hug, rubbing Yongsun's back while pulling her even closer.

"Not now when I'm so in love with you." She added in a whisper.

Byul didn’t know how to react when she heard those words.

Since the day Yongsun agreed to date her, she never once heard her say the ‘L’ word—well, she said she ‘likes’ her and she even said that maybe she has always been a ‘lesbian’ considering she barely take guys seriously. But those aren’t the actual ‘L’ word Byul been dying to hear. So byul being frozen in her embrace was enough prove of how much she was taken aback.

‘Like’ is unlike ‘love’.

‘Like’ is easier because you don’t have to commit to anything.

‘Like’ is easier because you don’t have to wish for the other to do the same.

‘Like’ is easier because you can settle with what you have right now without having to think about what’s to come.

But ‘love’ is definitely something else.

And Byul was used to think that Kim Yongsun doesn’t do ‘love’—what with the way she’s playing around with those boys’ hearts, Byul remembered she almost doubt Yongsun even have a heart inside.

Now she tells her she loves her.

“…you love me?” She whispered, sounding as if she couldn’t tell that this is reality.

Yongsun didn’t answer her immediately. She only buries herself deeper into her neck, tightening her hold. Byul worried it was just a slip of tongue…something Yongsun didn't even mean to say.

But of course, like always, Yongsun surprise her yet again.

"…I think I do."

Byul was skeptical. "You think?"

God, if Yongsun said it to play with her feelings, she swears she would walk out that door and go straight home. But Yongsun's comeback keeping her feet on the ground and her arms around her girlfriend.

"I don't know, Byul-ah… I can't tell… I've never been in love with anyone… All I know is that you make me feel things I never felt before and I don't know what to call it…" Suddenly, Byul felt guilty. It was too much to ask Yongsun to explain what she's feeling. The girl may date several guys before, but she had never been in love. "…and I find the word 'love' is the closest to it."

Byul understands that. She really does. She was just still in a daze after hearing Yongsun's confession and was late to react when Yongsun create a gap and looks away.

Her voice starts to quiver. "I'm sorry… I shouldn't have said it so carelessly—"

No, Yongsun doesn't have to apologize.

Out of reflex, Byul goes forward and kisses her.

It was tense at first but Yongsun soon relaxes and start returning the kiss. Sometimes Byul doesn't get how could something so wrong felt so right like this. It has always been like that with Yongsun.

Unfortunately, then kiss ended sooner. It was Yongsun who pull away first when she noticed they haven't closed her bedroom door earlier. She panicked and almost push Byul away from her. "T, the door—"

"Girls, hurry and come down now before I drag you down here."

After Yongsun's love confession, things get a little more…interesting.

It's kind of hard to find the right word. The word 'interesting' is quite tricky either, but in anyway, it is the closest thing to describe what they are these days.

Everything is a lot bolder now.

If they used to keep everything as subtle as they can, now they try to play it off as if they want others to know what they are to each other. It was interestingly amusing in some of the students' eyes, especially their respective friends.

Yongsun asked Byul if she can take her to class once in one morning. It was random though and Byul thought why not? She's been wanting to do that too but too shy to ask, plus all the seniors' stares are very nerve wrecking.

Another thing to add was Yongsun has become a lot more affectionate even when people are around. Clingy is normal now. I mean, Wheein does that and at times, Hwasa does that too (when she needed something from Byul, mostly). Yongsun, however, normally isn't a very clingy person. Between them, Byul was more of a touchy-clingy type when it comes to Yongsun. She felt somehow her body needs to have some sort of physical contact with the older girl.

But now though…

Ever since the love confession, she starts to return Byul's gestures. It took everyone by surprise, even Byul herself. During lunch, Yongsun will jo

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
219 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!